There are many small dog breeds out there, you could just adopt some of them instead doing this, you could make your son happier by doing that, it's sort of a rescue. Seriously ,why you want that dog especially?
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That shouldn't be an excuse for this. I mean, i understand, i don't live in a argentina so i don't know how things are working there. But consider searching online marketplaces for small breeds or that pinscher you want, you might even find some owners that can provide you free stuff alongside the dog.
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Do what is best for your son, hope he gets through that disorder thing soon , take care and good luck =)
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I've both raised service animals and had family members with service animals. There's a lot of training that goes into raising a proper service animal. It's easily 20h a week during the puppy stage.
If you're just looking for a companion, adopt a dog from the local shelter. I'd suggest something that's already housebroken. And something a little larger. Toy and mini breeds are much more prone to health issues which will lead to expensive vet bills.
If you're financially strapped, I'd also highly suggest considering a cat. They're easier to train, have lower energy requirements (they don't need to be walked), and cheaper to care for.
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What's your expectation for energetic?
I'd suggest something like a Beagle/Beagle mix. 15-30lb range. Affectionate, friendly to strangers (so your dog won't bite/bark at your kids friends). Playful and has energy, but also capable of mellowing out for nap/bedtime. Most dogs will be able to keep up with energetic kids. And you will end up being the primary care taker for walks and the like.
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Coming from someone who has GAD I would definitely not recommend a Pinscher. Their high alertness can result in them suddenly barking at the smallest sounds. That can be startling for an adult and scary for a kid. I saw beagles being recommended and can second that as they can have really great temperments and dachshunds are great too as they are good cuddlers
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Beagles can be very very loud, they are also notoriously stubborn and they will always follow their nose so you can't really leave them alone in the back yard unsupervised nor can they be off leashed or walked by anyone without the faculties and strength to hold onto them when they inevitably catch a scent they want to follow.
They also choose favorites so while they aren't bad with the whole family they will take to one person more than the rest, but maybe this last point applies only to mine.
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The below is a list of content that is not allowed in our community.
15 Collecting money, items, or games for giveaways, lotteries, or group access. For example, asking users to donate a few dollars, with the promise of giving away a valuable game once adequate funds have been raised. Or, asking users to personally send you games and items for an event. Or, requiring users to send you annual fees to participate in your Steam group.
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"I am raising money to buy... If you can help me just sharing the campaign I be graceful"
It's sort of asking money, IMHO.
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At one point someone was asking steam trading cards in which he would get a handicapped girl a card/bear/gift even that person got suspended over it and the thread closed and i think i seen similar ones like this closed too.
I am pretty sure this will be handled the same as any other.
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Staff has explicitly stated in the past that soliciting for charities is prohibited (as with similar things, an exception was given for references made within giveaway descriptions) and, further, have shut down plenty of charity-related threads that weren't even directly related to the user in question (nevermind ones that were).
(Example of previous discussion on the matter: )
As I recall, even "visit this site and click this button to donate a meal" threads were subject to staff/community debate over permissibility (and I wanna say staff ultimately decided against them? At the very least, haven't seen the related threads up for a very long time now.)
Regardless of how staff decided on that particular matter, the fact that such an off-hand solicitation was in question to begin with, means that a thread like this one (based in personal goals and active monetary solicitation) is almost certainly not going to pass by staff, unless staff expectations on the matter have significantly changed.
As such, while the current rule description is confusing, it'd be best to rely on precedent on this one (at least, if one wants to avoid the risk of suspension).
Of course, as always, where there's any doubt, it's best to talk to staff before making a thread. When one fails to do that [in situations where a topic can be assumed as being intuitive to ask about] it's natural [for anyone in a moderation role] to assume intent by default, which means that it's hard to argue if SG staff applies a suspension for the matter [regardless of how misleading the rules may presently be].
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Edit: I probably shouldn't have posted this as a reply to you since I kind of went on a rant that has nothing to do with your comment, but I don't want to delete and move it now because it already has a response. I just wanted you to know that this comment isn't really directed at you :)
Whether you give money directly or just share the link, this thread serves one purpose and that is getting money into the thread creators pocket.
The issue is that if you allow this sort of thread, just like any kind of advertising, there will be lots of it taking over the discussions instead of talking about what the site is meant to be for, gaming.
I am not saying the OP is lying, but another reason why this shouldn't be allowed is because unfortunately people will do anything to get money and lying about this sort of thing is very common, on the internet and out on public streets. People don't like to give their money away, but when you feed them some sob story about someone being sick and not being able to help them, you can guilt them into it. It is especially effective when you talk about helping children, animals, single pregnant mothers, injured war veterans, or the environment.
Haven't you seen the story about the pregnant mother begging for money on the corner with her child and then driving away in a Mercedes? How about the guy who lost both his legs and is rolling around on a dolly only for someone to pull his pants off and show that he was just hiding his legs. There have been numerous stories about GoFundMe scams where the people have been arrested. There was online scams just recently related to the Amazon and Australian wildfires. This stuff happens non stop.
I am definitely not saying that all charity cases are fake, but it is unfortunate that fake begging has become so prevalent because it becomes much harder to know the truth if you want to help someone. They may even post photos as proof for an online campaign, but that means nothing in the modern computing age where it is so easy to fake the photos.
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I have no idea if it is true or not, but I definitely think It would work. Saying you have a 3 year old child with anxiety issues (among other disorders) that needs a friend will make people feel bad and give money. A lot of people may be able to relate to this if they had trouble making friends at a young age or if they have a child or family member with disabilities.
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Same, I don't think you should ever give a small kid an animal, you can have an animal while having a small kid but then it's your animal and not theirs, you should take full responsibility and not shove it onto a small kid, that rarely works out well.
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He is asking for money, but he isnt saying you have to donate to get a giveaway. That would be against rules. At least taking this rule Nr. 15 literally..
Well its up to support to judge whether it complies or not, but there have been previous cases where people put donation links in their giveaways. As long as its not requirement for entering a giveaway I dont think it really breaks any rules (but hey, im not support member, just my opinion)
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It is 100% against the rules.
Each of the donation stuff got kicked, latest, after a report.
In the earlier days of sg was it ok, later a lot jumped at that train and because none know if the money reach the right destination AND if it reach the person(s) if they use it for the "promised" things, they not allow it anymore.
And at threads all promoting/advertising/begging is anyway forbidden.
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Ah, okay. Thanks for letting me know :)
Then I suppose the rule should be rewritten to state that any kind of asking for money is against rules. Not just "for giveaways, lotteries, or group access"
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If you can't afford to buy a dog for that money, don't get a dog!
You say this month financially isn't so great, who says that won't happen more often? Don't get an animal if you are not sure you can support it financially and if you need to beg people for money right now, means you are not financially stable enough to have a dog!
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If you can't afford to buy a dog for that money, don't get a dog!
Buying (versus adopting) an animal when not having proper finances in place, is the height of hubris and materialism. At that point, you don't give a damn about the responsabilities or merits of the purchase, you just want to buy a shiny toy without thought, like a covetous toddler.
To be clear, I'm highlighting the fact that medical/vet bills can run up to thousands of dollars a month in some cases (and you should still expect to budget a couple hundred a year regardless), meaning that if you're not under an immediate pressure to adopt (as with a stray that came up to your door) then you really need to build up a nest egg beforehand. That is to say, it's the same situation you'd be facing in adopting/birthing any new addition into your family. ie, If it's a "whoopsie", you deal with it as such, but otherwise you really need to pre-plan properly.
Moreover, even basic maintainence costs (eg, food, toys, etc) for a cat or dog generally run in the range of $60 or more a month, under typical circumstances. Assuming the OP can afford that, then that means all they have to do is wait 5 months (going off their funding goal) and they could afford their specialized dog to begin with.
It's not like this is an emergency solicitation or anything. Neither the son nor a specific dog isThey're just being impatient and impulsive, and not even being clear in what benefits such a matter would have (eg, versus adoption). So yeah, even if this wasn't inappropriate by site rules to begin with, it'd manage to be inappropriate to bring up on this site regardless.
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I already explained it, I live in a small town, the shelter has only large dogs, there are no puppies or small dogs because people usually sell them.
all my son's needs are covered, those of the dog will also be covered, as I said we had a Daschun, and he was always well taken care of.
the food and cost of the veterinarian in my town are not as high as the cost of the dog, 300 dollars is a lot of money in my country, maybe in other places it is not
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Are you serious? If you haven't money to buy dog, how you will pay for dog's food, health, etc.?
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I already explained it, I live in a small town, the shelter has only large dogs, there are no puppies or small dogs because people usually sell them.
all my son's needs are covered, those of the dog will also be covered, as I said we had a Daschun, and he was always well taken care of.
the food and cost of the veterinarian in my town are not as high as the cost of the dog, 300 dollars is a lot of money in my country, maybe in other places it is not
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Well, shelter fees are typically just for covering spaying/neutering, and basic medical, food, and housing costs for the animals. So even putting aside a specific country's outlook towards the matter, you'll still find shelters elsewhere that are covered by donations or by large enough government grants to lower costs. (For example, I know of certain no-kill shelters that are covered entirely by donations.)
That noted, I can also attest that dog adoption fees in the US would also potentially be in the $120-200+ range (at least, going off of what is listed on our local shelter's website). Not quite as expensive as what maruten quoted, but still a sizable chunk. That said, spaying/neutering alone runs you maybe $250, and isn't usuallly covered with bred-for-sale animals [but IS usually required by housing leases]. So your point about the cost difference is still entirely apt.
While a bit riskier [in terms of potential surprise medical issues], you can sometimes find pre-spayed/neutered animals for free on Craigslist, so.. yeah, it's certainly not impossible to get cost-free pets or animal companions over here, even if it's not necessarily through the local shelter.
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No here that's not how it works, here they have fixed prices so that not only the shelter can get some money back they put into the animal but also so people don't adopt on impulse because the price it to high for that. You are always allowed to give them more if you want to though ^^
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Well the point about adopt on impulse is good and I would like it here. The shelter I take my dogs from is paid by government plus people can donate as much as they want so I think this is why pets are free off charge but you can make donations. Or when you do taxes like I'm doing right now you can send 1% of what government would get to an organisation of your choice so in mine it is a pet shelter.
This is my last adoption:
She got lucky she was in pet shelter only for 3 weeks before we decided to look for a new dog after we mourned the last one and picked her.
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Problem is, you see that everywhere, if stuff is free or very cheap people tend to not think about it long and just go for it, so asking a reasonable price is fine for me. The doing taxes and giving to them seems very nice as well, we don't have that here. I got my last 3 cats all from the shelter here and I bought some stuff for them from the shelter so I see that as donating as well and that way we both get something out of it.
She looks very sweet hope you are very happy with her! my last adopted cat died 30th of December and am looking for a new one but didn't find any where I think 'this is the one!' yet so I will keep an eye on it.
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Yeah I think that our pet shelter should have at least 100$ pay for a pet as it would make many irresponsible people not take pets. They also banned taking pets during christmas as many dicks were thinking that pets from pet shelter are free gifts for kids for christmas.
Well she is a great dog and 10 years old or more now as they didn't know how old she was when they found her tied to the shelter gate but at least she was left at the shelter gate not like some people that tied their pets in the woods (it gets my blood boiling).
She run from us 3 times because she was super scared of people and sticks and plastic bags and leash (someone probably tortured her mentally and physically) but now she knows we mean no harm to her and we want only good things for her so now she does not run anymore.
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Awwww I love her. She looks like such a sweet girl. My almost 18-year-old dog had to be put to sleep in February 2019. To be honest, we didn't have the heart to get another dog at the time. I think I'll get one when life stuff goes back to normal for me. I do really miss having a dog.
It's 70 euro to adopt from my local shelter. I think they should indeed charge something everywhere. Anyone who is serious about getting a pet won't mind paying. ^^
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Yes, it does indeed feel empty. They bring so much love. =)
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Well, there's a million things wrong here and honestly, a lot of it is just classic case of being a selfish pet owner.
First, the site just doesn't allow this.
Second, you can just adopt.
Third, you shouldn't assume you'll be able to raise a service animal. Those dogs are so insanely intensely trained, there's a reason they cost so much.
Fourth, you literally can't afford a dog, so why do you think it's fine to just get one? Dogs aren't cheap. Definitely not as cheap as $300. Your fundraiser has literally $0 contributed, meaning you couldn't even put a single buck towards the dog.
So the dog needs food, what then? Okay, let's say you scrounge that up, what about if the dog gets injured or sick. Medical bills for animals are exorbitant. I can imagine you'd try your best to make the dog happy, but you're not in the financial means to even try to do that. A dog's not just a gift for someone. It's you taking in a living, breathing, new family member who you personally have to keep up. So the food, medicine, activities, etc.
Think it over. A kid with GAD doesn't need a dog first thing. It can help, from personal experience, but focus on other remedies first and also remember that GAD isn't the end of the world. It's manageable without getting a new family member.
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I already explained it, I live in a small town, the shelter has only large dogs, there are no puppies or small dogs because people usually sell them.
all my son's needs are covered, those of the dog will also be covered, as I said we had a Daschun, and he was always well taken care of.
the food and cost of the veterinarian in my town are not as high as the cost of the dog, 300 dollars is a lot of money in my country, maybe in other places it is not
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As others said, if you want to have a dog, you have to think about his needs : food, veterinarian, accessories, toys, education, walks... It will take time and/or money.
So if you already need help buying a dog, what will it be about his needs ?
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That's simple, you just create another thread begging for money because you have a helpless starving dog that you can't afford to feed. Don't you feel bad for the dog and want to help feed it? Please send money now or you are partially responsible for it's suffering because you have the ability to help but choose not to.
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I never said I had financial problems, I only had a complicated month, that does not imply that I have money to take care of a dog as it should, what I do not have is the amount necessary to obtain it, this month I had many more expenses than expected normally
but it is easier to judge than to read and understand what the situation is or put oneself in the place of the other
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Is it supposed to be a certified support dog or just a puppy so your son won't feel lonely? Because I know you can apply for foundations and they may cover some, if not all, cost to get an actual psychiatric-service dog that could make your son's life easier.
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My family had a small terrier cross that we got for nothing from my grandaunt. He lived for almost 18 years and was a great little dog. He passed away last year. He was never aggressive, loved everyone and carried a ball around in his mouth all day. I am not sure why you need to buy a dog for your son. Shelters always get small mixed breed dogs, but if you are looking to get a purebred dog, you're going to be out of luck. I do suspect that you went to the shelter expecting to find a purebred.
Even though, our dog cost nothing to buy, he did cost quite a bit in medical expenses as he got older. His medication cost €20 a month from when he was 8, after developing arthritis, so 9 years of that. And then €60 a month after being diagnosed with a heart condition in the last two years of his life. This does not include his vet visits which cost €50-€60 euro each time he needed to get seen.
When you take on a dog, it's really the same as taking on a child. You can't ignore it when they are ill. You have to take care of their medical expenses as they arise. Vet care is not that expensive in this country either, BUT... if you are struggling with the financial cost of buying a registered puppy, then should you really be getting a dog in the first place? They do suffer a lot of the same illnesses as humans.
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I never said I had financial problems, I only had a complicated month, that does not imply that I have money to take care of a dog as it should, what I do not have is the amount necessary to obtain it, this month I had many more expenses than expected normally
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If you don't have financial problems, then buy the dog yourself when you do have money. It's that simple. If you can afford to feed it, then you can afford to save up the money to buy him. If I have 3 bills to pay this month, I pay them, then I get what I need next month. Posting a sob story and begging for money does not make me feel sorry for you because you just said you have no financial difficulties. None of that makes any sense to me.
Maybe you think 300 dollars is nothing to people living in Europe or North America, but it is a lot of money. I never understand how people living in what are considered "poorer" countries think that people living in "richer" countries have lots of money to give to them. At the end of the day, the cost of living is much higher in a country like mine.
In 2017, I was diagnosed with a prolapsed disc. I had no medical insurance and could not afford the surgery. I could not work either. I was put on a waiting list for public healthcare. In late 2018, I decided I had waited long enough and decided to go down the route of getting a loan and going abroad to have it done privately. Ended up getting the surgery in Northern Ireland in 2019 for €13,500. Do you think I went and posted my sob story on the internet and expected people to give me money? No. I took out a loan with my credit union. Now, I got some of my money back via crossborder, but still paying off the remainder of that loan. I am still not fit enough to go back to work since I had some complications after surgery that meant healing didn't happen the way it should. It's been a long road for me, but I do my best and ask nothing of anyone.
I get annoyed when I see posts like this because a designer/purebred dog is a luxury item, it is not a need. I can't afford to buy a puppy myself in my current financial predicament, but even if I could, when the time comes to fill the shoes of my much-loved dog who died last year, we'll be looking to get a rescue puppy. I won't be getting one until I return to work though because they still cost money to feed and take care of properly. Besides, mixed breeds are often stronger than pure breeds anyway because their genepool isn't so small. I will not be feeding into the puppy mill industry by buying.
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I know that on the site there are people from the top of the world, when I said that I wanted money from people from USA or Europe?Do you really think that because I am from a poor country I sell to take advantage of the people of rich countries to benefit me? a bit self-centered on your part
If 300 dollars is a lot of money, but I never said that one person should give them to me, moreover, I only asked on the site if they can share the crowdfunding
and because you don't want or are not interested in asking for help, it doesn't mean that I can't or should do it
Moreover, I am not forcing anyone to help me, and I do not understand why I should justify myself so much and be so questioned.
it's simple if you don't want to help me it's fine, but you don't need to judge me because I'm not forcing anyone to help me
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You said "300 dollars is a lot of money in my country, maybe in other places it is not" this led me to assume that this is exactly what you meant. I don't think I am the self-centered one here. You seem quite entitled to ask for money on SG, eventhough you've been told it's against the rules. But, meh. Let me tell you a little story:
I have an ex-friend who set up a Gofundme to pay for her much needed life-changing surgery. Oh the surgery was real. This girl had a life-limiting condition. I was out of work myself, lying on my couch unable to move because I was in so much pain. I did not have much money to spare, but I hated seeing my friend in pain, so I donated what I could to her campaign. She had the surgery anyway and got better, thank God. As soon as she got out of the hospital, she posts pictures of herself staying at a 5-star hotel in America and buying Burberry handbags. Me and some other friends were very angry and to this day have not spoken to this girl again. She already had way more money than us, just wanted some extra money to treat herself.
I wish the girl well and I am delighted she is living a normal life now, but that is not someone that I ever want to be friends with again. It has made me very wary of people looking for money on the internet.
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You don't get it.
You, as a complete stranger for all of us, come along with a story. If it is true or not we can't proof.
You say you aren't poor and had THIS month higher costs that don't allow you to buy the dog THIS month.
Then buy it next month or in 2-3. Whenever. Problem solved.
But nope, you question here, at a place it is against the rules, for money to get the dog earlier (or do with the money whatever you want -we can't proof-).
Not all at this site are rich people, if we come from rich countries or not.
I, as example, have a PC with a onboard graphic chip because my gamer PC got stolen when i was for a longer time in a clinic.
I have that PC now nearly 2 years because i don't have the money to buy me a good one (replacing parts aren't smart because the rest of the PC is very old too) and because my illness and costs + problems from that too.
Surely i would be happy to have a normal PC but have you seen me start a gofund me campaign or something like that ? Nope
When i don't have the money i can't buy it. Easy as that.
I will have enough money to buy one. If now or in 2 years. It is how it is and i still gift games to the members of this site instead to save all for MY PC... -i am sure you get the difference of the behavior in general-.
And when you come now around with the ill child that "needs" a puppy, then don't forget that you wrote by yourself that you aren't poor/have enough money to buy it by yourself, but only not this month.
I don't see a reason not to wait with the buy till you have the money.
To make it very clear, to have the dog this (or next) month is pure luxus
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I think you are missing the point of her comment, everyone has to work hard for their money and while I'd be happy to help if someone was in dire trouble (as an example their house burn down, are homeless and need help now) but in your case you could wait a couple months save up and buy the dog. You said yourself that you had no financial trouble but instead you are asking stranger on the internet to give you money so you don't have to wait and save up. Anyway I try not to judge people on my first impression and I really wish you he best and hope you can get the dog for your son. I have three kids one of them with autism so I do understand the need to get the best to help them but you are the one asking for money so telling people they are self-centered because they are pointing some flaw is very unfair of you.
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something for people posting here:
- If you notice a user not following our guidelines, do your best to politely explain our rules with relevant links or quotes to our guidelines when appropriate. If they do not take action or deny any wrongdoing, please submit a user report ticket so we can take action if necessary.
something for the thread creator:
User Content
- Begging. Do not ask game developers or users for keys or games, unless they are offering and searching for interested parties.
...- Collecting money, items, or games for giveaways, lotteries, or group access. For example, asking users to donate a few dollars, with the promise of giving away a valuable game once adequate funds have been raised. Or, asking users to personally send you games and items for an event. Or, requiring users to send you annual fees to participate in your Steam group.
something for support:
don't tell me you didn't notice this thread or didn't see any reports. you're blatantly ignoring it and posting in other threads (ie: bundle threads).
i know you guys have a life outside sg, but also remember there's a reason you have a "support" tag.
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The below is a list of content that is not allowed in our community. Content consists of any material you post or make available through our site, such as discussions, links, comments, usernames, or Steam avatars.
- Collecting money, items, or games for giveaways, lotteries, or group access. For example, asking users to donate a few dollars, with the promise of giving away a valuable game once adequate funds have been raised. Or, asking users to personally send you games and items for an event. Or, requiring users to send you annual fees to participate in your Steam group.
If you'd remove part about donations after people pointed no-donation rule, and focus discussion on "what dog I should get" I could leave this discussion open. But as it is now I need to close it.
You can remove part and links to donations and create other ticket if you want to continue discussion which dog would be best for you.
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Hi, I don't know if I can put this here but i need help
I am doing a campaing to get a small dog that serves as a company for my 3-year-old son who has GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) AMONG OTHER DISORDERS and it would be very helpful for his day to day to have a companion pet .
If you can help me just sharing the campaign I be graceful
I already explained it, I live in a small town, the shelter has only large dogs, there are no puppies or small dogs because people usually sell them.
all my son's needs are covered, those of the dog will also be covered, as I said we had a Daschun, and he was always well taken care of.
the food and cost of the veterinarian in my town are not as high as the cost of the dog, is a lot of money in my country, maybe in other places it is not,
His therapist advised us that a dog could help him with his disorders.if I could adopt, but as I said I live in a small town far north of the country, and if
If a get a dog for adoption I should travel to look for it, which would also cost me money.
It must be small since I have a daughter with osteoporosis, and with a large dog I would risk being knocked down by accident.
I repeat, food, the veterinarian and their care are not going to be a problem, I am aware that it is a living being and what its needs are
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