So should those that got scammed burn in hell? :D You didn't specify.
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Thanks. Merry Xmas to you too. I also hope these scammers will get what they deserve...
I contacted a person on scammers friendlist afterward to find some more info. And he told me he (the scammer) is a scammer and gave me lot of advice. Wish I contacted him before trade. So thanks for your offer, but I think I won't trade keys on steam anymore.
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Sorry you got scammed, it's like getting violated in a way I know how you feel being scammed not out of pity but out of experience...
If it was +rep on the scammers Steam profile then it means NOTHING as a monkey in a suit can +rep you on your Steam profile.
I've seen here in SG Giveaway threads and SG discussions people actively asking to +rep for +rep and I've seen the same thing on Steam a lot of times; asking +rep for +rep. I've seen even in bundle Steam groups people asking gems for a + rep and people having more than 10 +rep choices to choose from like + rep awesome trader, + rep he went first; + rep Great trader etc.
TL DR: Steam profile +rep is very easy to misuse and abuse.
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Thanks for your reply. Yes it was a horrible feeling ( and sadly it still remains :( ). I had a hard time sleeping and I am thinking about it every minute of the day... thinking of all the possible ways I could have avoided this. Telling myself how stupid I am. It's not even that big of a deal (I got my code for free with a new graphics card). But it still hurts the same as if I bought it myself.
Yes now I know +rep means nothing. Learned it the hard way. I wonder why steam allows this.
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Steam doesn't "allow" anything. A +rep has no meaning, because it's just like any comment that can be made on a person's profile. Before SG/ST/SR, people tried to make meaning out of that, but Steam has nothing to do with it. Gamers created the meaningless comment to try and use it as a guide before better systems were put in place. It has no meaning anymore and should be abandoned by gamers, but don't blame Steam for that. They didn't create it.
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Sincerely? Forget about it, you are a good person, you'll never scam someone, he/she will pay for it, the best thing to do is forget and continue life.
I always give my key first, doesn't matter if my game is better or he proposed a trade, I only accept the key/gift from the trader after he activate the game I give (if he'll trade the key after, I don't wait until he activate :) It's because I don't want to scam someone, I'm afraid to one day forget to exclude the used key in my excel spreatsheet and give a used key to someone, it's why I give the key first.
But why I told to you how I trade? Because I got scammed one time too, I lost my gmod, and I felt like why I made it, but then I realized that world is full of bad people and one time someone will knock your door and will try to deceive you, sometimes you notice and escape, but there are times that you'll not escape.
It's not only for games or virtual life, real life has a lot of misleading and thiefs. One time, here in Brazil, a thief robbed my cellphone, and was the first time I got robbed and looking back I made a lot of mistakes like leave my cellphone in my pocket. What a learn? Never leave my cellphone in my pocket. And what you learn today? That you can't trust everyboy. Only trade with people that have good reputation on steamrep, more than level 10, more than 50 (or 75) games and have a steamgift account (because he needs to have 100 dollars in games and this people don't like to lose their accounts or lose the ability to trade).
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Not sure I will ever be able to forget this. But at least (thanks to SG comments) I got through the hard part and I am not feeling so miserable anymore (still feeling bad a bit... but getting better).
I also traded first (he didn't even ask for it). I gave him my key and waited for him to activate. He gave me his (fake) key and I did not rush into activating... I politely asked him if I can activate (in case there was something wrong with my key). Then he logged off and blocked me. That was the moment I realized what just happened and I died inside for a second. Hope I will never experience the feeling I had in that moment.
Sorry to hear about your cell phone. I guess we are not safe anywhere anymore (not on a street not even in our chair near PC).
You know what's funny? Before I posted my trade request on forum, I told to myself I will only trade with a highly rated person because I knew scammers were out there... and look at me. I traded with a 4 steam level with only few games. Made a mistake to trust many +rep on steam profile. Well now I'm wiser :).
Thank you for your reply.
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But what if it was the other way around, the guy who scammed him posted a rant how he got scammed by him.
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In any case, my personal opinion about calling out rule is one big BS.
Yes Its hard to keep control under everything, and rules must be clear and strict.
But many times I have disapointed in moderators and admins, guy with ratio 35/35 all wins regifted, suspended for 2 weeks. I forgot to activate 1 game, they suspended me for 7 days, at least give me 24h warning to activate it, I cant see the key when you already suspended me :D
As for scammers, they should be called out, and people on their own should decide is he scammer or not. Why?
Because I saw few times on Steam people calling +rep FOR +rep, or thread fake giveaways, like +rep on my profile/sg and you are qualified for giveaway.
So easly he can have in one day 100+rep come here and in 24 hours can scam 5 people for 250$ worth games. Easy
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That logic would be fine if we were living in a perfect world where everyone on SG would be a kind and honest fellow. However, it's not. If the rule for calling out were to be removed, there'd be forum posts left and right about users, later moving on to reputed users, who are scammers. It tends to turn into witch hunting, and there's no proof of determining the veracity of the scammed person's claim, since chats are easy to fake with friends/alts. Also, it could lead to blackmailing, where a person threatens to call out a trader over a false scam attempt, and asks for a gift/key in return to not make a report. The actual success rate of this practice wouldn't be a successful one in my insight, but it's still the point of leading to witch-hunts.
Hence, the calling out rule is a necessary rule. Plus, steamgifts is not your scam-detector website or whatever. It's SteamRep where this information is supposed to be submitted. Or the mods over here at SG be messaged with regards to the same.
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A devoted troll is indistinguishable from a genuine idiot, or in these cases, a devoted harasser can be indistinguishable from a scam victim. With a little patience, very convincing chatlogs and screenshots can be created from nothing and used to target people due to random unrelated grudges.
It's also worth pointing out that a common scammer tactic is to manually rename themselves and provide a false profile link to impersonate a legit trader with high reputatation. Doing this causes the victim to direct their anger and tickets towards the wrong person, leaving the real scammer free to 'escape' so to speak. People make a lot of mistakes when they're emotional, too. The rule is there to prevent the bad event turning worse.
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Imhpo there's a lot worse things one can do on SG than breaking the petty calling out rule like re-gifting, non-activating, misleading free games giveaways, SG trades scamming,...
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Yep, there's a "no calling out rule" in place because someone could come here and falsely accuse someone of something and ruin their reputation. Basically we're taking people at their word, and well ... not everyone is honest, as you've recently experienced.
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This ^^
I typed roughly the same but when clicking "submit comment" it just disappeared. O.o
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Yes already reported him. Though I doubt steam will do anything about it. There is a 100% solid proof in chat history, but I don't know if they can access it (and if they even care).
If they do take action, I hope it's as soon as possible so other people don't get scammed. I'm an adult and it hit me really hard. I don't even wanna imagine a child getting scammed.
People like this deserve to serve time... and yet our police only harasses honest people who drive 10kmh over speed limit =/
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You can file a report at Steamrep if you want to help people not get scammed by him.
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Yes, this rule is only in place to make you angry....How old are you, 12? Yes, yes...this stupid rule...maybe its to prevent false accuses from users without proof. Do you have screen-shoots of the scam? Post it on Steam Rep..that others don't make the same mistake.
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Also install Enhanced Steam for your browser, it has some handy links to check the person you are about to trade with.
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Hey people!
Trust me: Bladito is a scammer! One time he even ate a child in front of me...
And I never lie so why should you not trust me?
You see why the "no calling out rule" isn't stupid?
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Karma is a pain in the rear, one day someone will scam him... (Though I try not to step on anyone's toes, Karma really hates me.)
I said this to a work mate one day, her ex's new wife left him and took everything, the Government found out he was working while receiving a pension (when he said he couldn't work)...
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That's fine :) , but still I think being scammed is pretty bad, least it wasn't $$$.
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Sorry to hear that. As others said: make a report on steamrep and, if he has a SG account, leave him negative rep here too. Also, don't ever trust rep comments left on steam profile, those are worth nothing.
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I thought those were reportable, since it's not a trade within the trade window?
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It will be visible to other people though, which still serves as a warning.
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It is in fact reportable. If an account gets too many scam reports, it gets put under suspension and investigation. In fact, the Steam FAQ explicitly tells you [in multiple places] to report trade scam, regardless of where it happened.
No, there's not refund in it or anything, for you, but the user in question does get punished.
You'll notice the trading scam FAQ explicitly lists out-of-trade-window scams as a reportable scam type, and when I contacted support in the past, they indicated the same.
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At the very least, reporting has a chance of helping [by suspending the scammer], while not reporting.. definitely does not.
Making the 'don't bother' mentality confusing- well, when it doesn't come from disreputable sources, who may have a vested interest in perpetuating that mentality :X
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Chance of helping? No there is no chance. If the scammer doesn't use the trade window, steam will not do anything, regardless of how many users report him.
Sure they got nothing to lose to submit a ticket, but nothing is going to come of it.
"You should observe the Recommended Trading Practices when conducting a trade with any third party website, just as you would with any other Steam user. For example, you should never trade for anything that cannot be added into the trade window within Steam. Items that are lost or scammed when trading with a third party website will not be restored upon request."
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And yet, the person I reported got suspended.
And your quoted stuff is as stupidly irrelevant as everything you ever say, as it in no way negates anything else Steam support has indicated on the topic.
Now, go blacklist me and install SG++ so you remember not to reply to me ever again.
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Yeah direct quote from steam is irrelevant. You're spreading stupid false hopes.
And blacklisting huh? Lol pathetic.
Prime example of a socially inept individual on the internet. Good luck ;).
PS: The link you added was users being refunded items that were scammed through the TRADE WINDOW. Do you have ADD? You think they've added all these precautions just so they can continue to refund scammed items?
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Ah, that's nice to know. Thanks, I was under impression they have decided to totally ignore those kind of issues.
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He didn't even post in your trade thread and that account looks like it's not his real/main account, in fact he doesn't even have a SG account linked to that profile... Either way, sorry for your loss and hope you're a little more paranoid/aware when you're making trades.
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Sorry for you, had this experience also. But you can report this person on and nedative rep on steamgifts is also allowed and welcome.
You can write who has scummed you in your own steam account it isnt against the rules. And everyone who goes to your account can find the link to his profile there.
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Thank you. Unfortunately steamrep requires a proof, which I don't have because I closed the chat window in anger and despair. Also if I understand their rules correctly, they dont allow key scams anymore. Mr. scammer contacted me directly via Steam so I don't have his SG profile.
Don't know if I want to defile my profile with his name. Will think about it... It would only remind me of this negative experience whenever I would look there and I am not sure that is what I want right now =/.
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its not for you (Sorry). Lot of your friends can see this message and block him before they can be also scammed, you can remove this message after one or two days, so dont need to remind about him again.
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I see.
Well I've got [random amazing thing you want] to trade with you for only a few [thing I want from you that has some resale-value].
You have to give them to me first though cause of [random reason here]. And after getting them I'll vanish because of [absolutely nonplausible but very convincing reason here].
How about it? ;)
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That sucks dude and I'm sorry you feel bad. I've been scammed before so I know that feeling. Just don't let it get you down and don't let it keep you from trading in the future. That dude is a dick and hopefully what goes around comes around. Just chalk this up to a learning experience and move on because that's all you really can do. Merry Christmas!
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Thank you. Merry Christmas to you too. Sorry to hear you are also a scam victim. It got me really down... trying to get up little by little. I don't even know why it bothers me so much because I usually don't get attached to things I can not change anymore... I just felt so violated I can't get it out of my head. I guess this was one harsh learning experience I lacked in my life.
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don't feel bad. it happens to everyone. okay, not everyone. never happened to me. not yet anyway. if it'll make you happy, add me on steam to scam me. i don't have a nvidia promo code though.
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Trying not to feel bad little by little. It wasn't working until I read all these comments :).
I could never scam you or anyone. That would bother me even more than getting scammed myself (which bothers me way too much - so imagine that...).
Never got scammed until now. And I had it coming... too trustworthy person. Will be more careful now and I advice u to be careful as well. Very bad people out there.
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Thanks for advice.
Yes I'm trying to convince myself it was just a free code, that it's not an end of the world... but it still hurts a lot anyway. I guess I'm too soft and really need to man up (or suck up as you said). Sorry that you got scammed as well :(. Let's be a lot more careful together!
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I didn't mean to sound as harsh as I did, but basically what I'm saying is that you should take what happened as a lesson and not make the same mistake in future, and also be glad you didn't lose something you actually spent money on buying individually. And yeah, let's be more careful. :D
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I do not seek revenge. Just want him gone so he can't hurt anyone anymore (but sadly that is impossible because even if his account gets banned/deleted/whatever he will just create new one and continue scamming.
Really don't like this world we live in. That's why it's imperative for me to have faith there is something more after this life. Where scum like this gets filtered out and only nice people remain. I am no religious fanatic :) I also make mistakes, but I would never deliberately deceive someone like this. It is not in my nature.
I tried steamrep, but their rules said they do not accept reports for key trade scams. Also I have no proof anymore because I closed the chat window (which had solid proof) ... sadly...
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this is why i record all transactions, receiving and giving, i dont want to hear none of that screenshots can be faked crap
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And you do the right thing. I was so angry I closed the chat window (thought I could just open it later). But now I can't see the chat history, which contains solid proof of scam, because he removed me from friendlist immediately.
I just sincerely hope steam can access chat logs and see he is a scammer.
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Lesson learned. Learn from it. Move on. Don't trust anyone.
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That's exactly what I am trying to tell myself to overcome this. Thank you.
I guess I was asking for it to happen. I am too trustworthy guy and I try to see good in everyone. So far it worked, I guess I was just lucky to meet nice people.
Will be careful from now on.
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you are not the only one with such experiences.
Stay awesome!
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Thank you!
I know there are many people who get scammed every day. Never thought I would join them. I guess I was too hyped about Fallout 4 (the game I tried to get for my key) and overlooked an obvious scammer.
The most disgusting thing about this is... he acted like a normal guy, thanked for a trade.... But when he logged off after he posted a key, I knew something was wrong :(. Key was obviously a fake.
Thought I would never recover from this... but I guess life moves on. Fortunately there are lovely people on SG who really help me get through it (you included :).
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Just got scammed by XXXXXX (removed due to SG rule)
Gave him my nvidia promo code and he gave me invalid key, removed me from friends and went offline.
Made this for other honest people not to get scammed by him.
Please don't comment how stupid I am to trust him etc... I know that already :(. I feel really miserable right now and would appreciate if you did not make it worse.
Merry Christmas to all (scammers included... you will be judged after this life so enjoy the one you have).
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