Which game should I buy?
Witcher 3. The other 2 games are NOTHING compared to it. ;) Even its dlcs are awesome.
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GTA V ofc. Cause it's much more likely to fit anyones taste that the rest of your list.
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I didn't play for a long time (it was many years so i don't know how is now population there) but try SAMP or MTA. They can give you hundreds hours of good entertainment. They were much more advanced than mp in GTA IV and GTA V (except this whole "sims" elements from GTA V) thanks to big community, being "opened" for mods, type of servers etc.
Good old times...
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Sorry, it may be so, but personally I do not really like multiplayer games. specially not this kind. Like I like battlefield style games, and strategy online. Depending the mmo I like a few of them. but will play them just for a while.
I love single player games. And GTA does not make me want to stay for to long. Not that I dislike the games. They are ok, just not really my cup. And my previous comment was just meant to point out that it is not something that can fir anyones taste, as it does not really fit mine, and I am sure there are thousands more games that it does not fit their taste
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Its not about exactly your taste, its about some random person taste. Since we don't know what OP prefers I can suggest that there's a lot more chances that he will be satisfied with such a common and player-friendly action game more than with some japanese hardcore bdsm shit or with some idk kinda generic RPG.
I don't fuckin know, theres absolutely nothing to say. It's a really stupid question. Find some kindof reviews on youtube about these games to make you mind. OP, just kill yourself. Why should we argue about whats better for YOU: elephant, cardboard box or health insurance? Maybe you some solitare or POPCAP games fan. Jeez...
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Which are you most excited about and what are your favorite types of games?
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Well GTA will also be on sale in one(two?) week(s) when the wintersale starts, you should probably better decide that then.
From your gametime in other games I would assume you'd like the gameplay of Dark Souls 3 the most.
It's also the only one I've played of these three so far - it's pretty good :)
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If you haven't played GTA V yet you should buy that, Witcher 3 only if you can run it at recommended specs. But still GTA V will likely not drop in price all that much the next year(s), Witcher 3 will. Dark Souls 3 I can't tell because I don't play those games. GTA V also has a nice Multiplayer guaranteed for much replayability after you finished the story.
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Why do you say The Witcher 3 will drop in price next year and GTA V won't? On what bases? They both retailed at 50% atm, not disagreeing with you, just curious :) Thanks in advance
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Because GTA still has MP, witcher games tend to drop in price based on previous games.
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GTA V also has a nice Multiplayer guaranteed for much replayability after you finished the story.
It does not guarantee much replayability at all. Sure, if that's your thing it will, but there are also a lot of people that really don't like the multiplayer at all...
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Yeah, with friends it can be fun, but not on your own. When I still played a lot with my brothers I did occassionally play on my own to grind some money, but always on a private session, since people in online sessions are just horrible (they keep on killing you for no reason at all for example).
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I tought MP was good if not better then the story, solo or with friends.
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as someone who played both GTA V and Witcher 3, get Dank Souls 3.
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This will sound controversial as f**k, but get GTA V since it's the only one that actually has a working multiplayer with a ton of features. The rest, you can pirate before you buy them and see if you like them before spending a ton of cash that you might invest in something else.
Also, I know that DS3 has co-op, but it's just not the same. :p
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I play GTA Online every day. :) Bit of a difference there between us. And I probably see a cheater per week. Which is considerably low compared to a few years ago, when the game was literally plagued by them.
I wasn't saying that the other games were better or worse, I was pointing out that he can get a "refund" if he pirates the single player game and finds out he's not a fan.
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why not all three? all three are great games... but as far as time spent in game.. gta V wins for me... followed by the witcher 3 and then dark souls 3
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witcher 3 was 20 something last sale so wait and both will be
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I've played both GTA V and Witcher 3. Tested D3 on a friend's house and its not my cup of tea.
While GTA V its on sale and if you want to play something new right now, it would not be a bad choice. The game is fun, long enough, with an interesting story, good quests, it will make you focused and interested from the beginning to end.
Thing is, Witcher 3 is probably the best RPG ever. At least its my favorite and its a common opinion about the game. It will give you a lot more playtime than GTA V, a more interesting storyline, its way more emotional (if you like to be moved by a game), with way better characters, and so on. And its a way newer game than GTA V, so expect a generation gap between both. On another side, it has expansions, 2 of them, that will cost you a bit more to get a fuller experience. Keep that in mind if money is something that could get in the way of your choice.
It all depends if you like RPG and fantasy games, but you can't go wrong with any of them. For my personal taste, Witcher 3 > GTA V > Dark Souls III.
Just make sure that you play Witcher 3 and GTA V at least at some point of your life. Both are worth it.
But if I were in your shoes, I would wait to get the Witcher 3 GOTY edition (with the expansions) on sale. It has been on sale before, it will probably be again soon.
EDIT: Just saw your most played games... DS, DA, Fallout, Skyrim... just get Witcher 3 already! glhf :>
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If you like something akin to action RPG, pick up either Witcher 3 or DS3. Witcher 3 for story driven stuffs and DS3 if you're feeling masochist. There's also co-op and PvP in every single Dark Souls game, but it's usually a bit limited.
GTA V will most likely suit a wider range of gamers. Furthermore, you can also play online as well. So it's up to you whether you want to pick up a single player only game or a single player game with additional coop.
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Sad to see so little love for DS 3. All 3 are great but Dark Souls is one of my favorite series of all time.
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None of them, wait two weeks for the Winter Sale, likely all will be on sale then for the same or better sales. Plus bonus cards to sell (or craft) for those extra pennies off! Those extra pennies are totally worth it! woooo extra pennies! (in all seriousness... I only every buy AAA in those sales because of those stupid cards.... what is wrong with me.....)
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haha if you think that is weird I only buy a game when it's on sale( a worthy sale) , I'm going to buy Terraria only if the price drops to 1,50 that is the lowest price the game gets on sales
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between the options you gave , The Witcher 3 is the best option because it's a really good game that has hours of gameplay in this awesome RPG rich in story and nice DLCs , the Blood and Wine DLC is very very very good, cheap and gives you almost another game. if you are not interested in The Witcher 3 I would suggest Dark Souls 3 , that is another good RPG. and GTA V has a nice story too but it's not an RPG and doesn't last too much, it is focused in multiplayer and mods .if you like games like Garry's mod GTA V is for you , but if you prefer a rich RPG I strongly recommend The Witcher 3 , it is awesome.
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Funny that I don't care for the GTA V multiplayer that much. I understand why people like it, but I think the solo campaign for itself makes the game worth it.
I'm more of a single-player gamer tho, except for competitive games like CS:GO.
But its true, there is a good chance he might enjoy the GTA V multiplayer, as it has so much content. Its not my cup of tea but it I should've mentioned. Many people love it.
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Most of the multiplayer games I play are competitive , it's what makes them fun for me. Lately I have been playing League of Legends and CS:GO , two great competitive games. And single-player games mostly don't have a multiplayer option when they are really focused in the campaing , like the Fallout series and many other games.
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i so want to buy Witcher 3, but i still have 1 and 2 in my backlog :(
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You can play W3 first. Of course playing 1 and 2 will make a difference on understanding the universe, but Witcher 3 explains enough of it so you don't feel you're missing anything.
Also, even tho the lore on W1 and W2 are amazing, W3 feels like a whole new game. I played it first and I do not regret it.
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Debating which AAA game to pick up. Haven't played any of these games yet.
GTA is on sale right now. Not sure what to do!
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