i dont know but i think this is old news... or it is free again... i remember that this was for 1-2 months or something
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Ok, so Little Racers STREET will never get Greenlit (due to many reasons: Not popular genre, unknown developer, unknown game, not done through Kickstarter... ).
I thought it looked cool until I realized how much of a whiner the developer was.
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Which genre is popular would be a matter of opinion, everyone has their own tastes.
There have been fist time developers accepted on Greenlight.
Who's fault is it that the game is unknown? There is something called advertising. If it was a good game word of mouth as well!
There have been games that didn't use Kickstarter accepted on Greenlight.
No, it's not perfect, but he is certainly whining.
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Of course we're whining. And yet we're giving away the game for free.
We're not whining because our game didn't get Greenlit: It's because unless the system is somehow changed, the game will NEVER be Greenlit. We're not talking about a game with mediocre ratings or poor user reception, we're talking about a top rated game, with great reviews and user feedback (you can google it).
I know we aren't good at advertising or PR, and that's just another factor that adds up on the Never Greenlit thing. Not everything is the system fault. And Kickstarter is a great source of PR, which is sad when you don't really need the money to develop the game (anyway, it's not available here in Spain...).
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Registered - 2 hours ago
Clearly can't handle someone's personal opinion either. I hope your game never gets a bad review!
I understand that many developers feel the system is unfair and isn't going as they had intended. Some have even gone as far to say the voting does nothing and you'll only get Greenlit if Steam likes you, end of story. The fact is before Greenlight you would have had an even harder time finding someone to distribute your game and even the free advertising you get on there.
Even if you disagree with how Greenlight is run, it's simply bad publicity for yourself and unprofessional to vent your frustrations on Greenlight itself, unless you've lost all absolute hope. Twitter would have even been a better choice or simply not at all. You don't want something silly like this to haunt you down the road.
I do hope for the best for you and your game as I said earlier, it does seem like a cool game. Stay positive and hopeful, you'll get on there eventually!
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"If it was a good game word of mouth as well!" - you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about kido ;)
There are some very good point and click adventure games on Greenlight that aren't anywhere near being accepted simply because ADHD kids like you only like shooters, minecraft clones and a few other popular genres.
There are better games than Postal 2 or Miasmata or whatever games got greenlighted recently, that deserved to be greenlighted instead (La Mulana for example). But because they're not in a popular genre, they don't have a chance.
Games like To the moon (made in RPG maker) get downvoted because "the cool kids on Steam"(to be read as: the retarded gamers of today) leave comments like 'oh em ge, shitty graphics lol downvoted'. So unless you are in a popular genre, you can have a good game (you can find many good, already released, point and click adventure games on GreenLight - probably better than anything that Valve accepted from Greenlight so far) and yet your good game will not get in the store. This situation is so clear that i believe you have to be a very dense person (or a kid) not to actually see it; GreenLight is a popularity contest where quality is not a criteria by which games are chosen (the recently accepted Miasmata apparently is a buggy mess; meanwhile finished products like La Mulana and Shantae and Gray Matter aren't popular enough with kids like you. Hooray for Greenlight)......
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Thanks for your opinion, it's a shame that you're unwilling to let me have my own.
anywhere near being accepted simply because ADHD kids like you only like shooters, minecraft clones and a few other popular genres
Really? At least I made valid points without having to make stuff up.
To The Moon is on Steam so I don't understand what you're going on about there.
You're right about some things though, a lot of gamers don't want to pay for HTML5 or Flash games that are on Greenlight because things like that used to be FREE! Now that there are tools out there to make development even easier, we're seeing more and more Newgrounds esque games that people are trying to charge money for.
All of the games you've mentioned probably are great, but let's be serious. La Mulana is designed to look like it's from the MSX which is 30 years old while Shantae is a sequel to a GBC game and looks like a GBC game. Not to mention their developers released the original on GBC after the GBA was released.
I don't think Steam's intentions with Greenlight was please every teenager who isn't old enough to have experienced the NES or SNES era.
(Ops, did I accidently delete my post so I didn't have to read more mindless dribble?)
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It is a platform like steam for games/nods, google it
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