The point is: If one of your friend wants to purchase a game, can you ask him to give you the key, and then put a private link you'll share only with him? And so this farms up your CV... (I don't fully understand how CV works so if you know, please tell me) :)
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Oh no wonder you clicked the "ignore" button on me on Steamgifts. Well i'm sorry sir I will stop.
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How do you farm up CV in private giveaways exactly? Giving is giving, the game has to be bought anyway.
If you mean gift exchange, sure that is shitty as fuck if people do that, but it's not most people that do it and contribution is still contribution.
I wish there'd be more CV GAs between 200 and 400 because almot everyone makes them below 30, because bundlegiving is all the public GA creators are doing, with people that gave only bundle games entering them.
I may have critizised you for generalizing and I just did the same thing
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OP: Think of CV as a big group. Get SG+ and hide the red giveaways, and don't worry about it. CV is just so ironic, at face value. You get it by buying games for other people. But if you can afford to do that, you can afford any game you want. So the high CV games don't make a lot of sense. It's like asking ten CEOs to put their names in a hat for a free Big Mac. You're wasting their time; any of them who want it can just go get one. So I think maybe it's more of an ego thing? Not to have a high CV — that's awesome, to contribute that much. But to make a giveaway that requires an absurdly high amount. Like I said, you might as well just have a "rich gamers" group. But with SG+, you never see the red (your CV isn't high enough to enter) giveaways, so it's not an issue.
As for, "What CV is too high for what game," I think if the CV is higher than the cost of the game, it's in silly territory, because it says, "You must have given more than the value of this game for a mere 1 in X chance of winning it."
But I don't have an opinion on how the site should be run. I think some of the mentality is a little loopy, but it's a good site and it seems to be doing well for itself like this. The only problem with SG is that there are far, far more people trying to win than there are people making gifts. If it were up to me, you'd have to make giveaways to win them. The bundle list would be dropped and replaced by a system that knows what you paid for a game. You scored Just Cause for 27¢? Good for you, each Just Cause giveaway adds 27¢ to your "value". You can enter unlimited giveaways (no 300P limit) but when you win a game, its cost is taken from your value, and if your value is less than what a game cost, you can't enter it. So if there's a $20 game you want, you must have given $20 more than you've gotten. That way, legitimate contributors are rewarded, exploiters are rewarded justly, and leechers just don't exist. Problem is, SG has no way of knowing what you paid for a game, especially if it wasn't bought through Steam (e.g. Humble Bundle). I'd solve that by finding the absolute cheapest the game could ever have been had (or, if it was ever in a bundle, $1 divided by the number of games in the first tier) unless you could prove you paid more. That would be fair. But the truth is, the leechers create ad impressions and that's what keeps the site going. If the system were fair, far fewer people would use the site and the ads wouldn't support the bandwidth.
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You are acting like everyone has your opinion.
Sure, many think that people that use gift exchange groups are shitty, me included, but a website to win gifts is very very stupid if all you do is gift, but you never get any gift back. Many groups exist to prevent hardcore leechers like public bundle people to get expensive games but give nothing in return. Many groups forbid exploited or easily farmable keys, nerfing CV farm through those.
Apart from that it's the same as public. The games still cost money, the difference is you make giveaways for people you think deserve it more.
Saying you are disappointed there are high CV GAs that are public is a contradiction.
You want the GA creators CV to drop, making his GAs drop in CV so you can enter yourself, but then again
all that would mean is that you intend to leech on steamgifts and not give anything in return, because you want to be able to enter more giveaways but not giving more games. I see no noble motive there.
Plus, if you say "almost everyone with high CV are doing groups or private Giveaways" then where are those high CV public GAs you can't enter that you keep complaining about? Doesn't that mean that the little high CV GAs that are posted by people that are in a group too would backfire on the creators?
All I see here is leechers trying to get more games by having to pay less, because they are angry/jealous at people that found themselves a group.
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WOW That's a long ass reply, and I'm gonna assume you are an intelligent human being and "you" in your text is plural, but still, you should use "they".
First of all: I buy my own games. I'm here for the forums and the open giveaways.
Secondly: the "1:1 private groups" are still cv boosting groups. When you give away a game, there is a 100% chance, you got a game back, sometimes cheaper, sometimes more expensive, but in the long run, it's gonna be equivalent anyway. And you know, I thought, the purpose of this site is to give away WITHOUT getting anything back ... OMFG The sky is not pink? There's no gold at the end of the rainbow? You say money doesn't grow on trees? Holy Hanna, my whole life is a lie!
(Feel free to hate for my opinion, it's alright. Ohh and, also I have no idea, what's wrong with my initial comment, it's 100% accurate - there was really no need for this long reply. :) )
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Indication of someone noticing he is loosing an argument, but being too proud to accept defeat is if he starts insulting the other person.
Steamgifts would be pointless if noone would be taking gifts.
Why should some people have to be giving games only and others are allowed to take them only? I see not why having an statistically equivalent win/give ratio is a bad thing, when the total statistics of gifts given/gifts received on steamgifts is also 1:1
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Touché, that was the wrong word, but I would appreciate very much if we could stay on topic? I am here to argue and eventually convince you/op/readers, not to listen to your attempts to correct me.
Plus "OMFG The sky is not pink? There's no gold at the end of the rainbow? You say money doesn't grow on trees? Holy Hanna, my whole life is a lie!" was unnecessary.
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" the difference is you make giveaways for people you think deserve it more." was not directed at you, it was ment as in "whoever is making giveaways makes them for people he thinks deserve it more", as you seem to have misundrstood.
The rest of the "you"'s is adressed to you, so using "they" would be inappropriate, no?
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No, I don't think so.
You said this: "Saying you are disappointed there are high CV GAs that are public is a contradiction. You want the GA creators CV to drop, making his GAs drop in CV so you can enter yourself, but then again all that would mean is that you intend to leech on steamgifts and not give anything in return, because you want to be able to enter more giveaways but not giving more games."
I really don't remember saying this. :) And I don't understand, why are you sating this to me.
Also, I know, if suddenly, magically private group giveaways would be disabled, there wouldn't be more AAA giveaways becauae of this reason, the poeple would just find other methods to give away, like random number generator, than give the gift the number according the the usernames in ABC order, all ofc streamed on twitch. WHAT AN IDEA! (c)
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Puzzle and event giveaways are unfair for the average user. It involves doing a lot more than just visiting the front page and clicking the enter giveaway button. Therefore, they are unfair and should not contribute to CV.
Duh, I can't believe you didn't know that zel!
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Then again Zelgs puzzles are too hard. You kind of have to be smarter then your average bear
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I'm giving to give I just like to give to people and better chances what's the difference?
If I gave public bioshock infinite or private I'm still giving a game? I just choose to give people a 1 in 20 chance at it instead of 1 in 5000.
A gift is a gift.
Plus I rather know who I am giving my gift too at times since I have given publicly and don't even get a simple post of Ty on the giveaway page itself.
I have done private but public giveaways on the forums cause I can at least make rule. One that is in my opinion should be common sense but I have has to make it a rule "comment on the giveaway they are entering" even with that rule to show you how common sense of a simple Ty at times is overrated was when I had to reroll a set up of giveaways each of the winners did not even post a letter or word or a hello
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So making a puzzle for people to find out the giveaway shouldn't count as regular CV?
What you call farming is people giving away games.. be publicly or in private giveaways it's still giving away games. Nobody forces those people making public giveaways to make em public.. it's their choice and calling this unfair is just stupid.
You never made any giveaway that wasn't a bundle giveaway but you think you can criticize how the site works. The way it is now already brings up enough work for the support people to handle, no need to make it even more complicated for no reason.
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Making things up?
That's the internet in a nutshell
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CV is CV, no matter where it's from. If I do a group giveaway for the S.Gifts group (which is open to everyone) or post the link to a private giveaway in the forum to avoid the leeches that just parse the front page and move on, it's still pretty much public.
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I agree. They should show up and work separately.
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To my mind, high CV giveaways are just another kind of group giveaway. I consider high CV members to belong to a supergroup of sorts, that transcends the boundaries of Steam groups. Moreover, since you can almost certainly be assured they have a decent grasp of how the site works -what is and isn't allowed- I don't think we need the extra layer of confusion that would stem from splitting them up further.
It's not a bad idea, just unnecessary in my opinion.
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You know what?
I had enough of these stupid threads about darn retarded "suggestions"! You can sweeten your words all you like, and in the end your idea will not work! Furthermore, I had enough idiots around your level making this kind if threads.
What I think? I think that you clearly should get a life.
Could work? Just a big fat NO!
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I can't stand this. I see a user who has posted for the first time in the forum and last thing I would like to see is welcome him with comments like yours.
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If it was just a normal "first time visit" thread, I would actually post a welcome.
But I really can't stand the blasted suggestions about the CV system from those like OP that didn't even go on the site for even a months worth.
Hate me all you want, but you will regret that when you see threads like this at least 20 times.
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He still havent close this thread even though all of us hate it.
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What about public group giveaways?
Recently, there was a public giveaway that advertise a giveaway of the same game and ending at the same time but it was a group one. Needless to say, the public one got 2x more entries but it was still open to anyone who clicked on the public giveaway.
And there's still the problem of public forum/puzzle private giveaways.
Anyone can enter those granted they solve a puzzle, is not in the giveaway creator's blacklist, or failed to follow a rule.
Then there are the public chat private giveaways.
There are private giveaways in sg chat that are open to people in there. Heck some people only stay in there because of the giveaways and never utter a single word.
There is no prefect way of handling the system so that everyone will like it.
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