I think you're at that point, my dude.
I can't say I relate because at max I only have 4 or 5 options of games to play, but the solution is crossing off the games you're forcing yourself to play, or isn't having fun, and focus on the ones that suit your interests the best. If you don't find any, it's a good idea to find some other stuff to do on your free time, forcing yourself to play every game you buy doesn't really help the problem, after all. Also, stop buying games lol
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Yes you have a problem.
My direct suggestions are:
For sure are Bundles, high discounts and such things are teasers and for sure "each" of us buy "too much" or at least more as we really need^^ but i think a lot have, at least, a list of the stuff they have and not buy all unwillingly more then 1x.
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I may keep about 20 games installed at a time but I do limit myself to about 2-3 I'll play fully. Then I'll move on to the next one installed. The installed ones are usually my que for games.
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If this money is not being missed anywhere else in your life, then I see no problem. It's also not a problem when you "stop going to parties to buy games". It's a problem when you, for example, stop buying food and go hungry to buy games. When you don't pay your bills to buy games. Then it's a problem. Otherwise, if you have the money to spare, do what you feel like doing.
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Gonna agree with this. Sure, you might tally it and realise buying 20 $1 bundles you'll never use really does start to add up, but at the same time, buying a smoothie or some shirt that's on sale that you'll never wear is pretty much the same thing, or hell, straight up losing cash. Happens.
So when does it "become an issue"? When it starts interfering with your quality of life, I'd imagine. Does it keep you up at night? Leave you short on paying rent? Otherwise, throw all the monies around.
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My phone broke and internet screwed up so couldn't reply. I pay all my bills and such, I just don't do things like drink or smoke so I have extra money that I buy games with and other things.
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yes, buying stuff you never use is problematic. instead of buying try to play one of the crap games. maybe that will stop you from buying more chunk. i stopped buying games in total. humble monthly is the only source of games i play and only if i want to play the early unlock.
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Some people buy expensive watches, clothes, shoes, glasses, bags, etc only to be barely used or even never. Remember 7 deadly sins? Lust. It's hard to control but it's the way we human work. I too buy games only to not be played or barely, I don't even have that much games. The ones I never touch are mostly free ones for the cards only.
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I would say that when you start wondering if it is a problem, it probably already is a problem. Simply put, if you no longer enjoy buying games you can just stop.
I honestly can't critizise you beacuse I've hoarded more stuff in my steam account that what I can reasonably play, I haven't even been playing much recently.
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That used to be an issue. I would buy a game I know I like and want to play but then not play it because i didn't want to miss something. Even something like a collectable, side quest etc since some games have missable stuff. That's mainly because I have really bad OCD tho, I literally get sick from something simple of stupid and am on meds for it.
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If you buy game even if it looks dumb...
Then again games that looks interesting can turn out to be shit so who am I to judge.
The problem begins when you start lacking funds for stuff that is important to you maybe? If you have spare cash you don't mind spending like that then whats the problem?
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start by put the money you put in stuff you don't need in something more constructive. build other priorities.
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As with anything, it becomes a problem when it negatively affects your life.
You like soft drinks? Fine. Are you getting fat from it and that's making you distressed? Well, there's a problem.
Do you like gambling? Fine. Are you finding yourself short of money on a regular basis? Well, there's a problem again.
So if causes you stress or you are missing the money because you spent it, then there's a problem.
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I have around 500 games that I want to play on my account and I decided to stop buying any games on my wishlist until I finish them. UNLESS there is a really good deal on some game such as 80%, 90% discount or a good bundle.
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With the best of intentions, I went through my Steam library and sorted them into categories.
I have:
ETERNAL PLAYS ( which is for stuff that I can play forever, like Factorio or Skyrim )
I rationed that the main reason I was buying games, was because I saw them just at the time I was undecided about what to play. Like, sure, I could play Skyrim again, I could fire up Borderlands again because they were the easy options.
But by structuring it so that I had a clear path, a journey, a where do I go from here, the hope was, I'd stop buying shite I don't need/play.
I mean, the theory was sound. Everything seemed like a good idea. It just, hasn't worked.
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"Eternal Plays" is a great category name. :)
I have a whole bunch of these games that could be played forever... Paradox games (Crusader Kings 2, Stellaris, Hearts of Iron, etc), Civilization, etc.
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I dont think its ever a good idea to ask anything on the internet. The internet is full of idiots, including myself. We can't tell you how to life your life. If you're happy to have "collecting games" as one of your hobbies, that's okay. Other people spend hundrets on stamps and other stupid shit. The thing is, whatever your interests are, the internet is judging you, no matter what, so you wont get a helpful response.
So ask yourself, if you're happy with your situation. If so, then stop blaming yourself and enjoy the new hobby. If you don't like it, change it.
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When it starts affecting your real life then it's a problem. Otherwise it's more like a guilty pleasure. Shopping might be categorized as a type of gaming in itself and sometimes even a type of gambling and it can have different causes and effects. You are the only one that can decide if it's become an addiction or simply a stress relieving mechanism. Either way one must be careful not to fall into extremes.
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To be fair, I have a much bigger problem with buying Games Workshop miniatures. The major difference between that and buying Steam games though is that I made a load of money when I had a clear out of stuff I was never going to paint on eBay recently...
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I'm buying more games than I can play, but I'm ok with that. I like to have a choice. And I'm making up to devs for my years of piracy. When I was a teenager I could barely afford necessary hardware upgrades. Games were terribly expensive relative to my country's purchasing power.
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I can understand quite well this topic.. it can become an addiction, and all addictions work in similar ways for some reasons..
I would love to have more time tonight to write way more and better on this topic..
Anyways, if it's something that takes you lots of time and money, it definitely is an issue..
If you're taking away time from your real life to spend it on your online life, and most of all not for playing games for entertainment but for doing repetitive or boring or even money-wasting activities, it's something to think about for sure..
Nothing serious though, and nothing that can't be reverted!
I'm sure you'll get over this with time and some effort, I can relate for this and many other addictions.. I've met so many men and women of every age addicted to everything, and buying crappy games or spending money and time for things one doesn't play or isn't interested into can become something harsh to bear..
Best of luck, I hope to be able to be of some help in the future, don't ever give up and you did an awesome thing to create this thread and talk openly about your doubts.
Step by step you'll get over everything, just keep in mind what UltraMaster and other users already wrote - if it affects your real life and your money, it's a problem that has to be dealt with!
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Ive had the problem of buying stuff when I have to much but i never found my self ever buying something I own. the only time I did was when I was younger and ended up with like 3+ copies each of ffx and ffx2. I never ended up throwing them away so i kept swapping discs to find out which one was broken and which one wasnt
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I have been doing a lot of thinking and I just can't help but buy crap I'll never play. Even worse I'll have thousands of options then play crap like Barbie Pupph Rescue. I have thousands more on consoles and some games I end up with like 5 copies. It makes no sense.
Do I have a problem?
Like I see a game for a dollar or a bundle and I just buy it even if it looks dumb. I don't even have them cataloged at this point so I end up buying duplicates because I don't even know what I own at this point. I have like 4 Vitas and licenses only to to 3 so that makes no sense either
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