Islam as non-biased? That's hardly going to happen. Spill acid in face, ask questions later
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You mean the sheep that only believe because they think they are going to hell then right? (As religion will happily pound into your head to get you to believe and act to their standard in society.)
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Didn't you play Dead Space!? Unitology will kill us all!
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I disagree, Science and religion cannot co-exist. Religion forbids that. Remember, those nuts only believe what is written in their book (that they admit was written by man) so unless you sneak science into the bible I think religion is a dieing fad.
Note: I am not attacking all religious, just the ones that think faith means to disregard reality.
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No, but faith doesn't have to. For example I have faith I will be alive tomorrow.
I am perfectly happy with letting religious people believe, I just don't want to hear I am going to hell because I don't believe what they do.
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Please do not disregard religious people as nuts. I presume you're talking about the more extreme faith people can have, but some manage to get science and religion to co-exist very happily together. I know I did.
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It depends the on the point of view you take.
If you are agnostic you won't believe in a religious / spiritual but you won't be against it either since it isn't proven false or true.
If you believe that religion has it right, but that just most or all religions are false, then you are still religious (ideas are not supported by fact etc).
If you refuse to believe anything religious and are anti-religon you are likely atheist.
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Atheism IS kinda like a religion (against religion), I am more agnostic. I wont say god don't exist since I don't know but I will say that the bible is false based on what we do know.
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There are too many differences, and both sides (mostly religion) has too many followers that are ignorant and does not care about what other people think.
Also, it's pretty much impossible to be a religious scientist, since most of the work you do contradicts with what you believe in.
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I believe in something higher, but not in god represented by christians or muslims. You can't mix science and religion. We are technically developed because science and religion are strictly separate. Remember burning people, because they said that Earth is round and not flat? It's still same, science is science, religion is fiction. Science shifted us very far in very small time, religion kept everything on same for very long time. Look on LHC and look on Vatican. You must discover new thing without fear that someone will not like it. :)
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Because one is explainable and other is not.
Plus a lot of the functions of religion are now obsolete, as government took the role of controlling the population and doctors took the role of helping people. It's an archaic principle built on basic human fears and emotions, a better half of the society is strong and smart enough now to overcome and rationalize it.
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the thing is this: religion is used to explain the things that we dont understand. when science came around, things we used to explain as the work of god for example turned out to be completely different things and most of the religious people dont like that the work of their god is being 'replaced' by something else.
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How can you be sure? Im positive that at some point in our existence people were saying the same for rain, thunder and various occurrences in nature which are explained by now. Just because you dont understand or cant comprehend something it doesnt mean its some sort of miracle
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Acctualy there is huge amount of stuff which theories approximate very well. You know the computer you are posting that on is work of science, lot of it. When you get to things that are very hard to observe like creation of universe and quantum-stuff, it's hard and there is multiple theories, but they are working for it unlike some religions...
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yeah, I'm one of them that thinks religion is a fiction that was made by those who wanted more power and control people. All ancient religions was made based on that, christianity is all about money.
so basically there's only science, and as Higgs boson is here - everything gets explainable.
however if I need to choose one religion in which I must be part of, I would choose paganism. I'm not telling that it's pure and the best of all religions, but at least less evil.
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Religion was created to gain power and light of its holding in their hands. Science for knowledge of the fact that religion was created for easy management of people. If God is, it has no relation to the Bible to Karan and other things that a person!
Религия было создана для обретения власти и легкого ее удержания в своих руках. Наука для познания того, что религия создана для легкого управления людьми. Если бог и есть, то он никакого отношения не имеет к библии, к карану и прочему созданным человеком!
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If you did know better you would not have made your initial reply up there. Sorry wbarton but you kind of made yourself look stupid. And no, I am not trolling. If it get's out of hand a mod can close it. But I'm sure you would just like to see me banned.
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I do know better in the sense that I'm aware of the fact that you're not actually a troll, just a moron. I fail to see how I in any way look stupid. I'm not the one asking why a thread about religion is going to turn out badly. That makes it appear as if you're too ignorant of the internet and society in general to comprehend the fact that raising a topic like that in a public forum is going to eventually result in a bunch of pointless, dogmatic argumentation. If you were playing dumb asking that, then you're a troll, but you really don't see a problem with it. That makes you stupid.
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Whatever makes you feel better wbarton. Indeed you failed on seeing why it makes you look stupid. You're the first one in the whole thread that became personal. And you keep on doing so. But please keep on writing books to illustrate your most heavenly statements.
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Calling someone an idiot is an assessment of their intelligence, or lack thereof. I've seen you speak, AT LENGTH, on a number of topics, each more pointless and insipid than the last. You have a remarkable inability to shut up and nothing even remotely intelligent or interesting to say. That makes you a nuisance, and that's what I have against you. My reason for disliking you in the first place is precisely because you're stupid. I dislike stupid people, and I especially dislike the ones who drone on and on about things everyone already knows, does not care about, or both, all with the apparent idea that what they have to say is in some way novel or interesting.
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Who are you to assess someone of their intelligence dear wbarton? Are you somehow better than everybody else? Do you really know me? No you don't. Judging someone by seeing what they write is not very intelligent either. (and that from someone who idles in a very intelligent porn channel and bases his opinions on those chat logs)
That for once is an actual fact.
Your judgmental character is the major flaw and makes you pretty childish and probably will not get you very far in life either. It is exactly people like you that prevent others from giving decent feedback because you seem to have already formed an opinion on them. This is also where you contradict yourself because you pretend to be standing above it. It's funny how you speak of intelligence while all your replies are purely based on attack and not on actual intelligence. Someone with intelligence and the same opinion as you would have simply kept his mouth shut.
Just because you think a topic is not interesting does not mean people are not allowed to post something on it.
If you don't mind wbarton. I'm going to stop replying to these sad personal attacks of yours. You seem to be the person that wants to have the final word so be my guest. I feel actually sorry for you.
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Don't be foolish. The thread showed the first sign of getting out of hand on the second post. If I could close this topic, I would.
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I don't find science and religion compatible, since science is based on truth and real world observations, whereas religion is largely based on blind faith.
I also have a dislike for organised religion, in that they harm others in denying demographics of the human race their human rights, and that angers me greatly. I have no issue with individual religious people of course.
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Ants have wars and invade nest. Wasp do too.
War is inevitable! :)
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“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail,” explained the scientist about his view on death. “There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”
well said stephen
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It's an interesting topic (to me at least)
Many people claim you cannot be both religious and into science because that might conflict with things such as the "Big Bang" and what there was before the event itself.
I can safely say I am not religious but I do believe there is something higher (a higher power) that probably can't be mastered or explained by science anytime soon. Spiritual perhaps.
Your thoughts?
Personally i find this view to be quite interesting
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