So as the title says this is a thread about questions that no one asks. Or Questions that are not easy to awnser.

For example:
When I was little people told me that midnight would be the "ghosthour".... my question is summer- or wintertime?^^
Till now no one had an awnser to this (yes I know not every country has summer/wintertime)

And the promised GA ofc:

7 years ago

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reserved ^_^

7 years ago

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Po Ta To

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yay a Reply!

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7 years ago

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May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?

7 years ago

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Do what you want, cause a pirate is free!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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No because I've had a pizza delivered in those round boxes and you can't easily get slices out.

7 years ago

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There's always a solution ^^

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7 years ago

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I think that square boxes are just easier to fold ^^

7 years ago

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Slices aren't triangle...

7 years ago

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The local (USA) chain Domino's has a neat front-of-the-box fold that I was noticing the other day -- it rounds off the front two corners, without wasting any additional cardboard compared to a regular pizza box, and the folded corner provides support for the lid so that it doesn't dip into your pizza's cheese.

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7 years ago

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Unless ghosts have adapted to our modern schedule (which I doubt since most of them are traditionalists) I assume ghosthour refers to standard time because daylight saving time didn't exist when the term was coined.

7 years ago

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what about ghosts that turned into ghosts after they lived adapting the daylight saving time? :D

7 years ago

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I was going to add that younger ghosts might see that differently but didn't want to further complicate this train of thought :D

However on 2nd thought I think Witching hour has something to do with being part neither nor, sort of a state of uncertainty or transition between two things; which would mean it wouldn't matter if standard or daylight saving time, it would be bound to 12 o' clock. But I'm not that much into folklore so I'm not entirely sure about that ;)

7 years ago

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Why do you assume ghosts are traditionalists?

Daylight saving is around for a couple of decades (maybe even centuries), so I would say that there's plenty of time for modern ghosts to emerge.
And I'd think that they adhere to time change so that the ghosthour moves according to Winter/Summer time. :)

7 years ago

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well he said most, I mean as long as they have no expiiration date there should be more "old" than "new" ghosts

7 years ago

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Because they are dead and most old people are rather neophobe than neophile.
However in my other comment above I just had a different train of thought that would contradict the first one ;)

7 years ago

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Both are valid points. Keep in mind - however, that:
a) number of people growth over time, and the rate of this growth increases as well - more people died in the last 100 years, that in let's say previous 400-500 years
b) in the past more people died in a younger age more often :)

7 years ago

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Those are good points as well :) However when I mentioned young and old ghosts I was mostly talking about the amount of time that has passed since their death and not so much about their age of death which makes me wonder if ghosts can still change their views and opinions after death or if death is a static.

7 years ago

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What about ghosts that became thus before there was the concept of measurable and quantifiable time?

As in,

"I shall meet thee, Ugg, when the orange sky God falls below Mugg's rock!" ???

7 years ago

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Interesting question :D I'm gonna avoid answering it by saying that the Supernatural theory of spiritual energy decaying over time (unless they find a way to fill up) sounds pretty reasonable (in this context). So a ghost from the stone ages would have to have some mighty important unfinished business to still hang around.

7 years ago

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Perhaps they are still happy watching reruns of The Flintstones, or have been stuck here by being made totally confused, and possibly horny, by watching Raquel Welch in 1,000,000BC???

7 years ago

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by watching Raquel Welch in 1,000,000BC???

:D I really have to watch that sometime. Actually I had never heard about it before Charlie kept obsessing about her in Two and a Half Men.

7 years ago

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Honestly, I'd put it pretty low down on your watchlist......

7 years ago

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Noted ;) But bad movies can be funny too if you're in the right mood :D

7 years ago

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"The Witching Hour" is just superstition and is not related to a single season but to all of them.
It merely refers to a specific time of day.

7 years ago

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If the camera lens is round why do pictures come out square?

7 years ago

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because what ever the lens sees gets projected onto a square picture?

7 years ago

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i think you meant rectangular :D

7 years ago

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I think I just did not know the word in english xD

7 years ago

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The lens actually does capture a round image, but the further out you get from the center the more distortion there is. The camera sensor (or the film negative in old cameras) takes just the center rectangular section from the circular image captured by the lens. If we took the whole round image it would appear more like a fish-eye photo. :)

In some cell phones or digital cameras which can be hacked to capture the raw image from the image sensor you can see this distortion pretty clearly. A lot of the correction to the image distortion is applied in software these days.

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7 years ago

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Looks like the nose of some weird mammal lol

7 years ago

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If the majority of people on SG lurk on threads.... how many of them are actually stalkers?

7 years ago

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Thats a toughy O_O
Assuming you nickname many xD

7 years ago

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Well, you'd have to subtract all the troll threads as they move too slowly to stalk, and all the key ninjas as they move too

7 years ago

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most people are naturally stalkers that's why facebook and twitter are so popular before that it was gossip. people allways want to know about other people.

7 years ago

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I have yet to discover the answer to a question that many ask, but no one seems to appropriately answer:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Conversely, if anyone happens to still be wondering about the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow (an european one, of course), a fellow named Jonathan Corum has kindly provided an answer:

Although a definitive answer would of course require further measurements, published species-wide averages of wing length and body mass, initial Strouhal estimates based on those averages and cross-species comparisons, the Lund wind tunnel study of birds flying at a range of speeds, and revised Strouhal numbers based on that study all lead me to estimate that the average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.


7 years ago

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As much as the woodchuck needs? O_O

7 years ago

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It would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

7 years ago

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But even if a woodchuck could chuck wood,
and even if a woodchuck would chuck wood,
should a woodchuck chuck wood ?

7 years ago

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Depends if whether the weather be hot, whether the weather be cold
whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not.
But whatever the weather whenever the weather, whether it likes it or not.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Nice one, I'd consider this question properly answered :) Based on both observable data and adequate indicator estimations, science saves the day (once again) :p

7 years ago

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Science is our superhero :D

7 years ago

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That's pretty industrious

7 years ago

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I prefer the modernized version of that.
How much Nep could a Nep Nep Nep if a Nep Nep could Nep Nep?

7 years ago

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Do snakes fart? :v

7 years ago

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do they poop?

7 years ago

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They do!

7 years ago

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than I guess they can fart, too........or do they? xD

7 years ago

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I'm not sure :D

7 years ago

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Do they eat baked beans / brussels sprouts?

If so, we know the answer.

7 years ago

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I don't think that snakes eat vegetables :S

7 years ago

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but what if they ate a rat that ate beans? o_O

7 years ago

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:O F L O A T I N G S N E K B A L L O O N S :O

7 years ago

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Why some peoples have right to do whatever they want and when you say that it's against law they agress you cause they are used to do it and no authorities do anything. If you defend against that, you are the agressor.
Exemple : a motocycle that pass the firestop as you cross the street as it's you turn and it misses you close.
In our society he wins unfortunatly if you say that it's not fair and if there's battle cause authorities thinks that you are the agressor....

7 years ago

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That sounds aweful. Where are you from?

7 years ago

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France. The country where when you are agress you have shut your mounth.

7 years ago

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I thinks it's one with other raisons of Le pen votes. But I didn't vote her cause not my thinking program.
We will have the same trouble in 5 years if things become worse.

7 years ago

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That sounds weird coming from the country where all the "Lady Liberties" where made

7 years ago

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Some things are very good but other things are forgotten cause no one defend it. When you walk more than 10 km per day in street you see lot of things that elected don't see cause they go in "fonction car" and drive society with statistics.

For my trouble, I don't know what doing. I don't know what I can do when I'm in front of 3 cars park where walkers have to pass to not walk on the street. When you say it to cars ouner they don't care or are agressive cause they think they have right to do cause no one do anything. Police move only if fight and I was close lot of time cause I don't have to go on the street with my baby for please some fuckers.

So I wrote lot of things to autorities that doesn't care.....and I wondering what are the limits of "legit defend" cause I afirm it's an agression against walkers life.

7 years ago

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Well, in some cities in Germany the police doesn't even do something even if there is a fight. Cause they are afraid to step out of their cars.

7 years ago

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Good world I see. Thanks for that fact.

7 years ago

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Most cities are save and the cops do their job, but in some big cities only it is different

7 years ago

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I think you might enjoy these.

7 years ago

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I do! Thanks ^_^

7 years ago

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How long is the Pi number?

7 years ago

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I guess no one lives long enough to find out, if it is really endless xD

7 years ago

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Maybe the Pi number, wait for it
Has Pi many numbers in it lol plot twist :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This made me laugh harder than it should XD

7 years ago

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glad to hear. Now i can missbehave for the rest of the day, since my one good deed a day is fulfiflled: I made one of the support guys laugh and reliefs him from all the stress he probably has xD

7 years ago

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Make that +1 for the very hard laugh....

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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as pi is an irrational number, it has no end.
It's not a rumor, it's proven ;)

cool fact: any thinkable numbercombination is somewhere in pi.
even something like "13371337133713371337133713371337133713371337133713371337133713371337133713371337133713371337133713371337" is somewhere in pi

7 years ago

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Yea a fun thing about Pi is that you can find every combination of number in it

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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How is it possible for people to ask the question, "May I ask you a question?" ?

7 years ago

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a[nother] is implied, as is a [more substantial].
Besides, it's 'may', not 'can', so even if it's as-written, there's no actual limitation to it.

It's like biting into a pie and then saying 'May I eat some pie?'. The question doesn't negate the action, and it still works to reference allowance of continued eating. 'Can' would be the illogical one, as the action has already proven itself possible.

7 years ago

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In other words, asking permission rather than questioning ability.

7 years ago

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If crystal sugar has no expiration date, why does powdered/frosting sugar has one?

7 years ago

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probably because there is 3% cornstarch in it

7 years ago

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Probably it's about shape of compound. Crsytal is more stable and resistant to chemical reactions than other shapes.

7 years ago

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I also red that you can make powdered sugar into an explosive if youa dd something to it o_O

7 years ago

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First, it's worth noting that no sugar actually has an expiration date, as sugar does not expire (expiration being a date past which a food is no longer safe to eat, versus best by/use by, which is when it is no longer ideal to eat).
Powdered sugar has a 'use by/best before' date because, due to its form, it attracts moisture and traps scents far more easily [than crystalline sugar]. Because of that, and the presence of cornstorch, it can start to get clumpy and obtain an off-taste, depending on how you've stored it. Of course, storing it in an airtight container should help you avoid notable issues for a much longer (perhaps indefinite) period of time. Brown sugar is similar, due to how molasses affects it, and is interesting in that you carefully store it to help it avoid losing its moisture. White sugar crystals, on the other hand, you can leave out on the table, and at worst they'll dry out some.

7 years ago

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They're BEST BEFORE dates, which are subjective.

7 years ago

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If a bunch of cats jump on top of each other, is it still called a dog pile? (◑‿◐)

7 years ago

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I would name it pile of awesomeness, but thats just my opinion xD

7 years ago

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I've never heard of 'ghost hour', but it'll presumably either refer to Twilight, which refers to the illumination effect that occurs when the sun is below the horizon, and thus has no direct relationship to the time on a clock, or it would refer to a concept such as Witching Hour or Devil's Hour, which are based purely off numerological superstitions, and thus are based solely on whatever time the clock indicates.

In sum, you're going to either get your hour by looking at the sky or looking at your clock- you'll never have to think on it past that.

7 years ago

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Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?
why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Why do they sterilise the needles for lethal injections?
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, which side would it fall on?

7 years ago

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why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

So they don't suffer head injury before they reach their final destination.

7 years ago

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"If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, which side would it fall on?"

I believe that is also known as a bio-perpetual motion machine!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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How do you find your glasses... without your glasses?

7 years ago

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I usually just wander around blindly patting every surface that I can find.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Maybe that's why you get so many optician's offers of Buy 1 Get 1 Free???

7 years ago

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Good point. Guess I should take advantage of one of those lol.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Where did barnowls live before there were barns?

7 years ago

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Damn, that one's got me stumped.

What about field mice before we had farming?

7 years ago

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A classic :

How do blind people know when they finished wiping their asses?

That have an interesting answer-blog entry

7 years ago

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In answer to the question you posed in the OP, the answer is: both.

Regardless of the time of year, midnight occurs at basically the same time, every night. The days grow longer or shorter, but the middle lands pretty much in the same hour, regardless (give or take a few minutes). The same thing applies to noon.

I find this thread entertaining. I'm looking for any questions for which I don't have an answer. Haven't found one, yet....

7 years ago

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what's the last digit of pi?

7 years ago

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pi doesn't have a "last" digit. irrelevant. :p

7 years ago

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actually it's irrational and can't be expressed using our decimal system, but it's not actually infinite & there is an end, we just can't properly express the end.

7 years ago

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^ This. The digits are merely an approximation of the actual value.

7 years ago

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Your question reminds me of the fact that we all know you're not supposed to feed Mogwai after midnight, but for how long? The entire day occurs after the previous midnight!

7 years ago

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I have ALWAYS thought the same thing. And if you can't get them wet, how can they drink???

7 years ago

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there are animals that don't drink and get all moisture from plants they eat.

7 years ago

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Do zebras have white or black stripes?

7 years ago

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zebras are black skinned with white stripes. i read a science report sometime back.

7 years ago

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Why dont we have a 28 day month for 13 months and the remainder 1/2 days are a holiday?

7 years ago

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