So, the recently released Automachef presented itself as a kind of kitchen-based Factorio/Zachtronics-like, which was such a great premise (and with a nice discount voucher) that it made me break my general rule of never buying brand new releases. And... meh. Here's my review.

Did anyone else already get it, and if so did you have similar feelings?

5 years ago*

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that "meh"...

edit: why the real name isn't AUTOMATOchef is something i'll never understand. thanks for reviewing it, so, for me it wasn't that tempting few days ago and i'll stay on that line, i guess, till better deals will come. still, definitely a game i want to try!

5 years ago*

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It's frustrating for me, because I feel like it's a few steps away from being brilliant, but... Yeah. You can probably leave it for now.

5 years ago

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the ui reminds me a tad of oxygen not included... and after a year or so, i don't know if that could be a good thing or no (very lil' tried oxygen, tho)

5 years ago

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building something in tiny rooms is more like a puzzle game indeed. reminds me very much of factory engineer and that game was trash.
i'll stick with factorio for all my factory building and enginerding needs.

5 years ago

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boring question/s:

  1. have you ever searched for something similar to factorio? (yes, obv!)
  2. have you ever found something similar?
5 years ago

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searched? no. there is no real need for any other factory games beside factorio. ^^ but steam suggested some to me and a few look pretty neat.

i think i won factory engineer here but it was a major disappointment.
i own infinifactory, big pharma and spacechem but i didn't have time to play them yet (ofc!).
a long time ago i found satisfactory but these dicks went epic exclusive so screw them. also volcanoids looks promising but i'm in no rush to add even more games to my crafting backlog. steam knows i'm a sucker for them...dammit!

and nothing is as cool and versatile as factorio.

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5 years ago*

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Big Pharma is good, Spacechem is great, Infinifactory is spectacular. All well worth your time.

5 years ago

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crafting backlog

the noice definition and also kinda right, no more crafting need since factorio

luv that birdorio thing!

5 years ago

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It reminded me of Big Pharma too, which I rather enjoyed, and also the Zachtronics titles often give you very restrictive space conditions to work in, and I adore them. This just doesn't quite come together, though - for the time being, at least, there's still potential there.

However, it really doesn't feel even a tiny bit like Factorio, so if you were going in with that expectation you would definitely be very disappointed.

5 years ago

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at the same time your review pretty much nailed it.
as soon as you limit building space you turn any game into a puzzle game and fun & entertaining puzzles don't create themselves.
also i love tinkering, optimizing and expanding all my stuff and you just can't bloody do that when your space is limited to something the size of a garage at all times. factorio gives you all the space you could ever want. if you can defend it that is.

i like myself a good puzzle every now and then but i really detest most puzzle games posing as something else. straight puzzle or gtfo.

5 years ago

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