by the way, what is the link to your giveaway with a 1000$ contribution?
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thank you, but that game looks boring. so i am not going ot enter it
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What about those who've contributed BUT didn't win? They got shafted!
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I understand making a giveaway for people who haven't won anything (so they get a special chance to win at least once), but what I don't really understand is why to make a giveaway specifically for those who haven't contributed anything?? Creating giveaways meant for leechers seems wrong to me, they don't really deserve special treatment.
I hope you have some purpose to making that giveaway, not just encouraging leechers... Maybe you're trying to make them feel they're morally indebted to SG community and that after winning they should give something back??
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Call it a psychological experiment, if you will.
I know that there are plenty of people who would like to contribute but who cannot due to financial reasons. I have a friend (who I knew before Steam Gifts) in that boat. Thus, I'm hesitant to label all non-contributors as "leechers".
Then there are people who don't want to contribute until they've won something. Not completely logical, perhaps, but I can understand that.
And, of course, there are the actual leechers who probably wouldn't put up a giveaway even if they had 10 Skyrim keys and couldn't trade them. But I don't feel it's my place to judge and automatically place everyone into this last category.
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I still fail to see the point of the said giveaway...
And I don't know if there's any official definition of "leecher", but I'd consider leecher someone who has won a lot (like 5-10 games) but still refuses to make any giveaways himself. I know many people have financial issues, but if they've won games worth tens of dollars, I think they should be able to afford giving back something, at least one copy of Fortix, just to show everyone that they're grateful for the games they've gotten for free.
Seriously, if someone is too poor to afford giving away ONE copy of freaking FORTIX, I think he should really think where he's putting all his money :P
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Okay, I really haven't thought it that way. Where I live it's pretty simple to get a PayPal account as long as you have some kind of a credit card.
But if a person doesn't have any means of buying games for SG, how can he be in SG in the first place?? Since you're only allowed to join SG after you've gotten games worth $100 in your Steam account. I really doubt anyone can get so many games just by getting them from friend as presents or otherwise without buying them himself.
I think my point still stands. I don't believe there are people in SG who won't contribute anything because they can't buy any games. If they couldn't, they wouldn't have been able to join SG in the first place...
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It's to prevent people from creating multiple account and win unfairly.
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i think the objective of the page is to gift random ppl. Of course im against leechers, but not all the people that has 0 contribution is one. As annelions said it goes beyond a monetary reason, most people dont use cc or paypal. EG: i have a friend that has over $100 on his steam account, but thats because i buy the game for him with my paypal account and he gives me the money, although i try to avoid this so i dont get my bank account overchaged.
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Okay, I now understand better. I would never have thought there are people who aren't able to buy games themselves, but still manage to get so many games for their Steam accounts.
If you say you have a friend who's in that situation, I believe there are people like that. It's just I've never met such a person before, since me and all my friends have always been able to buy our games ourselves with PayPal accounts. Thanks for your detailed explanation, it really helped me understand things better :)
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wow, a kind person on the internet that listen to people opinions, are you real? . Thanks, it was a pleasure talking to you marumisu, my friend its on steam gifts as wells, and he is looking to either buy magicka for himself or buy it to gift it. Add me on steam if you want!
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I think there are enough trolls and ignorant people in the internet already, so I try to be clever and conversational myself. It was really nice to chat with you, I like to talk with people who are smart and can actually give reasonable arguments, instead of just mindless blathering.
I'll add you in Steam, but I'm currently kinda busy with studying (I should be studying even as we speak :P), so I'll do it later this evening (at least it's going to eveningtime in here). I'll be glad to add you as my friend :)
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It's still possible to get retail Steam keys locally, or have your international friends buy you games. I gave the friend I mentioned earlier several bundles after a discussion as to which free games on Steam were any good. And that's all they had on their years-old account before then: free games.
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Thanks for the giveaways, im not entering tho, doesnt seems like my kind of game, but its a nice gift :)
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People who haven't won anything should visit this link.
People with no contribution value should visit this link.
If both apply to you, yes you can enter both.
Enjoy. :)
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