Hello, today I came to SG with hope to find someone to talk to about depression and anxiety because today I had one of the worst anxiety attacks and even considered immediate suicide. Now I don't mean that sometimes you have anxiety before you have to take a test, I'm talking about anxiety that can last for weeks, months and years. My doctor stated that I have mixed anxiety-depressive disorder and she said I should engage in conversations to relieve. If there's anyone that can relate or suffers similar problems I would be very grateful if he or she shared experiences in comments or privately through Steam. Thank you.

8 years ago

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keep telling yourself atleast a compliment a day, it helped me with my anxiety

it sounds like a little thing but it works

8 years ago

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If someone suffers from depression, they will find it almost impossible to find a positive aspect about themselves. Source : I suffered server depression for most of my life, even after finally clawing my way out of the mental fogginess and becoming somewhat happy, I find it a difficult to compliment myself.

8 years ago

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server depression sounds like a serious thing xd
no, but I understand, just made me giggle :/

8 years ago

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Is there something specific that triggers your anxiety attacks? But if you want to talk, then hello, how are you? :D Tell me about yourself. ;P

8 years ago

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sunflower seeds,Hazelnut, cashews, almonds, peanuts, chocolate
the blueberries
green tea or a light coffee
those will help you ^^

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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There's not much about my own personal experiences that I'm willing to share publicly about this topic, but I do have some experience with this kind of stuff. It sucks. But just keep trying to stick it out and accept all the help you can get. Ty to make a friend, one who you can share experiences with, one who can help you and just be a great friend. Everyone needs a friend like that during hard times. Good luck, and don't ever give up hope.

8 years ago

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Hey man! Well there arent many things I can do to help you. You should try to focus on the things you like to do the most. If you like playing videogames, you should play some that are easy and simple. There is a great game called Slime Rancher, is kinda... childish?! I dont know its very cute. But costs 20 bucks (damn it).
Another thing I gotta say, talk, talk and talk about your problems. Do you have any close friends? Talk to them. Best is to find someone you can trust. That one person that is like OK with verything you hell him/her. Thats your person. That helps a ton. When you are able to talk out of your problems! I know its very hard to find someone so cool! But yay. Best of luck to you. Dont hesitate to turn on me with any questions though, I like helping. Helping is my second name.
Depression isnt part of the living mate. You just gotta go and punch it into da face. No matter how impossible that might look.
P.S. čech? Ahoj!

8 years ago*

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Ok, i know exactly what you're feeling. I too have a diagnostic of anxiety-depressive disorder and i can understand why you is searching help; especially here. You see this place as a place where you can find people with the close interests and opinions. But i warn you! The internet isn't the best place to search for help in this case, the people who want to help aren't specialists and you'll find a lot of trolls. Exactly what you don't need now (and ever). Being with this problems for more than 15 years i can tell you that you and only you can help yourself. Nothing that anyone can tell will solve your problems, but you can solve them. First try to identify why of your anxiety, a frustration? A fear? Most of the times it's something that we become shy to talk about so you don't need to talk until you're ready. Another thing, suicide... It will solve the problem? In 99,9% of the cases not; you will die and the problems will still be there, so if it involve another people this is far the worst option to choose. The best option is really find someone who shares a similar problem, this person can for sure understand (at least in part) your feelings. One of the most harsh parts of a anxiety-depression disorder is that it is a disease that don't appear physically, so people tends a don't believe in your suffering. Be calm, sometimes we can't see but there's a light in the end of the tunnel; it sometimes seems to be really far and it's hard when we need to walk to there alone, but you're not alone. If you already is having an psychological assistance it already shows that you're not alone. I don't know in what stage you are but the first step is realize that only you can help yourself; other people can only help if you let them doing it. Fell free to talk with me if you want, i can take some time to answer in some cases because of work and family; but we can share experiences if you want. Hope that you be ok friend.

8 years ago

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this guy knows what he is talking about :)

8 years ago

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For me new experience is a major factor in helping depression , cycles of thought & patterns of the same behaviour & routine i find are all linked to depression & anxiety , keeping stimulated by trying new things , taking up a creative hobby is a great way to overcome depression especially is it's music orientated, chemical inbalance in the brain i also have found is strongly linked to the foods i eat , may sound cliche but it's true , the healthier i eat the better i feel & exercise too all these things help massively , you are most certainly not alone , millions of us go through all kinds of depressive states , personally i'd stay away from medication , with your name being percy thrower i'm assuming you like gardening , i started collecting & growing african violets, amazing plants , i guess i dont have to tell you that nature itself is about cycles but aknowledging the fact that this is just a cycle & you wont always feel like this is a step forward, so many things life throws at you , so many reasons for feeling down, but facing the issues & motivating yourself to better the situation is the way forward, if you dont like something about your life, change it, channel the overwhelming feeling into decisive action , if i decide iv'e had enough , i find something new and i keep searching , time passes and you realise you feel better , we are evovling creatures & you have to keep evolving, mentally , spiritually etc... if you ever want to talk add me on steam :)

8 years ago

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Just don't think that the death is an exit, count it the end of your favorite movie, we don't want this shit to happen,right? =d
I'd watch movies I like and eat the food I like as much as I can =\
Add me if you wanna talk about such things =P
Would be nice if you actually heal your soul by talking to other people, I wish I could do the same =D
You can even create your own micro-blog here by posting discussions and linking them, why haven't anyone done this already,huh? =C)
You'll always have many responses of people, who'd love to talk about things, so many you can even write a book using all of their replies *_^
Add some hundreds of such people and you'll never be alone, sounds so cool,I want to do it myself now :B

8 years ago*

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Same thing here. My psychiatrist told me this too, to start conversations and stuff, but it just gave me more anxiety that make the depression worse that make my anxiety worse that makes....
So then i started taking effexor, now i kinda can control the situation, even in my work.
And lots of music, time ago was the only thing that could help make things smooth

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I suffer anxiety attacks. My worst was a year ago. I was working for Amazon when my I couldn't take any more and just fell on to the floor. The nurse never seen blood pressure that high before. My anxiety would increase my blood pressure. Medicine did help but, I still can feel the anxiety. I have to learn how to control my anxiety with meditation. Everyday I put on some music and just breathe for 5-10 minutes. I learned the pain I feel is just temporary and will pass. I hope this help. You do not suffer alone.

8 years ago

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There is one website where I volunteer by helping people suffering from anxiety and depression, I would rather not link it here but if you like you can add me and we can continue the chat there.

8 years ago

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To describe it to someone that has never felt it, this is what it feels like:
Imagine that you are a parent. You see your toddler walking out into the road, but you are clear back at your house's front door. You see a car coming, and you know it will hit your child, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now, imagine that feeling being what you feel like ALL THE TIME.

I lived with major depression for years before I finally mentioned a bunch of symptoms to a doctor during my physical. He suggested anti-depressants, and my response was "Well, I'm not sad." Anyways, he prescribed some meds for me, and once they're in full swing everything is great. However, when I go on or off the meds, or I have a dosage change, I get a single day experience of anxiety. I would much rather have depression all the time than have anxiety all the time, thank you very much. I can't believe how much anxiety sucks.

I feel very sorry for anyone that has anxiety all the time, and especially for the people that suffer from it that just think it's normal and don't get it treated.

I look forward to the day that mental illnesses don't carry a stigma with them so that people will be properly diagnosed and treated.

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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hi, I have the same twice...
I wrote 2 "short" "stories" below and advice in the end.
(stop read it if my english is too bad)
(1st "story") Well, in first time I have that "love story", all colours go to gray, positive and smiles left me (I was guy who usually smiles). Time relive me... After 1 year I recover some: "love story" went into pass and loose most negative energy that it have.
(2nd "story")In second time, I have some troubles and negative memories (include "love story" from first time) wich kick me to depression. I felt(feeled) me depressive dureing 1.5 hours. In this time I tried to forgot and take unconsciousness (my tongue goes broke by this word xD). I killes my health by 1-3 hours of sleep, bad thoughts and negative memmories. After 1.5 year my heart give me a signal that it could not continue and death will find me in close time, so... I don't wanna die in that time and start search and solve all my troubles. Only it help me. First time I have felt me worse and better at later-time.
By that 2 "short stories" I wanna said that some negative events needs from you to:
1) wait and forget negaive-energy of bad energy if it possible
2) find and solve so much troubles as it possible. You could feel worse in first time and better some time later sometimes.

All life situation could have the worst way than it is.
Goodluck to you and do not give up - cheer up!

P.S.: I hope my english is not horrible bad and it is understandable, sorry
P.S.S.: do not look at me through my avatar - it is part of recovery

8 years ago

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I also suffer from major depression and anxiety and am currently unable to get any help because my family is too prideful to admit something is wrong. I've lost count on how many times I've tried to end my life and always woken up in hospital. There are occasional rays of light among the clouds but are they worth suffering for? Hard to tell. All I know is I would definitely not be here today if it weren't for the kindness a few people have shown towards me in recent times. Even the slightest smile can have the ability to spark hope in one's heart, I guess learning to truly appreciate these little unconditional moments is what's still keeping me among the living. I know what you're going through and I really do care. Feel free to chat me up whenever you like.

8 years ago

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Thank you to each and every one of you for contributing to the discussion with your ideas, experiences and views. I've read every comment and you've surely lifted my spirits!

8 years ago

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what you are facing is very real , most people dont have the courage to aknowledge their state of mind to anyone , i know from my own experience that once you reach out , help comes and as others have said talking about your own stuff even with strangers (sometimes better actually)(doesn't have to be in person) does give you a different persepective and at the very least some distraction from the all consuming feeling that is depression , i personally like admiralP's idea of this book because i think that identifying the problem/s , triggers & the way we view our mental health needs directing & guiding ,i think the most important thing to keep in mind is that there is always help , people do care & the real dark thoughts can be controlled & managed & eventually put to bed ,i had 2 years of complete darkness so to speak & probably even longer before it reached fever pitch & i couldn't ignore what was happening to me any longer , a friend told me recently that writing down the events in a diary , somekind of journal helped her to cope & process what was going on in her life , may not work for everyone , for me finding new stuff to do was what really helped big time because to me finding some kind of fullfillment from being creative & the social aspect that then came with that made me focus more on the positive & eventually through a number of different changes i feel pretty content , but the key factor is you & your motivation , i truly hope you decide to get in the drivers seat & take control because if i can do it anyone can. :)

8 years ago

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For starters, I wish you and all who suffer like this the best.

I really hate to make this type of recommendation because I feel it kind of seems like an over simplification, but I am seriously going to recommend a book. Honestly, even the title makes me feel tremendously cheesy, but I'll dole it out anyway as the book really did help me to look at many things quite differently than I once did. Admittedly, the concept of a "self-help" book (especially with a name like this) made me apprehensive as well.

The book is called Feeling Good by Dr. David D. Burns, MD.

I know people say this about all books in this genre, but it really is not your typical self-help book. It was recommended to me on separate occasions by both my family practitioner and my psychiatrist.

I want to avoid sharing my "war stories" here because we all experience this in our own way. In other words, though my story was my own personal hell; it might seem trivial to others. That being said, although this book is no quick cure... it really did help me a lot. I can only hope that it does the same for you or any others in the long run.

side note: I've been trying to draft this for nearly two hours due to interruptions here at work... so if someone else already offered this book up this can at least server as second reference

8 years ago

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engage in conversations to relieve.

This would be the main trigger for anxiety for many.

8 years ago

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Sorry, I meant to relieve my depression and don't think negatively. It's really difficult to tell them apart.

8 years ago

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Xanax helps. Even if you don't wanna use it, it does. I'm kind of a "nature hippie" in that way, I don't really like to take any funny pills at all, not even painkillers, because I'm kind of afraid it will mess with something in my natural chemistry, even though I know it's unlikely, but really I just don't like it... but when I had those, I didn't even have to take them, it helps so much just to think that "I can take it any time if I can't handle the shit anymore" but I found out nothing really happened if I skipped them, it's more like a plan B that you can count on, so you'll not feel totally helpless.

8 years ago

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It's always good to have these laying around for a case of an emergency. I know people who take them daily just to function normally like a socially adept person. I rarely take them when I need go somewhere or when I have to work. Usually just to calm me down before sleep because I don't really like sleeping pills.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I'm not advocating drug abuse, I'm mostly saying it's a good idea to have them around in case of emergency, but actually not take them. I had to take mine back to the pharmacy store because I didn't even use them and they expired. I got so much help from just thinking about them, like "if it gets unbearable, I'll take". The thought itself soothed me enough to not grab them.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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I would say dont allow yourself an opportunity to form an addiction or a mental crutch with medication it's a sticking plaster at best but more likely would end up being a bigger problem, depression that may be caused by chemical inbalance can be corrected by diet change usually , depression caused through emotional problems /life experiences can be helped with cognitive therapy of some sort ,social interaction , exercise & new experience , gaining a sense of acheivement by discovering new ways to spend your time imo is the way to go, if you dont have a pet but are in a position to look after one & would benefit from the company i'd do that , if your depression hits you at home, get out of the house , arrange all kinds of new activity's to engage your brain , depression feeds on negative environment & familiar patterns , break those cycles , dont be around people who make you feel bad , obviously i realise depression has a huge spectrum & everyone's circumstances are different , but getting rid of the old thought processes & patterns of behaviour is key & emotionally numbing yourself with medication is not a wise decision.

8 years ago

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obviously i realise depression has a huge spectrum & everyone's circumstances are different

That's the idea. You don't like to have emergency Xanax, I do. Never had an addiction from it. If OP is anything like me (not prone to addictions) they could benefit from my advice, and that's why I gave it.

8 years ago

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Depression & addiction are a dangerous combination together their negative effects multiply, statistically people with depression have about a 10 percent lifetime suicide risk; those with a substance use disorder have about the same. When combined, the suicide risk skyrockets to about 1 in 4.
I'm not judging your input of help & advice, i just felt obligated to give balance because only Percy knows Percy's life & circumstances :)

8 years ago

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I've experienced anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember (wasn't officially diagnosed until my mid-20s though, nobody even thought of the idea of kids suffering from these things back then) and more recently I do volunteer work and participate in self help groups to try to help others deal with similar things. while it's different for everyone and there's no solution that works for everyone I can say with confidence that talking about it is often a huge help. the more you avoid these things, the more power they tend to have over you. I would encourage you to try talking to people you feel comfortable and safe with, friends, family, professionals if that's an option, but don't push yourself to talk to someone you don't feel safe with either
for me, the internet was a huge help. suddenly I had access to complete strangers in far off places with a level of anonymity that gave a feeling of safety I never had in face to face interactions. this confidence took a hit once I started connecting to these people and making friends online, suddenly they weren't faceless strangers any more but people whose opinions and feelings meant something to me and so I wanted to avoid disappointing them or seeming unworthy to them, but that initial boost was something that would sometimes reminds me that there was hope

it's not easy to deal with, there are no easy answers or solutions but there is always, always hope. even the fact that you have managed to make a post here to talk about the issue is an accomplishment, no matter how trivial it might seem to somebody who doesn't understand

8 years ago

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