So, yea, he's doing it right over at:

Iam not too concerned by the whole modding thing since iam not that into it but i know there's currently an uproar over paid mods.. but yea you can go there and bi*** to him there...

9 years ago

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Has he answered to any of those donate comments, of course he ain't as far as i've seen.

9 years ago

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He keeps avoiding that question.

9 years ago

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Of course he does. Just like all other constructive comments. But don't worry, he replies to all those useless comments. Jesus, fuck you gabe.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's not about donate button, it's about "Pay what you want". Still paying for a mods. Mods must be free and have donate button if player want to donate to modcreator.

9 years ago

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The question he responded to was literally "What do you think about a donate button for mods?" Pay what you want is a term used to mean something similar to donate on some platforms (Itch, for example), and I'm pretty sure he's talking about allowing for the PWYW button to accept $0 as an option (which it doesn't currently), making it into a donate button.

9 years ago

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And he literally did not answer anything concerning donations there, he only answered if it would be possible to get mods for free. Mod creators will now have to set up a site for donations while "selling" the mod on Steam, because greed. A donation does NOT include a 75% share for anyone but the creator.

9 years ago

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Not too mention, the donate links they use utilizing third party sites are being removed from the mod descriptiion.

9 years ago

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The only case of this I've heard supposedly was done through a link, which are globally filtered on the site to prevent malicious use.

9 years ago

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Gabe is answering the questions in the way that nobody understand what he meant to say, and he's doing it on the purpose.
There already is PWYW button in the workshop, it's left of the buy button in shape of Dropdown menu, and there isn't 0€ listed anywhere.
Either he's got no clue what's going on with the workshop, or he's reffering to something else, but he doesn't want to be clear about it.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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I mean, it's pretty obvious why he's avoiding answering that.

9 years ago

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Gabe is talking out his ass.

Like what the fuck man.

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9 years ago

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Gaben is true God of capitalism

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9 years ago

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I love how the negative Karma comment has gold on it.

9 years ago

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What are you even saying? Money is the ONLY way a consumer tells the business what they think. Stop living in some fantasy world and accept this.

9 years ago

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Well. they could use words instead.... since everyone is one the internet, why not give it a try... ?
and those screenshots are actually pretty funny... Gabe is only spamming stuff about money being important, and avoiding anything that could solve the whole problem between Steam's community and Valve....

9 years ago

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Which is what they just made out of a hobby that's been a major stake in PC gaming for decades.

9 years ago

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He's not talking out of his ass. Money DOES direct a community. See, money is used to buy things. What things are bought shows what X group of people are generally interested in. Voila.

9 years ago

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modding survived and did well for decades without money circulating this way.

9 years ago

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That's because there was NO MARKET (it was done for free) for anyone to determine what specifically people were willing to buy. Mods were always subjective in quality.

9 years ago

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He's avoiding the obvious issue of "why not just make it donations". Starts it off talking about how he's had health issues, great way to get sympathy, smooth move Gaben. Lmao he's avoiding every single constructive comment.

9 years ago*

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Uh, he's a man too. Give him some rest.
Also, he said that there is/will be a pay what you want button (which if allows 0€, then is basically a donation button, I guess?).

9 years ago

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No. Pay what you want can be at least 0.04€ as far as I know, because 25% goes to the modder, making him earn 0.01€, that's how it is right now at least.
If they add a pay what you want, like on HB, that would be nice, and nobody would have complained in the first place. But they're too lazy to do any proper web developing, they just use retarded drop down menus all over the place.

9 years ago

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I can see it now.

"Minimum of only 5$ for the green plate swap armor! Feel free to give more though. <3"

Only a matter of time before they have "giftable/tradable" mod things, but don't forget you can only trade with your own region!

9 years ago

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I'd actually love it, if they somehow managed to implement Skyrim steam Inventory, I find it cool to trade rare items with friends. But considering how skyrim works, and all bethesda games for that matter with all the mods giving shitload of weapons, and all the cheats to give items, it wouldn't really be that much possible. :r

9 years ago

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Oh no I meant trading mods with each other. Not in game Skyrim stuff.

A steam gift with a Skyrim mod.

9 years ago

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Oh that, yea indeed it's a possibilty. I don't really care about that, but it could be handy if they keep the paid mods, and don't switch it with donate or pay what you want with 0$ option.

9 years ago

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Now that you mention it, I actually have a Skyrim inventory though I never used any mods. It wasn't there before. O.o

9 years ago

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Could you take a screencap of it? I own skyrim, but do not seem to have the Skyrim inventory. Have you bought any of the mods?
Edit: I can't see it on your profile either, maybe it's private or something.

9 years ago

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I never used any mods for Skyrim.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I wonder what could it be. :o

Edit: Oh yea, I read it first time, but just had to confirm it. :p

9 years ago*

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Yeah i guess he is. He starts an AMA about this whole mess and instead of answering actual constructive posts about how people are stealing other people's work and how Valve employees allegedly encouraged people to use other people's work without permission, he answers questions about what he's drinking or why he writes certain words in a certain way. We were all just dying to hear that, it's the answer to everything no?

Also no, it's not. People are asking for a pay what you want button, that's actually pay what you want not pay 9$ or more, and where most of the money goes to the actual modder, not to Valve/Bethesda. If that's not possible then just close this whole shit down and let modding stay the way it was.

9 years ago

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The money ratio is based on what the developer asks for it. And that 25%, when based on someone else's main work, is still a hefty sum. Still better than being restricted by any licenses, or EULAs and risking a court case by asking money for your mod. On the other hand, when they are longing for a donation button can't they just put a link to their Patreon in the mod description?

I am just trying to give my opinions here, and everything is up to debate, by no means am I trying to be offensive (I hope I'm not coming through like that).

9 years ago

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No, they can't, there's been screenshots of donation links in mod descriptions being deleted by moderators. And again, if it was not possible to get a fair deal for the modders why start this at all? And Gaben is ignoring all questions regarding this.Like i said, he's not rly answering anything, he's just giving people a copy+paste answer that the censorship that's obviously, at this point, happened on the Steam forums and how he'd look into it. Plus answering stupid questions. The whole AMA feels like a joke.

Don't worry mate you didn't come off as offensive at all. I'm not trying to be a dick or anything either, i'm just tired of people still seeing Valve as some great champion of PC gaming when we have to face the fact that they only care about money, as they should since they're a corporation. It's annoying to see people talk as if Valve is some weak kid pushed them into this by the big bad bully Bethesda when it's obvious that it's Valve's project and they hope to extend it to everything.

9 years ago

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Well, they still have time to refine their system. Frankly, I never modded my Skyrim too much at all (I like it vanilla I guess), and if I could afford it I'd support mod creators who make a fair amount of content which is worth it. The insignificant mods, which are priced improperly will probably be ignored, and I'm sure that modders, who take their fans seriously will just put some advertisement to the paid version of their mod into free versions. Things will settle soon, I guess.

9 years ago*

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The problem is that the way this whole situation started and was handled is shady at best. There's nothing to settle imho, the current incarnation of this "experiment" as Gaben himself called it needs to stop here. It's already done a ton of damage, mostly to the modding community. It's made some people think modders are all some kind of money hungry asses when it's obviously not true, it's made people STEAL other people's work for profit and it's made many modders remove their works from places like Nexus out of fear of it being stolen and used for profit.

The current system is also giving customers 0 protection. It's been stated loads of times, mods are shoddy at the best of times, we love them because they're free but will anyone actually be ok with their mod breaking or being incompatible with other mods they will buy later on? Valve's only solution to this was, as stated in the FAQ, "we hope the creator will fix it".

The majority of large mods, you know, the ones people are saying they'd happily pay for, are also in an almost perpetual alpha/beta stage. We don't mind now, they're free, we're just happy and thankful we get more content when we get it, because again, they're free, if the modders abandon it we just move on. Will people just "move on" when something they paid for gets left unfinished or full of bugs? Mods stop being mods when paid for, they become products, and people will inevitably look at them as such. People need to stop thinking throwing money at projects makes them better/work, as Early Access has proved in tons of cases already throwing money at a project won't make the dev work more on it, he can still get bored and abandon it at any time.

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I'm too naive and I believe that this thing will turn out all fine for everyone in the end, it just has to take a bit more time. Or just end prematurely and that will be it. Thus, I think this is the end of our little argument here, because I would not want to put my hopes into letters further on.
I have acknowledged and understood every point you stated, and thank you for the time and effort you have taken to write all these replies! I really really appreciate them, and I hope that others, apart from me will also take the time to read them!

9 years ago

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Thank you mate, it's always a pleasure to discuss with someone who's actually open to trying to see the other person's point of view. Thanks for actually taking the time to read my ranting Don't worry, you're not naive, i may just be too cynical, idk. I understand you hope for this all to turn out well, i just see too many problems with it sadly. I also hope it all turns out well :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Please, he has more money that he can spend in a hundred lifetimes. Let me play world's tiniest violin for plight of a man who can literally buy tropical island, hire a cadre of personal doctors and servants, and pretend to work from there.

He has no business having any illnesses whatsoever thanks to care and skill he can easily afford unless it's something genetic or frankly, his own fault.

9 years ago

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His current illness I'm pretty sure is not his fault.

9 years ago

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Ok. But then, assuming he can't do anything about it, why not retire then and let someone new, young and passionate about games rekindle what Valve used to be? And remain consultant and helper to the company? Bill Gates was smart enough to move aside and do that when he ran out of ideas, plus started doing great charity work, why Newell can't follow suit?

Also, even if it's the case, it's still has nothing to do with topic of AMA and I can see why people thought it was just sympathy grab.

9 years ago

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As I said, he's just a man like us. I'd probably share something like that if I've been through it in the past few days without thinking that people might interpret it as an evil psychological trick to flame up their sympathy.

Also, he couldn't do anything about contracting it, but he got it treated, and I'm sure if you'd be in Gabe's position you'd always want to hang out with your team and try to implement new things and ideas with your team, instead of retiring.

9 years ago

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And by that you mean come up with new ways to get money from doing nothing instead of doing what a game creating company should do? Valve put a lot of effort into making Steam a really pathetic and non-fun experience for a lot of people and didn't fix their real problems at all nor did they come up with any good new games. I give the man a rest if they stop changing things that aren't broken and get their asses to fix the stuff that is!

9 years ago

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I uh, honestly think Steam got better in the past 3 years I have been on it. Customer support on the other hand, I have no experience of, because I never ever had to use it. They handled the bot problem as well. As for being a game creating company, they still work on their own titles, don't they? They update them pretty frequently, and not only with "hats" from time to time. Also, be able to develop better, you have to get more money, it's always about the money, and everyone makes cuts somewhere.

9 years ago

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Please do tell us how Steam got better in the past 3 years.

9 years ago

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they hired psychologists to analyze how best to addict people to Steam, and convince then it's the best thing ever

9 years ago

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I'm happy to do so. Steam is now giving me recommendations to which games I'd like to play. I am not the kind of person to watch trailers, and go on gaming news websites to hype myself up for upcoming games. So thanks to that I can now take a look at a recommended game by steam, and check it's reviews and not only the metascore like before.

I do not know, what else you would expect from a distribution platform, to get better at. But please enlighten me, what else should steam do to be a better platform to distribute games. The previous things I've said I'm pretty sure are improvements.

9 years ago

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Have a look at Enhanced Steam for a list of improvements that Valve could have come up on their own. You gave one improvement and I'd consider curators plus the whole recommendations system to be a better advertising platform to sell more games rather than something to actually help customers.

9 years ago

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As far as I can tell, Enhanced steam is just giving extra information about things, most of which I do not really care about at all, because I only use steam to start a game up from time to time, and to chat to my friends.
About the recommendations, I'm pretty sure it's a double edged sword, so it can't be an advertising platform at all, because recommendations are mostly about personal opinions, or grouphate and so on.

Also, we are about to hit personal planes and preferences with this conversation, which I think are not worth arguing about anymore, because you and I will just stick to our own ideas/ideals.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Better than having Just the new AAA titles that just released on the front page of the store, frankly. Also if you don't like a recommendation, then just tick not interested and the recommendation will adjust itself. I don't require a pretty new system to be perfect right on start either.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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But that's not the problem. People would be willing to let it slide without a second thought, he has a lot of credit among gamers. What followed, though, was GN guilt shaming everyone on losses Valve had due to hate mails (what?), saying it benefits everyone even when pressed with examples of wars it already caused in modding community, and downplaying Valve profiting on it.

He also started discussion with inflammatory statement (oh look, people are pissed for no reason), dodged every question on adopting donations (which couldn't be exploited as extensively by Valve), refunds, paltry 25% share going to modders, curating new system, finally he compared his customers to 'money streams' a few times:

I'd never expect GN post rated at -350. If he is so out of it, maybe he really should take a vacation or retire.

9 years ago

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And I will retire from this argument this instant.

See you around.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Honestly I don't see it ever going away. Valve sadly rarely listens to the community.

I don't really use any other platforms, but I hope Origin/Uplay/GOG mudsling and make some say remark about this on twitter or have a sale or something. Maybe then Valve will realize when fucking EA is poking fun at them then they would know they dun fuked up.

9 years ago

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The "customers" kicking up a shit storm about it is one thing but other companies doing it is utterly unprofessional. If any of them did get involved in that fashion then they'd only be harming themselves when they started losing custom.

9 years ago

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Yes. And I think we can safely conclude Newell will continue to worsen customer experience with Steam as long as it squeezes money, any money. See that garbage gore porn game ban debate.

Remember when Valve used to be about nice, story driven games...? That was when, decade ago...?

9 years ago

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You see less dodging in the Matrix than in that AMA.

9 years ago

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This comment just made me spit iced tea into my keyboard. You, sir, win the internet today.

9 years ago

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I lol'eeeddd so hard hahahah. So true man.

9 years ago

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Thank you for this wonderful comment, made my day.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you weren't careful, you'd think Valve was a for-profit company or something. Whether Bethesda approached Valve or Valve approached Bethesda, it doesn't matter. What we have is two companies who saw a way to make the quarterly earnings number go up. People can complain, have been complaining, and will continue to complain whenever something new happens. People complained about the marketplace, but it's not going anywhere. People complained about trading cards, but those aren't going anywhere. Same with these paid mods. The system isn't going anywhere. The sky isn't falling. The world's not ending.

That being said, just adding a donation button would calm a lot of people down.

9 years ago

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Who complained about marketplace, trading cards and all that shit? People are profiting from those without hurting anyone, anywhere.
This paid modding is causing so much more issues that you obvious know, or care to know. If you're interested, you can look it up for yourself.

Indeed, a simple donation button would solve everything, it doesn't even need to be a donation button, it can be a Pay what you want, with possibility of not paying anything. It doesn't exist, at least the pay 0$ part, that's why there is this outrage.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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It doesn't have to be called donation button. It can be called however they want, it just needs to be optional.
I know you were kidding and all, but some might not understand, so I explained it a bit further.

9 years ago

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Tons of people complained about marketplace - but since at first it was only TF2, most of pc gaming just shrugged it.
Tons of people complained about cards - but since cards are for free and don't give anything significant, most of pc gaming just shrugged it.

In most situations Valve's new idea was giving something for gamers - you want your epenis bigger, get cards or expensive items on marketplace.

But is there anything that makes paid mods better experience to gamers?

9 years ago

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I've seen far more people complaining about of lack of items that can be sold on marketplace, but sure, I guess there were some people against marketplace.
I am in Steam beta always and I was part of those Trading Cards beta, and there wasn't an uproar, not even close to this. Some people raged because they thought they'll do some level based events, but that's all.

As I've said, probably no, I don't want to pay for mods, I don't like the idea of it. People ain't raging for no reason. Valve's excuse is that some skilled people who haven't modded before might come and mod the game, because of money. While it might be true in some cases, workshop is gonna get flooded with shitty money grabs.

9 years ago

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Yeah, it wasn't as loud as this is with mods, but I'm just pointing out there were disgruntled voices. But they mostly died under "yay, free money for me".

But in this case, number of people who could scream "yay, free mod-money for me" is much smaller compared to "are you nuts, I won't pay Valve for free mods" voices.

9 years ago

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Being for profit is one thing, outdoing EA in gouging customers with micro-transactions and terrible experience is quite another.

9 years ago

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Why should it go anywhere,they already have everyone by the balls by pretty much having a monopoly on digital game and how they are delivered

I think the real issue here is when does this stuff stop?what is next?pretty soon just installing steam will cost something.

If either company needs more money,then Valve should actually make a fucking game instead of printing money.

2K,Bethesda whatever you want to call them,should try and make a living off other games besides GTA.They are the dumb asses that went public and now they have to please those share holders,because people are greedy and want to get rich now instead of making money for when they want to actually retire not my problem that they got greedy and went public to fill there pockets with more money and now feel the need to post profits all the time to please there silly share holders..

Either way just another reason for me to avoid the workshop,and just another reason for me to not buy anything direct from Steam,not that they will care because most of the users no matter how Steam fucks them they will say here take my money i love you.

Though this is just how i feel everyone has the right to share how they feel and not agree with me if they do no not that is fine,

9 years ago*

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Honestly all this bashing and lashing seems undeserved. In my opinion it is fine for people to ask money for their work and it is up to the consumer to decide whether he will pay 5 bucks for an armor skin or rather for some real expansion.

What seems to be the real issue for many people is the cut Valve and the owners of the trademark take. I would say that 30% Valve (probably) takes is acceptable (they own the whole platform after all) even though it would be cool if they could be satisfied with less (15% would be pretty cool) or at least promise to provide an actual support and filter the stinky stuff out so we won't have another Greenlight. What seems outrageous to me is Bethesda taking 45% of the profits, yes they have created the game, but AFAIK the modding community is what helped to make TES games what they are today and I would expect more gratitude to the modders on Bethesda's part.

In the end it is up to the publishers whether the cuts will be acceptable or not, Valve had to offer them flexible rates to get them interested in the project in the first place, it is in their interest to attract as many publishers as possible for this project.

9 years ago

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How does Valve earn those 30%? They don't ensure the mod runs properly, they only host it. I don't see Nexus taking a cut of anything, so I don't see where 30% come from. 5% would still be over the top for what they actually do and Shitthesda should be grateful for the additional exposure at no cost.

9 years ago

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Well, they are just exploiting the exposure their platform has. You cannot really expect them to not take a cut just because someone else does not these are two different project after all. I am not saying that the amount they take is alright however I believe it is justifiable unlike the cut Bethesda takes. Also I have not given up on Valve yet and so I believe/hope that this mod thingy will not end up the same as Greenlight and that they will actually supervise the adding of the mods and filter out the problematic ones.

9 years ago

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I'll pass it for now. Don't have mood to be furious today. However I am glad to see how community reacted to this situation, that we are not accepting every shit they put on our plates...

9 years ago

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The community has been protesting many things that are in place now.

9 years ago

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And yet another attempt at regaining lost popularity. A load of bullshit if you ask me.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Oh yeah, I've just been there and read through Gaben's replies and all I can say is that not only did he answer very few questions so far, but also that his answers are pretty much ignoring the most important part of the questions and they are ambiguous as fuck... This reminded me of Woody Harrelson's AMA, I am genuinely disappointed.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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But Im releasing a great new movie next month.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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So he basicly admits that this move could potentially kill mods instead of helping anyone. Wow, just wow.

9 years ago

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How do you think he will pay for next gold plated sandvich and another, still not working iteration of steam gamepad, vr and os? -.-"

9 years ago

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true, gaben needs snacks.

9 years ago

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out of all the Valve games that started as mods, only DOTA2 is F2P....

9 years ago

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when will Gaben do some MMA?

9 years ago

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Hopefully people will start seeing just how far Valve has fallen

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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where the hell am i supposed to go? this is my home. Steam is still the best.

9 years ago

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GoG is the best.

9 years ago

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Why the fuck then do you still in STEAMgifts? Make your GOGifts then GTFO.

9 years ago

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Just because GoG is better doesn't mean I don't you Steam, you mongoloid. Think before you speak as to not embarrass yourself.

9 years ago

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still waiting for Galaxy

9 years ago

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Thankfully I am in the beta for it.

9 years ago

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i've heard about this for almost a year and i'm curious, can i still apply for the beta?

9 years ago

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You can sign up for the alpha here:

I got mine when they gave away Alien vs. Predator 2000, so I am not too sure of the wait time for the email method.

9 years ago

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Saying GOG is the best is already a disgrace for any human. You blamed yourself now?

9 years ago

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The truth cannot be a disgrace to anyone but the ignorant. At least GoG offers good games, DRM-free and not behind a paywall.

9 years ago

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Of course we can't, At this point they're holding our steam libraries hostage, they have the closest thing to a monopoly on digital distribution as you can have without breaking the law. I can't speak for anyone else but if GOG Galaxy really took off and it got most games releasing there as well as on Steam and the option to move(and ofc lose it on Steam) our whole library, i'd leave in a heartbeat and never look back.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Shit, even if we wanted to, a lot of games only come to steam.

Naruto, Evolve, Metal Gear Solid, Mortal Kombat, Dark Souls, even Skyrim, are games that are not on Origin or GOG. Those are just a few I looked up and thought of on the top of my head. I'm sure there are many more that aren't on those two platforms. Especially when it comes to indie games.(Although I imagine a lot of those you could get DRM free?)

So it's either use steam, or get them the old YARR way.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I mainly buy boxed copies of games - and out of 173, 79 had to be be activated on Steam regardless. Note that almost half of the remaining 94 were games released before Steam was a thing

9 years ago

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Honestly, i could resort to piracy, the anti-piracy laws in my country are a joke. But i'd rather not punish honest devs for Valve's failings.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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But you can buy Steam redeemable games elsewhere.

9 years ago

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For anyone that didnt get the chance to read it, here are some very important points.

"It is changing a system that has been working fine. Modders aren't an oppressed class working without benefit. Modders choose to work on mods for many reasons: fun, practice, boredom, the joy of creating something. And gamers appreciate their contributions. While, some gamers may feel entitled most understand that if a modder is unable to continue the mod may be abandoned. Donations may or may not help but they are an option. This system has for years made PC gaming what it is. Modding in my opinion is the primary benefit of PC gaming over console. Changing a functional system is dangerous and could have unintended consequences.

Now that people are paying for mods they will feel entitled for these mods to continue working. If a free mod breaks and isn't supported that is fine because there is no obligation for it to continue working. If someone pays though they will expect the mod to be updated and continue working as the base game is updated. Furthermore, abandoned but popular mods are often revived by other people; if these mods are paid then the original creator may not want people to profit off of updated versions of their mod.

Related to the above paid mods may reduce cooperative modding. Many mods will borrow elements from other mods; usually with permission. Having paid mods will complicate things. Someone who makes a paid mod will be unlikely to share his/her work with others. What if someone freely share's his/her mod and someone incorporates it into a paid mod? Does the first mod's owner deserve compensation, does the second modder deserve the full revenue. This makes modding more politically complicated and may reduce cooperation.

This may reduce mods based off of copyrighted works. There is a very good chance that any paid mod based off of a copyrighted work will be shutdown. Modders could still release free mods of this nature but it complicates the issue. Many mods based on copyrighted materials borrow (usually with permission) from other mods to add improvements. If these other mods are paid then the original creators likely won't let them use it. Additional many modders may now ignore copyrighted mods in order to make mods that they may profit on.

Steam/the developer are taking an unfairly large portion of the profit. Steam and the Developers are offering nothing new to the situation. Steam is already hosting the mods and the developer already made the game. They now wish to take 75% of all profit from the mod. If the market gets flooded by low-quality paid mods, the modders will likely make very little and the quality of the game will not be increased. However, Steam and the Developers will make money off of no work on there part."

9 years ago

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I don't even know where this idiocy about modders being some oppressed outcasts that no one likes even came from. People need a reality check. I can't speak for the Skyrim community(since i don't really play Skyrim much) but go to Moddb, go to the popular Warband mods or MTW2 mods, aside from the occasional angry idiot who can't get the mod to work, everyone's stroking the modder's epeen. Even criticism is most of the time constructive. Again, if any of them really needed money and it came down to help out or i won't be able to continue working, all they'd have to do was ask, i'm sure people would come together and help out. There was no need for Valve to come up with this bullshit system to make money off other people's work.

9 years ago

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I think to avoid confusion, I should point out that Gabe Newell didn't write this, Reddit user Martel732 did.

9 years ago

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And i think he's stopped answering questions. Great AMA Gaben, you've really put all our fears to rest, we found out you've been sick and what you were drinking while NOT answering questions. All hail the one true Lawd...

9 years ago

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Good thing you said "sort of AMA." I don't get why even do such a thing if you won't answer people's question. Screw that fat fuck.

9 years ago

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I found it odd that he choose reddit to address the concerns, but it turns out that he just wanted to give people a pathetic impression that he cares.There is this Simpsons episode where Bart dreams about his future and Milhouse tells him "You've changed man, It used to be about the music.". That's exactly how I feel about the company that made Half-Life 1 & 2 now...

9 years ago

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Aye, just check my final sentence. Every shred of respect I had for that man evaporated.

9 years ago

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I got that, no worries ;) I really hope that GOG will show them that treating customers (and mod creators) properly will get you money instead of just squeezing every last penny out of everything.

9 years ago

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this one also works

9 years ago

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... ... ... speechless after reading reddit.

now? ... ... ... maybe they will see me again in the winter sales

9 years ago

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Valve is pulling shit like this more and more while Origin is doing all the good stuff. I'm not so comfortable using this service platform anymore

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Wait what? I'd take Steam anyday anytime than garbage platform that can't even discount games properly.

9 years ago

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You're cheap to buy, if all it takes to get your loyality are discounts on games you'd probably never look at otherwise, zeroxxx. Origin, at least, treats their customers like.... people, and not cash whales, EA aside.

9 years ago

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Not really. It is one big factor, but it alone is not enough to win me over.

Give me a game that I can like from the bottom of my heart.

Check my profile, the answer is Dota 2. And THAT is F2P game.

Other platform can't even have that.

9 years ago

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So you completly discard a legit platform that is far more consumer friendly than Steam because it doesn't have some F2P game. Marvelous logic.

9 years ago

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Why the fuck do I have to support platform that I have no interest in?

What kind of retarded logic is that? It's like 'lets support America for having Steam not my country of residence where I live daily'

Goddamned idiotic statement.

Give me what I want, then I support in return. It is really that simple.

And since when did Origin treat Customers better? Hell no. EA is called the worst company in USA two times a row for a fukin reason.

Steam gives me more free games than Origin on the House. Steam gives me more entertainment than Origin can. Steam has biggest library that I can use than Origin, Uplay and GOG combined.

9 years ago

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I'm not saying "support it". I'm saying "don't disregard it". You called it garbage because they don't have the games you want. Great logic.

"And since when did Origin treat Customers better? Hell no." - EA business practices (the reason why they were chosen twice) aside, Origin has an excellent customer support. I've had several tickets there, mainly technical ones and ones about asking for a key for a game I bought pre-Origin, and all have been solved within 15 minutes. Meanwhile, all of my Steam tickets remain unresolved, and I've got a 6-year old ticket that didn't even get an answer.

PS: Valve is an European company, you clueless child. They're from Luxembourg.
PS2: Trashing platforms that are more consumer-friendly than Steam for reasons as petty as yours hurts us all in the long run.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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My bad, when I was doing research on legality of their SSA I analyzed the relevant side - Valve S.A.R.L., and remembered that. My mistake.

9 years ago

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Are you seriously ignorant? Valve is US company.

First time ever I called people here in SG. You're beyond saving by attacking me as clueless child first. Calling me clueless is one thing, which I can understand, calling me kid is a one hell of an insult as clearly we're both not kids.

And Origin CS sucks. My personal experience. End of story.

9 years ago*

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Yup, made a mistake. I mistook their European subsidiary for their main branch. Which would make sense, smaller taxes. But then they'd have to abide by European law, and wouldn't be able to screw consumers so much. My bad. My other points still stand, though.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Of course. I only called people that one time. He made a mistake and called me clueless later when clearly I wasn't - he made his own false statement. Blacklisted of course, and blocked on Steam. That goes without saying.

9 years ago*

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Reported for inappropriate behaviour, get burnt!

9 years ago

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I'm afraid. very very afraid.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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The tone I'm using have never been personal attack. Their answer idiotic? Call it idiotic. I'm not calling the person idiot. That's all.

Stating opinions are fine, insulting their opinions is fine, personally going for the writer is NOT fine.

9 years ago*

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Here it is ladies and gentlemen the reason Gaben has a choke hold on everything

People will pretty much give up first born to get discounts even if means being used and abused.

Funny though i got GTA V for 45 bucks,sure it not on steam but Steam is just a over rated launcher and i can take screen shots and upload them without using steam,i have fraps to record game play and take screen shots if i so choose.

Anyhow i am still amazed at what people will give up to save a buck,sadly after you hit a couple Steam sales though,pretty much the rest are the same,and with the region locks the deals actually tend to not be as good.

I will stick with using GMG and other trusted sites as they often have sales and 20% off,i got Skyrim LE from GMG for 9 something i got it cheaper then Steam has ever had it on sale

Easiest way to lure people in,free and cheap,maybe that is why so many like hookers

I have little invested in Steam so it a cheap and easy divorce for me :)

9 years ago

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It's about convenience.

I like to putting my games on Steam to make things easier.

9 years ago

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You guys should realized you can question about recent changes on Steam also. I also question about the region restricted thing there.

9 years ago

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While I'm against regional restrictions, they're kind of justified. But this on the other hand is pure madness..

9 years ago

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I have to agree on that part i see that coming and it made sense,as i am sure it was not only Steam but also publishers leaning on steam,i do not think steam cared as much as people think they stop and think sure they where not making as much selling direct regions,but think of the profit they where making off selling keys,i can only assume that is 100% profit.

The one thing i hate they did was play restricted shit.I would not have a problem if they allowed you to switch regions with proper proof,but they will not even do that anymore.

9 years ago

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Just because you (not you OP specifically, but 'one') don't care about modding, doesn't mean you shouldn't care about whats happening. This is indicative of valves approach to controlling all facets of pc gaming, and as a pc gamer (im assuming you are, since you're here), this should concern you... how long until valve decides to control and manipulate something you DO care about?

9 years ago

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Exactly, people always say "Oh so what? it doesn't affect me!" but when something happens that DOES affect them, that's when they realize what has happened...
It's like cancer, if you get it soon, you might be able to cure it. Unfortunately I think Valve is too far gone...

9 years ago

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yeah, we get a lot of such comments lately with whatever bullshit valve pulls off. Worldwide region lock? Don't care, I wasn't trading with these shady russians anyway! Serves them well. 30 day lock on gifts and 7 day lock on all items. Don't care, I buy my games myself, so everything's fine with me. Games from x-packs region locked? Don't care, all my friends are from the same country anyway. Pay2Mod? Don't care, I don't mod anyway. But the moment they will put some shit that will affect these people they will start raging how can someone else "don't care" and don't relate to them.

Also starting to wonder what would Valve really have to do to piss people enough just to get them take a hit from that. Because as far they only just kinda getting assured that whatever crap they come up with they can get out with. Some ppl will cry over it for a bit, but after all they will lower they heads and keep throwing money at Volvo.

9 years ago

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It would have to be some kind of change that effect a majority of the users. Although, it's kind of hard to think of something that's plausible. Yearly subscription fee in exchange for online play (like consoles)?

9 years ago

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Subs for online play would cause so much outrage. Dota 2 depends on that thing, so those accounts that aren't willing to spend anything would be affected. Dota 2 is the biggest game on Steam... so yeah, you get the picture.

9 years ago

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Well, in that case, it would depend on whether they think the revenue gained from a subscription would overcome the revenue lost from a F2P game.

9 years ago

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This, this and this. Valve is steadily going downhill with one debacle after the other. It's like they almost want to be declared evil

9 years ago

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At least he's tackling the problem. He runs a fucking BUSINESS. I'm not blaming ONLY STEAM for this. The problem is sprouting from all sides. So, don't judge him because he's at least taking the time to answer SOME questions. I doubt he can even stomach the more 'critical' comments. No, it's not criticism as this point. It's you guys baiting him into replying so you can get him to screw up or something. Jeez.

9 years ago

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People like you are the reason shits like these are happening. You're all falling over for sympathy for him, why? He could buy you, he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and he chooses to screw over the most famous thing PC gaming is known for and that's modding. And you still want us to be nice to him? Respect is earned bro, Valve had more than enough respect from us for a long long time. But lately, they started fucking us, like a lot.

9 years ago

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What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing I said implies that I have sympathy for him. Everyone is pretty much complaining that he's not 'doing good enough'. You can stop with your bullshit and fact-less assumptions because what you just said there has absolutely no relation to my interests and opinion on this situation. Oh well, ignorance is bliss as they say.

I've already said countless times in the several threads that I'm against the paying of mods, which is ABSOLUTELY against the spirit of modding from the core.

9 years ago

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Tackling the problem isn't enough. We need the results, not just some precautionary PR bullshit like Gaben's doing with his current AMA.

9 years ago

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Whining isn't going to solve anything. You can only keep on throwing the questions at him. It would obviously be a very embarrassing situation for any business.

9 years ago

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Yes dude we get he's running a business, but don't tell me this AMA actually tackled anything, his answers were either copy+paste PR bs or answers to jokes/stupid questions. The only important answer he gave was the one that shows he knows this move could potentially kill modding. Like he himself said MODS like CS and DOTA would never have gotten to be what they are if the people who made them had charged 5$ for them. It felt insulting, to me as a customer who's spent hundreds of euros at this point on his platform, to see him say he's here to answer our fears about this subject and then see him ignore all of the well thought out questions.

9 years ago

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No, the AMA is pretty bullshit from what I've seen so far but he's still doing it. If people are going to complain that he isn't doing 'good enough', then you're shit out of luck. Whining and being an obnoxiously picky ass isn't going to solve that and that's meant in the 'nicest' way possible without catering to either side's needs.

9 years ago

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So you're basicly saying we should just be happy that he bothered to go into damage control mode and spit out some PR bullshit at us. Wow, yeah, being content with that will surely change the situation. It's not like the actual shitstorm is the thing that forced him to do even this little this in the first place. The only thing that people can do at this point is continue to push this issue until they're forced to either massively change the system or get rid of it. Because that's what he himself said no? That if people truly don't want something it gets dumped.

9 years ago*

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That's what I suggested above to zeroxxx. Just keep throwing the questions at him because he's obviously pressured.

No, I never said I'm content. Stop putting implications of words into my mouth. I've already said several times that you will NOT get anymore than that. Whining about it and trying to make factless implications that people are 'content' with this highly bullshit situation won't change anything.

Everyone gets sick of something at some point. You can't expect everyone to be continuously hyped about starting a god damn revolution on Steam. Yes, that's a joke. Yes, I think it easily simulates the average feelings everyone is feeling right now.

9 years ago

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Well that was not my intention at all, it's just the vibe that your reply to me gave off. I apologize for the misunderstanding. That's what everyone is trying to do, like i said above, to push the issue. Sure, i agree, some are idiots and go about it the wrong way, throwing around threats and insults, but there were tons of well thought out posts in that AMA and Gaben ignored every single one of them so yeah, people should just keep pushing the issue.

At some point the community needs to put it's foot down and make Valve back down. They're already backing down in regards to all the idiotic mass banning that happened during the first 2 days of this shitstorm and i'm sure that if people don't just let it go they will back down and stop this bs entirely.

9 years ago

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i wonder about the multiplayer mod on eurotruck simulator 2 if that will come on steam also hoping i wont have to pay for arma 2 dayz mod eventhough i hardly play it anymore

9 years ago

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I'm not an avid reddit user, so I have no idea how the site works or whatever, but I have yet to see where Gabe said anything side from the OP. -shrug-

9 years ago

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Every comment is a 'comment thread', similar to Youtube. Difference is, it uses a collapsible 'tree roots' system. There's the man comment chain and then there are comment chains to every reply. It's actually pretty similar to how the comments work on this website, just that it's pretty messy (in my opinion) and you have to dig around when looking for a specific person. The text on the website isn't big either so eh.

9 years ago

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You didn't miss anything, the couple of important answers he gave are screenshoted in this thread anyway.

9 years ago

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