Why would a game be removed from the Steam API database?
I thought it was only when a game was removed from the store, I don't what is the reason in this case
If I had won a giveaway, and the user reported me and requested a reroll for a non-activated win, what would happen?
Since your account is synchronised with SG the staff has access to your list of games, so they can properly check that you activated the game
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Does the sync between SG and Steam definitely give them a list of all games in my library? I had assumed that they would have to use the Steam API database to check my library, since SG uses the Steam OpenID service to communicate with Steam (which relies on the Steam APIs, including the Steam API database).
Thanks for answering, and thanks for the super-quick response time!
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I've just noticed that are the end of the list there are so "Unknown" games with a link to the store page of the unknown pacakge, maybe it's there ? (you could use Ctrl+F to quickly check using the game store URL)
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Check at the end of the list, there are some packages called "Unknown" with a link to the store page of each one, maybe it's there.
Anyway, even if they can't see it, they are aware that some games have some issues. I guess it would still be possible for you to get suspended if they are not aware about this particular game and that they don't manually check on your Steam profile before suspending you, so you could create a ticket (in Other category) to let them know there is an issue with this game and to ask if they are able to check its activation.
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Also, part of the problem is that the game doesn't show up in my library even if I do manually check my library. If I log out of Steam (or open an Incognito window, so I'm not logged in), navigate to my Steam profile, and search my library, Silent Service doesn't even appear there. It's in my library if I'm logged in, but if someone else views my library, it's not there at all.
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Ah, ok. That's a weird case, I think you should definitely create a ticket to make sure they are aware about the issue with this game.
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Also to note, some games only show up to others when they've been played.
You could try running the game for about 30 minutes, syncing with SteamGifts, and check here and incognito to see if it shows up. No guarantee that it will work, but I had to do that for my first win (Grimm Complete Pack).
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Thanks for the advice. I'll try this before filing a support ticket, but I'm not terribly hopeful. Silent Service isn't even in the Steam API database, but the Grimm Complete Pack is.
Also, Rising Storm GOTY is showing as not activated for your account. Just FYI.
Edit: Though this game is showing up in your account, which indicates that it includes "full Rising Storm content", so maybe that's why it seems to be missing? The giveaway you won just indicates that this game is what should have appeared...
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Not all of my games sync with SteamGifts, especially dlc and some bundles. I've had to filter some games out as I already own them.
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I do know that some games (and all DLCs and game bundles, as far as I can tell) don't sync properly. I was just wondering what the standard operating procedures might be for a SteamGifts support staff member if I were to have a user report filed against me.
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Not ALL dlc and bundles, a few have disappeared on me after syncing.
EDIT: Games that haven't disappeared after I synced include Arma 2, Blades of Time, Dragon Age: Origins, How to Survive, Or s Must Die!, Painkiller, etc. It could just be the edition I own or they might be fixed now, but at the time I filtered them they were showing up for me.
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The game is under the "probably activated" category, so I think you don't have to worry.
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Actually, it's in the category, "no longer in steam API database". The DLCs that I won appear in the "probably activated" category. And unless someone who works or volunteers for SteamGifts confirms it, I don't want to assume that they use the SGTools to confirm activated wins.
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It's definitely an issue on steams end as we're still able to enter giveaways for it as well. It's far from the only example either. If amateur detectives re gonna go all cludeo on your profile then they should be familiar with such titles. In any case had they reported you support would have known that game didn't track correctly
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I'll have to check why my tool returns a non-exist in API, because it does exist:
I guess it cached a call when steamapi crashed returning bad data.
About the not activated issue, there are some games that just don't show under your owned games, this is one of them I guess.
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Oh, shiz, it's that guy who made that thing! Thanks for noticing my post. If you come up with an answer, let me know, because I don't know that it's just an error with your fine tool. Like I said earlier, if I log out of Steam in my browser (or open an Incognito window, so that I'm not logged in), navigate to my Steam profile, and search my library, Silent Service doesn't even appear. It appears in my library if I'm logged in, but if someone else views my library, it's not there at all.
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I removed the cached result for that particular game and now it shows as a not activated gift instead of no-longer-in-API.
Why it shows as non-activated? Because steam API doesn't show that you own the game (that's a problem that happens with some games). You should not worry about being suspended or re-rolled for this, support are well aware that those kind of games exists and there are some manual options to check it but are more elaborate.
If you want to demonstrate to someone that you actually own the game, you can invite him to your friend list. Once he/she is your friend, he/she can go to the store page of the game and you'll appear in the "friends who have this game" part.
PS: Steam API sucks
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Would it be possible for your tools to have a list of those games and check the results against it?
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Maybe I should have stayed silent; your tool used to indicate that SIlent Service was "Probably Activated", now it says that Silent Service was "Not Activated". I'm in a worse position now than when I started!
I'm just kidding, of course. I'd rather help you get a bug-free toolset that we can use, even if that might cause some inconvenience while it is being improved. And regarding gathering information to make those improvements, a support staff member commented later in this thread that support staff does have a full list of games that do not appear on a user's profile. Perhaps you can reach out to them to obtain and use their list of games. It would be way more efficient than waiting on user reports to populate a list that's been compiled once already. I hope this helps!
Thanks again for responding to this topic when it was still fresh and new, and thanks for your awesome toolset!
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this is indeed odd.
another problem is that now you can multiple GA for that game, cause it's not in Steam anymore (at all).
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Well, it might not be in the Steam API database, but it's still in the Steam store...
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Would my account be immediately suspended, or would support staff contact me first and give me a chance to prove that I have activated all of my wins?
We have a list of games that do not appear on user profile, so you don't have to worry.
I would sugget to hide this game on main page to avoid multiple wins.
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Thank you so much for seeing and replying to this topic. I wanted to know what the "official" policy for this weird instance might be, but filling out a support ticket for a hypothetical problem that might happen in the future seemed excessive.
Since you say that support staff already has a list of games that don't appear on a user's profile, do you think it would be possible to share that list with knsys, so that he can use that information to help improve his toolset?
Thanks again for replying to this topic, and thanks for all you do around here!
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It would be great if you could maybe share this list so people using the SG Tool to check for not activated games could see why a particular game is not showing in the winners libary. I was thinking about making a thread for this myself and maybe split them into two categories for games that the tool does not find but that can be checked manually and games that do not show at all.
Since I suppose your list is quite complete when it comes to the second category that would be a great start and highly appreciated. :D
Edit: Sorry, I should have finished reading HBNayr's reply before posting since he pretty much asked the same thing. ;)
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I was participating in a puzzle earlier this week run by a generous contributor who stated very clearly that he or she checks all winners, and requests a reroll and files a user report if the winner has any history of regifting or not activating won games. I didn't win, but in the discussion thread for the puzzle, the user mentioned that I could be reported for having an unactivated game that I won several weeks ago: Silent Service. I was confused, since I have activated all won games on my account, and immediately checked to confirm that the game was in my Steam library. I assumed that whatever tool the gifter was using to check for non-activated wins had made an error, so I asked what tool he (or she) was using to check, and they responded that they did not use a tool, but did a manual check on my Steam profile. I was skeptical, since I could clearly see the game in my library, but I wanted to confirm that it would be visible to anyone who might check in the future. I opened an Incognito window to my Steam profile (so that I would see exactly what someone else might see), and searched my library for Silent Service. To my great surprise, the game does not appear in my library. Doing a similar search using the SGTools.tk non-activated wins tool informs me that Silent Service is no longer in the Steam API database, even though it's still available for purchase in Steam.
So this has raised a few questions, and I was hoping someone reading this might have some insight. Why would a game be removed from the Steam API database? If I had won a giveaway, and the user reported me and requested a reroll for a non-activated win, what would happen? Would my account be immediately suspended, or would support staff contact me first and give me a chance to prove that I have activated all of my wins? Similarly, would the reroll be immediately approved, or would I have been given a chance to prove I had activated the game on my account?
Thanks for reading, and please let me know if you have any knowledge that might help answer the questions I raised above. Sorry for the lack of
briberygiveaways on this particular post, but I am planning on doing something in the near future, so stay tuned, Steam fans!Comment has been collapsed.