I wanted to do something awesome for my first train and include a bunch of non-bundled games but with currently no income that's gonna have to be put on hold :( After taking a few months break from SG, I've recently started becoming active but not quite as active as I'd like in the forums so I got impatient waiting to get money wanted to make a thread myself! It's just some bundled games, but they're mostly games I like or want myself. I plan on doing puzzles and more better trains in the future :D This could also count as kind of a celebration thread since I hit level 4 a week ago and while in the process of making this my unlucky streak ended and I won an awesome game! DS3 Ok, enough rambling from me :P

Train ranges from levels 1-3 and there is a small SGTools check but nothing crazy :)

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As stated this is my first train, and this is my first time using SGTools so please tell me if I messed something up not like people wouldn't anyway :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by autumnrhey.