Step by step instruction:
1 - Contact Steam support
2 - Explain your case with every details possible (good grammar helps)
3 - Wait for a reply
4 - Get a reply that says "we can't unban you"
5 - re-open the ticket and repeat what you said before, but differently
6 - Argue with the support for a week or so
7 - 0.32% chances you may get lucky and the ban gets lifted from your account
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Tylko pytam. Nie interesuje mnie dlaczego miałbyś robić 'to' czy 'tamto'. Próbuje tylko wykluczyć najczęściej popełniane przez ludzi głupoty.
W każdym razie musisz napisać Valve wszystkie programy działające(lub które działały) u ciebie w tle. I modlić się do Gabena żeby Ci bana cofnęli. VAC analizuje procesy działające w tle. I na pewno coś u Ciebie wykryło niedozwolonego. Może ktoś z rodziny jakiś syf instalował? Wystarczy 'hacka' mieć odpalonego, a nawet go nie używać i ban gotowy. W zasadzie sprowadza się to do tego, że Valve banuje nawet za sam zamiar czitowania.
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Nie liczą się programy odpalone w momencie otrzymania bana. Bany są przyznawane automatycznie około miesiąca (tak wynika z doświadczeń ludzi bo Valve tego nie mówi i nie powie) po wykryciu aby uniemożliwić czietrom na identyfikacje, za który czit dostali bana. Szkoda tylko konta. Bo widzę, że twoje ma 4 lata i masę gier. A ten napis szpeci i wszyscy którzy go widzą mają do takiej osoby inne nastawienie. Ja tak samo. :P
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BO to ku^wa jest wlasnie ta czesc kiedy ten durny Valve wprowadzil cos takiego jak ocenianie demek przez graczy. Pierwsza rzecza w tym ocenianiu jest to ze jest bez dzwieku info druzynowego, co daje(np w moim przypadku 70% przegladu calej gry w danym momencie). Druga rzecza jest fakt ze to cale ocenianie w ogole ma w d*pie fakt ze zdarzy Ci sie "smieszna" akcja, gdzie sam sobie powiesz: "Swietnie, nawet nie wiedzialem ze tam byl, strzelalem w innego", tylko wytnie Cie, ew. Wrzuci caly mecz, na ktorym Cie ktos zglosil, przy ww. akcji takie zgloszenie pojdzie. Jeden, drugi, trzeci....56 z rzedu zaznaczy ze ewidentne WH i masz pozamiatane. Valve sciaga z siebie cala presje/tnie pensje na ludziach zajmujacych sie tym i daje nam "wolna wole"(jakie to iscie boskie), gdzie calkowicie umywa raczki. Oni to maja kompletnie gdzies ze dostaniesz Vac, czy nie dostaniesz, ze jest mnostwo cziterow, czy tez nie. Robia promocje, a wtedy CS schodzi jak cieple buleczki. Jest promocja, ty kupujesz(niektorzy nawet kilka sztuk jako prezenty), uzywasz do np. 1 czy 2 kont do droppienia przedmiotow, 3 odpalasz haxy i grasz piatka, bo gowno Ci zrobia. Ty za ten czas zarobisz i sie "splacisz" z tych csow, oni maja zysk i tak w kolo macieju. Ostatnio patrzylem sobie na dosyc stare demko(4/5 miesiecy), na ewidentnego typa ze wspomagaczami, i co? Zero Vaca, skacze, strzela sobie dalej, ba nawet aktualnie gral w csa. No zenada. Do tego ta awaryjnosc steama. Co chwile na oficjalnych turniejowych serwerach ktoras z druzyn ma popieprzone pingi. Cziterzy, olewanie graczy uczciwych, itp. W ogole, z jakiej racji typ ktory ma Vac Bana na koncie, moze sobie dalej turniejowe grac? Przeciez to jest kpina. To tak jakby pedofila zatrudnic w przedszkolu. Valve swoim nastawieniem do graczy, pokazuje jak ma ich gdzies, bo jezeli faktycznie byloby inaczej, to zajeli by sie wzglednie pilniejsza sprawa dla ogolnej rozgrywki, anizeli dodawaniem kolejnych zalosnych skrzynek, przedmiotow, przepustek(ktora swoja droga jest zalosna, pozlepiane mapy z pozostalych przepustek ktorych nikt grac nie chcial bo sa niegrywalne). Wstyd Valve, wstyd!
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Haven't got my Constant C key from Groupees yet.
Anybody in the same situation?
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Probably this is your case
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That post was on 7 Feb, this guy have been banned earlier so its clearly a hack, cheat or something, just like in Arma series, they never said that they cheated when the BattleEye is banning them. You cheated you lost your priviledge for that account. The only thing you can do is to make another account and buy CS again, VAC bans and any Steam ban is per account and will never be lifted ! Deal with it !
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Earlier than 7 Feb? He was banned today.
We dont know what date the VAC offense supposedly was, but I think you've jumped the gun a bit there.
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No system is without flaws... every program of merit has bugs. Even if their base system for VAC has been extensively tested and that part of the code never changes, the parts that do change often are the measurements for detection. As new bugs, exploits, methods, etc surface, changes to the code that determines a positive detection are made; to say that VAC doesn't make a mistake is to say that the programmers who modify this part of the code cannot make mistakes... you would clearly be wrong.
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Let's say their rate of false positives is very low, like 0.1%. Let's also say there's a million players. That's still 1000 false positives. Sure, from their point of view their system is nearly flawless. But that's still -1000- gamers that are going to be very sad.
Unfortunately, depending on how many actual cheaters are caught and contest their bans, those false positives may be little more than noise to steam that's easy to miss.
That's probably also why their stance is so blunt. Actual cheaters may whine, and when met with it will quickly (hopefully?) give up, while non-cheaters will be rightfully indignant and hopefully more persistent so that it'll be easier for steam support to filter those cases out and look into them more thoroughly.
Edit: Some additional thoughts.
The only way for them to know what their apparent rate of false positives is, and hence how flawless or flawed their system is, is to count how many bans have been successfully reversed. However, given how slow/bad steam support seems to be, and their blunt stance, it's possible that the proportion of false positives that is successfully reversed is lower than they think. Hence, their statistics tell them that their system is "better" than it actually is.
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Damn! I also got banned once in a game and i never used cheats. NEVER! Not even in GTA San Andreas. And someday i found a programm on my computer which caused the ban but it was no cheat or hack programm. It was something like Overwolf.
I hope you get unbanned! Good luck and hang on i also got my account back after 2 weeks!
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Vac banned cheaters who claim that they didn't cheat at all.
I saw hundreds of them in the csgo and black ops 2 forums, next time think twice before using that shit and get some skills instead.
I would be more than surprised if a cheater admits to be cheating.
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Question-begging, with a side of confirmation bias.
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Vac is not random, if you cheat you get banned. It may take days or weeks but the banhammer always strikes.
Maybe you modified something in the game folder I dunno, but this is YOUR version of the story and I bet my ass that Valve has another one with clear proofs of cheating. They always do.
I saw tons of people crying for their bans claiming that they did nothing, but they always lied and people found even more evidence of cheating somewere else. You probably tought about trying some cheats for the first time thinking "I'll try it for a few minutes, it should be safe and noone will ever notice lolz"
Well guess what, VAC bans are PERMANENT and cannot be lifted so enjoy your stay in cheatersland.
I just feel bad for all these people wasting their time on your fairy tale.
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This happened to me too in CS:S.
Joined a server on De_Dust, saw a shit-ton of hackers. Left.
Next day logged into steam: Banned.
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Have you been using any other programs while playing CS ?
I've read a few months back a little about how Steam Vac works and usually reads your network connections for suspicious ones. The people who create the cheats make it so that the cheat program has something like a "call home" in it which steam picks up on over the course of a few weeks before going for the next wave of bans, so like someone else said, unless you are 100000000000000% sure you didn't cheat then you have some chances of contacting steam and asking for a reevaluation of your logs.
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Here is the first answer from steam:
Hello Adrian,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
Player abandons, AFKing, and teamkilling result in an undesirable experience for all of the other players in the game.
Our system is designed to limit the negative impact of users who repeatedly abuse these systems.
If you perform these actions, Classic Competitive will be unavailable for a period of time.
For a full explanation of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive bans please follow the link below:
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Competitive cooldown or ban
Matchmaking bans are not negotiable and will not be modified by Steam Support regardless of the circumstances under which the ban was issued. If it is determined that a wave of bans was issued incorrectly, the bans will be automatically revoked by the CS:GO server. If you wish to question the legitimacy of a wave of bans, rather than contacting Steam Support, you should do so in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive discussion forum:
If you are experiencing a crash or disconnection from the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive servers, ensure that you troubleshoot and resolve that issue before attempting to play competitive mode.
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Performance issues or crashes
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Network/Connectivity Issues
We understand your frustration, however, our system is automated and we have no way of adjusting the status of your account.
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I just read that support ticket and uhmmmm wat?! So they VAC ban you for "Player abandons, AFKing, and teamkilling"? And VAC is also implemented for Dota 2?
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VAC = Valve Anti Cheat. Get your shit together, Steam. :P
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Well, you don't need to cheat in Dota 2. It's all in the game. Just search for Capatains Draft with Portuguese language preference on AUS servers with your friend and a 5-man stack suddenly gives you nice solo MMR. And while you are on it you can buy tp scrolls and abuse them to get your friends some gold. And don't forget things like the global bottle heal! Or just use classic bots to become the world best cheater with super huge E-Penis! [...]
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OP, how do we know you're not lying? Just curious... Because when I played Black Ops 2, there were daily threads complaining about VAC or TAC bans. Every cheater always claimed to be innocent, without exception. So, what makes you different?
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Well, if you're really innocent, it's a nasty situation. In that case, let's just hope that you'll be able to reason with support. Be polite, don't lose your temper and maybe they will give in. Someone posted 2 examples of support lifting the ban in this thread. So, good luck I guess.
If you're lying, well, then you already got what you deserved.
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We cannot tell what you wrote to the steam support atm, even if it was 100% clear that you were addressing a VAC Ban expect an automated answer on your first run. No discussion and no claim you make here will change anything. Continue your contact with steam support, they will have a look at your ban and remove it if it was a wrongful ban, which is rare, but happens.
The whole "Steam sucks, I no haxx" part here is totally irrelevant, we cannot know if you cheated or not, you can claim anything here. This is a matter of you and the steam support, not a community against a company.
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113 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by meneldur
Hello, today when i was playing competive match in CS:GO i was suddenly kicked from the server and the message about VAC ban appeared on my screen. I was never using cheats, got 500+ hours played in cs;go, and i did get vac ban?
Any of You had simillar situation? I do not know what to do. Their software just made a mistake?
Please type any suggestions what to do in that situation.
My steam account is 5~ years old, i would never be so stupid to use cheats on it.
here is an answer from steam support:
Hello Adrian,
Thank you for contacting Steam Support.
Player abandons, AFKing, and teamkilling result in an undesirable experience for all of the other players in the game.
Our system is designed to limit the negative impact of users who repeatedly abuse these systems.
If you perform these actions, Classic Competitive will be unavailable for a period of time.
For a full explanation of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive bans please follow the link below:
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Competitive cooldown or ban
Matchmaking bans are not negotiable and will not be modified by Steam Support regardless of the circumstances under which the ban was issued. If it is determined that a wave of bans was issued incorrectly, the bans will be automatically revoked by the CS:GO server. If you wish to question the legitimacy of a wave of bans, rather than contacting Steam Support, you should do so in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive discussion forum:
If you are experiencing a crash or disconnection from the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive servers, ensure that you troubleshoot and resolve that issue before attempting to play competitive mode.
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Performance issues or crashes
Title: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Network/Connectivity Issues
We understand your frustration, however, our system is automated and we have no way of adjusting the status of your account.
I dont know what to think... He doesnt know what vac ban is or what?
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