ABC News Twitter 「“Rocco, put your tail down.” Politician's cat interrupts virtual parliamentary meeting as it strolls in front of the camera, raising a chuckle from others on the call. 」
I often see the truth that cats are superior to Earthlings.
Cats have priority over humans in everything.
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Travelers (Netflix) is one of the best series I've ever seen – smart, well acted and well written. To give you some perspective I think it's as enjoyable as Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, Death Note, Psycho-Pass, Steins;Gate, Doom Patrol, Rick and Morty, BoJack Horseman, to name a few.
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Mm. The synopsis (Hundreds of years from now, the last surviving humans discover the means of sending consciousness back through time, directly into people in the 21st century.) seemed a bit overfamiliar for the genre, so I just kinda ended up shelving it in my tracker this whole time (that is, since before it actually aired). I'll make sure to give it a proper look soon- if the writing is as good as you noted, it's probably a lot more stimulating than the synposis suggested.
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The synopsis doesn't give it justice in my opinion. But it'd be hard to give a proper synopsis and not spoil too much. Additionally it's actually what you do with the story that makes it good. Otherwise Harry Potter would be another generic story about young mage instead of a cult classic :P
Back to the series – I liked how moral consequences of time travel were presented. As far as I know Travelers series is from the authors of Stargate series.
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Thanks, I'll have to add Travelers to my "to watch" list and check it out at some point.
And with regard to Harry Potter, I think it's success was a combination of being really accessible and of the stars aligning. Having grown up reading Tolkien, Weis and Hickman, Gaiman and others, when I read the first Harry Potter book I thought it was just a generic story about a young mage. Everything Harry Potter did I had previously seen done, and done better, by another author - but Rowling took all those aspects and distilled them into an accessible YA package.
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lol yeah it's one of those things like
I didn't like Titanic
that will get you in trouble with the pitchfork mobs.
When the conversation turns to Harry Potter in a gathering, I usually go with "so... death penalty. Yes or no?" because it gets less ugly
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lol yeah you should whisper. You never know who's watching.
I did. Little by little really because people kept telling me "it gets so much better in the next book" but well... like I said just not for me I guess, it's all good.
Lots of books out there. A little for everyone.
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I've failed, to no one's surprise
And I've started to watch Warrior Nun, and isn't as bad as I was expecting [Well, that's not much]
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I'd have to give Cursed a chance just because of Katherine Langford. I wonder how she will fit in that role though.
No new show I could report about lately. I'm watching Community for the very first time and have mixed feelings about S3 of The Good Fight.
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I recently rewatched Revolver, out of sheer boredom, to be honest. Didn't remember it as a particularly good Guy Ritchie film. Now I think it might have been his best one. The movie is actually brilliant. It's one of those movies that are like a puzzle, that leave some room for interpretation and let you think about it long after you finished it. You wouldn't expect something like that from Guy Ritchie, and at first the movie disguises itself as a typical cool gangster movie. But it is quite a bit more than that. Highly recommended.
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Well, I tried to enter just to see if I could but sadly failed. =) curious to know what the secret rules are though!
Also, I will second the recommendation of someone earlier in this thread to watch Travelers. It really is an excellent show and tackles time travel in a pretty unusual but interesting way. I wish that it has gone on for more seasons but it still had a satisfying ending iirc. Very hard to discuss without spoilers however!
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TLK is a good one, for sure. It, The Outpost, and Letter to the King are the current [medieval-esque setting] shows to keep an eye on right now (though LttK is far more youth-oriented than the other two). It's gratifying that they keep getting renewed, though I'd definitely like to see more shows of similar setting released. Hence my tentative anticipation for cursed, though unfortunately early reviews haven't seemed all that promising for it. Well, at least there's a bit more available right now within that setting style than there is for zombie settings.. at the moment all we have is The Kingdom and the Train to Busan sequel to look forward to, there.
Well, what I'm looking forward to most is the cobra kai season 3 release (especially with that killer cliffhanger last season), but between corona and youtube dropping it and it getting shuffled off Neflix, it's been well delayed past its expected spring 2020 release. currently, the best expectation we've been given on its release is "maybe end of 2020 or sometime in 2021". Geesh.. :'(
Unfortunately, most decent shows have concluded over the past year, two, or three, so beyond the ones mentioned, not all that many that've been worth my keeping firm track on. At least Lucifer is still getting renewals, though apparently this'll be its last season as well. Definitely hoping we'll see an influx of good new shows sooner rather than later.. certainly, there are enough promising planned ones that've been caught in the pipeline, like the planned continuation of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Ditto for films, with the Flight of the Navigator and Last Starfighter remakes/sequels being planned out for a few years now. Here's hoping at least a couple of those manage to pop out by the end of 2021.. kinda feeling a bit starved for engaging tv/film content these days. Well, in the case of films, past few years, really..
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Already own the game but tried the filter, also failed as expected. XD
Hmm, as for interesting events... recently I've gotten back into papercrafts again. I used to make them in high school. My best one was a replica of a Canon EOS 5D (with a removable & rotating lens!). Unfortunately I was dumb and didn't take a pic before giving it as a gift to a friend lol. Now I'm just waiting for the cutting mat and craft knife I ordered so I can start making them again. :)
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I'm a failure! :(
I started watching Space Force last night. It's okay. I mean everyone knows what it's making fun of, so why not really go for it? But no. It's very... safe. The best satire goes straight for the jugular, but this plays like it doesn't want to offend the folks it's making fun of. I'll finish it, but can't give more than a lukewarm recommendation.
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Honestly, I wasn't expecting much detph or grit from a Steve Carell work to begin with. Not really the style he's been known for up till now. With that in mind, haven't really had any strong inclination to pick Space Force up, as it does seem as though it'll be shallow, but I do intend on eventually giving it a try.
Well, in fairness, comedy works tend to be the hardest to get good content for, especially for someone who expects something a bit more substantial than slapstick and the like. I think How I Met Your Mother was the last comedy series I had any personal interest in and, let's be honest, that was mostly due to Neil Patrick Harris. On that note, really sad the Dr. Horrible sequel has kept falling through. Well, same goes for the planned Galaxy Quest sequel, and several others. Alas.
More broadly, I wish we'd see NPH in more works in general. Though apparently he has a role in the upcoming 4th Matrix film? No details on it yet, but I'm certainly curious. Given how mc-focused the Matrix films have been in the past, I imagine NPH's role won't be huge, however, given that he's not listed in the core cast. :(
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"Not actually expecting anyone to pass the current filter, honestly..."
Not interested in this game, but this is why I tried. lol.
Failed as expected. XD
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^Edit: Updated filter! Congrats to the single person who made it through the last one!
Even if you're not interested in, or already own the game, do leave a comment if you're able to pass the current filter; There's a potential bonus prize for those who can pass it. I'll likely change the above filter once I've finished playing around with it, so those who are interested in the game in question should check back in a few days for a somewhat more lenient filter.In the meantime, do feel free to comment on any new interesting events, tv shows, memes, etc in your lives~ ^.^
Netflix released Arthurian legend-based show "Cursed" on the 17th, so let's see if that ends up being any good..
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