
11 years ago*

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Nope. If it did happen to me, that'd suck a lot though. Since I'm using a service that ship my orders which I buy from the US to my country. It'd cost quite a bit of money if an error like that happened to me.

11 years ago

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Hopefully they'll compensate you in some way? Hell no. Make them to give you what you paid for. And since it is their mistake, make them pay shipping.

11 years ago

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I second this post.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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And redeem your AMD card, also. Don't mention it, and you'll probably luck out and get a new one along with your 7950 also. Retailers get boxes of cards for the promo, they won't miss it.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Tell them you want your damn codes (politely but insistently obviously) when they either take back your wrong card and send your new one, or take back the whole PC (don't know how they'll do it).

They should pay shipping, that's a given, but I'd press them for an extra promo voucher even as compensation for the extra time and effort replacing the card will take; the making you wait for your sweet new PC. Not unreasonable for you to expect some form of compensation for the extra wait time caused by their error.

If you want, run a potential email by me (PM me in LHoN chat) and I'll help turn it into a fine little bitch-mail. I used to do a lot of similar stuff working in IT across various disciplines / companies.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Best line to use is to ask support, "What will you do to not lose me as a customer / keep me as a customer / prevent me from going to a competitor?"

11 years ago

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Terrible line to use. Then they know you are fishing for extras.

11 years ago

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Well yeah, that's the point. Come right out and make it obvious you want extras or you will be using a different company/service. I know I've used that line with Newegg after they really messed up the shipping of my order and delayed delivery by about a month, and got a $20 or $40 (can't remember which) coupon/giftcard and shipping for that order refunded.

11 years ago

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They dumb. They should have told you to fuck off. You give extras because customers do not expect them. You don't give them because they ask for them. Basics.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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No, the extras are to make you happy because they've upset you by messing up. Not because you weren't expecting it. I could call to ask them if my product has shipped yet, not expecting a freebie. Does that mean I should get one? No. The freebies are for customers they have wronged and want to keep happy.

Also, the people who authorize extras have a list of reasons they can give them out. They aren't their to make judgement calls on whether you deserve them. Having the wrong product delivered or having your shipping messed up is a reason to get an extra. They will see that and clear you for one. Unless it isn't company policy to give them in that circumstance, in which case you won't get them by not asking, but at least if you ask that person could go to their manager and you might end up with one anyway.

11 years ago

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Yes, but the customer should get nothing when they ask for it. You completely misunderstand. Customers like you fuck it up for customers like me.

11 years ago

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Did you even read what I just typed? I clearly explained both what he extras are actually for, and why asking can't hurt your case. There is nothing wrong with asking for extras. You make it sound like I'm breaking some sort of law or something. I'm not.
Any large company expects to spend money every month on freebies when they make a mistake. They allocate that into their budget. I'm not saying they owe me anything. I'm saying they fucked up my order, made me not like their company, and if they want to keep me as a customer, they should compensate me for the delay. I paid them money and was promised my item in say 5-7 business days, but instead it took them over 20 business days.

11 years ago

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How, exactly, do I fuck it up for you? Be as specific as possible here.

11 years ago

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Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons!

11 years ago

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I bougt call of duty black ops for pc and i received cal off duty black ops for xbox360, we called and we only had to sent back an they sended the pc version.

11 years ago

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Let's see... I got a video card that was DOA. Newegg shipped me a new one ASAP and I sent the old one back on their dime. (they're always awesome)

Once I received the wrong t-shirt. They sent me the correct t-shirt and let me keep the wrong one too.

Hm.. all I can think of.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Yeah but it was a shirt I didn't want. It was like "I love my [Honda strikethrough] Nissan".

I think I sold it for $10 on ebay

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Though I've owned several Hondas (2 Preludes, S2K) and a 2 Nissans ( '97 240sx and a Maxima)... I didn't want it.

Beside, I'm a scooby man now

11 years ago

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A Subaru Impreza guy!

Amagad I love you now.

11 years ago

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Re-gifting. blacklisted

11 years ago

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Calling out. blacklisted

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Calling out me for calling out. blacklisted

11 years ago

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It's not re-gifting. He bought it and resold it.

11 years ago

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Not getting my lame joke. blacklisted

Edit: Lame joke from chat with Herpes ... I think related to his beef with mezza.

11 years ago

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I gotten your lame joke. So I blacklist you for making a blacklist for that lame joke.

11 years ago

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Once I ordered a wireless xbox 360 controller for windows from a real person on amazon(not a company). He submitted the listing as wireless by mistake and he sent me a wired 360 controller instead of a wireless one. I told him and he refunded everything, the shipping and the cost of the product and also let me keep the wired controller and then I used the refunded money to get a new wireless one so I ended up with 2 controllers for the price of one :D

11 years ago

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I've had 2 shirts from woot with bad sleeves. Both times they let me keep the bad one when they sent me a new one; a little bit of stitching and its as good as new.

11 years ago

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In the first case it's exactly what I expect. Though if it was easily done and in short time it's good service.

11 years ago

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I rarely order online (preference for checking the product in person), never had any problems with it when I have though.

11 years ago

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I ordered a deep dish and they gave me one with a topping that I did not want. Had to wait 10 minutes to get another one. :|

11 years ago

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Yeah, guess I had my pizza order screwed up. They always give you a free one next time.

11 years ago

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Oddly enough my pizza's never been messed up.

11 years ago

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Wise men say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for [s]late[/s] messed-up pizza

11 years ago

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Ordered a pair of jeans and got two. Good times.

11 years ago

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I once ordered pizza and had to pay like 9,50 or something. I give him a 10 and he gives me change for a 50 O_O I didn't even realize until it was way too late. Literally the next day when I looked into my wallet I was dumbfounded to find two 20s in my wallet. Best mixup ever. Poor pizza guy though :(

11 years ago

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Maybe you were being filmed for a "What would you do?" segment. Like what would you do if a pizza guy gave you the wrong change, like more than you gave him and you failed miserably that they had to blur out your face lolz. :D

11 years ago

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Never thought about that ^^ tinfoilhat-mode: engaged

11 years ago

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i ordered spongebob movie and they gave me japanese porn movie

11 years ago

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Same thing.

11 years ago

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sponge knob is not japanese

11 years ago

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how can you tell the difference?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Amazon will replace books no matter how little damage there is, in my experience. I've gotten books replaced for free for anything from a creased dust jacket to a dent in the tops of the pages to a small scrape on the inside back cover.

11 years ago

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I am kind of scared now, amazon's customer service seems a little too good to be true they must be up to something.

11 years ago

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That sucks! I've ordered a Waterfall mod (parts) once and they never sent me the parts. I tried to prove it to the site (I've ordered from them countless times), but they never gave me a refund stating that they sent the parts when it never arrived :|

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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bought a game on steam.
it had gfwl :O

11 years ago

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A few years ago a friend and I bought a 4unit bulk 1tb external hard drives straight from the supplier, who were also the official technical support for the brand (if i'm not mistaken WD), out of the 4 HDs, 2 of them were FUBAR, so we contacted the technical support, where they surprisingly sent us another 4unit bulk, asking us to send the two faulty HDs (we offered to pay the shipment expenses for the replacements, we were quite surprised with the package once we got it), all in all we were quite happy with that customer service.

11 years ago

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My Xbox Live account was hacked at one point (unrelated to all the FIFA drama) and around £60 worth of MSP purchased on my card through PayPal. I contacted PayPal, my bank and Microsoft with regards to the transactions.

As I was online at the time I noticed the breach as it happened and the transaction was cancelled by PayPal before it even reached my bank. Microsoft seemed to miss this and refunded me anyway and due to the way XBLA content is licensed I still get to play the games as long as I'm signed into Live. Microsoft didn't even really lose out as the money they refunded me went straight back into their pockets when I bought a turd load of Rock Band DLC.

11 years ago

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I recently ordered a decent specced tablet from DealExtreme, a Chinese site. Got a cheap GPS instead. Sent that back and got a refund.

11 years ago

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I preordered Diablo 3, and got a half-baked game that was about auctioning items with real money instead.

11 years ago

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Sucks to be you. I got the real game. It's fun.

11 years ago

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So you got Torchlight II?

11 years ago

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That too, still prefer the real D3, Boo-hoo.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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My mother wanted a girl, got a boy instead =/

11 years ago

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well you can fix that easily

11 years ago

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My father testicles won't accept a cromosome change.

11 years ago

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I was thinking...nevermind.

11 years ago

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Ordered a Deus Ex : Invisible War years ago (for collection's completion sake) and received a Moto Championship game.
The only common thing they had was the blue color on a part of the background...

11 years ago

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I ordered a sweatshirt once but was sent some sort of gay magician costume, true story. Turns out they were out of stock on what I wanted but paid for return shipping and refunded me.

11 years ago

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Welp, whenever I order something it either is the wrong product or it doesn't come in time.

11 years ago

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I would be pissed, but no it has never happened to me.

11 years ago

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Ordered two Dell top of the line gaming computers after they bought Alienware (the year they made sure Dell had better hardware then Alienware....that has changed back now). One arrived with no hard drive and the second one arrived with an unformatted hard drive and broken WiFi card. (And of course no DVDs/software). It sucked. One computer has also had its motherboard and power supply replaced 6 and 9 times respectively and 5 graphics cards replaced so far. (Though their was never anything wrong with the graphic card). And one computer failed so bad they upgraded it to a lower quality computer. (Took my gaming machine and gave me a business machine) took me another year to get that correctly replaced and upgraded per my contract. (I kive in a state that computer companies cannot tie software and hardware warranties together too limit the hardware one. When I sent a copy of the law too them I got my new computer.)

1st time in my life I was happy I bought an extended on site warranty that required upgrades...bet they are sorry I did. And I just took the option to extend the warranty out further as the replacement was new so the clock started from its date of delivery. lol

Oh and the new final computer arrived with a broken graphics card so I made the tech put my old and better graphics card in its place. 1 month later the hard drive failed and the only replacement they had was faster and twice the size. :)

So much for bench testing and burn ins... All lies. Neither computer could be started. It took five years too fix my computer. The new one runs all games at max graphics just great.

11 years ago

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On top of all that, you paid around a 40% mark-up over self-build as well. Condolences my Man.

11 years ago

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I purchased two 1TB HDDs from Newegg several years ago, and they sent me a package containing two boxes: one box had a HDD, and the other was empty. They sent me a replacement within a week, but they've also screwed up some of my other orders. I don't shop with them anymore.

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when Tiger Direct does a better overall job than a company as highly regarded as Newegg.

11 years ago

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Guys, do your homework, learn all the stuff, once it's done, you'll know how to build your own computer for life. Save about 30% of the price off every computer you will buy for the rest of your life.

11 years ago

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Yes but time is money, especially for those who aren't technologically inclined. That being said, I wish I had built my computer instead of getting it pre-built (not because it would have saved me money, cuz actually I got a really good deal, but because building computers is fun!)

11 years ago

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to be fair, building a computer is not that hard (nor long once you grasp the simple concepts), i always describe it to friends and family as "Putting together expensive lego". The only seriously stressful parts are on first boot up (hoping that nothing is DOA) and mid-shopping making sure everything is cross compatible/proper voltage/cables etc etc

11 years ago

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actually you only really save money on high end PC's, if you just want a computer for office related stuff(word, excel, some internet).. buying a premade from say dell is a better deal

11 years ago

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What if they put the wrong card in on purpose hoping your didn't know about PCs and that when you use the PC it'll be fast enough with the 7850 and you won't notice it isn't a 7950.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Scruffman.