May 2020 Humble Choice

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๐Ÿ“… Important dates

  • ๐Ÿ’ณ May 29th, 2020: AUTOCHARGE DATE (for subscribers only)

  • ๐Ÿ“† June 5th 2020: Next Choice Bundle release date (first Friday of every month)

โš ๏ธ Region lock โš ๏ธ


XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack

XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack - no region locks.

Rise of Industry



  1. Jurassic World Evolution + Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Dinosaur Pack constitute one choice (2 keys).
  2. XCOM 2 + XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack + XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack constitute one choice (3 separate keys).
  3. If you bought Yogscast Jingle Jam 2018 and didn't have the base game until now, you can activate Jurassic World Evolution - JingleJam.

Free DLCs to claim:

๐ŸŒŸ At some point in 2022: Rise of Industry out of stock.
๐ŸŒŸ NEW 2023-10-04: Rise of Industry back in stock (source)

๐ŸŽฎ Games:

Game Ratings Cards Cheevos Details Platforms Bundled Retail Price
Jurassic World Evolution 80% of 24459 โค ๐Ÿ† 6.75 CV app/648350 W 0 $44.99
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe DLC (DLC) 78% of 309 - - 1.65 CV app/817550 W 0 $10.99
XCOM 2 85% of 35247 โค ๐Ÿ† 9.00 CV app/268500 W M L 1 $59.99
XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack (DLC) 60% of 294 (Base game has cards) - 3.00 CV app/426321 W M L 0 $19.99
XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack (DLC) 37% of 115 (Base game has cards) - 0.75 CV app/399620 W M L 0 $4.99
Rise of Industry 80% of 2090 โค ๐Ÿ† 4.50 CV app/671440 W M L 0 $29.99
Niche - a genetics survival game 88% of 2609 โค ๐Ÿ† 2.70 CV app/440650 W M L 2 $17.99
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War 77% of 1986 โค ๐Ÿ† 6.00 CV app/489630 W L 0 $39.99
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse 58% of 1394 - ๐Ÿ† 2.25 CV app/619780 W M L 1 $14.99
WARSAW 75% of 248 โค ๐Ÿ† 3.60 CV app/1026420 W 0 $23.99
Heave Ho 95% of 698 โค ๐Ÿ† 1.50 CV app/905340 W M 0 $9.99
MO:Astray 95% of 1707 โค ๐Ÿ† 2.25 CV app/1104660 W 0 $14.99
NEOVERSE 84% of 1995 - ๐Ÿ† 3.00 CV app/994220 W M 0 $19.99
Chess Ultra 75% of 376 โค ๐Ÿ† 1.95 CV app/518060 W 0 $12.99
Horace 91% of 187 - ๐Ÿ† 2.25 CV app/629090 W 0 $14.99


  • $340.85

Humble Original:

  • Rainy Season
  • Fae Tactics - Sneak Peek

๐Ÿ’ธ Subscription + Bonuses

ย  Lite Basic Premium Classic
Per month $4.99 $14.99 $19.99 -
Per year $44.99 $134.99 $179.99 $132.00
Games to keep 0 3 9 10
Choice No Yes Yes Yes
Humble Trove Yes Yes Yes Yes
Humble Store discount 10% 10% 20% 20%
Originals Limited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

In some regions, a sale tax is applied (example)

Note: There has been recent quiet changes to the non-Classic subscription costs for non-USD regions: regional pricing is now a fixed amount for each region set by Humble. More info here.

๐Ÿ“ Note about referrals

SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.

๐Ÿ“– Informative links

Humble Choice FAQ
Official HB FAQ
Master thread of ongoing bundles!

๐Ÿฐ Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!

4 years ago*

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Is this an aMAYzing bundle or a futile gold sink?

View Results
[Recurring subscription] Good games this month, just enough for me to MAYntain my subscription.
[New subscription] I am MAYnly interested in Jurassic World Evolution / XCOM 2 / Rise of Industry, but I wonโ€™t say no to the others either; great deal this time!
[Maybe subscribe] Not sure about throwing my money at these games; Iโ€™ll think about it later and MAYbe subscribe before the end of the month.
[Pause] Sorry IGN, Iโ€™ll have to pause this month; a lot of these games are outside my domMAYn of interest.
[Cancelling] None of these MAYke me keep my subscription.
[Non-subscriber, will not buy] I will reMAYn unsubscribed for the time being, until I see something I really really want to have.

I did a steamtrade to get the one game I was missing and now I can skip for this month.

4 years ago

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Gotta pause on this cheap double re-bundle and I personally expect the bonus to be terrible as well. I'd put this as worst choice yet for me personally but I'm sure some would have other months just as bad or way worse. If someone really likes the big 2 or 3 I totally see getting it, but as for choice, easy choice for me, pause.

4 years ago

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i see only 2 i want and the rest are meh

4 years ago

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yeah only warsaw and neoverse cough my attention - pausing again

4 years ago

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Paused last month, but came back for Jurassic Park and XCOM 2. Some other decent looking games in this month also like Ditto, MO Astray, and Horace. Plus, Warhammer is nice.

4 years ago

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Well despite the 3 rebundles, a lot of good ones on this nevertheless. Happy about Neoverse and Jurassic World :)

4 years ago

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3 Wishlisted games but a game that already was in a monthly before..

4 years ago

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Happy to see Rise of Industry + WARSAW in there!

4 years ago

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Does Latam get any games region locked?

4 years ago

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Check the OP, the region lock info is listed there.

4 years ago

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If only I didn't have the XCOM 2 base game, it would be easier to decide. And I have it from the Humble Monthly, no less.

4 years ago

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Don't give me strategy games. Just don't.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

4 years ago

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Rise of Industry carries region locks


I am from India.

4 years ago

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The notification is misleading; you get a ROW key.

4 years ago

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I don't understand the region locks and the links in the description. What does it mean? It's not clear at all, can someone shed some light on this please? (I'm from Canada)

4 years ago

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If you buy this bundle from Canada, you'll get WW (worldwide) keys (sometime wrongly named ROW keys), which you can activate on any country, from other hand if you gonna buy it from restricted country (eg. Brazil) you will be able only activate (and run) this key in this specific country and nowhere else.

This information about region restrictions is important when you trying to gift key to someone else (from other region) or doing giveaway here (because you need to provide proper region lock countries in form)

4 years ago

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Thank you! These links completely confused me. Have a great day!

4 years ago

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If you click one of the region-locked SteamDB links you get a big red text "This package is only purchasable in specified countries". This means that those countries receive a key that can be activated only among the countries; people from those countries should make giveaways restricted to that list, otherwise the winner will not be able to activate it.
For some games you get an additional red box, "This package can only be run in specified countries" - its meaning is pretty clear.

In other words: everyone listed in the OP (RU/CIS, India etc) receives a key that only they can activate (cannot be traded). "Everyone else" receives a key that doesn't have any red boxes, meaning that it can be activated anywhere, including in the countries that receive a locked key.

4 years ago

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Totally clear now, thank you!

4 years ago

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ive never paused before. but i think im going to. its not going to take away my classic subscription is it? never paused before and would hate to lose classic

4 years ago

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Pausing is fine, cancel on the other hand removes it.

4 years ago

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Nope, I've paused several times since Choice started and still have the classic plan.

4 years ago

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Nice enough bundle for 11 USD. You wont hear my complaining.

4 years ago

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So if I buy XCOM 2 in Europe, then it can be redeemed in Russia?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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And why it gives warning that it can be redeemed in RU/CIS then?

4 years ago

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Please check the explanation that I linked above, you'll find your answer there.

4 years ago

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Does anyone know how much the Xcom2 collection costs on steam in USA after activating the items in this bundle? Thank you in advance

4 years ago

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If you open the XCOMยฎ 2 Collection bundle it states the discount of 42%.

So add up the item pricing which you would need to buy to complete it and multiply it with 0,58.

Fo example in โ‚ฌ it is like this at the Moment
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen = 13,19 โ‚ฌ with current 67% discount (normal Price is 39,99 โ‚ฌ)
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen - Tactical Legacy Pack kaufen 7,99 โ‚ฌ
(13,19 + 7,99) x 0,58 = 12,28 โ‚ฌ to buy the rest and complete your Collection

After the discount ends on 7. May it will be
(39,99 + 7,99) x 0,58 = 27,83โ‚ฌ to buy to buy the rest and complete your Collection

Just replace the โ‚ฌ with $ Prices and you can calculate it on your own.

4 years ago

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it will drop to 12.28$ after you activate the game and the two DLCs that come with it:

Individual price of the 2 items you don't already have: $21.18 USD
42% Bundle discount: Your cost: $12.28 USD

the guy above me did a good job to explain how the collection discounts work ;)

4 years ago

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Cool thanks for the replies. Good to know how to do the calculations

4 years ago

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I got the April Monthly and cancelled afterwards. I haven't been charged for May, but I still got Train Valley 2.

4 years ago

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TV2 was bonus for canceled or paused?

4 years ago

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I cancelled. But I thought you'd only keep the bonus if you'd stay subscribed.

4 years ago

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u getting bonus if u stay subscribed for coresponding month. So if it was april bonus, u should be subscribed for april.

Did you CANCELLED or PAUSED monthly?

4 years ago

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Never mind, I misread the original promotion.

4 years ago

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I thought this wasn't great at first glance, but noticed that jurassic was a builder management game.
Is the game good or worth it?

4 years ago

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For some yes and for others no, check out a few reviews on YouTube and decide for yourself.

4 years ago

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What about yourself personally?

And yeah, guess seeing actual youtube gameplay would be helpful. Thanks for the suggestion.

4 years ago

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I will give it a go cuz it has dinosaurs in it and I always liked the Jurrasic park movies.. well at least the first one.
Also it depends on what plan you have with Humble Choice. With classic even if you are remotely interested it makes it an easy decision then.

4 years ago

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Yeah, I watched the first two movies and have always been interested in management/strategy games. Seems like the game is pretty decent, not the best in the world but pretty decent.

I do have classic, though wondering what I should do with remaining 1-3 choices since not all the games are what I'd play.

Thanks for the reply again <3

4 years ago

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I started playing this morning and like it very much so far.

4 years ago

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Thanks for the input!

4 years ago

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I've read quite a few reviews since the release and the majority of them said they had fun with it but there are limitations/repetition with how much you can do on the management side of things or a lack of space to really get too creative with layouts. Still seems enjoyable enough on sale, have been umming and ahhing myself but had fun watching a couple people stream bits of it on twitch.

4 years ago

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Thank you for the fair and detailed insight, I appreciate it!

4 years ago

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How is the DLC for XCOM 2 working?
I mean I already have XCOM 2, but not the DLC.

Does it come as separate keys?
And if I trade XCOM 2 will i automatically trade the DLC, or can I keep those?

4 years ago

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Dlc's are separate keys or gift links. After you choose xcom 2 in your choice. Dlc will be available in normal 'keys and entertainment' library

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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I've watched trailers and read reviews for all games that i don't have and now I'm sure that I'm interested only in Warsaw and MO: Astray. Well, it's probably even good to skip this one, because my financial situation isn't very stable now.

4 years ago

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Already got both XCOM 2 and Jurassic World Evolution. Althought there's some nice games besides them, I think I'll pass this time... :(

4 years ago

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Pause. Too many dupes, and I am not particularly interested in the bigger ones.
MO:Astray is freaking fantastic. Don't miss out on that game, lads

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

4 years ago

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Hey, I just found out. Thank you, Deverell

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

4 years ago

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happy cakeday!

4 years ago

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thank you, igel. cheers

4 years ago

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Happy cakeday! :)

4 years ago

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thank you, Geralt!

4 years ago

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Not bad but nothing I'd want to play in the "near" future which is important to me lately as I have less time and a huge backlog of games of higher priority.
So another pause...

4 years ago

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