Well depending on your approach 5 may not be one of the easiest, but at least it should be pretty clear what it is.
Regarding 12 it's not a hint, it's a description of what to do just like for 5. But bit of a riddle.
Do you know what to do with those keys though once you find enough of them? That shouldn't really be something difficult to find out but I bet people will have too crazy ideas instead of doing a proper research based on what I say. If a word you want to use is never even spoken by me, then your guess is wrong.
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Solved Q5.
Yeah, by key 12 hint, I meant to say description. Just used a shorter word. :p
No idea what to do yet. Any (at least) 11 out of 16 keys will be enough to get to the giveaway right? I'm really curious on how that even works.
edit: Solved Q12
edit: Solved Q13
edit: Solved Q17, wow this thing is interesting.
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It's just that I have no idea what I should do to get it. Seems like something new, all the methods I know doesn't work, and I'm not sure I fully understand what's even going on.
Also, that seems like the only possible step that I could do at the moment. Although other peoples posts now makes me think there are other things I missed even though I more than triple checked everything I have.
I currently have 8 keys. (almost done... since about 7 hours ago...)
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Again then, you HAVE TO find at least 11 of keys. If you have less, you will NOT see the secret. That's the whole point. And yes, ALL keys are there so if you don't have some out of the 16, then yes it means you have missed something (or didn't look in some place at all).
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Ah I see. Indeed I misunderstood. Well not all keys are given to you directly, pretty much every key that isn't given to you in clear text is some kind of minipuzzle, but it isn't required to solve the minipuzzle in order to get other keys, although obviously same/similar minipuzzle and/or same/similar hiding spot may be applied to different keys. Seems like you can't solve one of the minipuzzles, but that will not block you from finding other keys. If you don't have luck with decoding one key there are always other ones to find, that's why I decided not to require all of them just a subset.
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D: Why would I lie.. Everything's there, all 16, some just better hidden than others :P If you can't find them, means you haven't looked everywhere. But I guess different people may have more luck finding different stuff.
But yes I kind of did expect this was going to be somewhat easier on you than others.
EDIT: I wonder which keys you are missing, then.
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This is actually something I did use in the past, though mostly for the lulz. You missed that puzzle for sure though, it was before your time. I am considering future miniseries based only on my old ideas instead of shaking things up with new ideas :3 But no promises. All things considered it would be easier than usual, having the solutions already posted and just having to read them and work with them.. We'll see.
EDIT: obviously before your time as a puzzler on SG, otherwise your account is actually older than mine
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Well pretty much what I said, I don't really hint where to find stuff, you sort of need to have prior knowledge for that, included but not limited to how things had been done in past on SG. Or maybe have a knack at learning stuff. Or perception. Or serendipity. It's nothing outlandish but some of it indeed is not too obvious. But at the same time, not completely pulled out of my ass, either.
I only have some embedded hints/puzzles about what to do with stuff once you do find it. Well, maybe there's one very general hint, more for flavor, that comes with key 10 (though you haven't found it yet form what you say), but it doesn't matter much I think.
I imagine some stuff will be easier to deal with than other stuff for different people. You have only 4 more to go!
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I thought I had 7 but the code isn't turning out right so now I'm wondering what I've done wrong. I feel like I shouldn't be as stuck on 12 as I am but I don't see what I'm missing there. I have no idea where to even begin looking for the others at the moment which means I get to go back over everything really carefully and hope I spot something. Good stuff.
Edit: Got 7. I wasn't putting enough thought into what I had to work with.
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Haha when I did this for another puzzle way back, pastebin was accusing me of being a spammer indeed :D So I had to use a different service. Glad to see it lets me do this now, and it even has syntax highlighting for e-mail format :3 It adds a nice touch to the experience I think.
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Wow, I am impressed by those who have solved already. I am still hanging out at 9/16 keys. And I'm not exactly sure what to do with them, although I have a pretty good idea.
Edit: Confirmed that I know what to do with the keys by answering Q17 correctly.
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Got 11/16 but the keys don't result in an intelligible secret. I wonder what I'm doing wrong...
Edit: Solved!
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I love the metagame some people are playing trying to clue themselves in on where the keys they're missing might be, based on who found them when xD So meta. I don't mind that, mind you. Hehe. I mean as long as you're not actually telling where you found what etc. It's just that the fact you did find something already may very, very broadly clue others where it was.
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There are 5 solvers so far, although nobody has found all of the keys yet. Key 09 seems to be especially elusive for some reason, I think noone has found it yet (at least noone has came out finding it, otherwise I wouldn't know if someone did). Which somewhat puzzles/surprises me personally, but ah well, not gonna do anything about it just yet.
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gratz :3 I'd prefer no in-depth discussion on the giveaway page, though, I'm really considering making it a puzzle on its own finding 100% of them, or at least don't spoil the fun for those who do want to find all of them regardless if there's a reward or not!
I might drop some hints on the giveaway page later on, I just want to torment a few ambitious people first a little more :D
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Hmmm okay it seems not all tools are created equal and I can't guarantee that what you have to do with the keys in the end will work if you use a different tool than the one I used to generate the keys. Good tell is if it uses the same format as I do, then you are likely using exactly the same tool and all will be dandy. Otherwise, google bit more for another tool that does the stuff. It should be really easy to find. Or get all keys and I give you the link to the tool in ITH xD But again, if at first you don't succeed, you probably need to find another tool, particularly one that uses the same format.
It seems that many people first try to figure out if they can find enough keys, only then worry what to do with them. Fair enough, finding those keys is fun on its own, even if you found enough already :3 But again, it won't help you if you don't know what is it that I used.
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Hmmm... I got 14 keys so far, 13 and 9 are still missing. It seems now understanding what to do with them is a harder problem to solve.
Edit: Q17 is green now.
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reads the message well that's enough puzzles for me today. throws the computer out the window in pure confusion
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reads the message well that's enough puzzles for me today. throws the computer out the window in pure confusion
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The part I was having so much trouble with that I wrote above was key 8. Which I finally got! :D
Had to do some really crazy, complicated, "I have no idea what I'm doing" stuff to get it.
And now I'm stuck again. I checked everything I could think of many times, but can't find anything to work with.
Edit: Got an idea for a place to look, but I have no idea how. If I knew I think key 8 would have been much more easier.
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Yeah exactly.. so many people get enough keys first and then start complaining they don't know what to do with them D: well d'oh.. unless you were familiar with the stuff before for some reason, you really can't know until you do some research. And for that you don't need any of the keys.
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You've got mail!
I have a secret to share, and it's a giveaway code! But you have to find at least 11 of the 16 keys hidden in the file above, and I do mean the email file not pastebin html, don't get ahead of yourself. Some keys are obvious, and some less, others still are hidden very, very well. Some may issue you a puzzling challenge. But bottom line is, you don't have to find all of them, just 11 out of 16.
The file is an actual *.eml file, something conforming to MIME etc, but if you don't have an email client that opens it, you don't really need it, you'll just have to decode the base64 encoded attachment yourself (it's an encrypted 7z file). Make sure you're not using something like XLATE for that part, this is a binary file not some obfuscated text. There are other online tools that would work, however. In general you are likely going to need a lot of tools, many of which if not all can be found online, but if you download something make sure you're not installing some shady stuff.
Side note: although you may indeed mess up the part above if using something like XLATE instead of proper decoder for binary files, generally speaking if you are unpacking an encrypted archive and your tool tells you the file is corrupted, 99 out of 100 times the file is allright, you are just putting in a wrong password. Seriously. Think again if the password really is what you think it is. Had some folks on my other puzzle who didn't realize that.
I don't even know why I'm telling you this. If you didn't realize that you are probably not going to do well anyway.
Anyway, you will not only need the keys, but actually you also have to know what to do with them. It is something heavily hinted at, but never fully explained. If you can't do your research, because using google for some keywords is too much for you, then finding the keys will not help you.
I have included a handy itstoohard quiz so you can confirm that you have found a proper key. It's there mainly as an aid, altough in the end I did decide to include a small reward for finding all keys and solving that quiz. But it's mainly a huge sense of achievement I guess?
This puzzle is a charlie foxtrot of hidden stuff. Knowing tropes that run on steamgifts is useful, including ideas of my own I used before. That's going to be extremely helpful as otherwise there are no hints and you're on your own. Although sometimes I invert the tropes instead of playing them straight, and sometimes I'm doing quite new stuff, too. Linking you Zelghadis's guide as a cop out instead of providing actual hints is all you get. Looking for my past puzzles, even if made well over a year ago, also may prove fruitful.
But otherwise yes, this is the epitome of this type of "puzzle" where the maker doesn't tell you much, stuff can be hidden anywhere, and.. good luck. If you don't have stomach for it, I suggest not trying. This is not for everyone. This is not something where I embed hints to make your life easier, I outright tell you to read about past puzzles, the ways people do stuff, for inspiration, if you don't already know what to do... but that is it. And there are likely elements noone else around here did yet, not even I.
Nonetheless, this is fourth puzzle in my current puzzling miniseries and will be required for the season's recap puzzle. I may start dropping some hints later on but no promises. Hints are more likely to be presented after the giveaway is done, to help with completion of the whole series, but first I have to see if people are interested in finding all of the keys not just a subset and maybe reward some folks for going the extra mile before dropping more hints.
As always, this is a challenge for individuals not for cooperating teams. Do not share keys, hints, etc.
Giveaway Timer (2014 01 23 1230 ZULU) (CV $32.10) (ENDED)
Bonus sweet timer (2014 01 25 2200 ZULU) (ENDED)
I may have made it last for too little time, so get onto it xD I just liked the date, 01-23 and made an ending hour to match. There's no particular reason why the date is as it is, I just fancied it like that.
Good luck, have fun.
Note: Turns out you are best off finding exactly the same tool that I used as other tools potentially may be implementing the idea differently. It should not be a problem once you've answered Q17 on the key confirmation sheet. I used the same format as the tool gave me. Other tools, even if you translate to their format, may not work, even if they claim to work on the same principle. Huh. Probably slightly different implementation or different data structure beyond the index or other elements. Have to admit I haven't checked other tools, but again, the one I used will be easy to google once you know what to do.
Giveaways ended, although puzzle to be considered still active!
Yup that's still active because it's a part of miniseries and for solving all puzzles there gonna be something extra, like I said multiple times (gawd I hope I haven't hyped that too much xD ).
So you'll have to wait like month for the full solution, maybe more, and please continue keeping it spoiler free here and on the main giveaway. Meanwhile, I posted a reasonably verbose, even though still just partial, solution/roadmap for all the keys on the giveaway page. For which, again, you just need to find 11 keys out of 16.
I'll just make it somewhat easier for future solvers for now: the main concept behind the keys (and answer to Q17) was Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme (alternatively Shamir's Secret Sharing was accepted, too).
I did say where to look for inspiration - Zelghadis's guide, but also among my past puzzles. Pity it's not easy to find posts / threads made by users within SG, so you'd have to use google (something that Zelghadis's guide suggested actually). But most of the inspiration could've been found in my very first puzzle, A picture is worth 1000 words (615 days ago! :O 147 entries on first stage :O like 40 solvers on second :O - also, I have restored it to former glory :D originally paste was set to expire, but I found it in google's trash bin), also in Alchemia, and perhaps one bit in What sound does a (puzzle) giveaway make?. And alamarjan's Quick Fix 8 - X Marks The Spot could be a useful inspiration, too, by the way.
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