Depends on what you want, are you into retro? Would you use a portable alot? Everyone is different so can't make that choice for you plus they all got their games, for most to choose just one.
Even on a pc you can go the rom way (Even WII U and 3ds if you got a good pc), heck even on the first xbox or WII you can run old stuff.
I got several consoles but just can't get around to them because i got so much on steam alone, plus the whole cords mess and 1 tv thing.
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I'm 20, never had any console, but Switch is the first one I'm going to buy (later this year).
What game console is legitimately worth buying?
It's really a matter of taste and how/where you want play. Personally, I think that from the current gen only PS4 Pro and Switch are worth getting. As for the older consoles I can't really tell since (as I've said) I've never had one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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We have a PS4, but I barely play it - now that I have a gaming laptop, everything's on here.
My girlfriend loves her Switch, though! She's put a lot of hours into it, playing Breath of the Wild, Stardew Valley, and Octopath Traveler. Since it has the highest amount of exclusives AND the best portability, I'd say it'd be the best to augment your PC gaming experience with.
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I play on the PC, but I do have a PS2 as well.
If I could hook it up to my HDMI or VGA or Displayport monitor, I'd play some games on it. I have games there that I haven't even touched yet.
Scaler, LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring, WRC and so on. I have some good stuff there, but I have no way to play them :/
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To be fair, GTA V is amazing. Personally, I do think it's the best GTA game ever, even if other games have done some aspects better.
Vice City had the coolest style and soundtrack
GTA 3 had the best "gore" (like dismemberment and stuff for rampages)
San Andreas had the RPG systems
GTA Stories games had the portability
So overall, GTA 5 is amazingly good for a reason, in my opinion.
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I have an Xbox 360 and Wii U. I'm not playing much in general, and not much on them, but my kids occasionally do, and I sometimes join them.
In the long run, I expect to play more on the 360, because I have quite a few games for it I haven't played (such as the Halo series) and hope to play them with my son when he grows up a little more. (I don't think it would be a serious problem to play any Halo right now with him, but I'm not a huge fan of shooters and would rather keep him off them as long as I can. When he starts insisting he wants to play them, I want something which I feel is reasonably tame to offer. Then again, there's a chance he won't want to play what I want him to play.)
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Switch (or any Nintendo Console) is the best Console for PC-Gamers, because BigN has different Gamingconcepts compared to PC-Games. While PS4 or Xbone games are nearly (if not exact) the same what we play on PC. And Switch is portable
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I don't play on console much, but I have a Dreamcast and a Wii at home.
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I don't have any consoles, but a good friend of mine who is PC gamer has PS4 just because he loves gaming and the exclusives are pretty good. So he encouraged me to try out the exclusives and holly molly they are good. One of my favorites are Read Dead Redemtion, The Last of Us, Uncharted 4 and God of War 3. Soon I will play Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War 4. Also I think PS4 exclusives are far far more superior to Xbox ones
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Will check out Little Big Planet if I can. For the VR thing, first my friend doesn't have one and second I think in the future I will be the grumpy old man who hates new technology. VR for me looks so shit at the moment, maybe with the time it will improve but for me it's highly unappealing.
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I was born in the '80s, in Europe. So, we literally grew up with NES and SNES systems - of course we hat Atari and Sega, the Commodore 64 and the first PCs, but we definitely spent years on our Nintendo consoles.
I still own a SNES console perfectly working with dozens of EU games, cassette modifiers and NA cassettes (due to region locking, games such as Chrono Trigger and all the other ones released only in Japan and North America we were forced to import them and adapt them to our systems)!
So I definitely keep it functioning and I play the Mortal Kombat series, Street Fighter, Killer Instinct, all the Mario and Yoshi games, Final Fantasy games and all the other JRPGs - Breath of Fire, Super Mario RPG and so on, Donkey Kong Country.. and many more!!
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I have a PS4 for the Sony exclusives, many of which are fantastic, and a few other games that may be on PC but I just prefer to play on my couch. If the versions aren't drastically different I do prefer the experience of playing from my couch rather than at my desk. Games like Assassin's Creed look great on PS4 and I prefer to play them there.
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Got a Switch and PS4 for the exclusives and stuff, but it's mostly my sis that uses them. Tried playing Horizon, but I really can't stand aiming with a controller. You're better off just using a real gun. On yourself :P
Otherwise, I still use my 3DS heaps. I also have a Vita that exists purely for all the weeb games. Playing Persona on that was great.
I'm too broke for this whole 'use for maybe a couple years' crap, though. PC is bae.
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The only console that I had was the original Gameboy. I was thinking of getting a Switch, but apparently Nintendo doesn't intend to include their virtual console for this platform and modding your console will not only affect that devise, but your account. So I did some digging and found some sort of gaming tablet that would allow me to run all those awesome games from my childhood through emulators. GPD XD+
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I have a PS3 that I haven't touched for about a year. I originally bought it to play with friends, but that changed quickly. The console came with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and I quickly fell in love with the series. I still have a few exclusives to play, such as Infamous, Resistance, The Last of Us, Katamari Forever, and a handful of others. My personal favorite exclusive is the LittleBigPlanet series. Karting was a disappointment and 3 was mediocre, but the first and second game were amazing. You had a potentially infinite game with extremely creative creators designing levels that were on par with the ones that were in the actual story. Overall, it was fun to play solo, but a blast to play with others.
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PS3/4 for exclusives/local multiplayer only and an old and probably broken Gameboy Classic laying around somewhere.
GTA V and The Last of Us were great experiences, Beyond Two Souls was good. Still have to play especially Red Dead Redemption and the Uncharted series.
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I have a ps3 dusting away in a closet somewhere. I have no interest in the exclusives, so it was mostly a Netflix/Plex machine.
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