So with the sales recently, I've been deciding whether or not to get Skyrim. I've heard some negative things about Skyrim but there are also a lot of mods that fix/add new content into the game.So, is Legendary Edition worth it? Thanks!

11 years ago*

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If for mods then you can get regular edition instead. But the game is really awesome even without mods and I would recommend to get legendary edition.

11 years ago

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Dude best game ever! It could be more like morrowind, But still... and sure mod the hell out of it.

11 years ago

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I did play Skyrim, but couldnt get into it enough to play more. I found the graphics to be a bit of a disappointment, I was expecting more of it, although, there is a free Texture DLC thats improves it a bit.

11 years ago

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There are amazing mod's that improve textures a lot more than the free DLC does. The game can look quite amazing with the right mods/enb. Just a random pic I pulled off Google.

Edit: To answer the OP's question I would say yes. Skyrim is a ton of fun and mods are a lot of fun as well. Mods are still coming out so you can always find something new to do/try out.

11 years ago

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Thats on Skyrim?

11 years ago

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Yeah, if you wanna see what you can do with skyrim a good thing to search is "skyrim enb" From what I understand ENB's change color and lighting effects. ENB's can sometimes require a good computer to use, and anyone who is using an ENB would also have some texture mods on, because they aren't as demanding as an ENB is. ENB is like the icing on the cake, where the cake are texture mods.

Another picture
And another
One more

Edit: is the best place to look for Skyrim mods.

11 years ago

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In my opinion? Yes, very. Skyrim is a fantastic game. If you like it, you'll get more than enough hours to justify the cost. However, I've yet to really get into any DLCs for it other than Herathfire, which was a great addition. So, yes, I definitely think you should get Skyrim. Though I can't speak for weather or not the Legendary edition is worth it.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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If you're playing Skyrim on the PC you owe it to yourself to mod it, period.

Legendary Edition new dlc content on top of the base game, and doesn't really have much to do with modding it besides some mods being specific to the dlc. You can mod Legendary and the base game in the same exact ways. If you're really strapped for cash, and aren't sure you'll like Skyrim, go for the base game and mod the hell out of it. And if you end up really liking it, get the dlc in the Winter Sale.

11 years ago

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I was a little dissapointed at first but then I started modding it and I've been having a blast ever since. I think the dlc are worth it not only for the content but some(a few) mods require that you have one or more of them. You should be aware that if you plan on adding a lot of mods (I use over 100) it might require you to do some fixing so that mods don't overlap

11 years ago

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Its worth it without mods tbh, the amount of hours you can put into the game is worth the money.

11 years ago

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i dont have it but some mods usually require dlc so take that as you will

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by UncleCactus.