Obligatory poll. Answer truthfully.
I usually give 80% or more to A Hope For Autism Foundation or an animal welfare organization, and most of the remaining amount to Humble (except if it is mostly indie developers, then I give them 10-20% too). In the past I have given most to the developers (because the folks who made Evoland and Don't Starve deserve it), but I tend to feel good about donating a large portion to charities.
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If I remember to spread (blame the UI for hiding it so well now), 0 for Humble Tips, 70-90% to charity, the rest to developer. I give more to developer when there is one I recognize.
I choose Wikimedia for my charity (if HB doesn't force one on you - which it does depending on the bundle) since it's one of the best starting point for research. I still keep the spread if HB locks the charity, though, since I trust them to pick the right charity when they lock it.
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Yes, when I buy there it's the tier 1 of a bundle so it's not a lot of money so at least I have the developers have it because they worked hard on it.
And charity I am not fond of, most waste money on crap anyway and I don't know any of the ones Humble shows anyway.
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To be honest most of the times I leave it at default since I think that devs and HB must get a bit of money for them to keep doing what they do. The only times I change and give 70% to charity is when I am fully aware of how the charity spends their money and on what.
Almost all of charities I have seen on HB are not for my country so I am not fully aware of what and how they do stuff, since in todays world there are always some "shots" on how shady a said charity is..
So for me (I guess) it is somehow hte easiest to leave it at default then to spend 2,3+ hours per charity trying to see if they do their stuff in a good way/bad way.
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MSF. When you let Humble choose some of the charities seem... questionable so sod it, everything goes to them now.
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I usually give 10% to an animal charity. If there's no choice of charity, I give 0%.
I usually give 10% to Humble, but if I'm annoyed at them for some reason -- such as for including four Humble monthly games in a bundle -- then they get nothing.
I give the rest to the developers.
Every now and then it changes for other reasons, but that's my norm. That was a good question, though; it's interesting to see what others are doing. Thank you! :)
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I normally go 100% charity, and I've gone back and forth between a few charities, but always from the top-rated list for efficiency and transparency from Charity Watch.
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Equal money to developer and humble bundle - usually about a buck each. The majority to EFF or whatever charity is on offer.
Some developers I cut out entirely if they are ones I wouldn't want to support... but humble always gets money because I want them to continue filling my steam library with bundles!
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I wast just reading this thread, and decided to check how the community spends their hard earned cash. What charities do you guys choose? Any specific ones, or just go with the one chosen by the humble stuff? Also how do you spread the % between Developers/Charity/Humble tip? Random amounts, set amounts or something else?
I used to do 90% charity, 9% developers, 1% humble tip. But in the last few months i switched to:
$0.20 - Humble tip. (If they get at least that from any transaction, they'll make more than enough to keep everything going, and not starve to death)
$0.80 - Developers (If they've given their game to humble i hope they've made enough money and they are ok to donate some :))
Rest - Charity. (That's the main reason this site exists...i guess. :))
As for particular charities - I used to go with the stuff monthly picks, switched to the American Red Cross in the last few months, and starting with the next bundle, i'm going with the Lyme Disease Association.
P.S. No giveaway here....yet. I might add one if enough people get angry with the poll. :)
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