Source : IGN

What are your thoughts on this? Personally I don't know what to make of this...

1 decade ago*

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I'd feel a bit naive now if I would have supported their Kickstarter. I'm sure Steam tried to buy them many months ago but they would have never put THIS much on the table. I was angry at first but we have to understand that no one in here that knows the value of a dollar can spit on such an offer. The guys at OR are all millionaires now, the question being, will they keep the same enthusiasm in middle and long term? The device will now be oriented into a myriad of social gimmicks and distance itself from what gave all the attention in the first place: hardcore gaming. I wanted to buy an Oculus for my racing/flying simulations in the first place, now it feels like I'm gonna buy this at a walmart with the need to log on to facebook or whatever crap with advertising instead of just enjoying a pure immersive experience. The only positive sides about this will be the ease to manufacture the deep pocket Rift from now, and the fact that everyone on earth will hear about it, thus democratizing VR technology. Let's hope they don't screw up.

1 decade ago

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Facebook overvalued it as well.

1 decade ago

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Well, good bye Oculus.. I hate to say it but Facebook buys things and then either combines it into facebook or just ignores it.

1 decade ago

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Well in the long run, this will probably backfire on them, I don't see FB staying on the top too much and those stock shares will slowly loose their value.

1 decade ago

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Facebook doesn't really have a good track record concerning privacy, does it?

1 decade ago

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No it doesn't ...

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I am sad, not sure I even want it now...thanks FB.

1 decade ago

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I really hope this is not gonna happen.. worst thing ever for that great project.

"Facebook has announced that it will acquire Oculus VR, makers of the Oculus Rift for $2 billion. Announced today, the social networking giant will acquire the Oculus VR for $400 million in cash and 23.1 million in Facebook shares."

Bad start with the author seriously sucking with math skills... 400 + 23.1 = 2000 ? We're missing a few millions here..

1 decade ago

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23 millions facebook shares is around 1.6 billion...

1 decade ago

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The way it's written would imply the shares add up to $23.1 million but you might be right.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Btw I found a big poll about this lol

Poll link

1 decade ago

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Well, there is a 4% group that are perfectly ok with this.

1 decade ago

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Facebook can go to hell.

1 decade ago

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Well, Oculus sucks anyway.. (personal experience)

1 decade ago

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So, you have personal experience with an unreleased product and have enough data to form an opinion about the final version. You sound like people getting in early access games and complaining it's not working right.

1 decade ago

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heres the shareholders meeting if anyone is interested. its them talking about the future & what they plan to do with it. someone saved the call log & posted it to the internet:

you dont buyout a company to help invest in getting them launched. otherwise Facebook would have just gave them money. you buyout a company to control it.

1 decade ago

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Wonder what they're going to buy next -_-

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Oh god, please no...

1 decade ago

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I don't want to live in that world :(

1 decade ago

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Bad news of the day. Bye bye OR !

1 decade ago

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bye2 Oculus Rift, hello Sony's Morpheus

1 decade ago

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And I was actually really looking forward to it...
Well, maybe Valve is going to build theirs now.

1 decade ago

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Holy rampant, baseless speculation, Batman!

1 decade ago

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Baseless? Were you born yesterday?

1 decade ago

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Okay, then? Source me, braj. Cite another example that substantiates any of the wild predictions people are coming up with. It's an unusual move for certain, but writing off an entire paradigm before any actual, concrete results is close-minded and baseless.

1 decade ago

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If you believe someone would buy something for 2b$ and don't do jack with it, you're a very naive person.

From Engadget:

"In an investors call this afternoon Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg unsurprisingly suggested that possible revenue opportunities from the deal could include advertising in whatever form that might take. Bottom line: if you thought your virtual escape would be a commercial-free zone, think again."

1 decade ago

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What? That's a rather specific straw-man you're propping up. All I specifically said was that no one specifically knows what will come of this, especially because a citable precedent doesn't exist-- so the hand-waving-flip-outerry is unwarranted and foolish. I didn't say anything about the inevitable and obvious commercialization (and what virtual escape, anywhere, is commercial-free?). Before you retort with another unrelated quote, read this.

1 decade ago

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I just gave you a direct quote that mentions ads, and that quote is anything but unrelated. Doctor, during my IT bachelor, I had to take many classes on managing a company, and I've had many long conversations with directors and vice-directors of top IT companies in my country. I know the simple fat - you don't invest money you don't expect to get back. Oculus is not going to sell 2 billion dollars worth of peripherals and Facebook games. VR is a niche market for gamers with powerful rigs. Selling stuff to gamers can't be the reason for a social network owners to buy something very (at the moment) gamer-specific (at the moment).

They have to make money back some other way. Ads are the most obvious and easiest. Then there are Oculus-specific games, but I don't think anyone believes Oculus Farmville will make bucks. Then there's also a VR version of Skype, but I don't imagine a lot of people will prefer sitting with a heavy hardware on their heads instead of just meeting in person and getting a superior experience.

Another reason for buying Oculus is that Facebook is losing the demographic that desires Oculus FAST - you can easly force Facebook integration on Oculus. Spread your brand. Make escape futile.

Of course you could get a console-esque cut from companies that want to develop for Oculus, but that's assuming the peripheral isn't fucked with and is successful. Barely anyone will jump on that ship right now, since it's potentially filled with holes.

Yet another way is much darker, and heads toward conspiracy theories - Oculus can be used to get more information on Facebook users, information that can be sold. It's not a secret (anymore) that Facebook sells sensitive info to companies and government (it's in the goddamn Terms of Use!), why not try to acquire more? Fortunetly, it can only sell what you put up for sale yourself. Oculus can bypass that.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, so a lot of speculation. I'm not saying some of these aren't plausible, just that it's a tad jumping the gun to spin the kind of hype/speculation we've seen in such a short time after the initial acquisition. GG on your IT bachelor's, but it's not really a bragging chip anymore-- unfortunately the bubble has burst and we all have degrees now.

1 decade ago

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I come from a country where an IT degree (working on masters) actually nets me a nice bonus to my paycheck. And I learned from people at the top of their fields here, and I wrote my thesis under a person known worldwide among IT and robotics scientists. And it was all paid for by the state :P we've got public education here. If you're good enough to grab a spot, of which there aren't many.

A lot of speculation, yes. But the fact remains. You don't invest money you don't expect to get back. As I said before, just selling a peripheral isn't going to cut it.

1 decade ago

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This actually scares me given Facebook's method of 'gaming'.

1 decade ago

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Well, R.I.P. Oculus Rift - this VR-System died for me now... And at least one developer ended up the development for his game (thanks to Notch at this point)

(Sorry for my bad english)

1 decade ago

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Damn Sixers!

1 decade ago

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Can't help but feel sorry for people who invested so much money in this. They have every right to feel scammed. They pledged so much money to make sure Oculus will stay independant and now it ended up in the hands of a guy who at one point called his userbase "dumb fucks".

Also, 2 billion only? We're talking about a company who bought a shitty IM app for 20 billion, this guy can't even sell out properly.
Maker Studios and Oculus VR should have smeared some lamb blood on their doorposts last night

1 decade ago

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Yup. There are a handful of comments over at Kickstarter voicing their frustration and disappointment over this deal.

1 decade ago

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"Investment is putting money into an asset with the expectation of capital appreciation, dividends, and/or interest earnings." They are not investors! If they think they are then yes they are a "dumb fucks". The kickstarte campain was to creat Developer Kit, and they creat it, and every backers how payed for it have now his own DK1. How Lem said "I hadn't known there were so many idiots in the world until I started using the Internet.", they just proves his words.

1 decade ago

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Actually i was refering to this, not the Oculus VR Kickstarter

1 decade ago

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Well, that's the end of another promising project.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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+1, RIP Oculus Rift.

1 decade ago

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Putting "acquire" in brackets, makes it sound like an invasion on their headquarters.

1 decade ago

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that's what I was aiming for haha

1 decade ago

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Palmer, I'm disappoint.

I never thought I'd feel so sad about something like this

1 decade ago

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i think that facebook is going to help the spreading of this technology among causal people and not only gamers.
Imagine if they develop a virtual reality space where you can meet your friends and stuff like that (like in William Gibson cyberpunk setting)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Jaklong11.