Who cares, what're you expecting.
More SR3 vehicle DLCs?
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The non free DLC quoted right from your giveaway page. lololol, makes the rest of your post not believable.
"Good luck!
Sorry, wrong game...
It's Saints Row: The Third - Special Ops Vehicle Pack"
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I'm sorry that you care about one word someone uses in a trivial topic on an internet forum.
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Winning gifts by being the last on a thread for god knows how much time. Seems entertaining, and totally legit.
By the way, when I am before some kind of misunderstanding or wtv, I usually talk to the person in question, I don't avoid it by talking to others. You should talk to him, how about that?
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Never tell your password to anyone.
Saturday, 11 August 2012
10:51 PM - Raito1337: Hello NGPriest?
10:52 PM - NGPriest: Yes?
10:52 PM - Raito1337: I won your last commenter wins thing
10:52 PM - Raito1337: o.o
10:52 PM - NGPriest: You didn't include the timestamp...
10:52 PM - Raito1337: I screened it tho
10:52 PM - Raito1337: 1 hour, no comment after me
10:52 PM - NGPriest: And you didn't include the page number
10:53 PM - NGPriest: You cropped the image? Which doesn't show the other stuff i needed...
10:53 PM - Raito1337: you can even look the comment p
10:53 PM - NGPriest: And you didn't includ the timestamp...
10:53 PM - Raito1337: up
10:53 PM - Raito1337: yourself
10:53 PM - Raito1337: <<
10:53 PM - NGPriest: Too much effort...
10:53 PM - Raito1337: wow
10:53 PM - Raito1337: well now I at least know
10:53 PM - Raito1337: that the contest is just scam
10:53 PM - NGPriest: If you really want a winner, i can find the person who commented before you and give them the prize...
10:54 PM - Raito1337: seriously
10:54 PM - Raito1337: what a douchebag
10:54 PM - Raito1337: are you?
10:54 PM - NGPriest: You didn't follow the rules...
10:54 PM - Raito1337: Because you edited them
10:54 PM - Raito1337: --
10:54 PM - NGPriest: Do you want me to disqualify you?
10:54 PM - Raito1337: dude
10:54 PM - NGPriest: Well, the rules applied before you posted...
10:54 PM - Raito1337: like i give a fuck if you do, its just a scam after all like ive just seen
10:54 PM - NGPriest: I've given away 40+ prizes already...
10:54 PM - Raito1337: "too much effort"
10:54 PM - Raito1337: what kind of retarded excuse
10:54 PM - Raito1337: is this pls
10:55 PM - NGPriest: Yeah, i'm lazy...
10:55 PM - Raito1337: No, you're scamming
10:55 PM - NGPriest: Go spam the forums with it...
10:55 PM - Raito1337: all prizes you gave away are prolly friends or doubled accounts
10:55 PM - Raito1337: good to know at least
10:55 PM - NGPriest: Go tell them...
10:56 PM - Raito1337: Do you want everyone to know you're a scammer?
10:56 PM - NGPriest: Yeah... If they believe you...
10:56 PM - NGPriest: But i've given prizes away... So yeah...
10:56 PM - NGPriest: Don't be a bad loser...
10:56 PM - Raito1337: I didn't lose
10:56 PM - NGPriest: Yes, you didn't post the timestamp...
10:57 PM - Raito1337: BECAUSE
10:57 PM - Raito1337: YOU
10:57 PM - Raito1337: EDITED IT
10:57 PM - Raito1337: omfg
10:57 PM - NGPriest: Link to the post please?
10:57 PM - Raito1337: if you can tell me
10:57 PM - Raito1337: how to permalink it
10:57 PM - NGPriest: Copy the page number...
10:57 PM - Raito1337: i got
10:57 PM - Raito1337: endless scrolling
10:58 PM - NGPriest: Disable endless and try again...
10:59 PM - Raito1337: http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/zkJQR/last-commenter-will-win-suggest-a-prize/page/82
10:59 PM - Raito1337: Raito1337 (11 hours ago)
You couldve let me win, douchebaggery!
Reply or Edit or Delete
10:59 PM - Raito1337: Awesomeslayer2010g (10 hours ago)
Lets see what i win
11:05 PM - NGPriest: Here's our winner :p http://i.imgur.com/4Enmq.png
11:06 PM - Raito1337: sure
11:07 PM - Raito1337: disappointed, thought you weren't a scammer
11:07 PM - Raito1337: nvm then
11:07 PM - Raito1337: shouldve known ur a little suspicious after your weird excuse for not adding me
11:08 PM - NGPriest: I don't add anyone...
11:09 PM - NGPriest: Proof: [Link Removed] <-- 43 people tried to add me :p
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I don't see why 3 people are crossed out.
Only one of those count as "spamming"
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Why would that disqualify him though? And shouldn't the thread be updated to say WINNER or something?
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That's it? That's the reason of all this commotion? Fuck, I thought he insulted your family or ate your dog.
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Or stole a precious aritfact and punched his dog. (+1 if you get the reference)
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Strip the flesh, salt the wound! A-ha-hahahahaha!
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I'm going to rip off your arm and beat you with it.
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I'm gonna skin ya, put on your face, and say "Hi" to your momma!
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How odd.
Not really a scam per say, just lying. Though Let's see what he has to say about it I guess.
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Meh, I'm still waking up. I don't even remember saying per say lol. Not really a word I use.
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The 1st time you won, you DIDN'T add a timestamp...
You added me to Steam (i haven't accepted...) and messaged me, then you used language which i don't find acceptable...
The prizes? To come shortly...
Just trying to finish the list of winners...
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I never chatted with you, I sent you an e-mail. The stuff you posted below is something even a 13years old wouldn't be offended by. Why would I even use this kind of method to get your attention if I'd be able to discuss with you via Steam? I never added you
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What do you call the logs i posted? An email?
13 year old from (i believe india (if my memory serves me well)) might not get offended...
But i was raised in a strict household and well, you can work out the rest...
And yes, you did add me...
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I think you should than go and find some 13 year old friends... I don't know where are you from but saying that other people are scamer/douchebag here can be with easy called "offending"... But what I know... I did not win some silly last commenter giveaway...
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For the record I can say that I won the original "Last Commenter" post and I recieved my prize and even though it wasn't anything I wanted it was still a prize and NGPriest gave it to me.
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I believe at this point, anyone facing such accusations would give away anything to clear up his/her good name. Whether or not it was his initial intention to give away prizes to people who aren't his friends remains debatable, as he gave away prizes after this post was made, and apparently to some of his friends.
There is no way to impartially judge this. The OP has a valid point and all NGPriest has done is post text chat logs, which can easily be falsified. But you still gave people games after the topic was created. Also, the last time I checked SG rules, "calling people out" is frowned upon. If I was a moderator, I would just ban you both.
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He denied that it was him posting the logs. All I'm saying is that I can easily ask a friend to change his name to "NGPriest" and post a chat logs where "you" admit to everything Raito1337 said.
Also, according to your post further down, you asked your "two sisters" to register on CAG and 8bit to claim four additional free DLC packs. You registered on the same day, I assume? So you registered three times on CAG to get codes to inflate your contributor status. And you joined CAG, posted once to get invited into the CAG group on steam, so you could win CAG group giveaways. I'm very close to IP-banning you on CAG for site abuse. Nice post by the way.
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Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
LOL. Anyways, this is a guy who's been banned from places for leaking private giveaways, and has clearly exploited SR3 DLCs. You guys shouldn't be expecting too much out of him.
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NG, after reading this discussion i see that you did not scammed or betrayed anyone. But to ultimately wash your name clean i'd suggest you make a private giveaway for this forum with at least 50 copies of Skyrim :P
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The more copies, the more i will believe he's a nice person :P
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I won fair and square, he's a nice guy. I've only been playing games with him because of his recent Magicka post.
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Obviously he wants more free stuff, given to the way he types and what i read from his posts (even the ones he deleted).
This is one of those cases where the person is too damn young to understand jack sh!t and keeps feeding the thread with mindless dumb comments.
Bronzepage i'll give you skyrim if you go mow the lawn in my backyard, deal?
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If I had won the last commenter thread and recieved a game from NG for it, I would him defend against someone calling him a scammer whether we were friends or not. Obviously changing the rules throughout is somewhat sneaky and annoying, but getting so frustrated as to call the guy out on the forums seems pointless. All Bronze is saying, is that NG is not a scammer because his prize was recieved.
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The rules were updated and he even enquired me in chat about it (Sorry, no logs...)
I told him the timestamps were to keep track of entries...
The rules were IN PLACE BEFORE he posted the comment:
Proof: http://i.joeylau.me/2012/08/Last_Commenter_Will_Win!_Suggest_aprize!-_Google_Chrome-13_02.33.12.png
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Sorry about the last image, seems someone spent time reading before commenting...
As you can see on CyanideSun's comments, the comments go upwards...
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You seriously expected to win on a contest such as this?
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I like you for liking him, since he liked Zeus. (And cause you fluffy)
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If you've not seen Sucker Punch, stop reading this right now. Watch the movie, and then come back.
I watched Sucker Punch with Swood last night. The movie itself was very good. It was shot well, very imaginative, interesting, and hard. There weren't a lot of lines in it. The main character talked only a couple times. The same could be said of Wall-E, and I only know one person who didn't like that movie.
I've heard that they had to cut a bunch of the movie in order to keep it PG-13. It looks like they'll release a director's cut but according to this article, it won't quite have the scenes I'm hoping they'll have. It didn't need more action; it needed more gut wrenching or perhaps more explanation. I should clarify; Sucker Punch was plenty gut wrenching, but if there are 18 minutes more, I expect that some of that should also be gut wrenching.
I know the point was to let your imagination do the work to convert the actions in the brothel to actions in the asylum, so maybe more explanation would ruin it. But maybe it wouldn't. I want to know how the other two girls (Amber and Blondie) died. I can't imagine the orderly would shoot them. Also, how did Blue "own" Dr. Gorski (the dance instructor) in the asylum? The opposite was true when Sweat Pea escaped. In the asylum, Baby Doll had to distract the guards. In the brothel, she was distracting patrons. Why would they keep her from escaping? I would expect in order to live with themselves, they would have to convince themselves that these women chose this lifestyle and were free to leave. Why would they stop her?
I'll definitely see the movie again, but probably not until it comes out on Blu-Ray. I want to figure out who told the story, who the narrator was. At the beginning, I assumed it was either a grown up Baby Doll, or just an arbitrary narrator. At the end, I started to think it was Sweat Pea, since she's the only one who saw the Wise Man/bus driver or the soldier boy who ended up in the bus line in front of her. It wouldn't explain how she knew anything about Blue being arrested, but the narrator in 300 didn't know anything about the story after he was sent back either. Sometimes you can't over think things, and this is one of those.
On a last note, I'm surprised that they showed Baby Doll's face at the end. Swood said she gave a meaningful blink, perhaps implying that she was more herself than she should have been, but I didn't notice that somehow. Also, that implication would take away from the movie being a tragedy a little, like the opposite of Magneto still having a little of his powers left at the end of X3.
Only three times in my life have I felt the urge to kill someone. In none of these cases did I know the person, nor was I near them. The first time was watching Call+Response with a couple women from the church I was attending. The second was hearing stories before my trip to Costa Rica last year, about children who had been sexually abused by their fathers or foster fathers or uncles or anyone, really. The third was last night.
The first scene brought forth such a visceral reaction in me, I needed to see the stepfather dead. I began to hope this movie would go V for Vendetta style and somehow, she would kill everyone who deserved it. I began to add people to the list, though in the end, it turned out to only be three: the stepfather, Blue, and the cook. Dr. Gorski was added and then removed. Of course, that's not what happened.
In Knights of the Old Republic you have a good/evil, light side/dark side (being a Star Wars game) meter. Various actions throughout the game make you a better or more evil character, and your decisions somewhat affect the rest of the storyline. This implicitly gives you a goal of doing the right thing every time or the wrong thing to push your character in one direction or another, and based on that meter, the storyline changes and you either take over the galaxy or save it. Taking a middle of the road approach has no benefits. This goal to be fully light side or fully dark side made decisions easy. If someone deserves death but there's an option to let them live and be arrested, you've got your light side choice. If someone stands in your way, but you are strong enough in the force to Jedi mind trick them into jumping off a cliff, you've got your dark side choice. (Admittedly, I choose that one every time, even though I go light side. It's way too hilarious, and they had just beaten up a homeless person.)
Mass Effect is similar, except in both cases you're trying to save the galaxy. Things just change based on your approach. Either you're a peacemaker, a Paragon and only kill when necessary and after every peaceful solution has been exhausted, or you're a Renegade who threatens and sometimes tortures people to get results. Some actions require a certain amount of Paragon points or a certain amount of Renegade points. What's interesting in Mass Effect is that they're not mutually exclusive. If the game were long enough, and therefore you had enough opportunities to gain enough morality points, you could be full Paragon and full Renegade, giving you the power to do anything to achieve your goals. In Knights of the Old Republic, dark side points are negative light side points.
In Dragon Age, there is no meter. You have literally hundreds of decisions to make, you make them, and they affect the storyline, not your character. You can spare someone's life, and they might go kill someone important. You might spare someone's life, and they might turn their life around and help you later on. Your character is no more evil or good than the person behind the keyboard. Your companions care about your decisions and will either become your friends or your rivals, but those characters are also neither completely good nor completely evil, and so are also bad indications of whether you made good choices.
What is a good choice in that game? You can make choices based on your own sense of justice, or if you've played through already (or have a walkthrough), you can make choices based on what you know will happen. You can make choices on what you know will make your party members like or dislike you. Your choices are just your choices.
I know that I immerse myself in games like this a whole lot more than other people. I cannot make myself play Knights of the old Republic as a dark side character. I actually feel guilty any time I see that red icon indicating a gain of dark side points, even when I try to do what is right. In Dragon Age, you have to live with the ambiguity of not knowing whether you made the "right" choice, and then with the consequences of your actions.
Life has no meter. You can choose to make the best actions in your eyes, actions that preserve, or you can make destructive, and often fun, choices. You can make choices to expand your horizons, choices that don't preserve the status quo, and also don't break your moral code, or you can choose to sit back and do what you've always done for fear of looking the fool.
Denna and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon last December. The website said that we had to have a wide-rimmed hat for the mule rides to keep the sun out of our eyes. It snowed, however, and there was no sun. Our snow jackets were sufficient, but Denna and I donned our cowboy hats nonetheless. We looked like total fools, dorky tourist parents, but I smile every time I look at that hat in my rear view mirror.
I don't dance. Sometimes I wish I danced, because people always try to get me to, but I have such a fear of looking like a complete idiot that I don't. I know that if I did, and I likely would, I would develop a terrible tic.
I often lean toward not dancing than toward wearing ridiculous cowboy hats. Preservation isn't always good.
Life has no meter. Sometimes you know you've made an evil decision, and you feel guilty. Often your decisions are just ambiguous. More often than I'd care to admit, I make a decision that should be ambiguous, and feel righteous about it.
Last night I prayed on the way back from Swood's. God, how can you abide the stepfather? He does not deserve the air he breathes. I wanted him to die. At first I was upset with myself for wanting revenge, but then I realized he hadn't actually done anything yet. He obviously had the intent, but vengeance would be getting back at him. So what is that feeling? Righteous fury? Were I in that scene, and had I pulled the trigger, would I have gained light side points or dark side points? She did have a third option. She could have fired a warning shot at the ground, then told him at gun point to walk with her to the phone, then dialed 911. He would have been arrested, her sister would have lived. He probably would have gotten off, as intent is not enough to convict someone, and restraining orders are only paper walls. Would I have pulled the trigger? If my sister were in danger.... I'm sure I could easily plea self defense, but what about the meter?
There's a freedom in having no meter. You don't have instant feedback about guilt. Life is certainly harder without one, but also a lot better. "Perfect victory."
God, how can you abide the stepfather? He does not deserve the air he breathes. Let's be clear. God hates death. He hates rape. He hates evil. But did I not kill Jesus? For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Did I not do to him what slavers do? A man does not simply become a slaver. He's twisted by need into a monster. In the end, he might not even see himself as a monster. And yet God loves me.
Justice begs mercy. At the INN several years ago, they were doing a sermon series that tackled seemingly contradictory virtues. At the end of each sermon, they nailed a piece of paper to the door, Martin Luther style. (wikipedia says that nailing probably never actually happened.) "Justice begs mercy" is the only thing I remember from that series, but it has stuck with me. Castrating a rapist, while poetically just, isn't actual justice. An eye for an eye doesn't help the person who went blind first. We long to make things right, but a loss of purity cannot be regained without God. God makes things new. We attempt to balance the loss by inflicting the same loss on the perpetrator. The only way to have justice is to admit that we can't achieve it, and what's left is resentment or mercy. Those are our options. Resentment only hurts the resenter. Mercy is not the same as pretending it never happened. It's not the same as reconciliation. If someone raped my sister, or killed my mom, or crippled my friend, or me for that matter, perhaps he belongs behind bars to prevent him from further damage, but when he got out of prison, has he really "paid his debt to society"? Will I feel like things are ok between us now? Of course not. I might have mercy on him in order to move on in my life, but without a miracle, I would never be reconciled to him. I would not become friends with him. God does not always call us to reconciliation. He does call us to mercy and forgiveness.
Life without the meter is better than life with it. We would be slaves to the meter. It would be easier, perhaps, to do what is right, but far harder to do what is Right. In Knights of the Old Republic, you are pulled along by your decisions. In Dragon Age, you are forced into the freedom to make your own decisions, your own path. In life, we have a God that knows that's how it is. That's how he designed it. Best of all he loves you and wants you to make the decisions that are best for you and best for everyone else. Those decisions are his path for you, crafted not for mass distribution via Steam, but for you individually. He wants to help you make those decisions, and knows full well we probably won't.
But there is perfect victory. In the end, the earth will be perfected, made new. In the end, we will be perfected, made new. As in Sucker Punch, perfect victory requires deep sacrifice. That sacrifice is God's own son. Baby Doll made that sacrifice and Sweat Pea survived and lived on her behalf. It was a good ending, debatably, but it was not perfect. In life, Jesus made that sacrifice and we survived. Jesus rose again. He defeated death. He gave a meaningful blink. This was no tragedy.
Copied and pasted from some weird site. Not sure if it's serious or not.
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Bean Bag Buccaneers is a two player children's game, the object of which is to pick up your treasure chest on the central island and sail back safely.
Each player has a giant sailing ship as their main game piece. Each ship has a removable sail, two trigger-action side panels, and a huge spring-driven cannon. Players take turns moving forward along a prescribed track and shooting bean bags at their opponent's ship. A hit on one of the side panels will force it to pop off and give the player a free shot at the other side; a hit forcing the sail off becalms the ship for a turn.
To add to the pirate flavor, each player also has an eye patch. Wearing these will slightly affect depth perception and add a marginal bit of sport to the shooting.
This game retailed for the somewhat impressive sum of $16 back in 1962. With its huge plastic ships (close to a foot long), giant vinyl play mat, and the eye patches, it may well stand as one of the more overproduced games of the early 1960s.
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Bean Bag Buccaneers is a two player children's game, the object of which is to pick up your treasure chest on the central island and sail back safely.
Each player has a giant sailing ship as their main game piece. Each ship has a removable sail, two trigger-action side panels, and a huge spring-driven cannon. Players take turns moving forward along a prescribed track and shooting bean bags at their opponent's ship. A hit on one of the side panels will force it to pop off and give the player a free shot at the other side; a hit forcing the sail off becalms the ship for a turn.
To add to the pirate flavor, each player also has an eye patch. Wearing these will slightly affect depth perception and add a marginal bit of sport to the shooting.
This game retailed for the somewhat impressive sum of $16 back in 1962. With its huge plastic ships (close to a foot long), giant vinyl play mat, and the eye patches, it may well stand as one of the more overproduced games of the early 1960s.
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As the title suggest NGPriest apparently has been playing games with all the participants. It all started a few days ago, my post was the last one for 1 hour, I sent him the screenshot. Proof: http://i.imgur.com/BnC6a.jpg ; Thou he edited the rules a few hours before that so I did not qualify. Fair enough. Yesterday I won again and screened it: http://imgur.com/CBjEf ; I sent it to him and even in his thread. Tho I was already aware that his "giveaway" has something fishy with it, so I screened the Disqualifed list from that time, when I won. I was not on it: http://i.imgur.com/p34ja.jpg ; So I sent him my second screenshot and what have we got now? He just added me to the disqualified list for whatever reason: http://imgur.com/dw62X
So whats your thoughts on that? Maybe he only lets people win who are friends with him ever since he changed the prize to "suggest a prize"? After all he gave some things away before. I do not know his motive but I'm really disappointed in this and thought better of him. I won fair and square, even 2 times and he refuses to accept it.
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