Source : IGN

What are your thoughts on this? Personally I don't know what to make of this...

1 decade ago*

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and the dead line of what they called the next generation of gaming........

here we come SONY

1 decade ago

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They really fucked up and they are going to have to deal with the consequences. I wish that it went differently though

1 decade ago

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Early On, Oculus Rift Creator Said He Wouldn’t Sell Out

Minecraft creator and Rift backer Markus “Notch” Persson said, it just didn’t seem right:
“I did not chip in ten grand to seed a first investment round to build value for a Facebook acquisition.”


1 decade ago

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Yeah true... feel bad for the backers on the Rift.

1 decade ago

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Why? Backers pay for creating DeveloperKit of Occulus Rift, and they get it.

1 decade ago

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Notch is a good guy, that's why they won't sell Minecraft as a game to anybody, like a lot of developers did when their game succeed. Mojang was started not to make a lot of money, they even had good jobs and leaving them to continue working on a game like Minecraft was very risky, but they did, and their game succeed, they like to follow their own principles and not depending on big companies.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Never cared for VR or Facebook, still don't.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I hope Valve's VR headset is gonna make it into mass production in 2-3 years.

From what I read, it's at least as good as Rift if not even better in terms of motion sickness and motion tracking accuracy.

1 decade ago

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Valve doesn't have VR headset, they were showing Oculus Rift DK2 ;)

1 decade ago

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On the plus side it means the OR will probably get more funding. On the minus side, selling out to Facebook seems like a breach of consumer and developer trust, as seen as Notch's response to it. It could either end up really good or really bad. We'll see.

1 decade ago

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I don't understand why most people bitching about this. Yes, when i first read about this i wasn't happy, but then i look closer, and read little how situation look, and it's not that bad after all. When Facebook purchased a Instagram, many people say that this will destroy Instagram, and that Instagram will be only on facebook, and that naever realy happen. I think that with Occulus will be the same, company will be live it own life.

1 decade ago

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They will put "share", "likes", "log in to facebook", "ads", and more shit everywhere. Obligating ppl to have facebook account to be able to use Oculus, tracking what are you doing, selling this information to big companies, etc.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Srsly? And phones from google obligating to have google+... This is just stupid

1 decade ago

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Not everyone is a member and blind follower of that cancerous trend aka Facebook. And some people would prefer to stay out of that in the future as well.
Just something to think about.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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How about we all stop jumping ship and freaking out and wait for the Rift to come out so we can see some reviews by our favorite youtubers (or reviews by normal people in general), hmm?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm not happy with this news. I feel as though Oculus just used the crowd funding movement. They took the people's money to build a company that could be sold for a lot of money. Oculus has lost my trust and as a result any future money I would have gladly given them before.

It also makes me lose faith in the crowd funding system. Now, I view it as a tool for Big Business. Big business waits for the public to fund and put it's support behind projects, with very little risk to Big business. Once a crowd funded company reaches a certain level, here comes Big business with it's Big money to swoop in like a scavenger. Why would I want to put my money in a system like that? viewed crowd funding as a way to get away from that. To support ideas, small businesses and dreams. Not as a way to exploit the public.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Jaklong11.