Yooka-Laylee was a huge Kickstarter from last year about a chameleon and a bat going on adventures and collecting things. The game is essentially a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, made by a good chunk of the devs who worked on that game. Kickstarter was a runaway success, raised two million pounds out of 175k, then it went kinda quiet until this year when they released an official trailer and story details and said the Toybox (which is a demo/prototype exclusive to backers to show off various moves and models and the various feel of the game while keeping the main game's experience spoiler-free) would be coming soon.

Well, the Toybox arrived today. The general consensus is that this little 90-minute pre-alpha demo has more polish and charm than a good chunk of finished AAA games and mighty no 9. Having played through it myself, I can concur. Granted there were some rough parts (mostly with the camera), but then again this IS a pre-alpha. And it didn't make the game unbeatable for me.

Still, f this is what the pre-alpha's like, then I'm extremely hopeful for the final product.

Anyway, just wanted to see what the good folks of SteamGifts thought about it. Have you played it, and if so what'd you think of it?

obligatory giveaway

8 years ago

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You playin' it?

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Dude, I don't back Kickstarter games.
Dude, I already 100%ed it.
Dude, I'm trying but I just can't find that last quill.
Dude, I didn't back the project high enough to get it.
Dude, I'm too lazy to play it so I'm just watching YouTube.
Dude, idgaf.

I'm happy to hear the game is shaping up well (although the trailer was already an indication). It's quite rare (pun not intended) to find devs that manage to finish a project both quickly and with high quality. I'm looking forward to the final product.

8 years ago

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I did not back the game on kickstarter, as this style of 3D platformers don't appeal to me, but having watched a little bit of the pre-alpha on youtube, it looks like the game might turn out to be a real winner. Bugs, unfinished mechanics and poorly polished elements are to be expected at this stage, and yet, the game seems to function quite well already.

8 years ago

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I don't play it but happy early birthday heh

8 years ago

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