[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
♡ Friends and developers I’m trying to lend a hand of help ♡
♡ NapsTeam is trying to push their new game Iron Wings through green light and they’ve even put up a kick starter for it. any support and help even if it’s just tweeting about it, pushing the green light button, follow them on twitch or anything would be a major help to see them reach their goal ♡ Admit, the game does look awesome! [Ended]
And they’re such a friendly Dev team ^_^ I can’t help but to love and help them.
They are the same team I supported last time for Maria the Witch.
I still adore that cute little game and even streamed it and probably will steam it a few more times in the future, but do not let the cuteness of Maria fool you! The game is harder then it looks but at the same time tons of giggles and fun!
♡ All info about NapsTeam:
Their Kicksstarter
Their thunder clap currently at 46%
Their Green Light of Iron Wings on steam
The official Iron Wings website
Their Facebook
Their official website
Their Twitch streaming channel
Their Twitter
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
♡ My lovely community information ♡
Since recent I became a official co-owner of the LavaU community, so of course I am going to take a small moment to shameless self promote our community that also recently has been partnered with Curse chat.
(I'm so sorry for this shameless self promotion! *Blushes*)
The beauty of seeing it grow every day a little more to a awesome community makes me smile!
We do our best to be a fair and honest game community that tries to help Developers and fellow gamers.
We game together, we get (very!) salty together, we laugh and cry together and we accept everyone in our group ♡
You are always welcome to join after you've read our rules.
We do not just ban or kick people unless it is needed and occasionally we have 'clean house' to make room for new members if someone has been inactive for to long as we are looking for fun and active members who are willing to game, chat, participate random giveaways,...
We're just trying to make something cool and fun of it I guess ^_^
Do not feel obligated to join us, but in case of any interest this is all our information:
If you're looking for more information about me for stalking purposes or so *giggle* I mean, to keep a eye out for more events, ga's, etc:
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
Active fun topics of other friends:
Want your event listed here? Give a yell and I'll add it ^_^
200 members celebration by Afak [Ended]
Lose Your Gibs by Semeicardia [Ended]
A small December train by Corran [Ended]
The Tiny advent event with gibs by laurens87 [Ended]
Poor But Generous, a christmas group for those who can't spend a lot these holidays event by RedDevilMM [Ended]
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to a Giveaway [Level 2+] byOzpicious [Ended]
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year To All - Giveaways Provided Within by Loupou22 [Ended]
The touhou-giveaways-tv-show by Touhou community [Ended]
War child DLC for awareness of children in the war by reklapresh [Ended]
things that happen maybe even gibs happen soon (started already :O) by gothrana [Ended]
The love thread by cucooo [Ended]
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
[Ended gibs showcase -but the side event/donations is still on going]
Main event:
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Some groups [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
Side event part one
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
Side event part 2
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
[Donations part one:]
♡ Laurens87 made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Wintermute75t made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Loupou22 made two giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Plus a ton of key drops randomly in the tread :3
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Rayl1ght made a nice giveaway which you can enter:
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ kevingmz made a nice giveaway which you can enter:
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ igel2005 made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Tynon1221 made nice giveaways which you can enter:
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Martin11ph made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Antareja987 made a nice giveaway which you can enter:
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Superfabs made a giveaway which you can enter:
Here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Jesuswarjesus made a giveaway which you can enter:
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Corran made a giveaway which you can enter:
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ alfaplus made some giveaways that can be found:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
[Donations Part 2:]
♡ SlipperyBird681 was so kind to donate:
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ cillosis made some giveaways for LavaU steam group that can be found:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ gothrana has been so kind to created some giveaways which you can find:
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Ozpicious made some giveaways that can be found:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Our LavaU community is currently having a huge promotional giveaway for Death By Game Show.
As we are still determinate to help this developer as much as we can.
You can find the topic here [Ended]
And the giveaway over here [Level 1 and up]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
Goodbye 2016! ''rant''
Onwards to 2017 and may you be a better year. ♡
2016 has been a huge year with many ups and downs.
The downs...
The 'disease' I have has been having ups and a lot of downs. Sadly the last few months more downs. (Fibromyalgia)
I admit, it is mentally hard to understand why. It feels unfair, specially when I know there are people among the same 'disease' who fake it.
They can have mine if I can have there still existing health.
I heard the killer of my mother will go higher up to try to get out of jail. Which hopefully will not happen.
I lost my brother a few days before my birthday, his last greeting day was on my birthday itself. He was like a second father to me.
My family... Well let's say I did not choose them. Plus if I where to tell that story I would need a whole year :/
The holidays are hard on me, the struggle is there.
The ups..
Yet I also had some good moments.
I found love with a special someone who is my shelter and rock.
I have an awesome bestie (BFF), online though, such a bummer he lives so far away, but he made things possible for me and for that I owe him a big thank you and a real life hug one day. Which will be awkward, but I honestly just want to hug him and say thank you so much for being there for me.
I got some amazing things achieved I never though I would reach or achieve at all!
I became more active on SG and it felt good to help others, became part of a few great communities and even co-owner of one.
Not to mention how good it feels to do events and giveaways, although there is a chance once my key list is empty I have to slow down due well real life and bills :3 But I think that is understandable. Of course I will not disappear or anything. I will just lurk more and do occasional gibbies ^_^
I've met some incredible people on here (list to long to name you all, but you know who you are!)
And for that I am thankful.
Thankful that 2016 can be closed off and hopefully go to a better year.
I know I'm not the only one who leaves 2016 behind with mixed feelings.
Therefore I wish everyone a wonderful blessed and loved 2017.
Stay strong-ish! Stay positive (which helps a lot for me!)
Much love,
//End ''rant''.
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
The steam Awards- Final voting active from [22-30 December - 10 AM PST] [Ended]
For more information you can poke the steam news here. [Ended]
In November, Steam asked the Steam Selection Committee to nominate games for the prestigious Steam Awards - and while we expected to receive a large response, even we couldn’t have anticipated the over 15 million nominations that came through.
But the time for tabulation is over. The Steam Selection Committee has spoken… here are your 2016 Nominees. Come back every day from December 22nd to December 30th to vote for each award, and find out the winners on New Year’s Eve!
My votes will be daily listed under this post.
Additional information over voting and trading cards: can be found here
Plus, earn a special Steam Awards Trading card for each time you vote.
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
In case anyone wonders, these are my votes for the final nominee.
Please do not feel like you have to vote what I've voted, these are mine, and your are yours ^_^
I just wanted to share mine for funsies :3
And for the extra's
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
The Steam Awards - Pre-Voting Round [Ended]
Limited time, so make you're in or you'll be out!
As some of you already might have spotted, Steam now has official game rewards! oooooh exciting!
I have voted too for games I like or feel that deserve it ^_^
In case anyone wonders, this was my line up:
My category suggestion: The ''This game has so much plot but it needs more plot'' Award
Do note, I am NOT asking to vote for the same games,
Note: yes I am a huge Isaac fan and very addicted to both. No matter how many times I rage quit, I keep crawling back to them.
And do not underestimate the power of free games. The amounts of tears shed with Senia... Oh dear.
Wondering of any other choice I've made, feel free to ask me :3
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[♡ Posts/bumps/... is allowed from this post on and below - Please respect and follow the rules. Thank you ♡]
Official lets start this event already ♡ BUMP ♡ Whooooo, winter fun and hot chocolate, here we come!
Let's bring it back alive once again for more giggles, funs and gibs!
Bring your Onesie and Cacao and come settle in for a good time!
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well goodnight for tonight, I'm not sure how active I can be over the weekend as I have a wedding to attend too.
Since it is out of the country (in a cute little cottage we stay) I'm not sure if there will be any source of interwebz.
Big hug to you all and tysm for all the help <3
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HAHA, it is Winter there
sits in tshirt and shorts and looks out at blue sky and sun*
Though I do need to keep around some fly spray
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234 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Syssareth
16,667 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MikeWithAnI
8 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gamy7
46 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by MeguminShiro
31 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by drbeckett
7 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by Axelflox
31 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by Axelflox
29,468 Comments - Last post 32 seconds ago by mrgba
9,875 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
138 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Kingsajz
1,578 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by zolof
309 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by Ellendyl
1,002 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
173 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by lav29
[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
I'll kick my event off with my first bump, you're allowed to post under that and from there on ^_^
Thank you for respecting that. Much appreciated!
Started at 16 November 2016 renewed due reasons here on 8 December 2017 ending March 20, 2017 6:00 pm CET
Please respect them. Thank you in advance :3
And that's it! Enjoy your travel into my
smallwinter event!Much love ^_^
No keys have been harmed during making this event :P lol!
♡ Winter wonderland event ♡
The concept is simple, I kept it basic and small to help out and promote some friends and developers.
Any help or support towards them would be appreciated although it is your own choice.
I still give just to give my goodies away but while I’m at it, I might as well ask to support the people I listed, right?
So please do not feel forced or so and just enjoy enjoy enjoy. ♡
I'll do my best to reply back on everything but if I overlook your comment/post due a float of incoming envelopes, forgive me!
For a change my event will not have a end date, it will run until March 20, 2017 7:00 pm.
♡ Have a very wonderful and blasting 2017 celebration everyone ♡
I also posted my 2016 rant cause I just had to get it off my chest and oh hell why not!
Side event:
New trains after the main event once ends just to spread around some more cheer and joy :3
All end times are in CET since I'm from Belgium ^_^
[Starting from Monday 13 February all trains will be SGtools protected]
Grab the chance to make your mistakes right, as it would be only fair to other users who do much effort to keep SG alive and play fair.
All the same games, just different levels key clearance. - SGTools protected.
♡ Whitelist - [Ends: Mar 3, 2017 3:00 pm]
Since they end on different dates, if you won in one of them, please consider to withdraw the same game entry in the other trains to avoid re-rolls and stalking support. Thanks in advance :3
More will be added over time, so make sure to check back if you like ^_^
March 4: It's my caaaaaaaake day! This calls for celebration with some extra gibbies!
Thank you everyone for all the wonderful wishes and many yummy cake images and gifs!
♡ Druid level - 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Invention - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Call to - 10 level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Odallus: The Dark Call - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Spaera - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Final Core - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ The Shadowland - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ C O S M - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Cubway - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Rising - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Galactineers - level 1-10 - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
♡ Whitelist - Ends on my cake day, March 4 11.59 PM CET
All the same games, just different levels key clearance. - SGTools protected.
♡ Level 1 and up - [Ends: Mar 13, 2017 3:00 pm]
♡ Level 3 and up - [Ends: Mar 14, 2017 3:00 pm]
♡ Level 6 and up - [Ends: Mar 15, 2017 3:00 pm]
♡ Level 8 and up - [Ends: Mar 16, 2017 3:00 pm]
♡ Whitelist - [Ends: Mar 17, 2017 3:00 pm]
Since they end on different dates, if you won in one of them, please consider to withdraw the same game entry in the other trains to avoid re-rolls and stalking support. Thanks in advance :3
More will be added over time, so make sure to check back if you like ^_^
All the same games, just different levels key clearance. - SGTools protected.
♡ Level 1 and up - [Ends: Mar 20, 2017 3:00 pm]
♡ Level 3 and up - [Ends: Mar 20, 2017 4:00 pm]
♡ Level 6 and up - [Ends: Mar 20, 2017 5:00 pm]
♡ Level 8 and up - [Ends: Mar 20, 2017 6:00 pm]
♡ Whitelist - [Ends: Mar 20, 2017 7:00 pm]
[And this will be the last train as spring officially started at March 20th - Have a wonderful Spring with much sun everyone.]
Thank you everyone: for participating, bumping, donating, all the love and friendship you brought into my topic ♡
And after that there is a fair chance of quitting SG, temporary or forever, don't know yet. I might enter a GA here and there, maybe make whitelist once, would still do my group once due obligations. But besides that... Kinda am getting sick of the cheating and drama, the fake giveaways under the wrong name and rule breakers, not to mention filthy re-gifters that get away with it..., it burns me out to know that in the end all the good once will leave and SG will be destroyed by the rotten apples...
♡ Foxpile made a giveaway that can be found:
here [Level 3+] - [Ends March 25, 1:29pm]
♡ VaKiff mada a giveaway that can be found:
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 12 - 12.00 PM CET]
♡ SlipperyBird681 made some giveaways that can be found:
here [Level 1-7] - [Ends March 3 - 2.15 AM CET]
here [Level 1-7] - [Ends March 3 - 2.25 AM CET]
here [Level 1-7] - [Ends March 3 - 2.35 AM CET]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ alfaplus made some giveaways that can be found:
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
here [Level 2+] - [Ends March 11 - 12.59 AM CET]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
Previous donations from sweet people, thank you so much ♡
And to get in the mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHJr07zU9Gk
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