Should Biles be disqualified and loose all the medals due to racist behaviour ?
:eyes your name: :eyes your comment: :hums:
One two three four, I declare a flame war!
Okay, yes, this equivalently titled song is more tonally on-point, but I much prefer the other song. 🙄
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Wow, just wow. Not everything in the world is equivalent, I know people like to both sides shit but that doesn't make things equal. I get we all have boners for STEM, but there is a reason that learning the arts is just as important to be a well-rounded individuals. History is important. Sociology, psychology are important on the macro, language courses teach critical thinking, which I can see is severely lacking.
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watched like 11 minutes of the opening ceremony and bailed.
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Have you never seen a ball before? The stocking tore and had a hole in it. That is his leg. The side of a leg and a ball look nothing alike. Even if you have never seen a ball before, you should know what a leg looks like. It's been disproven if you'd like to check out the evidence for yourself.
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As reported in the press, they "became the first all-Black podium in men's or women's gymnastics at the Olympics".
This is a historic first.
And it is very understandable that a black American woman would be happy about it - especially when you consider the past history of black people in the US and the consequences it still has on black people in American society today.
I really feel like you are twisting the facts, deliberately ignoring the context, to create controversy around racism.
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Thank you for acrticulating that in such a clear and concise way. The number of "yes" in this poll is really depressing me, but I do keep hoping most of them as just poorly educated or did not take enough tim to inform themselves, and not... you know... actual nazis.
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Lots of overlap in poorly educated nazis and gamers lol. They rise from the bed each to day to feel "opressed" in culture war.
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Thank you for expressing my thoughts better than I could :)
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Don't care about that, and do not understand why.
I am not a racist and I got many black friends and they like to be called black people and not negros (as in my motherlanguage - Portuguese - negro is something dirty) and among us we discussed that if the so called white people ( So I am latin and when I look at my skin I'm far away from beeing white ) need to care care about what they say because in this society all is "blacklisted" just because, then all the living people should do exactly the same. Nothing more and nothing less.
I guess somebody is twisting what I said. Equality is having the same treatment no matter wich color or gender you have
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Uhm, not familiar with that athlete in particular but what you said sounds like a very bad faith interpretation of their comment. It's not that hard to understand the context of what they meant given the, let's say spotty, story of the olympics when it comes to the treatment of non-white athletes.
Also, even if they meant it in a racist way, it's that grounds for disqualifying them? I legit don't know the rules so I'm not sure if that's a thing that can happen.
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The context is as follows:
By that statement and surrounding context, it was clear the "all black podium" comment came about as a "this is something we could do because we were all on the same page and could share in this in a unique way", and it's difficult to strongly interpret it any more broadly than that, even up to the still-perfectly-valid context of affirmation of black athletes in the olympics. Certainly there wasn't even the tiniest hint of exclusionary or otherwise problematic framing to it.
Basically, the OP is either deliberately trolling or a fairly extreme racist themself.
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It's the same with men.
If a man makes a comment about an usual female behavior....he's called sexist.
If a woman makes a comment about an usual male behavior...usually nobody cares.
We live in that world now and it won't change in the near future and I certainly can't do anything about it exept not being bothered by it.
If more people wouldn't be bothered by silly things...the world probably would be a bit better.
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If this was the opposite, lots of people will call this racist. But you can spit on white people as much as you want now...we are a minority in the world and in our own country now as well.
But since for the left, "white racism" does not exist, we will just go instinct while being called racist when we try to defend our culture and what left of our country....
Russia should not compete, there are meeeeaaaaan....What about tennis and all the Russian players people applause? Left hypocrites.
You can stab white kids , you can have only black runner in the Olympic....but if I show a flag of my region I'm independist and if I show a French flag, I'm a huge racist (except when there is a football match, where there is no white in the team as well, btw?
2024 right? Woke Olympics, racism is only one way....all good. Only getting worse.
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It's summer where I live so I wasn't expecting to see snowflakes today
Comment has been collapsed. say this because I'm white? That's racist....
We don't live in a Disney universe where Snow white is brownish, so.....
So you are racist, and there is "far" in your name, you are an extremist as well.... What a world.
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Wow..... I guess you don't cook, because "second degree" is not a temperature for the oven as well.
It appears you are German as well, so don't get offended for an oven joke.....
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I love Brittany. It's a beautiful region of France and of the world. The people are welcoming, very friendly and helpful. You are a piss-poor Breton and a disgrace to the region. You dishonor that flag you use to wrap your hate around your empty core.
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And in Canada, except destroying the French language and having woke police car, what do you have?
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You assumed I didn't know the term and started explaining it because you have no sense of sarcasm and else. I could comment that "you are mansplaining me and I feel attacked" if you prefer?
I know German have no sense of humour but make an effort.
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If I go to sleep, you will get a sense of humour and a brain?
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The real question is...
If you go to sleep, will you wake up woke?
Will you understand that the crimes of our forefathers gave them unearned status and our generation is not entitled to the status our forefathers stole?
Will you understand that injustices based on race and gender continue all around us to this day even if most people close their eyes to it? And, whatever you think you've lost, you were never entitled to it.
Give up your hobby of hate and resentment. Go play a game, and make a fun thread about that.
In the spirit of the Olympics, games are supposed to be a common chord to bring us together.
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The Olympics were (are) woke AF, against Christian and a crisis for business (restaurant and else).
+L'amour toujours+ Ausländer raus, Ausländer raus...... 🎶
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Unbelievable. How can one be proud to be a neo-nazi? To associate themselves with scum of the Earth? To claim anyone can be against Christianity using the most absurd reasons when they themselves stand for so many things Christian teachings are against? Where's "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"?
Also fuck neo-nazis for appropriating a great song for their shitty views. You're not even German ffs.
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We sing "Enor, enor d'ar gwenn-ha-du ! Ha d'ar C'hallaoued mallozh ruz !"
It means "Glory to the Gwenn ha Du ( current Britanny flag) And red malediction to the French"
So once again, you tolerate Sharia law march in Germany, but when regions of France want to be left alone, we are nazi. How can you be proud to be leftist?
+L'amour toujours+ lalalallalalalalallalalaaaaaaaa ~~~~~~
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What the fuck are you talking about? What regions of France? No part of western Europe has Sharia law. I tolerate many things as long as nobody is harmed or forced to do something they want. And I'm sure you know the most important aspect of tolerance is to not tolerate the intolerant.
Why do you automatically classify me as a "leftist". Is it because I'm against your beliefs? Anyone with any resemblance of empathy, understanding, and brain cells is against your views. They don't have to be "leftist".
The "caliphate" march in Germany was met with condemnation. Nobody with a brain said "yeah lets go sharia law". What are you expecting? For them to arrest everyone and deport them? I know you think of them as animals but they're human, and have the same rights as any other German citizen. At least it was a completely peaceful march, nobody died, was assaulted, or put on fire. The chancellor made it clear anyone that did something illegal (eg. promote hate speech) would be prosecuted.
You nazis think yourself so much better than everyone else, but you're the ones instigating crimes that are the outcome of your prejudice. The very definition of hypocrites.
And what I am proud of is that, in general, I consider myself an empathetic person. I don't follow blind hate, don't look down on nationalities or religions because they are different to mine. I don't listen to people who spread hate and want me to hate for reasons that are nebulous at best, especially those on social media. I don't view those things as being political views, but if being a good person is a leftist then I guess I am one.
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Vos idées me font perdre des neurones, plus vous parlez, plus les gens autour de vous deviennent débiles.....(Et je ne vais pas vous lister les problèmes de lecture des "jeunes" d'aujourd'hui, en provenance de l'immigration, car si je suis un imbécile, vous affirmez juste mes dires et ça serait quand même dommage, non ??? :)))) )
Tu peux continuer ta vie en pensant que les "nazis" sont les méchants, en attendant, les fais divers (attaque au couteau, viol, agression...)c'est tout le temps Mohamed et Mouloud, et pas Pierre et Richard.
Tu es un collabo, c'est ton choix.
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Translation (not word by word, but close):
The more you talk, the dumber the people around you become.....(And I'm not going to list the reading problems of today's "young people" from immigrant backgrounds, because if I'm an idiot, you're just confirming what I say, and that would be a shame, wouldn't it? :)))) )
You can go on with your life thinking that "Nazis" are the bad guys, but in the meantime, when it comes to news stories (knife attacks, rapes, assaults...) it's always Mohamed and Mouloud, not Pierre and Richard.
You're a collaborator, it's your choice.
Translated with (free version)
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Are you referring to the following quote?
“She’s so amazing. She’s queen,” Biles said. “And first it was an all-Black podium, so that was super exciting for us. But then Jordan was like, ‘Should we bow to her?’ And I was like, ‘Absolutely.’ So we’re like, ‘Are we gonna do it now?’ And then, that’s why we did it.”
This is really taking twisting words to the extreme. A black woman is allowed to be happy to see black women excel alongside her.
Also why would it be racism for a woman to say she's happy to "only see girls"? I really hope you just forgot the word "white" there.
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lmao OP and a few clowns (so far) in the comments gonna be crying themselves to sleep for the next month 'OMG BLACK PEOPLE WHAT ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE RAWR'
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I'm so glad you posted this... You should urgently consult a medical practitioner.
I fear you may have sustained a concussion, banging your head when leaping out of the clown car, desperate to share your terrible opinion, clumsily mangled together from fragments of half-truth.
Really. Seek help.
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Competition is about finding who is best at a thing. I don't care if somebody did the worst thing you can think of, if they didn't cheat they should be allowed to compete.
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Not at all meaning this as something racist, but often many runners are black ever since the eighties (carl lewis?), that this was a first, i would have expected it to happen sooner already.
I think the whole controversy with the boxing is worse, if in fact indeed it's a transgender (fe)male that fought against a woman, such inequality shouldn't exist.
But i never understood the fun anyway in watching any sport, watching hours people riding on a bike, let alone sports in the olympics.
Most train their whole life (sometimes 11 hours a day, every day) for a chance to get good enough for the olympics, hoping not to get an injury, and what do you get?
A medal, that's it, and what are you going to do with the rest of your life, and is that going to buy you a house or jumpstart a career (sometimes)? No.
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I don't like watching sports, because more I like doing sports (running or just some sports games)
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Yep those wii remote was slippery, but "Ring Fit Adventure" on switch are perfect exercises game!
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Not just a medal. Theres prizes in money, then advertisers, now even more with social media- way more competitions then what those outside the loop know of... and then you generally 'retire early' if not becomes couch, some open gyms, others become comentators etc. Its a real career choice and respectable. It could be comparable in some ways to music (majority of musicians arent in famous bands) or even artists in general.
Thats the kind of thing that elevates mankind, its part of our needs. By that mentality we wouldnt have art nor music either (and by consequence no games either or only really bad ones). Im not a big fan of sports (but i can apreciate, just not crazy about it) but im very glad we have them. The world would be much gloomier place without those things... and heck, frankly, too much of our lives, jobs and economy only exists because of those 'extras' that far surpass the 'important things'- deep down those are only what pertains to survival and health.
And people do buy houses and jumpstart careers from it. I personally know a coach that tried that track early in life (considered swiming and volley, then heavily invested in volley for a time)- but like the majority she wasnt showing enough promise to go for high level and left early- and i mean really early (18, 20? something like that). She couldve pursued careers elsewhere still but wanted to keep involved and became a coach
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It does really depend on what sport (if it's a populair one, i mean noone would give a care about curling f.e).
Or your country, America is investing a lot more in their sporters then other countries, steam is acting weird so i can't look up your profile, but i am just taking a wild guess you are from there?
And yes some can become a coach or do work related stuff to it, but there is no room for every old olympic player to become a coach in his/her field or commentator, especially not in a smaller country like The Netherlands.
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Im from Brazil actually and were far from stellar in supporting sports. So much so i cant imagine how hard it must be for really niche or more obscure sports for brazilians.
But heres the thing- there is room. I think youre fixated on high level only or even staying on the same lane. That friend i mentioned (more like an aunt to me, my mons bff) when older got to coaching kids in middleschool. Ive heard of ex-athletes (not only from international lvl) coaching other sports even- or just being a businessman (way way easier to open a sucessful gym just as owner- a very fit owner)
To try to wrap the head around it think of it as a matter of scale. Theres way waaay more coaches, teachers, gyms etc then there athletes at all levels. No matter the country population numbers are now higher then ever. Athletism is objectively niche, as a whole. I also have a friend (my age) who never tried to be an athlete but trained and later teached martial arts. He also teached dance at one point, but again never was a competitor or high professional. And thats the case with the whole field of sports in general. For every single runner theres probably millions of 'runners' who do it as an hobby, or for health or what have you...
I mean heck just look at the industry around it- footwear, sportswear, all kinds of supplements and what not. Theyre not selling just to athletes, and they move what billions, trillions in total worldwide? the same public buying those things seek professionals like trainers and such- wich are also way more numerous then athletes... atheletes kinda of default as the best in their area (wich also means the best paid id guess).
But of course i bet a bunch go do other things or fail in making up a good career- but so does non athletes. Myself i took a degree that never worked for me and failed a lot in my career choices, more then the average athlete id bet.
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But that was already my point that i was making that runners are often black and throughout the history, why i mentioned Carl Lewis.
The same as with marathons.
Call it a huge testosteron bomb then or whatever something isn't right there, i don't know names or even countries but that woman was fearing her life that she had to quit within the first minute.
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She might be, she isn't transgender. If you position yourself as a judge, you at least should put in some effort first to understand the basics.
Currently there are no rules, not even qualified test methods, covering these people. So Khelif doesn't deserve the witch hunt either way.
And of course you also missed Carini's apology:
“Actually, I want to apologize to her and everyone else. I was angry because my Olympics had gone up in smoke.”
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So, considering that Simone Biles said that she was happy to see a podium featuring only black girls, isn't that considered racism and against the Olympic Games ideal ?
I guess it must be the same that a white girl saying she was happy to see only girls at the podium - would this be considered as racism ?
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