Seen some oldies being named. I'd add Severance - Blade of Darkness to the list. It's a fairly old third person hack & slash where pretty much every kill ends with an over-the-top dismemberment. Was quite gory for its time. Good luck finding a copy, though.
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TES:Oblivion, Bioshock, and Chivalry.
Oblivion doesn't seem gory at first.... but you'll see. Skyrim was damn tame compared.
Bioshock is pretty damn gory. I mean, at the beginning with the Big Daddy... damn.
Chivalry is uber-realistic, which means at the beginning you'll be the one getting gored with a spear.
All I have to say. Haven't played many gory games.
EDIT: Borderlands 1 can be damn brutal at times.
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I own Bioshock have yet to play it (bought 2 or 3 years ago). I watched a friend play some Oblivion and it looked terrible, it seemed like he had 2 attacks, swing sword up or side to side. Considering its the same people who made Fallout 3 (came out around same time) I thought it looked good but was poorly animated. Granted I never gave it a chance, and recently picked it up after enjoying Skyrim so much (and Oblivion being so highly rated its got to be worth playing). Is Oblivion as good and as entertaining as Skyrim?
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If the graphics are all that turn you away you have a problem.
The story is wonderful (feels like you're helping, not the damn center of everything like Skyrim) and the locales are amazing looking. If you REALLY don't like the graphics just get a damn mod or something.. But seriously, what kind of graphics do you expect from the Game of the Year of 2006?
I found the gameplay to be incredibly fun and challenging. The storylines were very interesting, and I even got caught up in some of the side quests. The DLCs are wonderful, one involves an island of madmen and another involves a journey of religon. Overall it is very epic if you can get past the outdated graphics and disgusting face models.
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No graphics are not ALL I care about, Chrono Trigger remains one of my all time favourite games. Its graphics push no boundaries =P It was merely a question posed to someone who has actually played it. I bought it, I will be playing it regardless. I clarified that the graphics in fact did not turn me away, hence I now own the Deluxe edition of Oblivion. It wasn't a question of graphics anyway, it was the animation, and even then I didn't see enough of the game to judge it fairly at all. And yeah I knew you can mod the hell out of it and make the graphics somewhat comparable to a lot of newer games.
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Well, I just got Sniper Elite V2 in today's sale. It may be the goriest game I've ever played. There's a bulletcam that follows your bullet to your target and then you get an x-ray view of the guy's body and you can watch the bullet as it rips through lungs, shatters bones, or blows up the guy's testicles. The options menu has a setting to change how frequently you get the kill cam if it gets irritating, but I love it.
Apart from that, I really enjoy the gameplay of the game. The stealth is good, and taking out an enemy sniper is very satisfying.
Edit: Also, the game has a demo available, so you can always try it before you buy.
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It's closer to August Underground without the logic. If that makes sense...
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Possibly already said but Dead Island can get pretty messy at times.
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Not on PC, but Afro Samurai might be worth a look.
It's got buckets and fountains of blood, not to mention you're one bad-ass-mofo (voiced by the baddest mofo ever, Samuel L. Jackson) with a katana and can slice enemies up into however many pieces you'd like and exactly as precise as you'd like.
Wanna chop off a dudes arm? Go ahead. Go for the head and scalp him if it pleases you or just full on decapitate that bastard.
My favorite though (takes a little skill) is to do a leg sweep then in one clean cut, take off both of their hands and feet while they're still falling.
Plus it has a beautiful art style that really brings it all together and a totally kick-ass soundtrack.
I tried finding a good trailer that really shows off all the ways you could kill your enemies but there's not too many out there, either way check this out if your curiosity is piqued. You should get a general feel for the game from that, if you have the time check out a gameplay vid to see if you'll like it.
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Painkiller, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alone In The Dark, Doom 3, AvP, The Suffering? But non of them are real gory. But neither is Fallout.
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Jericho maybe. In fact this the closest to Dead Space I've seen. And not because it has some gory action but because all the textures (walls, floor etc.) look like a mix of smashed brains and blood. :)))
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Lookin for recommendations for any heinously gory games. Fallout has heads blown to bits, limbs in pieces, bone exposed, general painfully ick deaths =P dead space while not super gory kills has super gory deaths when you die. Not to confuse a bloody game with a gory game; Tons are bloody, few have gore. Lots are grisly violent (Dishonored) but not overly gory either. Can anyone recommend any newer (no older than 3 or 4 years?) games that might satisfy the gorehound in me? =) ya, maybe a mildly demented request. Sue me =P
Edit: after less than an hour I have like a dozen+ games that are sure to entertain me, haha. Thanks for all your recommendations everyone, much appreciated!
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