Welcome aboard.
Read the entire FAQ (especially the section "What are levels, and how can I increase my level?") and then also read the guidelines.
If it's not enough, search the words "level up" in the Discussions page to find a lot of threads about this subject.
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Welcome to steamgifts! I hope that you like it here!
Please take a very few minutes to read the FAQ and the Guidelines
The relevant points to your question are covered in the FAQ subpoints
and most of all to answer your question:
I quoted the absolutely most relevant bits below. (Seriously, you should read those two pages for yourself.)
What are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways? How do they affect my overall contributor value?
When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (*), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk (). If you hover over those icons, you'll see the effective date for the value adjustments. For example, if a game is marked with a single asterisk (*), and hovering the icon shows "Reduced value since January 4, 2018", this would mean giveaways created for that game on January 4, 2018 or later will receive reduced contributor value. Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.
Games fall into one of the below three categories.
No Value:
No contributor value when given away after the effective date.Reduced Value
15% contributor value when given away after the effective date.Full Value
100% contributor value when given away.If you visit your profile, you can see a breakdown of your previous giveaways. If you hover over the "Gifts Sent" number on your profile, you'll see the number of gifts you have given away in each category.
For example, you give away three games. Game A is $10.00 and it has no value. Game B is $20.00, and it has reduced value. Game C is $50.00 on Steam, and it has full value. Once your giveaways have ended and the gifts have been received by their winners, you will see the updated values on your profile. In this case, you would see "Gifts Sent: 3 ($80.00)". This would show that you have successfully given away 3 gifts, and their current list price on Steam is $80.00 in total. If you hover over the number of gifts, you would see you have one "No Value" gift, one "Reduced Value", and one "Full Value". If you hover over the dollar value, you would see you have a contributor value of $53. It would be calculated as 0% of the gift with no value (0 x $10.00 = $0.00) + 15% of the gift with reduced value (0.15 x $20.00 = $3.00) + 100% of the gift with full value ($50.00).
What are levels, and how can I increase my level?
Levels range from 0-10, with level 0 being the default after registration, and level 10 being the highest level attainable. Levels represent a user's contributions to the community. At their core, they are calculated based on a user's contributor value. When a user creates a giveaway that's received by the winner, their contributor value and level increases. This allows the user to access additional giveaways that are restricted to higher levels. If you mouseover your level in the navigation bar, or the level on your user profile, you'll see a tooltip with the level rounded to 2 decimal places. This will give you a better idea of small increments in level, and when you're about to level up.
Levels increase in difficulty almost exponentially. Below is a summary of levels and their corresponding contributor values.
- Level 0: $0.00
- Level 1: $0.01 - $25
- Level 2: $25 - $50
- Level 3: $50 - $100
- Level 4: $100 - $250
- Level 5: $250 - $500
- Level 6: $500 - $1,000
- Level 7: $1,000 - $2,000
- Level 8: $2,000 - $3,000
- Level 9: $3,000 - $5,000
- Level 10: $5,000+
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I am not sure what you want to say by "i cannot do much overall", as you neither tried to enter any giveaway nor commented on any thread or giveaway to interact with the community. What did you expect to do around here?
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I have replied to others with the same thing, but I checked the FAQ before-hand and couldnt find anything, which is quite weird since i couldnt find it now, i am guessing it was one of those "searching for it too hard that you lose it" situations. No need to be passive aggressive hahaha
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Add "site:steamgifts.com" to the end of a Google search to limit the search to that website; That method works better than just putting "steamgifts" into the search directly. Not just because it filters out other results, but because Google by default limits the number of results from a single website, and this method avoids that restriction.
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I always wonder how does that work. You visiting site for the first time, registering without understanding why.
You see "Help" with FAQ and Guidelines section that visible on every page but you create a new topic to ask such an important question.
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levels are only good for giveaways of that level or lower so a level 3 giveaway would need you to at least be 3 but you can still comment and make threads (of course) and everything at any level
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Generally responses on this site gravitate towards being overly generous as far as "being nice", outside of a small subset of toxic users (none of whom are present here, at a glance), so I'm not sure why the responses were so coarse for you. Maybe a combination of fatigue on getting the same question so much lately (and it really has popped up a lot of late), and holiday stress?
Well, either way, don't let this turn you off asking further questions, as usually the community is extremely generous in trying to help answer questions. But if you feel a bit burnt out after this, just a heads up that you can ask staff site questions directly (and privately) through "Other" category support tickets, under the Support tab. That said, staff is composed of a limited number of volunteers, so generally it's more favorable to not to bother them for questions that the community can reliably answer.
In any case, kudos for being a good sport in your responses, and welcome to the site. :)
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But stay away from the undead rodents until you are at least level 3. Many died to them.
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I am not sure how to level up, as i am level 0 currently, i cannot do much overall
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