So I've been building up a stock of trading cards and have about 67 while increasing every now and then. So one of my questions is should I sell them for more games? Or sell a few and try craft some badges to level up? I believe I have about $17 worth of cards.

That brings me to another point. How do you get your cards to sell fairly quickly while getting the most out of them at the same time? For example, do you go $0.01 less then the average?


11 years ago*

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i always go from 5 Cents to .01$ below the latest in the Graphics and sell them like 10 Sec after

11 years ago

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Thanks, that is useful information, always wondered how quickly cards would sell on the market. Of course I could have tried it haha

11 years ago

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You can check the value of cards here if you're not sure.

11 years ago

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Thanks, that's what I have been using to monitor how much my cards are worth in total.

11 years ago

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For popular cards -0.01 is always enough to have it be gone instantly.
You should have sold your cards all the moment you got them as you'd have gotten a lot more for them back then. They lose value every minute.

For snow globes: Check at what price the offers start to be plenty - like 5 pages of 0.16? Then sell yours for 0.15 - even if there are <20 cards for 0.14/0.15 already. Snow globes are just so popular, they are being sold hundreds a minute, so yours will sell also even if it isn't #1 on the list.

11 years ago

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Thanks, I did know that the cards lose value over time. Though my account only gained market status late this month, so now I'm looking into all this "stuff".

11 years ago

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To determine the price point for a card to both sell quickly and return the best possible value, the main thing you need to consider is how many of them sell each hour compared to how many are listed at the lowest price point and each step above it, and whether the price is trending up or down (if at all). For example, if there are hundreds of Card X selling each hour at a pretty stable long term price, and only a few pages listed in the 9-11 cent range, followed by 2 or 3 dozen pages at 12 cents, a safe and quick listing would be at 11 cents (returning you 9), and a 12 cent listing would be reasonable but might take a few hours (or days). You would have to determine if the extra time is worth the extra penny (which could add up over a bunch of listings), or if you want the money asap. Obviously the lower the volume of hourly sales for a card, the closer you'll want your listing to be to the top; if a card only sells 10 per hour and your listing is on page 10, chances are you'll need a surge in prices to get it sold at all. Also, if the price is trending downwards you'll want to be cautious not to end up losing even more value by not getting it sold quickly.

11 years ago

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Also the best time to sell them was at the beginning of this sale, when the incentives for crafting badges lead to a big bump in the prices for all cards. Chances are there will be similar events in the not too distant future, so you may want to hold on to your (non snowglobe) cards until then

11 years ago

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Thanks, that helps once again. So why shouldn't I hang onto the snow globe cards? Wouldn't they increase in price when the event is over?

Also it seems to be everyone is leaning towards the idea of selling the cards, and not crafting. Is there anything that is important about the levels in steam? I know there is a +10% increase of chance of getting packs of cards every 10 levels.

11 years ago

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No they won't increase in price when the event is over. They will vanish. Poof! Written in red onto every snow globe card ;-)

Every 10 steam levels also allows you to display some fancy/not so fancy information (depending on what you think is fancy) to viewers of your profile.

11 years ago

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Snow Globes will expire at the end of the event. The badges are just cosmetic stuff for your profile, and leveling up offers a few minor benefits (mostly extra customization options for your profile), though crafting the snow globe badges does give you marketable in game items as well. Just up to you to decide if you want extra games or a better looking profile

11 years ago

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Thanks everyone for your replies. You have answered all my questions in full. I'll be closing this in the next 5mins or so.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Betabot.