I will say Ds1 is the better game of the 3.. Dark souls 2 is a "great" souls game while Dark souls 3 imo...the level design wasnt well made. Dont get me wrong i LOVE DARK SOULS 3!!!! but if i had to choose one then i would say Ds1 100%

Now i didnt include demon souls because not many ppl played that so its not fair to include it (i did play it,i played them all in order include bloodborne) and i didnt include bloodborne because its different from the souls games.

8 years ago

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Wich souls game do you like the MOST

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None. :P

8 years ago

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Cant be,im sure u didnt play them right? i was blown away when i first played demon souls,this series is different from any game ever!

8 years ago

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I have tried the first 2 ones in a friend's PC. It's just that they're not my cup of tea. I want to give them a chance, I really do, but I'm not really interested in them, to be honest.

8 years ago

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Fair anough :)

8 years ago

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Haven't played Dark souls 2 or Dark Souls 1 because its unplayable without a controller.

I feel like dark souls 3 was really easy with only like 3 hard bosses Abyss Watchers, Pontiff Sulyvahn and the Nameless King
Completed the game in under 30 hours with some farming for gear and souls

8 years ago

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You have to play them bro

8 years ago

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Yeh need to fix my controller so it works on PC again it worked on windows 7 but not on windows 10

8 years ago

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Yeah true,thats why i should go on my ps3 and play ds1 there instead on my pc tbh..

8 years ago

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or buy a xbox 360 controller. i believe the wired one is like 20 bucks. works with every game and os. :)

8 years ago

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install the DSMouse Fix mod, it makes the mouse work perfectly on the game, it even gives you the chance to map mouse 4 and 5 buttons if you haven them, i used it and beated DS1 completly with keyboard and mouse.

i really miss it cause mouse support on DS2 is kind of shitty, but cant install mods :c

8 years ago

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Actually he can totally skip DS2. Technically far better than DS1 but far worse in level design and overall "Dark" feeling.

8 years ago

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did you finish it?

8 years ago

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Rage quit halfway through and didn't even want to touch it again after seeing many many many terrible level design choices (and because all animations, even if better than DS1 ones, were more or less the same, the game was kinda boring).
I usually finish my games... if I didn't it means I found it extremely unappealing.

8 years ago

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interesting. many find ds1 better. but nobody really thinks ds1 is fantastic while ds2 is complete shit. ^^ at least that's the first time i heard such an extremely negative view on ds2 from a ds fan. i personally loved the game. i still didn't play ds1, though, because even with dsfix i had problems that prevented me from playing.

8 years ago

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Actually many players didn't play DS1 because of the same reasons, and it's a shame :(

Also don't get me wrong, DS2 is not complete shit, it is just a needlessly frustrating Dark Souls game.
If you die because there's a finger tall rock/step that blocks your way back you feel like shit, same if you get 2-shot kill-ambushed by a lowly monster you couldn't possibly avoid without knowing he was there or if you need to fight a horde of monsters just to get to the boss you're trying to kill (after you already cleared the whole path once -or twice)
In Dark Souls 1, on my first run I ofc died because of few ambushes, but on many others I was actually able to escape on the first run with just a bit of good reflexes. Also, in DS1 after you reached a boss you were able to unlock shortcuts (the world has a great design, both conceptually and practically speaking) to avoid needless frustration.
Probably if I played DS2 before DS1 I wouldn't thought it was that bad, but to me, after DS1, DS2 was just a worse DS1.

I still didn't play the last one because I'm on Linux and so far DX11 is not supported in wine, but one of the few things I'm avoiding spoilers for, like they were the Black Death, is Dark Souls III.
I hope I'll get that exact same feeling I experienced when I started to blindly play Dark Souls 1, feeling the Lore/World around me. Feeling that Dark Souls 2 didn't give me :/

8 years ago

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I played DS1 with mouse and keyboard, it's possible :C

8 years ago

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very hard tho

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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I mean i always said i dont like ds2 that much....but after playing ds3 i realised how great it is!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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That is true! omg i want to go on my ps3 and srsly replay DS1!!!!!!!! i hope theres still players,on pc its rly buggy tbh :/

8 years ago

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But which version of DirectX ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

8 years ago

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Sorry what? why does that matter XD

8 years ago

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It was a big deal when DS2 was release, also same issue with DS3 and DirectX 12...

DS2 "normal" version is directX 9, DS2 "Scholar" is DirectX 11.

8 years ago

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prepare to die edition...because I died so much it put me off playing the sequels
don't click:

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8 years ago

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I made a topic similar to this a few weeks ago.

8 years ago

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Uhm how can i see your topic from few weeks ago..? so u are saying i cant create my own topic?

8 years ago

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Forum has a search feature

8 years ago

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Why would i search somone's topic? :P i want to create my own.

8 years ago

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Nobody is saying that you can't. I was just pointing out my old one to see if you can get a feeling on other players by reading the old one.

8 years ago

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I've played the heck out of DS1, it has to be one of my favourite games ever! The post Lord Vessel sections are noticably rushed and on repeat playthroughs it really stands out, but that fist time through is simply magical.

I've heard very middling things about DS2: the level design being poor as if they were designed as liner levels and then retro fitted into a DS1 style open world, texturing and lighting being very slapdash and noticeably ugly, and worst of all for me the story being a complete shit-show compared to the first. I still want to play it but I'm waiting for a good deal before I pick it up.

As for DS3, I haven't played but I've been very surprised to see that people like Epicnamebro and Northernlion have seemingly dropped it not long after it came out. I haven't heard bad things about it but I also haven't heard people raving about it like they did when DS1 came out. I'm really not sure what to think about it.

8 years ago

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DS2 is extremely underrated

8 years ago

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Better performance, animations and fight mechanics is not worth losing level design, shadows*, unique (cool) weapon animations and level design again (maybe characters/lore/bosses too, maybe).
Not to mention that life shortening mechanic that punished unskilled players (actually all players playing DS2 for the first time) making the game needlessly difficult. With the result that a lot of players faced the harsh choice: stop playing or start over knowing all ambushes and tactics already... again, that was a BAD mechanic.

* I know you can inject them through SweetFX but geez, was it so hard to implement DS1 shadows in DS2?

8 years ago*

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No one DS. Just save nerves.

8 years ago

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Wasting nerves is the best moments of my life :)

8 years ago

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tried ds1, controls were terrible with mouse+keyboard, uninstalled.
won ds2, haven't played it yet.

8 years ago

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dude what are u doin?! why tf do u play ds with a keyboard? lol.. they are all disapointing with a keyboard,buy a goddam controller lol

8 years ago

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i don't like controllers unless it's a fighting or racing game.

8 years ago

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DS1 with DSFix (+ DSMouseFix) was pretty playable (actually it felt great, no issues). Check it out.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Played all of the DS with M+K (nearly 1000 hours), tried it with a controller but couldn't play it :)
M+K required some tuning around but all in all it was fine.
Also Dark Souls 3 PC controls finally didn't require any extra tools.

8 years ago

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I have 100%'d all 3 and my favorite one is still DS1. Great characters and locations. Well, at least until you get near the end with Lost Izalith etc :P

8 years ago

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Dungeon Siege 1? :D

8 years ago

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I liked Demon's Souls more than any of the Dark Souls.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I loved first one, and that's the only I played for now :S Will probably love 2 and 3 the same way

8 years ago

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DS? Are you talking about Dungeon Siege?

8 years ago

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Dark souls XD

8 years ago

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Don't Starve? ^^

8 years ago

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Dead Space? :P

8 years ago

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I thought it was a discussion about Dual shock ;P, haven't tried dark souls.

8 years ago

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If it was, the differences between dual shock 1, 2 and 3 are not that big (except for the sixaxis functions on 3). DS4 is where things get interesting and worth discussing. So a DS1 vs DS2 vs DS3 discussion sounds kinda boring without DS4 (and the other Playstation controllers that aren't called dual shock).

8 years ago

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I only played DS1, and not much. Haven't even installed DS2 yet and I don't own DS3.
I've liked what I played so far, but it's a bit too stressing.

8 years ago

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DS3 is my favorite

8 years ago

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only tried DS 1 and DS 2 so idk if i should vote.

Maybe it is because it was my first Souls game, but i adore Dark Souls 1, couldn't get it out of my head during my first playtrough, i was grabbed and enthrall by the world and its lore, the gameplay and controls were responsive and smooth, during my first playtrough i think i would call only 1 of my deaths to be unfair, remember thinking to my self, this game is not hard at all, it just requires patience, its well balanced, the level design is just mastefull and the world is really interesting, it is easily one of my favorite games of all time.

Now i been trying to get trough DS2:SOTFS and well, they certainly are different, think my first problem with it is the controls, DS2 dosent allow mods, so i have to suck up the shitty mouse support the game has, the mouse has deadzone which is amazing... and more than once my attacks were delayed or just didnt register at all or my favorite completly miss the enemy despite beeing target locked. But beyond that there is something really off about ds2, it feels like it was build by someone completly different than DS1, by this i mean it has "problems" DS1 didint have and at the same time made no effort to "fix" problems of DS1, and even made its own mistakes, and as a result i died quite a lot to bullshit in this game, my biggest problem by far with this game is the multiple enemies agro, it so obvious it was designed that way, when you agro an enemy most of the time you also agro al the other around then even if they are further away, whoever decided that now you have to fight multiple enemies with darks souls combat system should be shot, at this point i kind off looking for excuses to not play dark souls 2, and thats sad..., Dark souls 2 is the game everyone who didnt play dark souls think dark souls 2, a deliberately unfair game.

and DS2 kind off made not wanna try DS3.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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only have DS1: prepare to die edition and i still am at first boss - in the prison. no luck so far.

8 years ago

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I completed ds 1 and 2 multiple times on xbox and pc. I completed d3 then ds2 then ds1 over the last month or 2.

I still rate ds1 as the best overall. It is the most difficult and the levels just flow together. Special mention to my love of the ds2 dlc areas which were amazing. DS 3 final bosses were great but game overall was short and too easy.

8 years ago

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I have Demon Souls but I haven't played it yet. How difficult is this game when you compare it to Dark Souls 3?

8 years ago

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I would say honestly its harder..
ppl may disagree with me,but ye i think demon souls is harder and waaay a better game then dark souls 3.

8 years ago

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I picked DS1, but I have enough issues there that it's not an absolute victory, mostly post warp content that's really bland (lava land of the walking asses), so I probably should have gone with 3 based on my experience from what I have played. Also while I've played DS1 a billion times, I've only gone through DS2 once, and only half of DS3 because of souls fatigue, so I gotta wait awhile before getting back into one. I can't say my opinions won't be totally different a year or two from now after I've gone back and done 2 and 3 again with DLC.

It's funny though the two excluded games are the only ones where I'm certain of their ordering in my mind. Demon's Souls being the weakest, and Bloodborne being the best.

8 years ago

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dead space 1 is better

8 years ago

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