Hi folks!
I just planning a cleanup on my account, i will permanently remove some trash i never played before and never will.
The games on my cleanup list are monstly came from free giveaways, but there is a game i won here in 2016 january: The Princess' Heart i want to remove as well. Is it possible within the rules or not?

I know what you will think: Why i entering a giveaway i not want? I understand the point, but actually thats not the case. Back in the day, when i entered for the game it was on my wishlist and i thought it will be a good game, but now i had a closer look and see its kinda meh... i rather get rid of it if i can. Hiding from library is not an option, i want completely remove the game.

7 years ago

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Or you can ask for permanent suspension and then do it.

7 years ago

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Not Activating Won Gifts - 5 days suspension
and forget about most sgtools giveaways

7 years ago

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I am trustworthy and clean everywhere in the internet. I not want to get any suspension for breaking rules. That's why i asked before doing anything stupid. If there is no way doing this in a legal way, than the game will be rest on my account forever.

7 years ago

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There isn't really a way to do it without being in violation of a rule, which is to have the game you won on your account.

Beyond that thought...

Kinda a dick move to remove a game someone gifted you though, don't you think? I know not everyone enjoys every game they get, but one need not throw it out if grandma buys you a copy of My Little Pony Monopoly, she gave that to you.

7 years ago

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The first GA I ever won I wish I could remove lol.. it was for Drunk Wizards which was in a 19,900 key giveaway. There was a huge controversy at the time as well as there was a massive giveaway for this game on gleam and the dev revoked all the keys smh.

So yeah unfortunately you can't remove it from your library. Hiding it is about all you can do. I'm pretty sure a lot of those 19,900 SG members wish they could remove it as well.

7 years ago*

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You might want to buy a copy and give it to the GA creator and beg him to delete that GA so you are free to remove it. Kinda complicate but should work

7 years ago

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Just create a new folder in your game library called trash.
Move the crap games there and minimize the folder.
And uninstall to save room of course.
Easy Peasy.

7 years ago

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No - and even if you deleted it, you still own the licence for it - so it is still there, even though you cannot see it - hence the reality that people can undelete games they have mistakenly deleted :P ( so in reality there is no such thing as completely remove a game - it is just another way to hide a game)

see Fnords idea below - that is the best bet - assuming you can contact the giveaway creator and they are willing :)

7 years ago*

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Actually, if you delete a game from your library you can buy again the same game, and that should give you another license. If you remove the game from your account, it's not there anymore, until you buy it again or restore it.

7 years ago

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The licence IS still there - delete a game and you can undelete it, if the licence were not there, then this would not be possible - that is all I stated, as that is a fact - having done it myself and offered the advice to others who have accidentally removed games :)

even if you buy another licence, you still own the original one you purchased :)
the rest is semantics and not my problem :P

7 years ago

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But the license is not "visible" anymore, and that's what causes issues with Steamgifts if you delete a game you won. Even if you still have the license attached to your account, you still get suspended by deleting a gift. Anyway, technically, you're right.

7 years ago

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yep - semantics :) - they always suck a lamas whatnots :-P - I managed to restore mine before making the whole suspension mess :P

7 years ago

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I did it too, once :D. We all make mistakes (or happy accidents™)

7 years ago

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yay to happy accidents - Bob Ross style :P

7 years ago

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But is it the license or the removal of the license that's there? If logs show you removed it, that's what it is instead of the actual license.

7 years ago

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I neither know, nor care :P

7 years ago

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No it's permanently removed because in order to do it you have to use Steam support.

7 years ago

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LOL - I myself have recovered 'permanently' deleted games, the same way you can remove them from steam - via steam support - as have others on this forum when they mistakenly removed them :) - but maybe it works differently for others, who knows :P

7 years ago

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You could ask the giveaway creator to delete the giveaway: Maybe give them something in return for the trouble, like another game to give away,

7 years ago

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if giveaway creator was active here - he can ask him about deleting this giveaway, but.. its impossible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago

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The person who made that giveaway is permanently banned ^_^
It seems like that person re-gifted 3 games that he won and he didn't activate GTAV he won either (guess he sold it lol).

7 years ago*

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1 entry and the creator is banned too. Something else going on there.

7 years ago

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The giveaway was almost 2 years ago as i mentioned and i just checked the details, but the creator meanwhile got suspended permanent. :/ Don't know what he did, but it means its impossible to ask him for doing anything here.

7 years ago

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Them being perma suspended is the bigger of the issues...

And by the looks of it, they were very naughty, breaking two major rules.

7 years ago

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As i see he was regifting things he won and those 1 entry won giveaways are also strange.

7 years ago

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Yes, exactly. Even more so if you start looking a bit closer at the big 1 entry GA.

7 years ago

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As the giveaway you won was itself a regift, there's the possibility that cg would approve of deleting both giveaways with the original gifter's permission. Definitely something you can attempt, at least, if the matter is important enough to you to warrant the effort.

7 years ago

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Unfortunately, doing that is against the rules of the site. If you don't have a game you won in your library, they reserve the right to suspend you. And a suspension (even when it's over) keeps you away from a lot of SGTools giveaways. Not to mention that a lot of people will blacklist you if they see that you've been suspended for that reason. So, if it's not a problem for you, you should keep the game in your library and just hide it.

7 years ago

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I feel you Santi. I got that kind of trouble with "Pirates Deck" which I won of a mass-giveaway here. The problem is: I would at least try to play it, but the dev of the game has abandoned the game, there isn't even a way to install it on x64 systems.

7 years ago

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That sucks. There really should be some sort of exception allowing users to remove games that can't be played anymore.

7 years ago

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Yes, it does. As it will always count into "not played xyz gifts received" in my account. Kinda shames me, but what can I do about it.

7 years ago

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A few days ago I went through the same problem: I realized how many "bad" games I had won here and now will have to stay in the library forever.

From this day I happened to participate only in giveaweay of games of my wish list.

But there should be some "switch" mechanism to delete games that we no longer want; maybe if we make a giveaway of equal or greater value than what we want to delete or make a donation to the site... Of course the points on the deleted giveaway would not be taken from the donor's account, so that he did not lose the levels he already won and we would also be unable to enter the game giveaways we previously deleted.

Maybe with some rules this could work.

7 years ago

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Maybe a solution could be:
You must giveaway the game you won in order to delete it from your account. But not that specific key or gift you won! To prevent regifting, a keychecker algorythm needed to check your key wasn't included in any previous giveaway in the site.

So basically original giveaway creator gifted something for u, but u throw it into trash can, and give a different copy for somebody else. So as a result original giveaway creator happy to giveaway something and get his points for it, you happy to get rid what you not need, and a 3rd guy happy to won that game he want, steamgifts happy too, cause everybody happy. :)
Its just an idea, but i think it can work. (maybe with minor changes or rethinking, but something like this)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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no,if you don't want them,just don't enter.

7 years ago

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didn't you read what he wrote?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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sorry for what i said. just ignore that game you won,that's not that disturbing

7 years ago

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I removed many crap games (including 2 won here), but due to sgtools requirements I had to activate them again.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

7 years ago

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I use my hiding section to keep freeish games on my library, cause they not keep there. After an uninstall, they disappear.
But with hiding, they keep staying in my library even if i uninstall them. For example Trackmania Nations Forever, Eternal Senia etc.

7 years ago

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Interesting. Thank you.

7 years ago

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But what about a game like Sins Of A Dark Age which is no more online? I won it years ago, but devs turned off game.

7 years ago

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Its still in your library.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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This is why I only enter GAs for games I actually want.
The odds are against me but at least I won't end up with a dud of a game.

7 years ago

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dude, set a trash category and gg

7 years ago

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It's like store your trash in your house forever, instead of let it carry away by a garbage truck.
But you're right, it looks like its the only thing I can do in this situation.

7 years ago

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i know what you mean, but thats the best way so far

7 years ago

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I got suspended when I accidentally deleted won game from here. The only choice I had was to leave SG forever or restore the deleted game and come back. I decided to go for the latter and learned the lesson to never enter for a game I don't want in my library.

7 years ago

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I got a 5 day suspension for activating a won gift that I never received. I have since then bought the game (Witcher 2) for like $3 during a sale and I still can't enter some SGtools locked giveaways because I still have not activated the received gift.

So, don't delete the game from your library.

7 years ago*

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I don't get it, if you didn't receive it, why you clicked "received"?

7 years ago

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Dude gave me the gog version. I didn't want to make an issue of it and clicked received. I got suspended for it like a year after.

7 years ago

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and I still can't enter some SGtools locked giveaways because I still have not activated [Witcher 2]

Witcher 2 isn't what's flagging you.
It doesn't matter when you activate a game, both SG and SGT treat your account the same as if you'd activated it right away or years later. So long as you've got everything activated properly [now], there's no lingering "punishment" for any previous non-activations.

7 years ago

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OMG really? I didn't know that. I could have sworn I activated that win.

7 years ago

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(This script may help you in the future: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/10120-steamgifts-add-links-to-sgtools)

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7 years ago

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Well I do have Fallen Enchantress in my account, activated a couple days after I won the giveaway. However, it's not that version. So that must be my problem. Only hope I don't get suspended again.

7 years ago

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You mean the original Fallen Enchantress? Well, bright side, that's removed from Steam, so there's some collectability to it. Downside, the original release got a fairly negative release response, which is what led to the remake/stand-alone-expansion that was Legendary Heroes. So it's probably not the version of the game you want to be playing, anyway.

There are some copies still available for trade on Barter that you could try making offers for. After 2 years of holding on to the keys, it's hard to say if their owners'll be stingy with, or eager to trade- but you can hope for the latter. :)

7 years ago

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yes you can, just don't cry once the ban hammer hit

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7 years ago

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