Bundle giveaways don't count past 30 dollars unless it makes up less than a certain percentage of your total given away. So yeah, give away non bundle games to increase contributor value yo.
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I don't recall the specifics to be honest, but I seem to recall it's no more than 30%? Could be wrong.
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It seems you are one of them.
Show me in that page where is that information? Come on show me maybe I'm blind.
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Shiiiiiiiiiiiit this dude is right.
Meh, another person who can't use the search bar.
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So you're crying that you are angry that 2 games (you may have gotten totally FREE) haven't skyrocketed your contribution value? I mean Metro would have been better but Titan was a freebie to everyone who bough the first week. Then you got credits for DOTA when it was HOT but now its not even worth the money it costs ISPs to transmit the data.
In fact, EVERY giveaway you have completed and handed out a game for was a publicized FREE game. IMHO $30 is way, way, way more then your account is worth but SG is nicer then me in that respect I guess.
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My thoughts exactly.
Which is why types like this instantly go on my blacklist. If you're giving away scraps of bundles, and all you're interested in is giving some stuff away you can give them to friends, or offer them on the forums, or give them to someone random in a chat or something. The sole reason you'd want to dump them on a giveaway here would be to get the free contrib. value and thus entry to those shiny giveaways. Pathetic and deplorable.
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I still giveaway unwanted bundle keys, even though they don't raise my contributor value at all.
I just want someone to enjoy the games I already own. Also, I like the raffle like nature of giveaway, more fun than just key-dump on the forums.
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1) I actually post on the forums, chat a lot, am admin in a bunch of groups, help moderate chats / report users / the site stay clean - I contribute to the community in ways other than purely giving away games.
2) There's a difference between not making decent giveaways and when you do, only going for the contributor value, and not having the money to do so. Would you call someone who has large debts, and has to live off of 50 euros a week (food, etc, everything in a quite expensive country - NL) yet has spent around 150 euros on giveaways in the past 3 months a leech? That's 25% of what I have to spend on myself in life. Ffs.
3) I cannot control my luck. I've had a lucky streak a few times the past month or two, and am in a bunch of smaller groups that often have < 30 entry giveaways. This is, again, due to genuinely being an upstanding / active person that actually wants to give games away, instead of just to raise his contrib stat. Look at my games given away. Not 1 bundle game or free / exploited game. And games like "Iron Brigade", which was a very popular giveaway, not having been given on the site before and being a Double Fine game.
I try and scrounge what money I can muster together to do giveaways, and do so gladly, putting thought and attention into what games I choose, trying to do games people actually want to play. A bunch of my wins were for bundles / bundle games and the like. None of those 17 giveaways I made were, though. And noone who actually knows me will say "oh fuck that guy with his many wins" as they know about my situation in life, and how I still try to do giveaways and give games with heartfelt generosity, even when, quite honestly, I don't really have the money for them. I almost always receive gifts from people I've talked to before, and they're always quite happy to gift me the game.
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Dumbass? You are so nice, sir.
If you sit here a lot, admin groups, and etc you were describing, why you complaning about your life then? It's not like we made you sit here like a slave, you done it with your own will and it's stupid, if you have time to chat, but don't have time to try to make your life better and use it like defence now. You are so stricted with bundles, and i never said complain about it, i do not care about bundle giveaways, and it's stupid to talk about someone want to boost their value via it, because it will not boost. Someone, like TS might have, but mostly, nice people just give it away for people, that cant afford it not in private groups, but in public. You can say, that you keep giving away, but all your giveaways for small groups. And you said, that you have bundle wins, how can you join in it, if it's so disgratefull for you to make one? I'm not talking about your personality, i cant say, good you, or not, and i never used it to mock you. But, if you so nice to call other "dumbasses" just for nothing, i can't say you are good. I do not care about your win\given ratio.
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I repeat, what a moron you are.
1) "why you complaining about your life then?" - nice. I wasn't complaining, whatsoever. I was giving a defense against your ass criticizing me and attacking my statement (also ignoring the whole point of my post quite nicely) for not having given away so much and winning a bunch by explaining why that was the case.
2) Obviously, you don't know the rules concerning bundle keys and haven't bothered with the site's rules before. Like I said a few times on this thread, you can get more than the max $30 if you also give a few "non-bundle" games away. Oh and, notice how a lot of games that should be on the bundle list because they were free promo keys or had price glitches etc, aren't yet, and give like 20 $ contrib value even when the game cost like 50 cents.
3) "..but mostly, nice people just give it away for people, that cant afford it not in private groups, but in public" - dead wrong. So, you think private groups are all clubs of rich assholes that only give to each other, is that right? No, I give to those groups because they have become a group of a few hundred users that are decent people, a real community, not contrib. boosters, leechers, multiple accounters, scammers, and generally horrible types, like for example people that join a group's chat and instantly beg for invites without bothering to read the rules (a 5 min. effort), then lie when asked if they read them. You know, the types of people that make up 70% of the current members of sgifts? That is why I don't do publics. I will NOT spend money I can barely scrounge together giving games to people purely trying to "win at SGifts" by treating it like a system they can try to maximize profits out of - buying 1 dollar bundles to do mult. giveaways to get a higher contrib. value, or even making giveaways for games they got for free (Ubisoft keys), or people being selfish, or manipulative, or outright cheating the system with mult. accounts, etc.
Also, I often can't afford games for myself, and I'm in those groups; as you complained so hard about - I got a bunch of wins, too. There's lots of nice, good people that have little cash in these groups, that are valued for their character and contribution to the community. Your whole logic and argument is flawed and ridiculous.
4) The problem isn't people making bundle (or bundle game) giveaways. I never said that. I am talking about someone mostly giving away bundle games, obviously purely doing it to boost their contrib. stat. When you see someone's profile and you see 3 x Titan Quest, 3 x Metro 2033, 3 x Red Faction Armageddon, aside from any other non-bundle giveaways they maybe made, it is obvious they purely want to get their contrib. stat higher. So, me winning bundle games / bundles from people? Yeah, that's happened - from actual decent site users who maybe did one or two of them because they genuinely wanted to give those games away and found using this site to do so easier than streaming them using random.org and having 50 people enter a raffle. Users who maybe have a handful of these types of giveaway in between other normal ones, not 3 x all games off a bundle in a row, one after the other, because they bought 3 bundles purely to try and cheat the system.
5) You don't know anything about my life situation, or why I am in financial troubles. You don't know if I'm in a position to improve my life, or what's wrong. Maybe I'm paying off huge debts and have filed for bankruptcy while living off of welfare because I'm handicapped and can't work? Just as an example. You sitting there going "..and it's stupid, if you have time to chat, but don't have time to try to make your life better and use it like defence now.." makes me just want to smash your face in. My life's frustrating enough as it is, with the problems I have and the inability to solve them, without some idiot on the internet trivializing my problems he knows nothing of and acting like it's all my fault I don't just "get up and fix shit, and stop using your problems as a defense!" I HAVE ALMOST NOTHING TO SPEND ON MYSELF AND STILL DECIDE TO SHARE A SIGNIFICANT PORTION OF THE LITTLE I HAVE, - FUCK you.
6) "I do not care about your wingiven ratio"? Really? That was the whole basis of your criticism of me, my win / given ratio. It's what started this whole exchange between us. What are you even talking about now?
The problem, by the way, with contrib. boosters, is simple - the contributor stat was put there so people who choose to do so can make giveaways that thank people that have given a lot of their own cash away to others in the form of games. Not so that assholes who just want more free games can try and scam the site and its' users into allowing them to also participate in these giveaways meant for people that shared a lot of their own stuff by sharing as little as possible while still gaining max contrib. value.
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There's lots of nice, good people that have little cash in these groups, that are valued for their character and contribution to the community.
I don't doubt this, but your rage-filled posts in response to someone questioning you seems wildly inappropriate and contradicts the point you're trying to make. Someone with character and is valued for their contributions to the community wouldn't be cussing and tearing someone else down in a public forum. Just saying. State your point, keep the hate out of it.
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While I get your point, why would I hold back and pretend I'm not angry at him when he pisses me off with his apathetic and disrespectful trivializing of my issues he doesn't even know anything about with an attitude of "oh just get up and fix your shit man, stop using it as an excuse for things"?
"..wildly inappropriate.."? He's attacking me for not giving away a lot, then puts words in my mouth, twists my arguments up, and acts like I am using my situation as an excuse to be a leech, simultaneously suggesting I just "get up off my ass and fix my problems man".. That pisses me off as I do contribute in a bunch of other ways, and am someone who sees "share, always, even if you have little" as a guiding principle in life, as well as that like I said, the way my life's going's frustrating enough without some ass acting like it's all my own fault and I should just man up and fix shit.
"Someone with character and is valued for their contributions to the community wouldn't be cussing and tearing someone else down in a public forum"? I am a bit sick and tired of this attitude of "oh, if you're trying to make a valid point or expect respect or understanding from people you have to be a paragon of virtue and peace and wisdom, and be polite and emotionless in your expression". What nonsense man, come on. I'm a human being; I have feelings too. I don't try to be perfect, I don't try and make everyone think I am, or that I am some omnipotent god of calmness and tranquility. I'm not a bad person, but when someone acts like an unfeeling dick, yes, I get angry. And yes, I show that. Or would you also ascribe to the "turn the other cheek" mentality?
The fact that I'm pissed off at this guy's very unfair and not thought out attitude shouldn't have to be a negative mark on me, but on him. I think it's better to maybe try and show some understanding and calm someone down when they're angry, rather than acting like someone's in the wrong for being mad and having the nuts to show it, instead of trying to act superior and polite to maintain an image of perfection. To me, that is supremely dishonest and low behavior, actually, trying to act "better than" someone else.
Also, if you ask me, this attitude has damaged natural expression and communication, and lowered empathy globally among the human race. It's far easier to say "hey shut up! Stop swearing! Control yourself! Stop making me feel uncomfortable! Be polite! Don't say anything mean! I don't feel like dealing with an angry person! When you yell, it feels like you're yelling at me!" and thus project your desires and your hang-ups on to someone yelling at someone else about something, than to walk up to them and interrupt them for a second, and ask them to explain what's wrong to you (whether yelling or not - they're still not yelling at you), or simply listen well, ask them to try and calm down for their own sake, and help them solve their problem / at least let them voice their issue to someone and show some understanding. 99% of the time, all people that are mad about something want is someone to go "I feel you man, I get what you're saying" before they try and offer advice or so. And a little understanding will usually result in a FAR calmer person.
Expressing emotions instead of bottling them up is healthy, and showing an empathetical response to someone angry breeds harmony and peace from chaos, as well as offering both the angry person and the "soother" a chance to learn something new and grow as people. Far better a way for the world to work than some "unwritten" rules of conduct controlling expression to the point you have to bite your damn tongue and consider everyone except yourself's sensibilities to get any kind of valid response to your issue. Just my 2 cents.
EDIT: One caveat I will offer though is - of course, you can and should expect some reasonable response from the angry person when you do engage them and let them vent some / offer some advice to them. Someone should be willing to be calmer and think about things, and not really keep trying to be mad when you try and calm them down. We've all known types like this, obv. Especially when drink gets involved, unfortunately. Being stubborn about being angry is of course dumb.
After thinking for a bit, I do admit I was wrong with the attacks on him. I should have not used words like "dumbass" or anything else directly attacking him, I agree that is wrong of me.. You can always express anger without attacking someone back. My bad.. I'm not gonna delete / modify my original post though, as I stand by what I say and do, even when I fuck up..
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I have more respect for somebody who takes a deep breath and doesn't resort to posts filled with profanity and hatred. You can express upset and displeasure without hatred and profanity, I don't judge a person based on somebody's assessment of them; each persons individual actions speak for themselves.
I highly doubt my partner to be siding with or condoning either side of the argument just pointing out that you often lower peoples opinions with hatred and profanity filled posts. That it is not needed, it is not pleasant to read and in my
humble opinion also loses you support. No you do not have to be a pillar of virtue but you don't have to be vile either.
One of the things I respect the most about my boyfriend (kataztrophik) is that even when really furious at a situation even when he is not feeling the calmest he rarely responds in anger. He manages to keep his anger in check and express his feelings on a situation logically and in a well thought out manner, that may require him taking time to cool off a little but it tends to garner him a lot of support. This does not make him emotionless, he has a lot of empathy and patience for people that I myself do not have.
While I am sure my boyfriend doesn't need me to step in and speak for him, he does not condone fighting on the internet; when I see you write a mammoth post to his simple hey calm down be the man you say you are... Well I feel the need to say something. I have never seen him try and appear better than those around him, my partner is already a great man.
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My goodness, calling a contributor a leach is rather poor form and out of line; in my opinion we all have very different financial situations and that should be respected. However opening up in public forum about your financial situation is also probably not be best of ideas it leaves you open for all sorts of public speculation and makes some readers like myself entirely uncomfortable.
And yes my contributions have been games on sale and left over bundle bits and I am in no way ashamed of it, I put up a better quality game than I would normally budget to do so and have shared the left over bundle pieces I have in a fair manner.
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Thanks for your post. And like I said - the problem isn't people putting up bundle keys, period. It's people solely doing those with the intent of gaining access to those shiny contrib. giveaways. Surely you get me there.
He attacked my win / given ratio, so I defended with the truth; my situation (minus truly personal details). I felt offended as I am the type to always share what little he has. If I had a decent paying job now, I'd be doing at least 100 - 150 bucks' worth of giveaways a month. Purely out of wanting to do so..
I do wonder why it makes you uncomfortable that I speak about my finances being in dire straights. 'specially as it was posted in defense of critique. Penny for your thoughts?
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I was raised with the belief that money is not to be discussed in polite company let alone a public forum, it is something to be discussed privately. I was also taught to always hold my head up high whatever my financial situation may be, to use ones financial situation like a shield makes me uncomfortable. I find money discussions rude, I find calling somebody out for contributing what they can rude, contributing is not a requirement of joining I am afraid. I find all displays of rudeness especially public rudeness to be embarrassing, I feel embarrassed on behalf of those involved that don't have the same set of values as I. Too often I hear but this is the Internet, what a weak excuse.
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Sigh. Now you putting words in my mouth. The point of my answer to you was that you complain a lot about TS, even though your position slightly better than his. And you can't say anything about TS too. What if he is not helthy too, and all, that he can do - buy bundles, since they are all cheap. And even after that he still wants to giveaway games and raise his cont. value to join giveaways with more chances, because he can't afford it for himself? You can't tell shit about his situation, and yet, you whine how asshole he is to try boost his value with pure air. And then you try to accuse me how bad i'm, because i dont know your situation too, OFCOURSE i dont, and i dont need any explanation, just be the one you want me to believe you are. If you are kind, stop accusing people. I never tried to say something like: "HA! You not giving away, you are chip bastard leecher" and other things you trying to think i am. If you dont want me to motivate you with something like "stand up, dont waste your time, try to improve" and need some cuddle, dont say about your problems here. It's your fault to use it as deffence, and i just use it as counterattack to you, just like debates work. And btw, if you are so kind, why do you care about people trying to give away bundles to boost value in first place? You know the rules, they can't do that anymore, and if you can see my profile, i registered 1 year ago, so i was here, when sg had problems with it. Your problem is that you still use old rules, and whine about people like TS because of it. Move one, who cares about what they try to do? System will not let them do it anymore.
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Your post has so much wrong with it.
Where do I put words in your mouth? Please, copy and paste, show me. That's bullcrap.
Again, I didn't post my situation to whine or complain, so stop trying to force feed those words into my mouth to appear to be in the right. You directly attacked me, called me a leech for having a high win / given ratio. You. Noone else. I explained my situation (and this is the third time I say this) to defend against your idiotic accusation. Not to whine, or for cuddles, or anything you suggest. "If you dont want me to motivate you with something like "stand up, dont waste your time, try to improve" and need some cuddle, dont say about your problems here." Again more bullshit to make me look weak and asking for help or some shit. I never was. Let me try saying this 1 more time: I was explaining the reason for not having given away so much and defending myself against your accusation of me being a leech. NOT whining or "asking for cuddles". And it's quite weak for you to keep insisting I was doing that just to strengthen your own argument. Also, you ignore half of what I say to improve your own argument.
You know what, forget finishing my reaction to this topic in this post. You fail at arguing fairly or even sticking to what's being said / the topic at hand. You keep switching what you say around, deliberately misinterpret what I say all the time to strengthen your own argument, and ignore half of what I say if it inconveniences your argument. Pathetic.
If you're also low on money and still want to do game giveaways, and buy bundles to do that, you can always give them away to people in chats, on the forums, with random number generators etc. To do so on a site where there is a system in place to reward contributors is low. Simple. You don't have to use sgifts to do that. And no, in itself it isn't wrong, being broke and wanting some more free games for yourself. We all wouldn't mind that. What's wrong is trying to fake a system into letting you in to giveaways the maker of the giveaway never intended you to be in. You know, the actual person who spent money on a game to give away. And you've also ignored even more of what I said before - you apparently haven't read the rules concerning bundle games, at all, have you? You can get more than the initial 30$ contrib. Try reading the FAQ some time would you? Also, there's still a fuckload of games that aren't counted as bundle games but should be (something I also said before and you ignore completely). Also, I (and let's see if you can read it and not ignore it this time as I have said this before) wasn't saying giving away bundle games is wrong, period. I was talking about people buying 3x bundles to boost their stat. People looking at gifting each other something as a system they can use to get more free stuff. That is wrong. Because people actually spend their own hard earned money on making these giveaways, they don't just come dropping down from the sky. And if someone wants to make a giveaway for people who gave away a certain amount of games, to thank them / reward them for sharing so much of their own; they shouldn't have to give their game away to someone who tried to find the cheapest way to get higher contrib value, purely to be able to get into their giveaway, instead of someone who actually cared about sharing some with the world. You know, the kind of person they actually made the fucking giveaway for?
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"deliberately misinterpret what I say all the time to strengthen your own argument, and ignore half of what I say if it inconveniences your argument." That's how debates work, there is nothing pathetic in it. And you use bold all the time to look your text more rightfull as well. I can do that as well.
You know, some of your groups has 1:1 rule in it, and yet, you are not following this rule. That ones, often called leechers. I'm not telling you are, i just guessing it, using my own experience in this kind of groups, wich i had a little. You not just keep defending yourself using your real life issues, but keep telling me that i not read rules, wich is wrong. Yes, i know about if you keep giveaway and make it with not bundle games, it will boost your value after sertain persent. You keep ignoring everything i say and keep telling me two or three things, that looks the same in each argument (life, rules, missinterprit), isn't that not fail at arguing? You keep telling about faking system, but system in this point, when it defended from bundle/free games boosts when someone use only it to boost value. For exs., if TS will start make good giveaways, i dont mind if he will get boost from his free giveaways, but you so closed in this matter, so it's unacceptable to you and you start acuse him. That's what i trying to tell you. You shouldnt be concerned that much about it, just ask him to make good giveaways or point to the rules.
If you have this contribution system now, why can't you use it? It's a circle, ones, who makes huge contribution values, whants to thank onces, that were too kind to giveaway that much. But if you want to join, you need to giveaway. By your logic, i cant enter this huge valued giveaways just because i wanted to enter it so much, so i made lots of giveaways not for pure generosity but for my own reasons too.
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"That's how debates work, there is nothing pathetic in it." - If only this were a debate competition or club, that would make sense. As it stands, this is an argument on a forum, in a social medium. Those kinds of "tactics" are underhanded, weak, pathetic attempts at "winning", not someone trying to properly back what they say up and even maybe admit where they're wrong. You know, how most normal conversations work. I thought this was about expressing yourself and arguing with me, not trying to "win". Yes, it is pathetic you should try to do so with a regular other member of the public instead of a debate competitor because it's childish and unfair towards me, and also rude as hell (yelling and swearing at me in response would even be less rude than ignoring me, just to "win"). You know what, even in debate clubs, sure, it's a debate tactic, but a very basic, weak one at that, that no proper debate partner would let you get away with, and no listener with half a brain would fall for (as they'd be thinking "umm, ok, but what about what that other dude asked?").
I use bold to emphasize certain words, not to make myself look more right. Italics aren't always that visible or impart the same emphasis. In real life, you don't talk in a monotone voice like a robot, do you? And I typed it the way I'd say it. Nothing more,- stop getting worked up over that.
And yes, some groups I am in have a 1:1 rule, but I'd love for you to show me which of those groups I am not following that rule in. That's bullshit, plain and simple. There's 2 groups like that that I am not entering any giveaways of, because of not being able to put up my own giveaway if I win one of the groups'.
Me repeating myself a few times isn't a sign of me failing at arguing - it's a sign you're acting like a jerk, ignoring what I say because it overrules what you say, instead of admitting I'm right in those points. I hope you cut that shit out, too, and actually respond to what I contest you on, and ask.
I don't really understand what the last half / third of your post means because of the language barrier, but let me try and reply. "It's a circle, ones, who makes huge contribution values, whants to thank onces, that were too kind to giveaway that much" - umm, no? There's lots of people doing contributor giveaways with required values far higher than what they've given away themselves. You get in them by being on the site long enough and having given away enough. It's a reward, not a goal.
"..if TS will start make good giveaways, i dont mind if he will get boost from his free giveaways, but you so closed in this matter.." - I still don't know who this "TS" is. Anyway, yes, I am very closed on the matter. You know why? Let me explain. Even if someone makes a few good giveaways in between the bundles he's giving away time after time, that means nothing other than that maybe, he's also wanting to give some decent games out, or maybe, it's even a selfish move where he's trying to gain trust in some group or so, no more. What I do know for sure about his character, though, is that he doesn't mind corrupting a system and trying to find a way to selfishly gain max profit for himself.
I never put any contributor requirement on my giveaways, because I want to also give people who maybe, like me, simply don't have a lot of cash a chance at winning my games. Also, I figure that people who spent 100 euros in a month on making giveaways can definately afford their own games. I also don't believe in using 30,01 or higher values as a "leech filter". Even if it worked that way (which it doesn't because of the whole "you can get more than 30 contrib if you also give away other games" thing), I wouldn't want to use it. I make giveaways for groups of people where I know the winner will be a decent person. That's my filter. So, contrib. value means little to me.
What does mean something to me, though, is if there's someone else that feels like giving away a game to higher contributors, that they should be able to do so. See, I only care about the people who choose to reward higher contributors, and the money they spent on their giveaways. It's their choice to do so, their money, and selfish people purely finding ways to also get in to their giveaways have no place entering those giveaways as they're meant for generous people that chose to give away games for the sake of giving away games, not to be able to enter contrib. giveaways.
Oh and btw, let's also not forget what those bundles are for. To give smaller developers a chance at some cash, publicity, and for charity. Not so someone can come cruising by, buy 5 bundles for the minimum 5 dollars, and use those to get more contrib. on sgifts so they can scam the system.
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Enough with this "scam system". They cant scam it now with only bundle games. And bundle makers really doesnt care about sg and how we use our copys, selling is all their concern. Your point about defending yourself with real life is not valid argument, so i really doubt it. Your point about rules is invalid too, because i read the rules. Your point about scamming i aready revealed with your own closen state about it. There was nothing i should admit as truth, so i wont, and ofcourse i will ignore it if you still keep use it as first time. TS it's OP, sorry for inconviniance. Big contrib value its not only reward, it's a goal too. For exs., now i can find giveaways of dishonored, or sleeping gogs by sg, that was made for 1k contributors. I want this games, but i cant buy it for myself, if you can see, all my giveaways are small games or ones that were in sales. So i want to take part in this giveaways, but i cant join before i will hit 1k value. So i can set my goal to join it, why cant i? I will contribure and it still will be reward for me, just because i still given away 1k value, and doesnt matter what goal i set for myself, because you will never knew about it in first place. So why can't you just admit, that this system is like doublesharped blade, that you can use for your advantage? If it's exists, you should use it. You can't admit that and thats your problem, not mine, not someone else who want to hit more value for his account. And as i said, stop with "scam system". It cant be scammed right now. As i said, i dont mind bundle giveaways as long as you will keep giveaway other things. Even thought someone can start with bundles, doesnt mean that they are bad people. So they can recieve 20% of value after they hit needed amount. You, with your common sence are invalid in this situation.
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Gosh would you both knock it off. Putting up bundle games and games that have been on sale is working within the system, anyone who says they are entirely altruistic is a liar. Giving something away because it feels good is motive in itself.
If people stop putting up games that have been on sale or in bundles this site would barely function and that is no fun. So what if it gives somebody a higher percentage of contribution than what they paid; the majority of the people giving things away do it, it keeps the site functioning and is an incentive for people to spend their money on strangers.
You all but say people are carrying on as if they think they are better than you but you have all but outright said that you are better than other people because even with your financial situation you are not boosting your contributions... Please, you are both behaving really poorly and frankly about as good as the other.
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You want a reason? I spent over 130 euros the past few months on giveaways and have 284 contrib value. I gave those games away because I wanted to make someone else happy; my contrib stat and incidental giveaways that allows me to enter are a pleasant side effect I only notice when I look at the sgifts page and see either red or green contrib giveaways. It's not something I pay attention to.
Then someone like this comes along. He's been buying the cheapest shit he can to boost his comtrib value so he can enter higher contributor giveaways. In other words, seeing those giveaways as an atainable goal, not a reward for generosity, purely buying the cheapest games he can to get higher conrib. Don't try and pull the pseudo-philosophical "but true altruism doesn't exist" gambit on me, there's a difference between "doing it to feel good / for others" and "doing it to gain more shit for yourself". As for your one before last line - it just shows you've either been skimming over what I've said so far, or haven't understood any of the points I was trying to make. And "..even with your financial situation you are not boosting your contributions" makes no sense whatsoever. I was saying, even with my financial situation, I choose to give games away as much as I can afford. That's 1 distinct point. The other is that I don't do giveaways to get a higher contrib. value but genuinely to share with others. Those are two separate points, nothing to do with each other other than them both being most definately on the more altruistic side of things.
And it has nothing to do with me claiming or wanting to be better than other people, what an absurdly childish thought you arrive at. It has to do with me being sick and fucking tired of people who only do something for someone else if there's a direct and tangible benefit in it for them - trying to purposely and in a very conscious manner fool the system which was put in place to give people a way to reward people that had chosen to be generous - being on this site, that started off as a site of generosity, community, gaming events, and much warm feelz, and has now degraded to a game of "get your contrib. stat higher and higher!"
You've only been here 1 month. This site used to have a very different feel and energy to it, it used to be a very warm and generous community of people, doing things like giveaways for the sake of doing them. The contrib. stat wasn't created to be an exploitable variable you find ways to get higher for the least amount of personal investment. It was made so others can reward people that had given away a lot of their own cash with the occasional nice little surprise. All centered around, basically, warm feels. Not this cesspit of selfish and manipulative behavior.
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And again, you complained about your situation, and how i dont know your life and such, and then you doing the same thing, using link to some random guy with cheap giveaways. Do you know shit about his life either, what if it's 11 year boy, that using his money for caffetery to buy something to help people that need games and boost his value to win something like skyrim, because he cant afford it for himself? Dont talk like you know everything about this people, they not said to you directly something like:"HA! I WILL GIVEAWAY SHIT AND BECOME 1k CONTRIB! UJELLY?" And i guess, you are jelly if you care so much about system. Do what you do, win another 60 games and giveaway another 17 in a year, anyway we dont care about your stat and you shouldnt care about others stat.
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Shhh! Why are you stopping them? Go away with your peacemaking and your voice of reason. Shoo! Shoo!
/continues munching on popcorn
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"Metro would have been better"??? Metro has been given out free via the 2 FB promos so much now, the entire internet's flooded with keys for it. What you talking about?
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Why do people still care about their contributor value.... ??? I thought the aim of this site was generosity, but then again... this is the internet !
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You are far too idealistic. That said, I have a tissue ... the OP can wipe his weeping vagina with it.
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Pathetic coming from someone who also does bundle key and free key giveaways like mad to boost his contrib stat.
You've just interspersed them with some giveaways for games that were on dirt-cheap, almost free sales to boost the stat even higher by gaining more contrib. than the max 30 from those bundle keys. Even lower behavior. So, might wanna think about biting your sharp tongue.
Also, indeed, could do without the childish and tasteless comment.
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As I said, few on this site are purely altruistic. For you to think otherwise is naive. I make no apologies for working within the system. I've done nothing wrong and at least I'm spending money and giving games away and NOT bitching about contributor value.
As far as you not liking my comment, tough nuts. But I am surprised about your general attack since the only one I've criticized is the OP ... not Bizkits. Just the OP, who is more deserving of your vitriol ... the OP who is disrespectful of Steamgifts and apparently has not even activated some of the gifts he's won.
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"As I said, few on this site are purely altruistic. For you to think otherwise is naive"? I never said I thought so, anywhere, whatsoever; in fact, if you read any of my posts vaguely concerning the site and/or it's users, you'd see I realise quite well a good 70% (if not more) of the site's users are scumbags of various kinds and contrib. boosters. Good going, though, on trying to put words in my mouth and make me look naive, discredit me, and yourself look oh so realistic and wise!
Also, I never said or in any way suggested I thought you were criticizing Bizkits, I can read, thank you. You said OP. You, though, really need to improve on your comprehensive reading skills there, or stop hallucinating words. One of those two.
"I make no apologies for working within the system" is just a piss-poor excuse to try and justify your trend in giveaways. The rules aren't meant to be rigid fences you do your best to skirt within while still showing selfish behavior you know. The relevant rules were put there to prevent people trying to abuse the contrib. stat thus undermining its' original intent, behavior you so proudly defend with a lame-ass "working within the system".
Let me copypasta what I said in another post here:
"The problem, by the way, with contrib. boosters, is simple - the contributor stat was put there so people who choose to do so can make giveaways that thank people that have given a lot of their own cash away to others in the form of games. Not so that assholes who just want more free games can try and scam the site and its' users into allowing them to also participate in these giveaways meant for people that shared a lot of their own stuff by sharing as little as possible while still gaining max contrib. value."
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Please don't be too butt-hurt. There's no intent to put words into your mouth. And not to go line-by-line, but my reference to Bizkits was simply in case you thought I was criticizing him because I STILL can't figure out why you're so impassioned in your attack on me.
You're reading far too much into my comments. I'm simply saying that the site is for fun. So I still don't get why you're bitching at me for giving away games and winning games -- certainly none of my giveaway winners do. Most of my winnings were indie bundle games or Amazon bundled games, and I'm sure the rest was purchased on heavy discount. I think it's quite hypocritical for you to accuse me given you have given 17 shitty gifts and gotten 67 back in return.
In conclusion: chairmankao = not an angel and does not pretend to be. Ansatsunin = also not angel though does like to sit on a high horse and cast stones.
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"Shitty games"? Really? Now you're just saying nonsense to attack me. All the games I've given away have been met with much thanks and enthousiasm from the people entering / from the groups I did them for. Dead space pack, for example, I did twice, because of a number of members being from Germany, where there was only a cut version available of DS2. A pretty good giveaway. Iron Brigade, was the first giveaway of this game in the site. Again, met with cheers from the crowd, as it's a Double Fine (Tim Schafer) game, has great humour, and had flown under a lot of people's radars. RE5 I got an extra copy of when it was on a sale once, to at some point give away, which I spontaneously did during someone's stream of RE5, where I came up with a fun way to hide the giveaway on the spot. This kind of thinking about what people actually want and isn't a crappy 50 cent sale game has gone in to all my giveaways. The only game I'd call a crappy game that I gave away was Foreign Legion, and maybe The Club. The second Foreign Legion giveaway was a bit of a joke giveaway in a group I'm in, where I hid the link to the The Club giveaway. That's the only reason I even made it. And The Club was a game several people in that group still didn't have, and wanted. The first giveaway of Foreign Legion was for a "give 1 get 1" group, where I put it up as a little bonus giveaway for the members, that wouldn't count towards my "given" in the group. As for the Fortix? That was purely out of tradition. However, none of the games I gave away, other than those I explained above (Foreign Legion, The Club and Fortix), were bundle games. And certainly none were given away to get more contrib value. They were given away to share some of my cash with others, even though I don't have much to spend myself, and make some others happy. That's why I bothered doing a group checker first, thinking about what people wanted, trying to find games not given away a fuckload to the group yet, etc. My contrib value is a result of that altruistic intent, as it's supposed to be, not of me trying to find games not yet on the bundle list and giving them away en masse. Simple.
As for my wins? I got lucky, simple. Is that wrong? Does that make me a bad person? I literally spend as much as I can without skipping food for a day every so now and then on buying games to do giveaways of. I have even skipped on buying games I really wanted for myself on sales because of not having enough cash to spend on a game for a giveaway, and the game I myself wanted. What do my wins have to do with that? The people giving them away didn't do so thinking "oh fuck if someone wins who's won a bunch before, I'll give it to him/her very reluctantly and won't feel good about it", they did so thinking "I hope someone grateful and decent wins this". If I had more money, I'd make more giveaways. And honestly, I probably would enter a hell of a lot less giveaways as I could afford to buy all the games I wanted myself. Again, simple.
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Holy fuck, 67 wins? I hate you.
Also, I'm not sure what chairmankao is thinking talking about giving away "shitty" games. I'd say your giveaways, for the most part, are better than his.
I know you tend to get into a lot of... well..... stupid fights. I'm not going to be able to fully back you up here. Let's be fair, contributor value higher = good. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: contributor value does nearly nothing positive for this site, and should be removed. The "good" portion it brings is very heavily outweighed by the negative. Having said that, I see no reason to be upset that people are working within the system to get higher contributor value. If I had the money, I'd probably do the same. Does that make me a bad panda? Arguable. But it is what it is.
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Shitty was really meant as a relative comparison to the caliber of the games he's won. So while not technically accurate, I stand by the spirit of the comment. Have to take liberties with posting on a forum. Not the best venue for lengthy discourse.
His criticism of me isn't totally wrong and I don't begrudge anyone from winning anything. He's created his own luck by accessing groups and probably solving puzzles, much as I'm trying to do. I just think he has his priorities wrong in attacking me and is an utter hypocrite with his holier-than-thou condescension.
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Yeah, but so what, it's not a big deal is it ? Unless the main objective is to leech ... =/
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You're still awaiting feedback, dude. Once the winner confirms they received the game you sent (that you probably got for free anyway), you'll get the increase in contributions.
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Exactly. Whether the winner confirms or not, the OP isn't going to see a difference in his contribution value.
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Well would you look at that. He complains about his games not being worth anything and doesn't even have the decency to activate 2 of the games he won.
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Go die!
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Giveaways should be given just to be nice, not about the gift value.
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Here's the surefire way to increase your life expectancy in this site/forum:
That's pretty much it :P, that's kinda what I followed by and I haven't been banned yet! I try generally not to make too many threads, the few that I do make disappear pretty quickly anyways. That way I can keep myself safe most of the time! Be discreet and careful, generally just use your common sense.
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You forgot rule 6. Don't spam the forums. As it's semi-often done and annoys many people.
Also I wouldn't say rule 5 is completely hated, not if it's a funny story. :p
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you gave away one game which is not free or from a bundle and that was the ship... don't complain bro
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My gift sent value was $30 (It should be $35, instead of 30 anyway), and today I sent another giveaway, and it is still $30, what is wrong with that?
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