9 years ago*

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I think Far Cry 3 for me. You know, Vaas.
FC 4 looks cool but it's the same without Vaas so that's bad.
Blood Dragon is hilarious but I haven't completed it yet, so I can't judge. xD
I don't rememer FC1 that much (I gotta replay it soon) and I haven't played the second one. Or Primal.
So yay.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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FC2 of course. That is the best for me.

9 years ago

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Rare nickname. :p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I'm one of the people who liked mutants in first far cry xD

9 years ago

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Why all Far Cry so different? what unites them?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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And setting, weaponry and a lot of the game mechanics (Before Far Cry: Blood Dragon at least)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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The only Far Cry, where I didn't use cars. I just ran around at lighting speed and jumped off cliffs! :D

9 years ago

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there is a fan theory that is propably true tbh that far cry , assassins creed and watch dogs are linked into the same universerse if you try to google it you will find many in game references to support that idea and if you combine the whole thing its a nice inviroment that ubisoft created hoping that base on the rep of the company they are not there only for sales

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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the name, obviously. ;)

9 years ago

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The first Far Cry game was developed by Crytek and started life as a tech Demo. At some point after this Ubisoft took over thr franchise entirely and developed Far Cry 2 internally. This explains the difference between the first two, and playing Far Cry two you can see the similarities between that and the other open world Ubisoft games. I'd guess they went for something much more serious with Far Cry 2 as the various remakes of the first game weren't generally as well received.

Far Cry 3 took the series even closer to other Ubisoft franchises mots likely in an attempt to appeal to a wider audience as Far Cry 2 had some mechanics that could be rather irritating. Blood Dragon and Far Cry 4 are basically just reskins of Far Cry 3. I think the devs stated that Far Cry 4 was hindered by it's cross-gen console release. Had they made improvements they wouldn't have been able to release the gam on the 360/PS3.

9 years ago

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Far Cry 3 was okay but Far Cry 2 for me was better because of the realism and less collectibles.

9 years ago

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i dont have a favourite one i have only played 3 and i wasnt that much interested , i will try 4 when its less than 5 in a steam sale

9 years ago

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3 is way way better, but if you think you'll like 4, get it first, then when you play 3 you'll see what you missed out on (there's not a whole lot new in 4, and the story is not related)

9 years ago

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actually i like the vilain in far cry 3 from videos i saw thats why i got it on a sale and i have to admit the first hour in the game i was at his camp and he was talking was awsome but after i got transfered to the small village and i started doing missions like taking a camp to unlock quests or hunt animals cause the game guided me that way i was already bumped down I tried to continue the story ended up trying to find some herbs i think for a friend the game never build up an attachment so i would care so i put the game on the backlog that i say one day i will continue it maybe

9 years ago

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so you didn't even finish the tutorial?

9 years ago

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the tutorial was at the camp with the first vilain and maybe that guy telling me to climb that tower i went beyond that think i made that clear

9 years ago

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the intro is the camp, the tutorial is teaching you climbing, tower unlocking, gathering herbs for combat boosts and other usefull boosts, and hunting to craft better gear. THEN there's a camp attack tutorial, and then you are free

9 years ago

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i told you i went beyond all that (why is hard to understand?) i didnt liked the quests to my liking the story outside the main vilain was bad and the main vilain wasnt enough any more

9 years ago

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its too obvious that Far cry 3 was amazing, they did a REALLY good job, a few bugs, but the story, the characters, the gameplay and everything you got in it without EVER HAVING DLC'S or be ONLINE. it proves its not needed to make a good game

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I love vaas, everthing, the quotes, the voice actor, the animation

9 years ago

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Far Cry 1 is the best !

9 years ago

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I liked 4 the most. Far Cry 1 was terrible for me, I honestly don't remember a single bit of the story and I played it like 3 years ago. Far Cry 2 I could never actually get past like 4 or 5 hours into the story. Far Cry 3 was a masterpiece at the time. Still amazing now but it's just Far Cry 4 is better in every way apart from the villain. I kinda think I didn't like the villain as much as Vaas because there was no real interaction with him. In Far Cry 3 you meet Vaas a few times so you can truly get to know and want to get to him but with Far Cry 4 I only remember actually seeing him twice. Far Cry 4 co op is an absolute blast too. Played it with a friend for about 3 hours straight just setting our markers to a tower from like a mile or two away and having a race to the top. We got dirty and I genuinely felt pure hatred.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I agree the story was a lot more immersive. The character you play as is a lot more likable too. It's one of them gameplay or story conundrums. The best mission is also on Far Cry 3 (Skrillex)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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the reason behind there being so little interaction with far cry 4's villain is cause for some reason ubisoft listened to the people that said that the long speeches and interactions with vaas were boring, i loved them and i LOVED being able to look around while in the "movie" it really added to the depth, yea, i cant move but i can look around, see where i am (since most the time these were after a black out) recognize the danger, shake my head, it really brought me into the game, then it gives you that final choice.....really big decision right there.
not a hard decision on far cry 4.

9 years ago

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Although I really liked the first 2 Far Cry games, which they were really awesome, I must vote for Far Cry 4 (I didn't like Far Cry 3 at all). Far Cry 4 has an ideal storyline, scenery, dialogues, and characters. They really made something very good right there.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yes, of course I played Far Cry 3. I've played every Far Cry, except Blood Dragon (which is probably shitty) and Primal (which haven't been released yet). In games, I care about the storyline. I didn't see a lot of storyline in Far Cry 3, especially if you compare it to Far Cry 4 (Pagan min was the star of the game, that wasn't exactly what you've been thinking he was - also, you had to choose which mission you prefer between two people, something that would affect the future of the country).

9 years ago

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storyline...storyline...where was that? i beat the game almost twice and there was no story at all, just little inconsistent bits of nothing

9 years ago

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What? o.O Haven't you learned about the story of Pagan Min, the protagonist's story, the difference between choosing the mission of each character, the story of Shangri La? Haven't you read any notes and listened to the radio, to find out what has been happening there? What kind of storyline did you want? A visual novel? xD

9 years ago

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the story, yea, i read the pamphlets and listen to the really shallow story that had no meaning cause you never felt for the guy, he was just an asshole start to finish, you just wanted to kill him, chose a rebel leader the both have NO equal ground wile fighting for the same cause, stay to culture, oh we need to progress, his ideals are pagan, she wants to legalize drugs, Shangri la, you mean the in game try at blood dragon that was a bit buggy?, the notes scattered all around the map about your dads story is ok, but reaaaly boring to collect, and the constant same lines from the radio guy, hey its rebby ray ranna here, amita is winning, can you belive it, or the other guy is winning, its bugged to, die and its the other guy, then die again and its back, with the same damn lines.
"what kind of storyline did you want?" one where i mattered? did something, felt usefully, i mean yea, you are the one that pushed the offensive, and chooses who runs things, but there's no connection, you're supposed to be coming home to a war torn homeland you never knew, and you feel like a tourist there for a week. the only BIT of connection i felt was when i talked to the little girl a few times about her problems with things, but even that was shallowly used.

9 years ago

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She was the one acting like Pagan Min, not the male rebel leader. He was traditional, which traditions were harsh though, which was bad. :/ Shangri La wasn't buggy at all. Nothing was bugged. Pagan Min wasn't a total asshole. He explained everything at the end, so I decided not to kill him. By the end of the game, I've learned everything about Pagan Min and his apprentices, about the 2 wanna-be leaders, about the little girl, about Shangri La, about my parents, about this country, etc. The only missions I didn't like were with those drug addicts. I don't understand why I even played those missions. :P And you were connected with everyone there. With rebel Mohan and with Pagan Min. Your blood was tied to the history of Kyrat! :/ I fail to understand where did you find a lack of storyline and what kind of storyline did you actually want.

9 years ago

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i didn't want pagan to live and continue what he was doing, i didnt want either rebel leader to do what they wanted either, they where both too far out of line on each side, there was no conclusion where you felt complete, it felt shallow in the end, either you kill him, story ends, or you go, you find out what could be this guys attempt to sway you and save his life and have no choice after that, bam done, and you barely talked to the guy, never really saw him react with the people, how could you know who Min was?

9 years ago

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That's why you should have read the notes. xD When attacking his fortress, I remember one of his notes that was telling to a guard to get out of here, because he was afraid that his reign would end and that the guard would die because of Ajay. Anyway, just read the notes. Pagan was never a liar. He was always honest - and cruel, too. He wasn't that bad before the incident with Mohan. :/

9 years ago

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Noo... Far Cry 4's story's just boring as shit. The main objective of the protagonist is to spread his mother's ashes. He had no reason to join the rebellion and neither did Pagan to kidnap him and force him to do so. NOTHING in this game makes any sense. Almost all the characters make stupid mistakes in order to advance the plot. And Ajay is just a fucking twit with no will of his own, who just agrees with the last thing anyone tells him. And no matter which one of the leaders you choose to side with., THERE IS NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE in the long run for Kyrat (or at least we don't see it). There''s actually an ending in which you let Pagan live and he helps you spread the god damn ashes. And that automatically bakes the question: WHY DIDN'T HE DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE????? Seriously... it's a really stupid story. The radio guy is pretty funny and Shangri-La is mildly interesting, but neither have anything to do with what's actually going on.

9 years ago

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well to be honest thats part of the game if you wait at the start for min to get back, he'll take you there, you spread the ashes, end of game, start over

9 years ago

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Exactly. ^ I also said that in my comment below, but you were faster. xD Also, you can let him live in the end and he explains why he did all these bad things and he asks you why couldn't you wait for him to come back.

9 years ago

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There's a difference, depending on which rebel leader you helped. You'll see a cutscene in the end, when you visit a specific place. Yes, I know about Pagan, I let him live and he helped me spread my mother's ashes. And he explained everything to me, that he did everything for a reason. And he also asked me: "Why didn't you wait for me when you first came here"? Because there's actually the option to wait for Pagan Min in the beginning. Your blood is tied to Kyrat. Mohan and Pagan are related with you, each one differently. Yes, he has no will of his own, but that's what happens in like most of the games - there's always someone that tells you to do something. But why not help them? In the start, they look like they do this for the good of Kyrat. Did I answer your questions? :P

9 years ago

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Best - Far Cry 3
Worst - Far Cry 2

9 years ago

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Farcry3 coz (spoiler alert)(mature content alert)

View attached image.
9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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spoilers! dun do it

9 years ago

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Put spoilers between two ~ please.
Luckily I managed to avoid reading it but there's lots of people like me who haven't finished it yet.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No problem. That's why I added how to do it ;)

9 years ago

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Thanks ;)

9 years ago

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I only played FC1 and 3 and I didn't even finish 1, could be because of those mutant enemies.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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In case you want to compare results afterwards there was a thread 2 weeks ago with the except same poll (except that Primal wasn't listed yet) ;)

9 years ago

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I'm old-school, FC 1 :-)

Actually, my very favourite is FC Instincts available on the original Xbox. The voice acting for Jack Carver by Stephen Dorff was especially on point.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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It was the Xbox exclusive version of the series...somewhat different from the original PC version and a superior remake of it...you can check it out here...


There were actually 2 separate parts to the game (sold individually):

  • FC Instincts
  • FC Instincts Evolution



9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So many versions of FC1 :D There was also Far Cry Vengance for the Wii which I quite enjoyed back in the day if I remember correctly.

Edit: Nevermind it's apparently the same game as Evolution.

9 years ago*

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Far Cry Blood Dragon is the only good Far Cry for me.
I'm not saying that the rest are bad (I played first, little second and ~3h of third one ) but.... they are not in my type. I like fps that are not trying to be too much realistics because this looks stupid for me. In Far Cry series I had a feeling that this game should be named "Rambo game" especially scenes where you are pathing up yourself. They are trying to be realistics with main character who is one man rambo army.... I must say that sandbox there is pretty good but I prefer more games like DNF (I'm not joking. Maybe it have many flaws but I had a lot of fun playing it) or Borderlands.
The only exceptions is Spec Ops The line and that because of the amazing storyline.

9 years ago

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fc1 was way ahead of its time though, and still the water in that one is so stunning and beautiful i havent seen another game get near that beauty since.. not even the other farcrys go that detailed in the water.

fc2 the introdction of the inventory system... good add, just was sick of my screen going all whacko from the illness you start with in the game

fc3 as every1 has alrdy stated.. the villian.. best villian in the series.. the introduction of the skins & crafting system was a little over the top for me personally, i couldnt quite decide wether it turned it RPG-FPS or just crafting FPS, but still an amazing game

fc4 -- still gotta give this one a shot, just barely got past the intro in this one, but i can alrdy see how close this one probably will be to 3.. though i must say the villian in this one seems pretty great too, right up there with vlad imo..

havent done any of the rest at all..

9 years ago

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the problem with this poll though is a massive percentage of the voters only own and have played fc3, so ofc their vote can only go towards 3... its obviously going to be the winner strictly due to this.... personally i have no doubt it still would be the winner, but i dont think it would be that far off from 2 & 4 really if the voters all had to of played 2, 3, & 4 in order to vote.....

9 years ago

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I've played the first far cry and right now I'm playing far cry 3 as we speak.
Haven't tried far cry 4 or far cry 2 but I'll try both (and primal when it gets on sale).

For now, far cry 3 is my favorite , however, the main protagonist and his friends are beyond annoying.
I have never seen such an awful bad decision when it comes to leading roles in a video game .
The only redeeming factor of this game is ofcourse the game mechanics and Vaas.

I think far cry blood dragon has the best aestetics , I love the 80s purple neon lazor wubs.

9 years ago

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Far Cry 3 obviously. It had the best story, the most awesome looking sand-box (with actual fun stuff to do outside of the story missions), it perfected the game-play formula (introduced actual functioning stealth, among many, many other things), it had the most interesting character ark for a protagonist and the most amazing villain I've seen in years. Plus, it was a crazy, psychedelic journey into human nature, exploring themes like loyalty, family, friendship, cruelty and most notably, INSANITY... It lost some of the nice tropes Far Cry 2 had, so it wasn't as hard-core, but it was more than worth it, in my opinion.

Far Cry 1 had a cliche story, unlikable protagonist in a shitty red Hawaiian shirt, an insane difficulty curve with you not being able to take 3 bullets, bad guys spotting you from 2-3 miles away and NEVER missing, despite most of them being armed with M4 carbines (which at such distances are about as accurate as pea-shooters) and absolutely stupidly placed auto-saves that made the game an exercise in trial and error. Not to mention it was basically a linear game (making the open-ended environments a wasted opportunity and it was way too long for such a game, making it a boring chore past it's mid point.

Far Cry 2 had a lot of nice ideas (like the weapons getting warn out from usage, searching for diamonds with the detector and not pausing the game when you look at the map, for maximum immersion) but it was a game set in a huge sand-box with next to nothing to do outside of the the story campaign, which in itself didn't make much sense for the most part and was way too long and boring.

Far Cry 4 was basically just Far Cry 3++, which might not sound like a bad thing in theory (and actually isn't), but a game like this can't live on good game-play alone and I was thoroughly disappointed in the story and characters it had to offer. Therefore, the immersion level in this game was much lower and I couldn't possibly enjoy it even half as much as I did Far Cry 3. Also...NO SHARK WRESTLING!!!!!!

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is nice and all, but it's just an exercise in nostalgia for those who love cheesy '80s action movies. Game-play wise it's just more Far cry 3 and for all its awesomely hilarious humor that made me lol at times, it still can't replace the dark and fucked-up drug fueled journey of Far Cry 3. Plus, it's painfully short and leaves you asking for more, which is NEVER a good thing.

P.S. Far Cry Primal looks pretty nice in the game-play department, having some actual nice additions to the formula, but I doubt that story wise it can even come close to Far Cry 3. No Vass, no fun :-p.

9 years ago

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now, I'll know what expect of the ones I didn't play yet.
have a BIG THANK YOU for this! this is the best far cry franchise review that I've seen so far.

9 years ago

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FC3 is the best so far.

9 years ago

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I've played only the first two so far so I voted the first one, it still is a very good shooter, even after all this time.

9 years ago

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The mechanics make Far Cry 2 the most interesting of the lot, but certainly Far Cry 3 was more successful.


9 years ago

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Blood Dragon. It was so over the limit and the theme song was awesome!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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