Hear! Hear! This gets my vote! All 100 of them!
Or sort them by timestamp even, just give us a way to see the list of winners in the same order every time!
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Not sure if that's a solution to your problem, but ESGST has a button that you can press when on your "Giveaways Created" page that automatically checks winners and send the keys to all of them, assuming you added the keys when creating the GA
PS - Picture to be more helpful - https://imgur.com/a/0RKZCkL
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Hi! Thank you for this reminder of another of the features of the amazing EGSGT!
I just took a look at this ESGST feature. I started the process, but I did not see an option for checking to see if the game was already owned on Steam before sending the gift and I cancelled before completion. Do you know if it does that check?
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No problem! I don't think it does that specific check - I always use it for the two checks I used to do manually on SGTools (previous unactivated wins / multiple wins of the same game). Apparently you could also check group membership and presence in WL/BL, but unfortunately, no checking the winner's library as far as I know :/
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It sounds like it would be possible to the unactivated/multiple wins check for everyone in one fell swoop without sending the gifts?
To allow the gifter a chance to then check Steam manually? With enough winners to check, that could still help speed the process up.
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Precisely - it speeds it up but doesn't necessarily solve it all. Definitely a help but short of being the definitive solution
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Oh no! It DOES send gifts without stopping to confirm to allow one to check for ownership on Steam. With several giveaways that allow someone who owns the game to enter, I can't do that! In fact, my first winner which I checked manually already owns the game. :(
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Oh no I'm sorry to hear that! I was under the impression you get the result of a check and then can choose to send the gift or not, but maybe that only works if the result of the check is negative :(
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It started sending at once (perhaps there is a setting that I missed to disable that). When I saw 7 sent and 1 unable to be sent (I had requested a reroll due to the winner already owning the game).
I entered each giveway that had been sent and was able to "unsend" the key. Happily there were no further issues and checking manually, I was able to send all the keys. :)
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Glad to hear that the damage wasn't worse! Also good for me to understand better how the feature works!
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Back in the day when I still used to make giveaways I used to offset them each by one minute to avoid this and keep them nice and organized. I can't remember exactly if it was the Starting or the End time that has to be shuffled.
By the way is offset the right word for what I'm trying to say? All online dictionaries show me a different, more businessy meaning.
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Hi. Your comment above is sort of old now but I spotted the thread thanks to cg's comment below (which may also be relevant to your interests, btw) and I figured I'd answer you on this point:
Yes, "offset" is correct. The verb can be used refer to any act that can be described by the noun, and one of the meanings is "the distance by which one thing is out of alignment with another" (quoting Wiktionary noun meaning #7). In this case, one minute would be a "distance in time", if you will. I hope this helps! :)
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Much appreciated 😉
I also considered staggered but wasn't sure about it and most online dictionaries only show the most basic meanings of a word.
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Hi bron99, I fixed the sorting on the list of giveaways created so they should stay in a consistent order now.
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Thank you very much cg! Awesome change, can confirm it is consistent now on the created page 💙 Also i think it would be beneficial to fix the order in other places as well when you have time. Technically a user can win 50+ giveaways that end at the same time, so the issue would occur on won games as well. But that's definitely less likely than on created page.
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Greetings, Cg. I have a question. How long will the discrimination against people who don't want to move with the mainstream continue and have their personal view of the situation? Moderator already few months use his power for silence everyone who not agree with everyday posted propaganda in the specific topic.
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Would it be possible to sort giveaways by name in case there are 2+ that ended/ends at the same time? I might have done like 40 giveaways that ended at the same exact time, which makes it kinda impossible to send keys, as they are randomly sorted with every refresh and if i have them on 2 pages, it's possible to be so unlucky that you will miss some :P
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