Wow, you're a complete dick. The dev actually has to give out free Steam keys in-game, because there aren't enough people playing... and now you've probably made him lose even more sales.
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now you just made that team is very small even including guy that make the soundtrack...get your shit together and then rant
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I know the event, servers are busy, got some nice games last time I was playing it and why I offended you? oh i dunno, maybe because you offending the game, that might be bad, for wrong reasons! yes, its mostly dead but during these events?! are you kidding me?
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does this look like half of dev team to you? i dont think so
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pls start being reasonable and use actual arguments 'kay?...I would expect more intelligence from someone who watch TB. you are probably one of those rotten apples he is referring to
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No. Also, lol @ crashing and freezing on your potatobox.
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My P4, HD4650 with 1,5GB RAM could run BF3, so yea...almost anything can run BF3.. even a potatobox
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Experienced players are going to tell you that perks are marginal just to look better, but dont trust them.
they give you small advantage, rarely a game breaker
Let me explain. One of the highest perks lets you start the game with 230 points while you have 200.
30 pints more at start is just laughable, thats like 1 power core, dont even cover the price for bomb or death
Also there are perks 100% more duration of power ups, or 15% higher jumps and so on. Combine them with speed or other boosts and you definitely don’ get into a fair fight.
you wont get into fair fight, only not because perks but skills, of course if you have those perks you probably have a lot more skills than somebody that just started to play this game, multiplayer 101
I believe that you understand how crutial these "small" advantages are in such a tight wit-based 1v1 action on a tiny map.
its a f**kin 1v1 not 16v16, what did you expect?!
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what has size of 1v1 map have to do with either perks?15% higher jump, awesome, you know you had walls right? you dont need 15% higher jump if you know how to use them
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also, imagine that in a CS or any other tactical based shooter, all of the players would be exactly the same both damage and speedwise but one of the teams would have only one advatage - 15 % more health....that would screw things up, wouldnt it?
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if you want to compare it to something, choose better srsly? counter-strike? if you would at least choose the showdown effect or soldat...good that you dont bring up shattered horizon
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LMAO hes a fanboy who didnt notice that on event theres roughly 10 players (EU servers) and at least 4 of them (from what i noticed) are devs.
But if you really want to go that way...
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noticed? how? they dont have dev badges or perks, how could you notice that? if you want to rant, do it properly... you are still ranting about perks? do a realistic comparison[if you even can], never saw perk being a game breaker in this game, only skill is...dont make excuses if you suck
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high-level, HAHHAHAHA xD I can turn off all my perks off and still beat you...again, the fact that you suck doesnt mean that this game is bad
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HAHAHA that was a good one xD better than "gun monkeys is bad because its not counter strike" yea, we have great players in Slovakia, fuck this country
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Played for 1 hour, complain everyone else is overpowered. Mfw.
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well if you suck of course it last just one minute
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1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Even if you find idea behind 1v1 simple multiplayer platformer as much as i do, i strongly advice to avoid spending money on Gun Monkeys at this point. Price tag and 1 free gift sounds tempting, but this game has serious issues. Not unless it finds its way into a cheap gaming bundle on a website like
At the peak on friday and saturday, I’ve only met only 1 player on european servers, and zero players on Asian ones. The only time more players get to play the game at the same time is on events organised by developers. This might sounds like a brilliant idea, and don’t get me wrong it is, unfortunately, only for the players who play it from the beggining or have some friends to play it with on a regular basis. Why you might ask? Because freakin 1v1 mp game has progression system with unloking perks for your monkey. SIckness of every multiplayer game nowadays (CS works perfectly without it for years...) You can stack up to 4 perks at the same time. This makes game unplayable for low level players (and there’s not a lot of those). Experienced players are going to tell you that perks are marginal just to look better, but dont trust them. Let me explain. One of the highest perks lets you start the game with 230 points while you have 200. Also there are perks 100% more duration of power ups, or 15% higher jumps and so on. Combine them with speed or other boosts and you definitely don’ get into a fair fight. I believe that you understand how crutial these "small" advantages are in such a tight wit-based 1v1 action on a tiny map.
Another problem i got with this game, and it may not affect a lot of people is its instability. I experienced multiple freezes followed by crash during a game.
Make a wise choice and wait for it to get "bundled" and spend your money on more worthwile experienced, which steam definitely offers. Even putting aside some gameplay related issues i have with the game, like slow floating jumps and not being clear on rules (which is quite funny considering game have superbly narrated tutorial).
DISCLAIMER: Sole purpose of this thread is to inform, not to rant. I really hope that developers take this as a feedback worth considering.
Link to to steam forum post.
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