NO VAC BAN HAPPENS WITHOUT A REASON! the ONLY reason you should BOTHER contacting support is ONLY IF U 10000000000000000000000000000% didnt hack.. they HAVE LOGS ALWAYS>.. nothing is random or BASED on reports...
the only thing i have to say is GG QQ
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Actually it can. Do you guys remember mw2 vac bans wave and after a free copy of l4d2?
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I find it funny that people automatically assume that the banning system is flawless and people never get banned for no reason?
You just stated two examples and we just had the controversial CoD Ghosts 2 ban wave two weeks ago which apparently banned a lot of innocent users. People are banned for NO reason and it can be the fault of the software mislabeling for example, a badly patched game as cheating.
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Sorry to hear that. But i would try contacting steam. maybe you were doing so good that someone reported you for cheating :/ lol.
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I wouldn't say it's all that rare. I once got kicked from CS:S server because I twitched with my hand before hitting headshot by pure luck (I guess it was not VAC but something else because it never said anything on my Steam profile and I could join the server again after a few days).
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Either an admin, or a plugin like SMAC, booted you. Those plugins auto-detect odd behaviour. VAC detetcs external exe's & scripts running when you play.
OP did you use a bunnyhop script or anything like that?
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Good luck with that. Steam doesn't remove VAC bans any more. (They claim a VAC ban cannot be an error).
So unless the ban was made in very very obvious error.
(In other words, I haven't seen someone have a VAC ban removed in over 2 years at least.)
again.. good luck!
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NO, its not random or based on reports.. NOTHING is random.. they always have logs
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wow... that blows
im actually pissed along with you for this D:<
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I know that feel of not having friends or family either :(
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Less than a month ago bunch of CS GO players got VAC'd by accident and their bans were lifted shortly after, maybe it's happening again. Anyway it would make more sense to contact Steam support or open a topic in r/GlobalOffensive for some advice
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thanks for that, but i havent heard now of any guys/friends who get ban like me, i wrote a ticket to support about it, now need to wait for the answer. "opening a topic in r/GlobalOffensive for some advice" can u tell me how to do it? and where? nevermind, found it by your link :)
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The whole idea of achievements is to make people play more and try I have absolutely no idea why would anybody use SAM.Not sure, but I heard that you can also get cards faster with it, but it's still kinda awkward.
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Not faster. All it does is basically tell Steam that you're playing a game, just like if you were to run text mode for some games. You don't even need to download the game; as long as it's in your library, you can "run" it from SAM and get cards. It's a lot easier for those who don't have 1000GB/s Google Fiber connection with 10TB of free space in their harddrive to get all their cards. :)
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You can use it to effectively idle games you own without having them running, or even installed. Handy for cards. It's no faster than normal, and if you're idling in more than one game the card rate drops off a cliff, but it can still be handy if you're leaving your computer on anyway.
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VAC uses a delayed ban system. So if you cheated a few weeks or months ago, then it is possible that you got banned only now. You don't have to be cheating at that moment to get banned.
If you're really sure you never used a cheat before, then contact Steam support.
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This happened to me once many years ago (in Counter-Strike Source.) I was stumped. However, the next day, everything returned to normal. I have no idea what happened, probably some glitch in Valve's systems. I just hope it will be the same for you :-/
Or maybe you are using some strange utility when running the game and got detected as a cheat? (Maybe something like the SMAA injector for SMAA anti-aliasing, or some ENB injector or some OSD, or some third-party anti-cheat tool like the one from, or anything like that.) When contacting support, you should tell them exactly what you are using along with download links to those utilities.
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It's probably just a deterrent for those people who use cheats and whine to support, so they can just direct them to that phrase. They'll be more reasonable to you hopefully.
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There are known cases where single VAC bans were lifted ->
And thats what the sticky in the VAC Forum says:
I believe VAC has made a mistake in banning me - what do I do now?
If you believe you have been banned for an unjust reason then you must raise the issue with Steam support. Details on how to contact Steam support may be found below.
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This is why you turn off all the unnecessary bullshit, that runs in the background when playing a VAC secured game.
VAC scans the memory, active connections (for DRM secured hacks) and file signatures of your Steam and game files.
To get unbanned you'll need literally a fuck ton of luck and a friendly support guy who is willing to look into your issue.
But be warned, in 99.9999% of all cases they'll basically tell you to "fuck off".
They won't provide you any info on when VAC has flagged you or what exactly triggered your VAC ban.
Also scan your PC for malware.
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awwww, i had only firefox bacground and some flashplayer games + other steam games (to get cards), my pc is protected by Eset smart security, im up to date with my antivirus, shouldnt be any problems with malware but who knows. Really i dont know how did happened
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Don't give up after the first Steam Support message.
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It's not entirely impossible. Here's an example.
Edit: Here's another one.
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Fucking Steam support... They just repeat the same phrase over and over again, regardless of your message...
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support doesnt read what you wrote.. trust me.. i had to deal with support for something different.. they didnt even understand what i was asking -.-
i am sorry for the OP, i hope you'll sort it out, i never heard about a vac ban or how it works
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Are you reasonably good at the game? Perhaps someone reported you (CS:GO is completely full of people accusing each other of hacking) and the players that reviewed your replay (to see if they thought you were hacking) made a mistake and thought you were aimbotting or wall hacking. Personally I've only marked one replay as "hacking" because it was obvious. If I have any doubt, I voted that they probably weren't.
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Don't run anything in the background that could look like a memory editor or cheat tool. I would only run a game and maybe music, perhaps chrome at once. One game, nothing else using Steam overlay, no idling other games for cards, nothing that could be mistaken for a cheat tool, even if you're not actively using it.
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I don't know how to help but I wonder: does it have to be CS:GO? I mean: afaik VAC monitors activities on several games, and from the moment the suspect activity is detected to when the ban is applied there's quite a long delay, so my guess is you have used cheats - in whichever other game, only you may know - a while ago and then only recently got banned while playing CS:GO, but it could have been anything else really. And the ban of course affects all games protected by VAC.
If that's not the case: good luck.
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Hello, today when i was playing competive match in CS:GO i was suddenly kicked from the server and the message about VAC ban appeared on my screen. I was never using cheats, got 500+ hours played in cs;go, and i did get vac ban?
Any of You had simillar situation? I do not know what to do. Their software just made a mistake?
Please type any suggestions what to do in that situation.
My steam account is 5~ years old, i would never be so stupid to use cheats on it.
here is an answer from steam support:
Hello Adrian,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
Player abandons, AFKing, and teamkilling result in an undesirable experience for all of the other players in the game.
Our system is designed to limit the negative impact of users who repeatedly abuse these systems.
If you perform these actions, Classic Competitive will be unavailable for a period of time.
For a full explanation of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive bans please follow the link below:
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Competitive cooldown or ban
Matchmaking bans are not negotiable and will not be modified by Steam Support regardless of the circumstances under which the ban was issued. If it is determined that a wave of bans was issued incorrectly, the bans will be automatically revoked by the CS:GO server. If you wish to question the legitimacy of a wave of bans, rather than contacting Steam Support, you should do so in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive discussion forum:
If you are experiencing a crash or disconnection from the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive servers, ensure that you troubleshoot and resolve that issue before attempting to play competitive mode.
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Performance issues or crashes
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Network/Connectivity Issues
We understand your frustration, however, our system is automated and we have no way of adjusting the status of your account.
I dont know what to think... He doesnt know what vac ban is or what?
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