Hello Everyone,

So many Devs now are giving away game keys in-exchange for votes, while valve issued a statement about this issue and prohibited it, but still you find so many devs doing it either ways, people stopped voting and lost faith in the system which makes our job (and hard working devs) alot harder to grab attention and awareness of our game(s).

we refused and will always refuse to go this route although we had so many offers to give keys in-exchange for votes and most probably our game would have got greenlit by now if we have done so. we worked hard on our game, built it from scratch, no pre-made engines nor softwares.

we are not giving any keys for votes, we are NOT asking you to vote "YES", all of what we are asking you to do is just please spare a minute from your time , check and understand the concept of our game on Greenlight here:


IMPORTANT NOTE: there are some subpar artwork images shown and we are replacing them with proper ones as those were shown for demo purposes only, please take this into consideration when checking the game as we didnt think people would take it as in-game assets, our fault and we apologize.

And as an appreciation token for your time and support, we made a giveaway here:


http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/tS8nt/mortal-kombat-komplete-edition - Ended

and we will make another one in the upcoming days and update this post.

Thanks for reading.

9 years ago*

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Sounds like a cool concept, but I'm not interested in such game so I voted accordingly. Best of luck!

9 years ago

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^ thank you very much whether you voted yes or no, we do appreciate your time, thanks again :)

9 years ago

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Voted for your game on green light looks like cool game so far good luck greating green lighted

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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It looks pretty cool, but not really a fan of this kind of game so sorry I didn't vote for it.
Still wish you guys good luck on green light!

9 years ago

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Although it does look like an awesome game, I'm afraid I just don't have the creativity to do any of what it looks like your game is about so I have to vote no...but I wish you the best of luck in getting through. I'm sure you have a winner there, I'm just not the right audience for it

9 years ago

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Thank you for your honest opinion, but once we get greenlit, hopefully soon, we will release a demo version, perhaps you could try it out and then judge for sure :)

please note, you dont need to create anything if you dont want to, its totally optional, the game is fully featured one with integrated levels when released but the beauty of this game is levels are not limited to specific number like any other game, we and lots of people will be creating levels and release them for all for free :)

9 years ago

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Voted. Not that I'm really going to buy it, but I like the emphasis on user level creation.

9 years ago

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Already voted yes, I like the idea behind it :)

9 years ago

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Looks ok, so I voted yes, good luck !

9 years ago

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Thank you all for your honest opinions and votes, for anyone not interested in creating levels, the game will feature around 5-10 levels when released and we will keep creating levels and supply assets packs for everyone for free after release, we have a big vision for this game, very low price and massive community behind it, together we will guarantee that it will never die, and the whole concept is giving customers value for every cent they spent on this game.

for other people who are not interested in this kind of games, we have a plan for you guys, we will release a demo version when the game gets released, you can try it out and judge because i believe you cannot judge something before trying it out and its harmless.

9 years ago

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are you going have any big giveawys if you get greenlighted

9 years ago

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not sure what do you mean, like 100 keys or something like this for our game?

9 years ago

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is it?

9 years ago

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Looks intriguing... another yes. Good luck!

9 years ago

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Added new giveaway.

9 years ago

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hey guys, what do you think of this level boss:


basically she is flying and attacking with the spear in her hand and suddenly it transforms and spread the snakes to hit you, i was able to capture the moment of this transformation, what do you think?


9 years ago

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The look reminds me of old flash games too much but the idea is pretty rad, just the visuals aren't to be honest.

9 years ago

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Overall I really appreciate and respect your honest approach to this. As for the game I have to say that the base game doesn't convince me unfortunately so I'd have to vote no as Steam asks me if I would buy the game if it's released.
The level editor on the other hand seems to be pretty easy to use and is convincing as this would open up the possibility to create a game that is suited to my needs.
Before I vote yes tho. Is there any demo or alpha to test out?

9 years ago

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Thanks for the feedback, appreciated, well to be honest not there yet, i'm still adding features to level designer, i have tons of properties that i have already supported and plan to add more, i'm really close to get greenlit, so votes for me is not more important than the community feedback at this stage, once greenlit ill make it early access so i can enhance the game based on feedback and keep adding features and i will be happy to provide you with a key regardless of what you have voted if you would like to play with the designer and check it out when it gets on early access because this is the kind of feedback i'm looking for especially from honest person like yourself and see if you would be interested when trying it out, my purpose is just to make the best possible 2D shooter sandbox game that gives you value for every cent spent on the game and unlimited number of levels and play time. please let me know if you are interested and i'll contact you when i go early access.

about graphics, i'm not sure on which assets you are talking about, currently the page has mixed assets, Anime ones who were drawn by an artist and will be featured in the Anime level (First video and 2-3 images) and some random static assets on other images and videos , those static random assets are being replaced with proper ones since i made a mistake and didnt think i have to put proper assets when the game is on greenlight as its a sandbox game and those can be replaced pretty easily but people think that those are the original game assets unfortunately and its my bad to be honest.

9 years ago*

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Not my cup of tea, but good luck! Voted yes + bump! :)

9 years ago

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Thanks for support and your honest opinion, ill be back when the game goes into early access and we'll see if i can change your mind ;)

9 years ago

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I do understand its a WIP. I also understand that its a lot of work to do a seemingly functioning game.

But trying to be as respectful as possible, you cannot be serious to trying to greenlight that as it is right?

I mean, i dont care about how weird, good, bad the concepts of the game are, thats how the game is, if it works, good, if it doesnt well, what are you going to do?

But give a presentation of your job that you are actually trying to profit from with that? at least try to improve your artwork as it seems like random images from google, or even just paint drawings of a 9yo just cropped and pasted as "original artwork". There are far more better artwork in free flash games with stick figures.

I just see that as an alpha for a developer to see how things are going, sure, but to present that to the public? Just no, its a very very bad joke.

I wont downvote to not affect you, but i wont vote yes either. Its just awful.

Yeah, you sure can just replace the current images easily, the question is, will you if you dont profit?, will you even do it if you do profit?, Doesnt matter what you say, i am not taking your word, better work on that project until its decent enough, then we may buy. As it is just wont happen.

9 years ago

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Thanks for feedback, yes i do realize the artwork needs alot of work and those graphics shown are just for demo purposes only, i'm already replacing them slowly since artwork needs time from the artist, i'm in final stages of Anime Level and will be presenting it soon, however there is a short video (the first one) showing the direction of Anime level graphics if you happen to watch it but still not enough since i need to present the complete level though, other shown footage are below sub-par, joke and you call it.

yes you are 100% right, most of artwork presented is just random free images picked up from google, reason on why the graphics were so low quality is the lack of experience in greenlight and marketing a game even if its still in early stages, i thought since this game is a sandbox, replacing graphics is the easiest thing to do with couple of clicks in the designer so i put alot of efforts in the engine and designer instead and thought i would leave assets to the last, then presented it in greenlight to gain sometime while i'm still working on it, plan didnt go well and most comments i got are pointing to assets although i'm planning to replace them but people dont care about future, if its alpha or final product, they judge on what they see, they dont care about plans nor promises, this is a lesson i learned from this experience and game will not go into early access unless if all assets have been replaced with proper ones.

hopefully by 3-4 weeks i will be able to take down all of these low quality assets and just present proper ones, so this answers your question about replacing the images as i'm doing so as we speak, hope this clears up the confusion and i apologize for this.

9 years ago*

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I do know a bit of programming, i know assets are easy to change, but not all of them know.

Regardless of that, the reason we dont take your word its a general distrust to indie devs in general, but not restricted to them, you should probably be aware that first, you are not the first dev that makes a promise, and not pointing directly to you since its probably your first game, but many devs have abandoned their games and their promises regardless of what they said. And also, at the moment, the market is flooded with indies, and as such, you have a lot of competitors, kind of hard to beat them, at least in first impression of your game when you present that video.

In any case, that demo is your card of presentation as a dev, as a programmer, and as a person, thats the first impression you give, being honest, it doesnt look good compared to 10-15 year old games with similar concepts or schumps in general.

I honestly hope you have good luck in your work and hope you dont make mistakes like that since they can hold you back instead of boosting your game.


9 years ago

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you are absolutely right, there is no guarantee and people just had alot of bad experiences in the past apart from the competition going on right now, this is just a lesson i had to learn in the hard way unfortunately, but i'm making good progress now, i have taken down all low quality assets since there is no point in showing them as they do more damage than good. all will be replaced with better assets to show people what kind of levels and assets to use in designer that they will get when buying the game.

just quick note, changing assets in this game is very easy since its sandbox, from the designer software that ships with the game, within 2 clicks you can change/create any asset, no coding needed, the engine has been designed and coded to seamlessly integrate with the designer software, so basically the level designer feeds the game engine everything that needs to be displayed, its behavior and properties as well.

Thank you again for this honest feedback and i'll be back when the game is released to show everyone that i'm one of the honest hard working Devs that keep his promises and honor them.

9 years ago

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