An interesting comment on the pc gamer article:
In Europe, the very recent Digital Content Directive states that software is (finally!) covered by the same warranties as physical, meaning anyone who purchased this game is owed a full refund since it stopped functioning under two years of purchase.
Square Enix is without a doubt aware of that fact but probably hope most people aren't yet. I suggest every owner (all 12 of you) living in Europe to request a refund, since a remedy to the end of service seems highly unlikely.
Too bad for UK folks who bought this. lmao
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i like it when you said you haven't played the game - i think that was one of two problems with it the other being that people who did didn't twice
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What? I don't get what you're saying. Are you mistaking this game for Nier Automata or something? And why reply to this comment and not the thread? lmao
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i doubt i am referring to that game i never even heard of it before - no idea why i commented here and not on in the main thread
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In Europe, the very recent Digital Content Directive states that software is (finally!) covered by the same warranties as physical
Wrong. Digital services has it's own section, though it now includes digital services supplied on tangible medium.
So it's kinda other way around. Though previously game warranties covered physical damage only, so it's improvement for both.
meaning anyone who purchased this game
Wrong. Not all countries transposed the directive by deadline. Also game was available for preorder prior to 2022.
is owed a full refund since it stopped functioning
Wrong. At least not full refund.
(The reduction in price shall be proportionate to the decrease in the value of the digital content or digital service
which was supplied to the consumer compared to the value that the digital content or digital service would have if it
were in conformity)
(in cases where the contract provides for the supply of the digital content or digital service in exchange for
a payment of a price and over a period of time, and the digital content or digital service had been in conformity for
a period of time prior to the termination of the contract, the trader shall reimburse the consumer only for the propor
tionate part of the price paid corresponding to the period of time during which the digital content or digital service was
not in conformity, and any part of the price paid by the consumer in advance for any period of the contract that would
have remained had the contract not been terminated.)
Since this was announced 6 months before, I think there's case to be made since you can complete the game, there's no value remaining.
Too new to have any case law.
under two years of purchase.
Square Enix is without a doubt aware of that fact but probably hope most people aren't yet.
Wrong. SE is probably going to deny refunds, due to above.
I suggest every owner (all 12 of you) living in Europe to request a refund, since a remedy to the end of service seems highly unlikely.
Sadly litigation is very expensive. Probably not worth for 70€. We really need American inspired class actions.
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I figured they would delist it sooner or later, would been part of my collection had it offered SP or community servers. Sucks for all 10 of you who bought a dead online game XD
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That didn't take long. bye bye 110 euro for your deluxe version.
And that's why you stay away from multiplayer games.
Every comment is:
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The game sucks and there can only be so many successful "live service" games around competing for people's time.
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The game wasn't "bad" per-se but received a lot of negative publicity before release due to its price, then a lot of negative publicity after release because there weren't enough people playing it (it's actually really fun if you get a full group, good luck with that though when there are only 10-20 players online and most of those are nowhere near you in terms of progression.
Then the fact that the first 10 or so hours of gameplay are extremely repetitive and additional features unlock VERY slowly after that point... and you start to get a picture of why most people don't go back to the game.
The game would have probably done amazingly well if it was free-to-play...
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> Online-only game
> Multiplayer focus
> Premium currency
> Ingame purchases
> Battlepass
> €70 base price with €110 deluxe edition
> AAA publisher well known for their extreme greed even compared to other AAA publishers
> People still falling for that
All I can say is: LMAO
There's a problem with the gaming industry, and it's NOT the greedy AAA companies and their anti-consumer practices - though those certainly don't help.
Not wanting to sound like devil's advocate here, but it's the same thing as with preorders: as long as the sheeple keep "baa"ing at them while throwing money, they have literally no reason to stop pulling shit like this.
Their job is to sell products (not games) to make money (not to have players enjoy them). People buy them? Great, that's all they need.
Enjoy your planned digital obsolescence, and don't forget to prepare your wallets for the next dead-on-arrival blockbuster with more money spent on advertising, buying awards, and bribing reviewers, than on the actual end product.
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I remember buying The division (shooter) (almost same characteristics) at 70€ at release and it didn't even have season pass or any other stuff included. Months after that it could be bought for 50, then 20€. Not falling into this kind of stuff anymore. Kinda ruined my hype for many multiplayer games lol.
And I was a fan of Destiny, which seems to add every year content that you have to buy for 50€+
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Yep Destiny 2 is another ripoff. They sell pricey "expansions" that cost almost AAA price while having low amount of content as well as timegating content so you can't play it. Then they removed past content that you paid for. I quit the game when they did that and never went back. I can't believe so many people still supported the game when bungie deleted paid content. Crooked company.
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not surprised so many other and better games that do a login daily and season type thing and most are f2p (meaning try with no risk)
such as:
moe ninja girls
crush crush/blush blush
governor of poker 3
adventure capitalist
stumble guys
and many more - not to mention the hundreds and hundreds that are free games in other ways like some VN'S or action games - no wonder this game never got off the ground with those kind of rip off prices - when you can play brawlhalla, dota 2 or apex legends for free why spend money on this - which apparently no one did so... goodbye you will not be missed
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NP, you can still buy the game and play it until EOL.
Edit: Provided your interest in the game amounts to EUR 70 or EUR 100 respectively.
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Ahahah, and to think that they had the gall to say that they had tons of content ready and weren't gonna give up on this game.
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Players should sue the company for buying a game less than a year old.
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That's what you risk when you buy online games. I'm not going to gloat, games succeed or fail for all kinds of reasons. When said game is online, you need to understand that you're paying for something with a risk of losing access at any time. If I buy a game like this, I personally wouldn't feel cheated when it closes. It would suck, of course, but I wouldn't feel cheated. Choosing to pay for a service that doesn't promise anything or specify a duration of my own free will is on me.
Well, I hope at least some of those who bought it found it worth it.
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Is it really that bad that this is the first time I've even heard of the game?
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9,899 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by UlverHausu
While it's not surprising the development will stop, what comes unexpectedly is the fact the game will become unplayable. I haven't played the game but I understand there's some sort of story mode, which I see no reason why it couldn't be made into an offline thing. I'd be angry if I had bought this, even more if for full price ("digital deluxe edition" costs $99.99).
"Live service" is such a trash model that not even physical media can save it once publishers decide to shut it down.
Store page.
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