Edit (8.6.15) : 10 contributor giveaways in 1 day? I'm impressed. Thank you everyone for the good response I've received so far. Lets see if we can get to 30.

Edit (9.6.15) : 28 giveaways? Crazy to think that 30 is even an obstacle anymore. Lets set the bar at 50 now! Who knows, we might even make it.

Edit #1(10.6.15) : AND we crossed 50. I really shouldnt be setting any bars at this point. You guys are amazing, and will even do a 100 giveaways, just to surprise me ........................................................ Right?

Edit #2(10.6.15) : Final day for all the those who wish to avail for the contributor giveaway. Considering the required criteria for being a contributor is making a GA that's at least 1 day old, and there are 2 days, I thought its best I warn everyone before its too late.

Edit #3(10.6.15) : 48 hours left to avail for entry in the Contributor GA. Remember, any giveaways ending after Friday 12.6.15, 11 PM IST will be disqualified and all users given entry as per their previous completed GAs.

Edit (11.6.15) : 88 giveaways? For real? Its like goals don't even exist anymore. Thank you all SO MUCH for the support that you have lent to the cause. Its hard to not be overwhelmed by the scale this event has now taken. Now only the sky is the limit. Oh, for those who still wish to win the Arkham Knight Contributor copy, you have 24 hours until entries are closed.

Edit #1(12.6.15) We almost reached 100 giveaways. That in itself is MORE than enough for me. The contributor giveaway is now closed for new entrants. For existing entrants, once your giveaways finish, you will be promptly invited. Thank you all so much for the contributions, the participation, and all the feedback (whether negative or positive), and we will see you guys in the next event!

Edit #2(12.6.15) Final edit for this event. 105 contributor giveaways were made. Over 1000$ in prizes were given away. 17 contributors have made it into the list of **✇RAGE✇'s finest**. Thank you all SO MUCH for helping us make this event a success! Hope to see us around with ANOTHER event VERY soon.

Hello guys, I'm GR here, owner of ✇RAGE✇, and I'm here with an event I've been trying to organise since the past month. Took a while, but its finally ready.

I welcome you all to the ✇RAGE✇ FEST!

Before we begin, I'd like to thank ALL of my staff, for the constant support they gave me while I was busy getting this together. Thank you mods, for letting the group run seamlessly. Thank you rafflers, for doing what you do best. Thank you, Jenkin, see/nee, and Zarovich (the original trio in my staff), for sticking by me for half a year now. Its been fun. And finally, thank you Whipper for accompanying me in my journey to give as much as I can to the community. He is a selfless person, and deserves utmost respect for his conviction.

So with that out of the way, lets begin!

There are two events in total to participate in.
-> The ✇RAGE✇ train.
-> The Contributor giveaway.

Let's kick things off with the easiest one (And most likely one of my most ambitious ideas). The group train has only one requisite.
Join our group, and you can enter the train.


Next up, the contributor giveaway. We have a special area for contributors that help this community of ours grow to its maximum potential, aptly named ✇RAGE✇'s finest. However as you can tell, entry to it is invite based. The way to get this invite, is follow the below instructions.

  1. You must make AT least 1 giveaway specific to ✇RAGE✇ (Its labelled #raffles on Steamgifts), though there is no limit to how many giveaways you make. Invite only/ whitelist filters are not allowed.
  2. You must accumulate a grand total of 15$ in giveaways specific to ✇RAGE✇, with any bundled game counting as 15% of the total cost of game on Steam.
  3. You can giveaway a game only once. Multiple copies of the same game are not allowed, and will be counted as just one.
  4. Out of all the games you may give away, one must be non - bundled.
  5. The giveaways must be at least on for a duration of 1 day.
  6. (NEW : 8.6.15, 3.37PM) Giveaway must have a link to this event in the description.

On meeting these requirements, you will need to comment over here, and if said requirements are found to be fulfilled, you will be invited in, and can avail of an EXTREMELY HIGH CHANCE to win a game copy of Arkham Knight! You have until Friday 23.00 IST to enter.

Arkham Knight Contributor's Giveaway (CLOSED FOR NEW ENTRANTS)

Below is a list of giveaways made exclusively for group members of ✇RAGE✇ by some amazing people. Thank these great contributors for their efforts and enter their giveaways as well!

Contributors and Giveaways




















CV of candidates.

Name - Value (CV)

Waxlor ✔ - 27.9
Daerphen ✔ - 50
MysticAarrgg ✔ - 20
Psygineer ✔ - 20
zibo86 ✔ - 26.4
3PIC ✔ - 23
Nightshifty ✔ - 25
irlandezul ✔ - 20
iamaya2 ✔ - 40
cowmoobaby ✔ - 31
Venhiem ✔ - 69.15
aurum34 ✔ - 29.95
Bart227 ✔ - 17.25
CapnJ ✔ - 15.15
gplaurin ✔ - 18.15
Klinge ✔ - 17.55
carbon7911 ✔ - 24

Good luck to all of you Steamgifters out there! I hope you enjoy this event as much as I enjoyed making it for you.

For more exclusive goodies from us, visit our group ✇RAGE✇. In fact, you can join us just to have fun really.

If you wish to donate for helping us organise future events, contact the group owner HERE.
P.S. I'd suggest you hang around this discussion often. There will be some developments you do NOT wanna miss. Oh and possible freebies.

9 years ago*

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How would you rate the event in a scale of 1- 5 (5 being the best of course)?

View Results

Thanks! Nice train and event overall :P

9 years ago

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You are welcome. Enjoy your stay!

9 years ago

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have a rage bump

9 years ago

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2 days left people! Updated list of contributors and giveaways. BUMP!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Updated list of contributors and giveaways AGAIN. Bump. (Exams are done, so I have enough time.)

9 years ago

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I just did a little train with one station being a group ga. #raffles is included to let you guys share in the fun (not exclusively).


9 years ago

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Nice of you to continue giving away even after securing the entry.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Beep boop.

9 years ago

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Bumpydi bump bump !

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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More bumps!

9 years ago

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Added edits on the top so people read it first. BUMP.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Double bump!

9 years ago

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2 more giveaways added by Daerphen! Bump.

9 years ago

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Painkiller Overdose
The Nightmare Cooperative

15 is definitely better looking than 13...

9 years ago

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60 giveaways from contributors! BUMP!

9 years ago

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NVM, 70 giveaways! I suck at counting.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the train! :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Bumpity bump! :D

9 years ago

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4 hours left to enter for the Contributor GA! BUMP!

9 years ago

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I hope you are all comfortable, because I feel like I'm on a....

Floor of Discomfort


9 years ago

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Woohoo! The puns are high on this one.

9 years ago

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That's not very comfortable, Mister.

9 years ago

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xD time to giveaway desura codes since desura will soon disappear D:

9 years ago

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another bump!

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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Participating as well :)


9 years ago

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Whats that you say? 3 hours left for people to get thier GAs in?

Welp. Here's a cheap GA for y'all.

Europa Universalis IV Extreme Edition

9 years ago

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Actually its 24 hours more, and thanks for the contribution!

P.S. Sorting issues on the gadget I told you about. Don't worry. I'll be back online in a bit.

9 years ago

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For the contributor I mean, since GAs must last a minimum 1 day.

9 years ago

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The giveaways end in another 47 hours from now. So yeah, 22 hours more to enter the contributor giveaway.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by gag6357.