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Your favourite Prince of Persia game?

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Prince of Persia (1989)
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
Prince of Persia 3D
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Prince of Persia (2008)

Nice. This one looks quite good, I'd say.

4 years ago

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Seems like a mobile game
lol. didn't know it was a footage from 2012 :DD
Sorry . .

4 years ago*

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The trailer is way too scripted, and resembled me Shadow of Mordor way too much for some reason.

4 years ago

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I loved the original and the 2008 reboot. They were nothing alike, but both still great games. Elika was wonderful. (dream)

4 years ago

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I liked the 2008 reboot too. This was the beginning of the greedy era of video games though and they locked the ending behind DLC.

4 years ago

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wow. Never knew about it. I thought you're choosing to save the world but sacrificing your gf, or you're going to see her for 5 more minutes alive and destroy the whole world...

4 years ago

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The 2008 game is my favorite in the series by far, nothing else in the series even comes close.
Was sad they decided not to continue the story after the cliffhanger ending.

4 years ago

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this video was from 2012-03-01 WTF? Why only now I find out ou about it? :D

4 years ago

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Lol, exactly, 2012. This aint a new video.

4 years ago

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Looks like most of the Universe found out now

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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How do we constantly get crappy games but the ones that never make it always seem to be awesome?
I really love the way they retained the essence of the original games but with a more parkour feel and gorgeous settings.
Oh well.

4 years ago

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Somehow he's not as nimble and fluid as in the Forgotten Sands...not to mention Warrior Within. I also kinda don't like the new time effect.
And when does this take place? Either between Sands of time and Warrior Within, or early in the Two thrones (before he got caught and became cursed)...because there is no more sand after that (the Empress of time is gone and the dagger destroyed if I remember). He also looks like a different prince. I really hope they keep the same voice actor, humor and dual wielding. As long as they do not water it down like the newer Assassins Creed I'm fine

Lastly where is the signature wall running?????

4 years ago*

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the only ones I own were the original and Warrior Within. And both are good.

4 years ago

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am i the only one that saw this in like 2013?

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago*

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So somehow this just sat undiscovered on youtube for 8 years?
It's sad that they abandoned the franchise, this looked like a promising game.

4 years ago

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it got passed around like 7 years ago. not sure why its resurfacing now?

4 years ago

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I've read before about this project existing and being cancelled, but I never saw any video of it. This was supposed to be one of those lost trailers that never got uploaded, not a forgotten video that was just there on youtube and nobody noticed.

4 years ago

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It remains unclear if the footage was unlisted for part of those 8 years or not... here's a bit more on the story:

With the exception of a mobile game, the Prince of Persia series has been dormant since 2010's The Forgotten Sands. Behind the scenes, though, Ubisoft has experimented with new games in the series. In 2012, a grainy off-screen screenshot emerged. Now, a YouTube video dating from the same year shows three minutes of footage from an aborted project called Prince of Persia: Redemption. The footage, which you can watch below, seems pretty legit. Aside from how obviously professional (and how obviously 2012) it looks, the fact that Ubisoft Assistant Technical Director Marc-Andre Belleau weighs in in the comment section is pretty conclusive. "Where did you get that?!" he wrote two years ago.

Footage of a cancelled Prince of Persia reboot has been hiding on YouTube for years (PC Gamer)

Meanwhile, a thread on Resetera makes note of a LinkedIn profile belonging to Christophe Prelot, who worked as a 3D level artist on an untitled and cancelled Prince of Persia game between 2010 and 2011. That game was originally being developed for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. During 2010 and 2011 Ubisoft released the final two games in the Assassin's Creed Ezio trilogy: Brotherhood and Revelations.

4 years ago

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comments on the video from 2 years ago and that was just from a quick glance
Marc-André Belleau
2 years ago
Where did you get that?!

4 years ago

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Did you read the quote from the PC Gamer article I posted? :) It could have still been unlisted for the first 6 years, but either way the mystery remains.

Aside from how obviously professional (and how obviously 2012) it looks, the fact that Ubisoft Assistant Technical Director Marc-Andre Belleau weighs in in the comment section is pretty conclusive. "Where did you get that?!" he wrote two years ago.

4 years ago

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voted sands of time cause its the only one ive played

4 years ago

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It's not ingame footage btw, it's a target game footage, a video created to pitch the idea of the game.
Someone who worked for Ubisoft wrote this on Twitter.
They did the same for Assassin's Creed 3 Video link

Also Warrior Within is my favourite, loved the story, the puzzles, the combat and the music.

4 years ago

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I'm glad that the poll shows Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time as the preferred PoP game <3

Cool Farah:

4 years ago

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