----------------------------------------------Poll Over----------------------------------------------
Hello there, as annonced there I will start spending those shiny coins that stack up on my Chrono account.

  • I will start with a game per two week to match Chrono coin shop.
  • You have one week of hard thinking to choose which game you whant
  • I will start the poll and try to check daily results and Chrono sale, so if the leading game is about to sold out I will buy it
  • Once the poll ended I will pick the game on Chrono and start the giveaway with the key
  • Each giveaway will last one week
  • Bump on the annoncement topic please

We can discuss the process format:

  • Poll lasting time
  • GA basic lasting time
  • GA lasting time in case of quick sale
6 years ago*

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Giveaways with Chrono coins - Game choice

View Results
FORCED: Slightly Better Edition
Kathy Rain

The problem you'll have if your polls last a week is that by the time they finish you might find that the game that's been chosen is out of stock.

6 years ago

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I'm thinking about it, it is quite a test phase atm as I never track games on coin shop.
How long stock last for most whanted games?

6 years ago

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Usually less than a day

6 years ago

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Hover's already 60% gone and Kathy Rain close behind....

6 years ago

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Atm 24% whant it

6 years ago

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Since there are 4 games on the store now and you have 90k, you can buy all of them and use poll results as a sorting criteria.

6 years ago

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I will think about it, this would be way more simple.

6 years ago

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One option is to save your coins and wait for those moments when high interest games [typically, that'll be the ones that haven't been bundled yet] get posted, and just buying then. That way, you can ensure interest and appreciation'll be high, unlike for the rebundled/previously free games that linger for days.

The "most wanted" games will vanish within hours, so there's definitely no time for involved polling. You can generally get a good vibe off the comments in the Chrono thread after new games drop, but again, anything that's unbundled and doesn't look like trash and that starts climbing in claim % quickly is going to have its appeal. Generally, anything that lasts on Chrono for more than 2 days can be assumed to be relatively low-interest.

6 years ago

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I'm thinking about it too, maybe when I will have less points.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Fractard.