Does anyone know the sites like G2A /CDKEYS? great deal on PREY game :O ,
it is cheapest according to AllKeyShop on CDKEYS with 10 cents less than g2a ++ it has DLC included on CDKeys :D
But i have no idea when the discounts end on CDKEYS site? on G2A it ends in like 1 day and few hours :( Weekend + Valentine's day discounts,does anyone know how much longer it lasts on CDKEYS site? i probably won't be able to get it in-time if it's same as g2a -.- :(

6 years ago

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you're not gonna find a lot of support for grey market sites here

6 years ago

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Half of the site or more supports them or doesn't care either way. Those of us who are against them are in a minority. ;(

6 years ago

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What discount duration? None of them are stores. Key sellers, individuals post keys at prices they want to set. Whenever G2A posts a "sale" or "discount", they just take a random game that has a seemingly low price and pretend it is on sale. This also means the "sale" lasts as long as someone takes all the keys the seller had left.

6 years ago

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Prey is a great game, and Arkane is a great studio. It would be nice if people bought it from an authorized reseller so that the devs get compensated and we show that there absolutely is a market for immersive singleplayer games.

6 years ago

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I don't think the devs see any money for the sales anymore as they got paid for delivering and supporting the game. The publisher, on the other hand, will like the money.
And BTW, Prey is indeed a great game.

6 years ago

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If the publisher keeps getting money, there is a higher chance that they will keep trusting the devs. Plenty of great games didn't get the success they deserved. And I think Prey is among them.

6 years ago

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Unfortunately, people will buy the magically-created-from-nothing keys so that the devs will not get compensated! :(

Curse you, unauthorized resellers, for creating valid keys out of thin air!!

(Sarcasm aside, batches of stolen or illegally obtained keys are usually swiftly deactivated)

6 years ago

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Weekend + Valentine's day discounts

I'd be pretty offended if someone got me a game from G2A as a Valentine's gift. Like, "I love you enough to buy you Civ 6, but not enough to pay more than 2 euros for it" :x

6 years ago

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Add more than 10€ for Civ 6 on this website :p

6 years ago

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Whoa, suddenly my Valentine's gift went from capsule toy to designer jewelry. Designer jewelry that fell from the armored van, of course.

6 years ago

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cdkeys is legit asf. They seem to operate on a supply and demand system. When they go on the site the price is lower. As it gets closer to the launch date, the higher the price gets. Same with after release.

6 years ago*

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Closed 6 years ago by TheDotAWizard.