Sexiest dictator
did you know Darth Vader's outfit was a full body pleasure suit?
fire bump
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You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with FiReWaTeR
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i mean he certainly isn't getting laid anytime soon with that ugly mug.
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Sexiest dictator
σ(゚Θ。 )Me?
In various "game" worlds, including "MMO", it was often regarded as the "representative" of "emergency situations".
It is likely that I was considered an "eternal dictator" by my enemies and negative people.
However, I think the "game space" should be open to everyone.
So, from the end of the "emergency situation", I tried to "take over the fun if I knew how to play", and one day I went missing.
People "dirt the playground and hate others."
At such times as the so-called "end of the world," I will come back and do what I need to do.
Doomsday for all.
End for those who desire eternity.
To convey finiteness to those who seek eternity.=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞💣
I think that people who can come up with such a mysterious word in an instant are one of the talents called "dictators".
(Of course it's a joke, maybe.)
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Hmm. do not know.😂
However, if you enter the keyboard naturally without thinking about it, or if you enter the brain waves as they are, it will be like this.
However, it is safe to make it easy for others to understand that it is a way of life (direction) that sometimes makes inadvertent remarks.
Sometimes the space translator is out of order and the meaning is exactly the opposite.
When I dare to be amused, I sometimes don't mention😆
In any case, it was about 1999? years ago on the Internet that I first came to be called a "dictator" or a "general commander of the rebel army."
In a certain world, I fought the "Knights of the Round Table" who tried to rule all parts of the world.
An internet game.
From the day they trampled my little house in the corner of the world without thinking to the end of the world, I wage an end-of-life war. (Launched an anti-world unification organization and continued to rampage)
However, in 1999, humankind was not destroyed.🌏
As a result, both enemies and allies collapsed, and the world was devastated to the point where people left.
Finally, the game ended with a horde of BOTs conquering the world.
After that, there may have been times when "attacks" were made to teach the "domineering strong men" of various Other game worlds that "there is no eternity."
A story like this.
(Or is it true or is it a joke?)
If you live long enough to have them appear as many times as you like, the number of "topics of your own story" will increase.
At that time, if you act so that you can say "fun memories" and be aware of it when you make comments or remarks, it may become "Cute".👀
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Such is "dictator madness".
There are some parts that are difficult for others to easily understand and interpret.
And "loneliness of the dictator" causes distrust of others from "incomprehension" and "alienation", leading to crazy behavior. NSFW
Probably like a person like this.( ・Θ・).;'.、
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I totally dont care about politics, because if you not brainwashed then you can see that actually both side evil, so not much effect on me which is currently ruling any country: so if you added Trump you could easily add Biden too (however Biden looks very ugly, so that could be a good reason to leave him out on this list)
If you added Napoleon then you could add any historical country leader too. All of his wars except one started as defensive war, he wasnt the agressor but then he just conquered the land of the attackers.
Literally every single historical leader could be seen as dictator, just like nearly all elected leaders of our age, after all they positively discriminate their voter or potential voters with their decisions and actions but positive discrimination is negative discrimination at the same time.
On the other hand, at least one female should have been on the list, so I could select one too, but historically they not had much opportunity to be in this role yet, until the end of 20th century. Perhaps only one is Indira Gandhi (state of emergency in 1975, disabled votes, imprisoned opposition), if i dont count some female rulers leading imperialist, slaver countries + perhaps Catherine de Medici.
If would be on list, then my vote would go for Cersei Lannister, that is 100%:-D
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You think Biden is ugly? What about Trump and Kim Jong Un. They made the list and definitely not pretty. XD
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Yeah she didn't look bad when she was in her prime
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What about Putin and Lukashenko? I mean, the former obviously considers himself to be sexy (and the latter likely does as well).
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Coriolanus Snow has the completely unfair advantage of being played by the rather charming Donald Sutherland, though..I mean, that just puts Darkseid at such an unfair disadvantage- nevermind all those other individuals on the list who are actually straightforwardly too scary to look directly at.
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This is probably the only adult game I would play with two hands.
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if I'm going JUST based on looks, i would go with Coriolanus Snow just because the actor is very good looking.
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I mean there were no democracies back then it was all authoritarian or monarchial. She still had a conscience though in Mereen and tried to do what she thought was right for the people. She tried listened to her advisors. She was conflicted and a bit tortured emotionally which is a good sign. A true dictator wouldn't give a shit and wouldn't feel bad about their decisions.
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If you ignore the terrible atrocities they've commited and focus purely on their looks and personality, do you think you could be attracted to a dictator? Or maybe it's because of their actions that draw you to them? You know what they say, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac...
Well, now you have a chance to experience the possibility and to see the sensitive side (and organ) of a merciless ruler. It's an Adult Only game so please be an adult or at least act like one while you play it (the game I mean). NSFW
Good luck. Or as they used to say in the Soviet Union...
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