Hello, today when i was playing competive match in CS:GO i was suddenly kicked from the server and the message about VAC ban appeared on my screen. I was never using cheats, got 500+ hours played in cs;go, and i did get vac ban?

Any of You had simillar situation? I do not know what to do. Their software just made a mistake?

Please type any suggestions what to do in that situation.

My steam account is 5~ years old, i would never be so stupid to use cheats on it.


here is an answer from steam support:

Hello Adrian,

Thank you for contacting Steam Support.

Player abandons, AFKing, and teamkilling result in an undesirable experience for all of the other players in the game.

Our system is designed to limit the negative impact of users who repeatedly abuse these systems.

If you perform these actions, Classic Competitive will be unavailable for a period of time.

For a full explanation of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive bans please follow the link below:

Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Competitive cooldown or ban
Link: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=1203-WJCV-7019&tpg=1

Matchmaking bans are not negotiable and will not be modified by Steam Support regardless of the circumstances under which the ban was issued. If it is determined that a wave of bans was issued incorrectly, the bans will be automatically revoked by the CS:GO server. If you wish to question the legitimacy of a wave of bans, rather than contacting Steam Support, you should do so in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive discussion forum:


If you are experiencing a crash or disconnection from the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive servers, ensure that you troubleshoot and resolve that issue before attempting to play competitive mode.

Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Performance issues or crashes
Link: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5014-OGNM-7613

Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Network/Connectivity Issues
Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3444-PSGN-7364

We understand your frustration, however, our system is automated and we have no way of adjusting the status of your account.

I dont know what to think... He doesnt know what vac ban is or what?

10 years ago*

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Well ... he said that you can get banned for more than just cheating in the game, examples given afk, tk, abandon.

And ended with saying that there is nothing that they can do since the Vac system is managed automatically and the only way to get un-banned is if the "wave" that you were included in was made by mistake in which case everyone from that wave gets their ban removed.

Long story short, i guess it's next to impossible to get your ban removed.

Sorry man.

10 years ago

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"Matchmaking bans are not negotiable and will not be modified by Steam Support regardless of the circumstances under which the ban was issued. If it is determined that a wave of bans was issued incorrectly, the bans will be automatically revoked by the CS:GO server. If you wish to question the legitimacy of a wave of bans, rather than contacting Steam Support, you should do so in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive discussion forum"

Wait, did support just tell you to whine on the forums instead?

10 years ago

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seems like, but i dont understand why the heck is he talking about matchmaking ban while ive got VAC ban...

10 years ago

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That was a robot reply. Keep nagging support.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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well, i always play with random people..

10 years ago

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Your friend obviously lied to you.

10 years ago

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Well I think VAC bans are removed after a few months and you should write on your profile the reason why u were XD

10 years ago

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VAC bans are never removed unless it was an accidental wave of bans in which case the ban will be lifted automatically.

10 years ago

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"Well I think VAC bans are removed after a few months"

What kinda stuff you smoke? :D

10 years ago

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He's high on "Oxygen" ^^

10 years ago

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When steam launched in 2003 VAC bans were removed after 1 year, now it's for life.

Cheat once => Tagged as a cheater for life.

10 years ago

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Lol @ comment.

10 years ago

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You sure you didn't stopped a process from Task Manager, something that was used by CS:GO? Even by mistake? It would result in a ban.

10 years ago

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Im not pretty sure about that, cuz 2 games before i get a ban i was checking something in task manager cuz my game downloaded stopped, so i closed it via manager but i dont think i did remove something connected with csgo

10 years ago

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a friend of mine was banned from steam trading for doing that(closing a program related to VAC)

10 years ago

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I doubt that.

He got VAC banned and after a VAC ban you cannot trade the items of this game (and only of this game). This is not a trade ban.
Also...Closing a program related to VAC. Did he tell you that? I wonder which program that should be. I also wonder if you believe everything "a friend" tells you.

10 years ago

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Matchmaking = VAC Ban? wat

10 years ago

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they messed it up or missread or that guy doens't know what VAC ban means or just read the first and the last sentence. Soemthing like that or was eating and wasn't paying much attention Try again explain him that you are VAC banned,not matchmaking penalty.

10 years ago

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They don't read the first message you send them. They just use a standard copy+paste response until you keep replying.

10 years ago

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What is a "matchmaking" ban?

10 years ago

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The one preventing you from entering the competitive mod

10 years ago

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Typical retarded semi automated support reply. Keep insisting, if you didn't cheat they MUST remove the ban, regardless of what they say

10 years ago

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they dont have to do anything just someone says he did not cheat. Staff will have a look at his ban. It will be removed if it is wrongful. If they come to the conclusion that the ban was rightful they won't remove it, no matter what anyone says, they have a prove that cheating happened while OP has a "I did not cheat".

10 years ago

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if you didn't cheat they MUST remove the ban, regardless of what they say

That's not true at all. In the TOS you agreed to when making an account, you acknowledged that you do not own any of the games on your account, but rather a subscription to play them that Valve can remove at any point for any reason.

10 years ago

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Steam Support Ticket Dispenser v9000 is having technical issues, please stand by.

Seriously, this is why I dislike the Steam support. A trained chimp could give you a better answer, than that. Whenever I had to deal with these people, they would send me a completely unrelated reply. How can an US American company have such incompetent customer support?
These people should work for their money. Copy pasting random shit from the Steam knowledge base is absolutely unprofessional.

10 years ago

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maybe this can help -

a friend of mine downloaded csgo but a .dll fine was missing/not running so he downloaded it manually from net and put in the game files. The next thing he knows is he got VAC banned, maybe something similar with u happen?

10 years ago

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if a file is missing or corrupt you have the verify game cache option on steam. Downloading a .dll file somewhere from the net is a) pretty much stupid and b) the whole story sounds fishy, either he was naive or was lying to you and in fact he downloaded a cheat.

10 years ago

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What your friend did what indescribably dumb.

10 years ago

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its not a vac ban its just a cooldown

10 years ago

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He has a VAC ban (check his profile), not just a MM cooldown.

10 years ago

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Ask Steam Support if the VAC ban on your account is put in place due to a detection of using cheats.

Try to stear away from CS:GO related cheating otherwise you will get copy-paste CS:GO related info.

If they reply yes, try to convince them you never used cheats, on your account and that the error is on Steam's side.

The VAC ban is clearly not related to any cooldown period, you should explain that to Steam Support. Take a screenshot from the red VAC ban text on your profile and add that to your support ticket. Any software can create false positives even VAC software is prone to errors.

10 years ago

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Hello Adrian,

The Steam Support Team provides assistance with technical issues only.

We have confirmed that the ban on the account was applied legitimately and it cannot be removed.

Any future messages regarding the VAC ban on this account will be closed without a response.

If you choose to purchase a new copy of the VAC banned game(s), please create a new Steam account to register the game(s) on.

For more information on Valve's policies, please see the Steam Subscriber Agreement and the Rules of Steam Online Conduct:

Steam Subscriber Agreement

Rules of Steam Online Conduct

Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC)

I've Been Banned

They are really funny......

10 years ago

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I wont write to them anymore, as he said he wont answer... screw it, BETTER TO BUY ANOTHER COPY AND MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT, ONLY MONEY COUNTS FOR THEM fcking tards from valve. thread closed

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Sears.