So I just got scammed and learned a good lesson. And now I wonder how many times have you been scammed and for how many keys did you lose when you got scammed?

Personally I this was my first time I was scammed and lost 14 keys :/

10 years ago*

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precisely 0. I don't really trade all that much.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

10 years ago

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Then how did it end?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

10 years ago

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What procedure should you follow before trading with someone? Please help.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Never. I'm careful with these things.

10 years ago

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Never. I don't trade that much, and I'm careful when I do. Enhanced Steam helps, too.

10 years ago

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Haven't been for a very long time (the last time I was scammed was in MapleStory many years ago). Nowadays, if I lose something, it's because I deliberately made that stupid decision (such as making a loss on the Steam market).

10 years ago

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Just once. It was a somewhat big one, but it taught to be more careful in trading, and in real life. :B

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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0, only have a caught :)
i get a saints row IV for starbound(great offer maybe?), but this is a key then, i make the guy first send me the key, and hu? this is invalid, but after he send another working key,

then if you will trade with keys and offers are so much better you need activate the key then you will never be scammed.

10 years ago

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That key's most likely going to get removed from your account, it sounds like he was buying them with stolen credit cards.

10 years ago

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Yet to happen.

Bought some bundle keys with Paypal for no profit to the seller so we're talking $0.20-$0.50 a time. Everything has worked out fine and I've probably done that about 20 times now through the Group Buys group. I know it's risky to buy with Paypal, although I figure if someone is going to rip me off for that amount of money and damage their rep then they're either stupid or desperate.

Not done too many trades of tf2 keys for gifts, only 2 that I can remember. Made sure the people were who they said they were and had extensive, provable trading history. Both guys I dealt with had over 2000 trades, loads of rep on steamdrades, hearts on tf2 outpost, trades going back 2 or 3 years, plenty of games on their account, their games weren't suspisciously cheap (they weren't even the cheapest). All the usual stuff to look out for. Nothing revoked so far.

Wouldn't pay Paypal for more expensive non-bundled games. Wouldn't pass something through the trade window for a steam key in chat.

10 years ago

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Once. According to my account's details it was the second trade I've ever done and it's pretty funny story. The point is that I still can't call it a really bad deal.
I just discovered a world of digital distribution and had only few games (HL Platinum Pack, bought two years earlier just for CS, Orange Box traded a day before for 10 coals and Borderlands GOTY, my really first game bought on that sale. If I recall correctly I was interested in Introversion and Voxatron bundles and some guy offered me them for my six coals. I was a newbie and agreed to send my items first. Then he gave me two codes and immediately went offline. The first key turned out to be duplicate or invalid but the second activated Humble Indie Bundle 4 pack :). So I didn't get exactly what I wanted but didn't mind it at the time at all because got few new games for my almost empty account. And I still don't regret it.
Since then I made around 200 successful trades and never got scammed anymore.

10 years ago

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Not on Steam or anything but back in this MMO named FlyFF, me and my buddy were all excited because I sold some items and got major cash and then we were gonna buy cosmetics. I bought a hard to find hair piece, and his friend who he said he knew for a long time got on and asked if he could try it on his character, and reluctantly enough I let him (like an idiot). Instantly logged off, and when he got back on and I asked for it back he tried to make me buy it off of him AFTER I already paid for it. I ended up getting a large amount of people to fuck with him and mess with him n stuff, they all pitched in and helped me to buy it back. So I guess that was my first time getting scammed

10 years ago

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Ohhh man. I used to play that game so much. I had like 10 characters level 65+ on three different accounts since I wanted them on the same server. My highest was a 78 or 79 Ringmaster. Leveling in that game was ridiculous. Max level is 150 and it would take probably over 2000 hours to get to that. Probably more, and then once you get there you can reset and you go back to level 1 but are stronger or something. I used to play that game all day long when I was like 14. The pvp arena in it was terrible... Just a high level in the middle who instantly 1 hits anyone who walks in... The hoverboards were cool though. It would actually be an awesome game if they updated the graphics, added better pvp, and added more interactive leveling. It'll never happen though

10 years ago

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Heh I was the same but I gave up on every character after like 60 cus it got too much of a chore to level

10 years ago

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6 times, i think.

first time i lost Frozen Synapse (gift).
second time, i lost 2 copies of Portal 2.
3rd time, i lost Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
4th time, i lost Mount & Blade Collection.
5th time, i lost 2 copies of Left 4 Dead 2.
6th time, i lost Terraria.

i don't think i've ever lost any keys in a scam, though

10 years ago

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Damn dood

10 years ago

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You called?

10 years ago

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You must be pretty smart to get scammed so many times :3 You did worse than the thread creator :D How did you get scammed? I am curious? If it's just you going 1st instead of going in the same time that's bad but idk , maybe it was something different :) Just curious .

10 years ago

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+1 need more info...

10 years ago

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1st one - I went first in a trade for keys (mine was only giftable, not tradable), got blocked / removed before receiving the keys.
2nd time - went first for (i'm not sure) i think Two Worlds II Velvet Edition, didn't recieve it.
3rd time - i was in a rush, trying to trade KOTOR 1 + 2 for a non-tradable copy of L4D2. deal was, i send kotor 1 first, he sends L4D2, then i send Kotor 2. he didn't follow through after i sent kotor.
4rth time - tried to trade M&B Collection for steam wallet. didn't work out.
5th time - i went first in a trade for a giftable copy of Civ 5 GOTY (when it was actually worth something), didn't recieve it.
6th time - traded Terraria for a non-tradable The Witcher Enhanced Edition. The other trader actually followed through and gifted me the game. but the next day, it just disappeared from my inventory, without any notification or anything... so.. yeah :/

the first 5 times were over a year ago.
that 6th time was several months ago..

these are mostly due to impatience on my part, but since then, i've gained quite amount of rep, so i no longer need risk going first for any trade

10 years ago

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Once. Someone scammed me out of my Eaglehorn, my full set of Natalya's gear, Bartucs, a few random runes and charms too. It was very sad.

10 years ago

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Yo, that's rotten. Full Natalya's (especially a near perfect one, since there are too many variables) are waaaaayy too rare for them to be lost so easily. I feel sorry for you!

10 years ago

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Once, but never in anything like Steam. See, when it comes to my money or property, I'm actually pretty careful about it.

The only scam I ever fell for was actually an abuse of mechanics in pay-MUD, where somebody would drop empty backpacks on the floor of a shop, and adventurers would occasionally put their stock gear in the dropped packs instead of their own. Unfortunately I lost a good arbalest that way. Oh wells~

10 years ago

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wtf are you even talking about??

10 years ago

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0 but not because I was careful, followed the rules etc. With all these chargebacks, CC frauds etc. it can happen to anyone. Only way to not get scammed is not trading at all.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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2 times, a Portal 2 Gift and a THQ Bundle.

10 years ago

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Never, I don't trade

10 years ago

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Once and it is my fail because I trust people too much,so it np but what hurts me more than that I scammed is that after I provided all proofs about scam on steamrep,they first didn't reviewed report for 5 months and during those 5 month their review policy changed so they don't review cd keys scam anymore and they market my report as invalid...

In time I posted they were research cd key scams but first they were slow and I waited 5 months,so they find time to reply that in meantime they changed policy and I can't report cd key scam anymore... GJ FKING STEAMREP

Thats what bugs me sooo much... Best I could do is to get that guy banned on reddit r/sgs and r/dota2trade but he is still not marked as scammer on steamrep,here is thread if someone for some reason wanna see

10 years ago

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damn, that fucking sucks mane

10 years ago

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Once, 5 keys. Learnt my lesson after that.

10 years ago

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Too many times, Id prefer not to count

10 years ago

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One time in Diablo 2 ten years ago. Never on steam though, 400+ transactions. Guess I'm lucky or just a smart trader. :P

10 years ago

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0 on Steam. I've gone first countless times and never have I gotten scammed.

10 years ago

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once, i was foolish enough to accept a non tradable tomb raider gift, it got revoked a day after trade as it was paid for by false card details

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Amoox.