Most, but not all, games I have posted have had the one star * to indicate that the game gives less value bonus to my contribution level (or what it is you call it). All of the games I have posted are from the humble bundle monthly. My question is what makes some games and others not less value? Maybe I am wrong but I am sure the first game I posted was not less value so it can't be the humble monthly games that makes them less value? I am guessing it can also be because the game is on discount on steam?

4 years ago

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If the discount on the games in the bundle is more than 95% (compared to the US Steam store) they are considered "bundled" (reduced value).

4 years ago

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Take Little Misfortune for example. It is -35% on steam and was reduced value*. Or do you mean it compares the humbe bundle monthly price or something?

4 years ago

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If the game was discounted at 95%+ at any time, on Steam, a 3rd party reseller or in a bundle, it will be considered "bundled".

4 years ago

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Oh. Dang that's rough

4 years ago

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It's rough, but it's literally the only way to enforce it. The site doesn't know if you bought a game in a bundle or not.

4 years ago

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And if the publisher reduces its retail price in Steam in the future, one will lose Contribution Value. Had a game I gave away that was $10 at the time and then the publisher reduced retail to $3 dollars. My CV on SG dropped $7 because of that.

4 years ago

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Game get * when it is in sale for -90%, even if game is bundled they count it that way (I do not know how, if they just divide to get $ on one game or something more complicated), so even if game is in bundle, it can be count as full price. Also can happen games are not added on list of reduced value games, in such case you can create a ticket to add game on reduced list, so support will mark it with star.

4 years ago

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-90%, thought it was -95%?

4 years ago

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I am not sure, you probably know better. I was told 90% when I asked I think. But if he just want gain level, maybe unbundled game would be better solution :D

4 years ago

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I believe it has always been 95%, but it's not exact. I think it is up to the discretion of the support member that does it. I don't think it goes far from 95% though, probably no less than 94%.

The real issue is that you have to take in to account that the sale in other currencies is converted to US dollars and then if that price is at least 95% off, it will get put on the reduced value list. The sale might only be 90% off, but if you take the Russian price and remove 90%, then convert that price to US dollars and it is over 95% off the US price, it gets reduced CV. This is why if you want to get full CV, you need to be careful with games that have a discount over 85% because it is possible to get put on the reduced value list even when the discount is in the upper 80% range when you factor in other countries.

4 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. is a list of all the games steamgifts considered bundled/free and therefore 1 or 2 stars. Anything not on this list is considered unbundled so you can check when you make your giveaway. Bear in mind some games are retroactively bundled based on when the bundle was released. It was also tell you when the game was considered bundled. Hope this all helps!

Welcome to steamgifts by the way. Forgot my manners!

4 years ago

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That's great! Thanks for that response, that link, and for the welcome!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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If I understood it right I can lose level value if a game I gave away is present in a bundle after I posted it? So if I post a high value game like Doom and get full value, two weeks after it is part of a bundle it decreases my level?

4 years ago

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So if I post a high value game like Doom and get full value, two weeks after it is part of a bundle it decreases my level?

No. You will retain full value. The key factor is the actual date of the bundle. If you bought Doom for full price AFTER the bundle has occurred, then you will receive reduced value. Again, the site cannot differentiate how the game was purchased.

However, when the game eventually has its base value drop, this will be reflected in your CV.

4 years ago

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No, that's not how it works. When you give away a full price game which at the time of your giveaway has nowhere passed the aforementioned threshold, you will always get the full CV for it. Only when you gift a game from a bundle, which at the time had not yet been on the bundle list and gets retroactively added (since it's done manually by real people), you will receive reduced value instead of full from the moment on it's finally added to the list.
For full picture: the only way to lose CV on a full value game is when its price is lowered on Steam, your CV adapts.

4 years ago

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Alright gotcha. thanks

4 years ago

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Does winning giveaways decrease my level score at all?

4 years ago

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No, it doesn't. The values are not related.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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If you decide to spend the time to pursue joining GA groups.
A common rule, in some of the groups I am in, is 2:1 ration of GAs won vs GAs created.
Otherwise dont worry about Wins and Creations.

4 years ago

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Plus adding to ash's response - some people also do not like leechers which exists there just to take. That can turn unwanted attention on you.

4 years ago

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