Here we go, I'll start.

Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark (2010) - This movie is a joke. At first it's interesting, then it's boring and then it's just funny/pathetic. And they put it in a "horror" genre. Words are not sufficient. Nosferatu is turning in his grave. 3/10

1 decade ago*

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A prayer before dawn

Tough, sends a clear message but it's too slow and "silent" at the end. It may help create 'context' in other stories, but in this one... It helped me knowing it's based in a true story beforehand.

6 years ago

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I loved the silence and slowness. It's not your usual true story/biopic movie in how it's executed.

6 years ago

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Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

Talented actors (Anna Kendrick, Aubrey Plaza) doing subpar comedy flicks is a sin. Doing such movies in series is a tragedy, especially as it's a far too common fate for actresses. Same applies for horror movies.

6 years ago*

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Pretty fun movie. The plot and characters are ridiculous yet the movie is completely earnest with it. It could easily be some B-movie from the 70's or something. It also has some really beautiful and creative cinematography considering it's shot on an Iphone.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The past 3 nights, the wife has let me choose the movies we watch after daughter has gone to bed. These are all films she has never seen before.

1st night, we watched Logan, which I'm surprised the wife was into as she hates blood in movies, but she was warned ahead of time and still she wanted to give it a go. She enjoyed it more than she expected.

The next night was Baby Driver. It was an easy sell because she loves the Mint Royale music video.

Last night was Jiro Dreams of Sushi. There's no real plot, no obstacles to overcome, and no English. She was captivated. We both found it fascinating and endearing. Possibly not to every one's taste, but if you fancy a change of pace from the usual, give it a go.

6 years ago

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One of my favorite Hitchcock movies but really? They should just have thrown it over the side preferably with it's hands and feet tied together. ^^

6 years ago

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Game Loading: Rise of the Indies (2015)
Can currently watch here if interested:

I watched Indie Game: The Movie years ago shortly after I got back into gaming and learned about indie games. I loved the movie and have been looking for another good gaming documentary. I just found this movie and it was pretty good. I would recommend it to every gamer, especially if you like indie games or have ever thought about creating something yourself. It covers the rise of indie games, the lives of the developers, and how the games are different from the rehashed, cookie cutter, AAA cash grabs that most people think of when you mention gaming.

I have thought about creating a game and this movie really put that thought back into my head. I'm not sure if it will ever happen, but this movie sure is inspirational.

6 years ago*

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bookmarked. gonna check that out

6 years ago

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The Magnificent Seven (2016)
I didn't expect much and was still underwhelmed. The first half was decent enough, but once the final showdown comes close it's just uninspired. 5.5/10

6 years ago

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Operation Crossbow

A really good war movie with a great cast of old school actors like Sophia Loren and George Peppard.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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i can't stand theroux, after a few documentaries it became clear what type of people he employs his interview methods on. He doesnt always do it, he only acts sarcastically when he knows the person wont be defensive about it, just so he can end a segment with a smug on his face.

6 years ago

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An adorable, heartwarming documentary about the wild cats in Istanbul and the people who take care of them. I thought it would just be an hour-long cat video (which I would have been okay with), but it actually goes into some interesting details about the culture and people's lives. Quite touching, and obviously lovely to look at between the beautiful shots of the city and the adorable cats.

6 years ago

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Nice, the trailer looked good enough to put it on my watchlist.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle. Part two of the trilogy. DAMN that was good!
I thought that the first part was good. This one expands on it and makes it better. If this says anything, it's saying the finale will be EPIC!

6 years ago

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The Strangers: Prey at Night
A mess of a movie with paper thin characters, though i cant fault the direction it took.
I like the original for setting up the tone and building tension before "the Strangers" where even in it. With that said, home invasion movies are all the same, even the meta ones.
this one manages to avoid it, by taking inspiration from the 80s, theres a john carpenter like intro, theres minimal synth. Scenes fluctuate between giallo and slasher, and the quality diverges abruptly. Still compared to the original, the cinematography is still superior. That original looks plain, it just happens to have suspense, this one doesnt
The bigger issues are that, horror movies with boring victims aren't particularly interesting, you need something to root for
the 80s pop is also poorly placed all throughout
and finally, there's too many instances where the killers are the main focus, so there's no real mystery or suspense

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Act of Valour 👍 👍

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Game Night (2018)

  • Enjoyable but ridiculously stupid at times.
6 years ago

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I really enjoyed the first 40 minutes. Considered those well done, especially by Kate Mara.
Sadly the rest of the movie falls apart. Too uninspired and predictable, no entertainment value.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Teenage Dirtbag (2009) - I thought it was pretty good.

6 years ago

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Fallout: Mission Impossible

Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise never changes. That said, I found myself enjoying this one quite a lot, even if some of the big reveals and plot beats were telegraphed from a mile away. The action did not disappoint, and neither did the ensemble cast. I guess this one is my second favourite of the series after the iconic first film.

The Handmaiden

Cult director Park Chan-Wook delivers the goods again after his somewhat lacklustre English language debut Stoker. The intricate multi-layered plot and the characteristic scenes of white terror kept me on my toes while the visual opulence that graces all of Park's films since the magnificent Oldboy is as majestic as ever. That said, I enjoyed the character development and the tense scenes of a blossoming romance between the two female protagonists, although I'm not so sure about the lesbian sex scenes, tbh. They're beautifully shot, no doubt, but they also felt somewhat stereotypical. Still a great film that didn't leave my head for several days after my first viewing.

6 years ago

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Just watched Rollerball for the umpteenth time. Powerful movie.

6 years ago

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I watched it last night myself - the original, not the terrible "remake."

6 years ago

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you should watch kung fu basquet too then, you will like it for sure

6 years ago

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Anything like Kung Pow: Enter the Fist? (I also enjoyed Kung Fu Hustle.)

6 years ago*

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not that i know... but the film The Raid have very very powerfull battles, very very real. (The Raid 2 wasn't that good like the first one)

6 years ago

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I enjoyed The Raid 2 more than the first one. Seems that this is also the general opinion, with imdb ratings of 7.6 and 8.0.

6 years ago

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