Is this an aMAYzing bundle or a futile gold sink?
I have to say this bundle definitely interested me.
Ditto and Horace have been predictions for this bundle from me since it started so I'm glad I finally got those (and glad I refunded Ditto on Steam last week). Mo:Astray was on my wishlist and has turned out to be way more intricate of a platformer than I thought.
The rest are there. Jurassic Park Evolution would have eventually been in this bundle but I don't see it as a big tier item. Heave Ho is a fun little diversion but I don't see myself playing it for a long time all in one sitting. Neoverse and Chess... well I didn't have them so I picked them. Warsaw is the outlier for me since it's not a game I would usually play but I like the look and concept so I might give it a try.
Probably one of the better Choices for me since the first one.
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This month I didn't get an email from humble saying my subscription was unpaused (it was, as it is all months). Weird.
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Well, reading through the comment section I'm honestly surprised people are giving this particular bundle so much shit... Guess not enough AAA? Honestly seems people are kinda spoiled at this point, or maybe it's me liking more niche games?
For me it's one of the best Monthly/choice in a good while, lots of games I was looking to get, many of which I was very close to buying when they went on sale for like 13-14 bucks, so getting all of them for 12$ is a great deal.
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I don't like it because it's been like 3 months with lot of strategy games, and the bundle have a game they already give 3 years ago...
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It's not you liking niche games.
The quality of games from HB has always been good, some compare Fanatical to HB and I think it's silly because many solid games, regardless if they are AAA or indie will not be bundled in fanatical, or definitely not at a 12$ price with 12 games to choose from.
Which brings me to the next point being that classic members really can't complain. We went from an average of 6-8 games per month to a solid 10 games per month with 12 to choose from. That's 1$+ for each game, fanatical can rarely if ever do the same (I don't think it ever has but I'll leave room for subjective opinions about game value)
I feel most people that say they get a "better deal" elsewhere are either working with a lower currency to buy games, grey marketing it or some other shady or unrealistic scenario that is not being mentioned.
You may already have the games that are being bundled, you may be very specific in what you like but an HB bundle that doesn't suit said criteria doesn't make it bad shrug
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking, the value is still more than there at 12$. I get people pausing for not liking the games... But saying it's shit or not worth the 12$? C'mon... I've too had monthlies I didn't like at all, like April, but even then I think the value was still there.
In my case I have been very close to getting JWE, Wh40k Gladius, Mo:Astray and Rise of Industry plenty of times, so getting them all for 12$ was a no-brainer, for me, one of the best monthlies in a while.
Edit: And yeah, Fanatical beats humble when it comes to regular bundles imo, in fact I can't even remember the last time I bought a regular bundle from Humble except maybe some t1... But they can't really compete with Monthly/Choice imo, specially if you've got the classic plan.
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Yup, there can be many reasons for the bundle "to not be worth it" but that shouldn't mean that the bundle is trash.
I can't say I feel the same about fanatical bundles beating HBs, as I think the quality of the games are lower generally compared to the bundles HB comes out with.
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Got a question on XCOM 2 region lock.
Can anyone confirm 'Asia without India', on non-included Asian countries?
It says 'This package is only purchasable in specified countries
Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Brunei Darussalam, Macau' on steamdb, but there are lots of other countries on Asia including South Korea, Japan, etc.
I'm from South Korea, and I already checked HB's gift link, and it seems I got the ROW key, but I would like to see someone could confirm on this :(
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HI, there is no sub on SteamDB that has a lock for South Korea (or I can't find one), which means that you indeed get a ROW key (regardless of what the Humble Bundle notification says).
So far I haven't encountered a case in which the list of locked countries from a SteamDB sub was incomplete.
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I was hoping for a better month myself but I was dissapointed, I already own the two highlighted games: XCOM2 and Jurassic World Evolution and none of the other games have interested me. I think instead of giving the base game of XCOM2 but if they gave the collection then it would have been maybe more worth it.
I guess this kind of explains why it was so bizzar that XCOM2 was missing from that 2K Game Together Bundle that released like two weeks ago (had xcom 1) but they probably thought people would really complain if the humble choice game was just bundled the week before and not sure about that niche game which has been in $1 bundles previously.
I guess I can only hope next month is a bit better, I think I only have like 2-3 credits left of my year long sub so I am pausing quite a bit, to make it last and when my sub does go - I may be almost forced to renew it if I want to stay classic plan - but I think lately ever since the choice thing came out it seems to be getting worse and worse, which I had kind of hoped with them increasing the price maybe the games would be getting a bit better or maybe somewhat newer games.
And I think that one leak was kind of right since the day or so before someone got an email that showed Jurassic World Evolution, Rise of Industry, and Niche and people thought that couldn't be right, but it turns out it was.
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I don't mind some older games, but lately some of the games they've been given are like 10 or even 20 years old (like turok, turok 2, capitalism ii) and even in the newest monthly they gave a game that has been bundled twice in the $1 tier and was even bundled pretty reccently (niche).
Even if you compare the months before the choice, the headliners were better, and at least through the years there were no repeats until this month. XCOM2 was given in the Feb 17 Bundle, but now XCOM2 is like 4 years old - if they gave WOTC DLC then maybe it would have been more worth it - maybe even give that as a seperate choice so those that already own XCOM2 could just redeem the DLC and not the base game.
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Yes the very old games are from my point of view bad because i don't want to play Turok and such ones at 2020.
They were "ok" at the time they came out but they were only ok because of the graphic that are now very outdated.
But a lot of people try to get that oldies -in GA's too-. Maybe because of nostalgia.
Niche was weak, thats no question.
But anyway are 10 games for 12$ with stuff like XCOM 2 and Jurrasic World (i bought the JW Deluxe Version -not the highest- for around 17€ not long ago... -_-).
The two, weak, XCOM 2 DLCs that they gave with the actual choice are separate keys. I activated only them because i had the base game from before.
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"ever since the choice thing came out it seems to be getting worse and worse"
for the same 12$, classic members now get 10 games out of 12 to choose from and you also know what you are buying into rather than mystery prizes, I really disagree that it is worse.
Game quality wise, it might not be to your taste but the value is always there. 12 dollar for 10 games you chose is way better than 12 dollar for 1-3 headliners and 3-5 mystery games you have no control on.
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Like I said to the above post, for me I don't mind if you get some older AAAs that are maybe like 5 years or so old, but not those ancient almost abandonware games that released at the start of the century (like Turok, Turok 2, Captilism II) or games that have been bundled a lot and in the cheapest tier like NIche.
I guess I kind of like how all the games are revealed at once so in a way for me I know what I am getting and it allows me to say pause and save a month if only one or maybe two games are of interest or if none are interest at all. But In the past when we only got 1-3 reveals most months had a game as the headliner that I liked and so I took the plunge. Then come the end of the month there would at most maybe be 1-2 of the mystery games that would interest me.
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Much agreed, especially since this is the best bundle I've seen since the Choice program started. Gladius and XCOM 2 have been on my wishlist for ages, Warsaw looks amazing (sucker for unorthodox WW2 games) and I've been curious about Niche and JP:Evolution, too.
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My favorite bundle was the month with Two Point Hospital, that game was a hoot :D
I just would like people to express more clearly - not liking a bundle because it doesn't suit your taste is not the same as the bundle being shovelware/trash and HBC is far from that.
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My classic plan is saying I can only pick 9 this month. The classic plan has always allowed me to pick 10 before. Anyone know what's going on with this?
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Interested in 2 games and I already have 2 of them, depending on if I find jurassic world worthy I'll buy the bundle. But first I need time to watch some gameplay.
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It's a shame 'cause none of these games interest me all that much tbh, gonna pause
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I would advise people that are going to pause to wait a bit. There is a spring sale around the corner, so take advantage of that extra 10% on the spring sale before pausing.
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I only liked the first Humble Monthly (the one with 10 games), I continued suscribing 2 months, even if I thought we deserved something better, I paused last month and I have just paused this one.
I hope they bring something big like when they brought Total War Warhammer 1 (I'd like the second one) in Monthly and something decent like Iconoclasts in the indie level.
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I understand, but 3 Kingdoms is even newer, isn't it? Anyway, Humble bring something better next time.
I would like to say as well, that offering a cheaper price when you are about to pause is a dirty move, they should offer us that directly, waiting for us to pause or cancel to offer it seems a dirty move in my opinion.
(When I said firts Humble Monthly I meant first Humble Choice)
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Still not worth it because you cant pause for a month and continue the next with the same price. That means 12 dollars x 12 months even if the games are bad. Also humble mostly give games without any DLC. So its not worth it at all the 12 dollars they ask.
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No it doesnt work in this offer for new subs at 40% discount. In the mail they said that if i pause the price will be back to 19.90 dollars. So its 12x12 months and if i dont like the games from a month if i pause i will lose all the rest months in this price.
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Yes its a shame. Otherwise i would have subscribe but humble keep taking the bad way with the customers.
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The price is for 1 year yes. But if for example pause the third month the other 9 months will be full price. So they dont let you to pause and keep the 12 dollars price.
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Single use coupon. Coupon redeemable for $7.99 USD off Humble Choice Premium Month-to-Month Subscription Plan for the next 12 months. Pausing or canceling the subscription will void the offer. Coupon expires May 28 at 11:59pm PST. This coupon may not be combined with other identical coupons in the same transaction, and may not be combined with other Humble Bundle coupons. Discount will be automatically applied at time of checkout. Coupon has no cash value. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Coupon may not be reproduced, copied, purchased, traded or sold. Unauthorized transfer of coupon and internet distribution strictly prohibited
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I deleted the email yesterday but i remember they write that "The discount will be recantation if you pause or cancel your subscription in any of the month". They didnt write it in the humble site but only in the email. Its a big drawback for me because i dont want the games from every month.
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Yes if i subscribe now i will have humble premium till the next April 2021. If i pause in any of the next month the price will go back to 19.90 and the discount will be ignored.
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Yes definitely but without the pause thing for many will not be worth it. Its 12x12 that means 144 dollars the year but we dont know what games they will give.
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So you have to pay $12 each month untill the 12 months run out or you choose to pause. So if you only want one month for $12, you can still go this way and pause/cancel right after you got it. I would say, its not that bad deal
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Its not that great either. The option to pause is a great advantage to the customers. I cant know if in the 12th month they will give some amazing games that i would want. I prefer to have the choice like before with humble monthly at 12 dollars also. If they can give me 12 dollars subscription with the pause ability i would buy it immediately.
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yes, you cant get 12 months with the ability to pause and continue with the $12 /month. but you can stay for maximum 12 months for $12 each month untill you choose to not to stay on that. So if you want the current bundles for $12, go for it. there might be only one disadvantage for you: you are no longer a new subscriber and maybe they will later give a better bonus to new subscribers...
but its also smart from humble bundle: people who buy the bundle might even stay for worse bundles as they dont want to loose the lower price... so if i would be ign, i might would put some trash into the next month as many people would want to stay on the cheaper subscription in the hope that the next months will be better xD
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Exactly thats my point. Due to this discount they maybe will put bad games in the next coming months and the new subscribers will be in a dilemna to cancel or not because pause is not an option. Its smart from humble but smart customers i dont think they will take this discount right now. I will wait for a better subscribe with the ability to pause at 12 dollars. I had bought a lot of humble bundles the past month but never bought a choice bundle. A bit more patience and maybe they will give a better option for the premium.
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One general question about games with DLC in choices.
If I want to give away main game but want to redeem dlc/dlcs, I have to use "claim" and giveaway a steam code or I can use gift link option for main game and will have option to claim dlcs separately?
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Some DLCs (like Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Dinosaur Pack) are "bonus" to the base game, so you need to claim the base game. After you claim that game, you will have separate DLCs and base game (in case of this bundle, but there is no general rule)
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BTW, don't do it with gift links. Humble is banning many people who trade (which is against their ToS) since they can trace those links. Just do GAs with steam key which will help you avoid ban ;)
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I read about it. Thank you for a advice (i will probably change my behaviour after this advice). Maybe I should change it to steam keys as you say (thank you for advice). But too be honest it would be stupid from HB side. As they say gift link should be used for gifts = if someone uses them can be banned. By tracing you mean when it was activated or on which email it was sent?
So far I used only a giftlink for a long time (not banned so far, but it is scary :) ).
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I know, their way to ban/disable accounts for trading/sharing gift links is ridiculous. But hey, we can do nothing about it ;)
Future read:
traded ~20 games and HB said "no"
example what can happen' when one "receiver" will complain about your "services"
some discussion about "key vs gift"
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Bump reminder that today is the autocharge day, so pause your subscription if you're not interested in the games of the month.
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I've been subscribed since May 2016 and this is my first pause
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That's what I've done in the past but I don't think it's worth it this time. It's difficult to determine the value of something that doesn't really interest me, and lately there are only a few people who have anything I want to trade for
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Did you get surprised by the autocharge for this too? The only bundle I ever bought was in February 2017 (which also had XCOM 2). I've paused every month since then immediately after getting the alert email. This month there was no alert email... AND no money in my account. I'm hoping my housemate's kind transfer makes it before the overcharge fee.
I immediately removed my payment method despite being grandfathered in for 10 games. I can't risk that again.
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If you're using Gmail, it may now be auto-sorting the emails for you into special folders [ie, ones other than Inbox or Spam]. About a year ago, Humble- for some inexplicable reason- randomly wanted to confirm that my computer (the same one I'd always been using for the site) was user-authorized, and the confirmation code e-mail wasn't showing up in any of the usual folders.
I contacted Humble, and they very politely and helpfully pointed out the new Gmail setup for me (as Humble support suggested to me, the confirmation e-mail had gotten auto-sorted into the "Promotions" folder). I'd really not have had any way of knowing about Google having introduced that function, if Humble hadn't pointed it out for me. -.-;
Since then, I've noticed that the auto-sorting is really random as to when and where it kicks in, so it's still quite possible that you're having the same issue, despite it being a year after my own issue.
tl;dr version: Your missing alert e-mail may not be Humble's fault, but Google's.
(Though it also wouldn't be the first time Humble e-mails didn't send out, either, so not arguing that possibility outright. :P)
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Go to HB Subscriber page then click on MANAGE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION button, and share these two information, as I circled on screen:
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For the June bundle, you need to pay to the last Friday of June (26th June 2020). You missing the current month (May) somehow.
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I claimed May on May 23....
Wait and see what happens tomorrow/day after i guess, if it doesn't give them to me, and it's a decent month, i'll submit a ticket..
Maybe i have to manually claim and accept the charge each month...
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Seems like a joke to me lol.
Xcom: Enemy Unknown - I guess that this is just a guess because of the current monthly
Jack Keane - game relased in 2008 with mixed reviews
Bad rats - 1 dollar game, relased in 2009
Neighbors from hell - 2 games relased in 2003 and 2004...... seriously?
Rayman Legends - This one was in mass giveaway by ubisoft itself so.. most of players will already have it
Xcom 2 - this one was literally this month
Capitalism 1 - I guess that this one could be possible, but again, can be just a guess, based on previous months
Mountain of faith - if I found the right one, this is game from 2008, which relasey in 36 houry from now? (So it wouldn't even be relased in time for the next one?)
Layers of fear - Humble gave away this one
Amnesia - same as Layers of fear
Xcom 2 - Oh, yes. They would give you 2 copies of a game they already gave you previous month
Honestly, it just looks to me like a pile of bullcrap and there would be almost no reason for anyone to buy it.
(But that could also be HB's strategy because of the deal they offered - cheaper humble choice for a year, but you start paying the full price if you pause at any moment)
Sorry for any grammar mistakes or typing errors, I'm writing this from my phone.
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If the next month will be like this, It would be a big skip from me
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Xcom 2 - Oh, yes. They would give you 2 copies of a game they already gave you previous month
It's a bit more simple than that: This is already the second time X-Com 2 was in Monthly (this time with DLCs, however), which is likely what the reddit quote was playing off of.
As you noted, most of the other titles listed have been previously free either in part or in whole, or are iffy games which have been heavily bundled. In addition to being a 2007 title that hasn't been released on Steam yet, Touhou Fuujinroku ~ Mountain of Faith requires a fan-patch for its English language version. That all may be enough explain its inclusion on the list.
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I have it on good authority that this Humble Choice will include 12 copies of Fortix - but you can only choose 10 of them!
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Yeah, well, I heard- from a very reliable source!- that one of the selections is "Four ticks, Fortix" which counts as 4 choices but gives 4 copies of the game, and that another selection is Fortix 2, which counts as two choices. So there's actually 14 copies of the first Fortix in the bundle (1x10 + 4x1), of which you can only claim at most 10 copies. 8, if you're silly enough to want to go for a copy of Fortix 2.
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You're telling me I can finally give away more Fortix, and I get 10 copies per bundle here? Oh, I'm in!
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They emailed me asking if I want to buy the monthly for 6$. I am quite tempted but idk if I actually want anything, wish it was XCOM 2 expansion as well. lol
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I get why leaks were interesting back in the day when Humble Monthly was still a Mystery bundle and leaks could influence your decicion whether you should get it or not, but now that all games are known from the get go what would even be the point?
Except maybe holding out on buying a game that might be in the next Choice.
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May 2020 Humble Choice
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
📅 Important dates
💳 May 29th, 2020: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)
📆 June 5th 2020: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Friday of every month)
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack
XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack - no region locks.
Rise of Industry
Free DLCs to claim:
🌟 At some point in 2022: Rise of Industry out of stock.
🌟 NEW 2023-10-04: Rise of Industry back in stock (source)
🎮 Games:
Humble Original:
💸 Subscription + Bonuses
In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)
Note: There has been recent quiet changes to the non-Classic subscription costs for non-USD regions: regional pricing is now a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.
📝 Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
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📖 Informative links
Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles!
🐰 Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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